Article Royal Arch. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Lodges and Chapter of Instruction. Page 1 of 1 Article Knights Templar. Page 1 of 1 Article Knights Templar. Page 1 of 1 Article ©iu* portrait (Ballcrv? Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
The toast of " The Visiter " was given by the M . E . Z ., who remarked quality was tV . e order of the evening . Comp . Wishart , who was a very old Mason and companion to many for a number of vears , had honoured the chapter once more . He hid visited Ihe chapter before he lelt England for Malta , and now the companions most heartily greeted him again . Comp . W . ' srart , in reply , said it gave him very great pleasure to be present among old friends an 1 brethren of some iS years' standing . He hoped hi ; professional duties would allow him to be stationed near London , and it would be bis desire , if circunstances
permitted , to be proposed as a joining member of so distinguished a chapter . The toast of "The Past Principals" was most ably pliced b .-fore the companions by the M . E . Z ., who remarked the honour he felt in being supported by no Kss than nine . All had done such excellent service j he would ask the companions to drink to the toast most cordially . In reply , Comp . W . Williams , P . Z ., Treasurer , said , holding such an honourable position in the chapter , he was much indebted to the companions for such , and he felt very proud . As the senior Past Principal , he was under many obligations , and should be very ungrateful if he did not offer his services to the chapter , which he hoped would be at its disposal for many years to co-ne .
Comp . T , Grummant , P . Z , S . F ., also thanked the companions for their hearty greeting to the Past Principals . As S . E . he would endeavour to perform his duties to Ihe utmost . He had many pleasing reminiscences of the chapter , and looking down the long vista of time—some iS years—he had filled all the offices up to the chair of M . E . Z . His services had been appreciated , and now as S . E . he would continue to perform the duties thereof to his utmost . He felt the position of Past Principal and S . E . a very honourable one . He must thank the M . E . Z . for the privilege of allowing him
to exalt his old friend , Comp . Cogliati , and he trusted other members of the New Cross Lodge would offer themselves and increase the numbers of the chapter , in whose servic ; he hoped to continue for many years . The toast of "The Officers" was next given in appropriate terms . Comps . Barr and North ably responded . The Janitor ' s toast closed a very happy meeting . Some capital harmony was rendered by Comps . North , Smith , and Stone .
Willesden Chapter , No . 2489 . The installation meeting of the above chapter was held at Freemasons' Hall oi Wednesday , the 2 ist instant , when Comp . 0 . Claude Robson was installed as M . E . Z ., Comp . E . R . Bartley Denniss as H ., and Comp . C . Borradaile as J . The installation ceremony was entirely carried out by Comp . Capt . T . C Walls , P . Z ., A . G . D . C .
At the banquet which followed , Comp . Wellsman , on leaving the chair of M . E . Z ., was presented with a very handsome P . Z . \ s jewel and also a magnificent silver punch howl bearing the following inscription : " Presented to Comp . Walter VVellsman , P . M ., I ' . Z ., as a token of esteem and regard by the Founders of the Willesden Chapter , No . 24 S , ) , of which he was the lirst M . E . Z ., 1895-18 9 0 . "
Lodges And Chapter Of Instruction.
Lodges and Chapter of Instruction .
. PROSPERITY LODGE , No . 65 . The usual weekly meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday , the 21 st inst ., at the Weavers' Arms , London Wall , E . C , when there were present Bros . Greig , VV . M . j Butcher , S . W . j Spencer , J . W . j D . Harlow . P . M ., Preceptor ,- J . Smith , P . M ., Sec ; William Baker , S . D . ; Saunion , J . D . ; Cuzner , I . G . ; Harris , P . M . ; Parr , Collins , Robeson , Lloyd , Bullworthy , Callingham , and Shipman .
The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Robeson being the candidate . The W . M . then opened the lodge in the Second Digree , and Bro . Callingham answered the questions leading to the Third Degree , but was not entrusted . The W . M . then opened the lodge in the Third Degree , when Bro . Bullworthy was raised to the Degree of M . M . The lodge was then resumed in the First Degree , and afterwards closed .
A further meeting was held on Wednesday , the 2 Sth instant , when , at the close of the business , it was announced that the annual dinner woull be held at their plica of meeting—the Weaver ' s Arms , 17 , London Wall—on Wednesdiy , the nth prox ., and the hope expressed that all the members and other brethren wishing to attend on th it occasion would apply to the Secretary ( Bro . H . T . Meadows ) at the above address for tickets price 3 s . fij ., not later than the 4 th prox ., as not more than 50 brethren can be comfortably seated . There is the promise of a very successful and pleo . so . nt evening for nil able to attend .
ISLINGTON LODGE , No . 1471 . The usual weekly meeting was held on Tuesday , the 27 th instant , at the Cock Tavern , Highbury , when there were present Bros . G . R . Carsberg , W . M . j C . Nicole , S . W . j J . E . Thomas , J . W . j VV . Hancock , P . M ., Preceptor ; J . W . Clarke , P . M ., P . G . P . Middx ., Asst . Preceptor ; C . M . Coxon . P . M ., P . P . G . D . Herts , and I .
Duncan , P . M ., Sees . ; C . T . Rayner , S . D . ; M . Miroy , J . D . ; W . F . Roberts , I . G . ; C . VV . Rayner , A . F . Hardyment , C . Smith , A . E . Armfelt , E . J . Harrison , C . Is ' er , H . R . Bower . | . Amand , R . P . Upton , P . M ., E . A . Wagstaff , G . J . Hinsin , L . Danielsson , W . Rapley . G . Yexley , A . Oliver , P . M . ; M . Tuck , P . M , P . P . G . S . B . Essex , Knapp , and H . B . Harding , P . M .
, The lodge was opened and the minutes read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was then rehearsed , Bro . Danielsson being the candidate . The ceremony of passing was afterwards rehearsed , Bro . Amand being the candidate . The lodje was opened in the Third Degree , and closed in the Third and Second Degrees . Bro . Nicole was elected W . M . for the ensuing week , and appointed his oliicers in rotation . A vote of thanks was accorded to the W . M . for his services in the chair for the first time . The lodge was then closed .
STAR CHAPTER , Nc . 1275 . A meeting was held at the Stirling Castle Hotel , Church-street , Camberwell , S . E ., on Friday , the 23 rd inst . Present : Comps . C . N . McNorth , M . E . Z . ; W . Eckersall , H . J C . Plant , J . ; T . Grummant , P . Z ., Preceptor j C H . Stone , P . Z ., S E . ; G . Benedetti , P . Z ., S . N . J W . R . Barr , P . S . j Cornford , Hardman , C . G . Marcus , Cureton , EdwardsLewis , Willcoxand Kirby .
, , The chapter was declared open , and the minutes of the previous convocation were read and confirmed . The ceremony of exaltation was rehearsed , Comp . Cornford personating the candidate . Comp . C . Geo . Marcus , 1593 , was elected a member . Ump . North , M . E . Z ., gave a highly interesting lecture upon Holy Royal Arch Masonry , for which he received the thanks of the chapter . The business of the chapter ended , it was closed .
Knights Templar.
Knights Templar .
Mount Calvary Preceptory ( D ) . A meeting of this encampment was held at the Inns of Court Hotel , Lincoln ' s Inn 1 lews , on the 9 th inst ., when there were present , among others , Sir Knights Rev . R . r , V "^ Sham , M . A ., E . P . j H . Hills , J . P ., ist Constable ; B . Stewart , 2 nd Constable ; K » i ! ? r > , ' Walls > P"G"C- of Guards > P-E"C - - - -. Reff . ; J . R . Carter , Std . Br . tgbert Roberts , Org . ; F . W . Driver , M . A ., P . E . C ., P . E . P . ; H . I . Lardner , P . E . C . . -k-P- ; L . Steele , P . E . C , P . E . P . ; Nelson Prower , 'M . A ., P . E . C , P . E . P . ; and H .
] i J minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Comps . Christian H , „ ai ) Joseph Owen were duly installed as knights of the Order by the E . P ., with unWm 7 ? f Sir Kn ' 8 - Stee , e > actin ff p "late . Sir Knight Harris Hills was -manimousl y elected E . P ., Sir Knight Lieut .-Col . F . J . Stohwasser , P . G . S . B ., Treas .,
Knights Templar.
and Sir Knights Stewart and Carter , Auditors . A Past Preceptor's jewel was voted to the Eminent Preceptor . Apologies for non-attendance were received from Sir Knights Lieut .-Col . F . J . Stohwasser , Treas . ; B . Johnson , Marshal ; J . H . Thomas , G . Graveley , P . E . C , P . E . P ., and others . Sir Knight H . F . Bromhead was , at his request , placed on the country list for the present . The preceptory was then closed . A banquet followed , which was served in a manner that reflected the greatest credit on the management .
The E . P . presided in an able manner . From him , to whom impromptu speaking is by no means a difficult task , the members of this old preceptory or encampment expected much , and they have not been disappointed during his occupancy of the chair . In proposing the numerous toists , the E . P . was very felicitous . In giving the toast of " The Past Preceptors , " he paid a high compliment to them all , particularly
referring to Sir Knights Lardner and Steele , who were each excellent ex ponents of the ritual . In concluding , he mentioned the fact that one of that distinguished body—Sir Knight Nelson Prower—would in a few diys sail for an island of historic fame , namely , Cyprus . He trusted that the separation would not be for long . In the name of them ali , he wished their highly-respected colleague a lion voyage and a speedy return to old England .
Sir Knight N . Prower responded in an emotional sp ; ech . He was followed by Sir Knights F . VV . Driver and II . J . Lardner . " The Treasurer and Registrar " rame next , and this pledge was acknowledged by the latter . _ Sir Knights Stewart , Carter , and Roberts responded for " The Officers . " During the proceedings Sir Knights Egbert Roberts , the E . P ., H . Hills , and F . VV ; Driver entertained the members , the latte-r ' s paper on a recent tour to Russia being particularly interesting and worthy of a more than passing compliment .
©Iu* Portrait (Ballcrv?
© iu * portrait ( Ballcrv ?
COMP . DR . H . W . 'P . MAKEHAM , M . E . Z . 1275 , Is well-known and respected in the neighbourhood of New Cross , S . E ., where he resides . His professional duties bring him in contact with many , by whom he is greatly appreciated . He was initiated in the New Cross Lodge , No . > 559 , ' 'SS 5 , served all the offices , and was unanimously elected to the chair of
W . M . in 1894 , the duties of which he carried out in an exemplary manner . During his Mastership he acted as Steward to the Boys' Institution , of which he is a Life Governor , taking up a goodly list . In 1 S 8 7 he was exalted in the Star Chapter , No . 1275 , and after filling all the offices with credit , he was installed its M . E . Z . Under his able guidance the chapter is carried on most successfully .
THE OUEEN held a Council at Balmoral on Monday , at which there were present Viscount Cross , G . C . B ., Lord Privy Seal , Bro . the Duke of Fife , K . T ., and Lieut .-Col . Sir Fleetwood Edwards , K . CB . Parliament was further prorogued till the 10 th December . H . R . H . Princess Louise ( Duchess of Fife ) and Bro . the Duke of Fife lunched with her Majesty , and in the afternoon returned to Mar Lodge .
WORTH KNOWING , " I ' ve wandered much this weary mortal round , and Sage Experience bids me this declare , " THE BRITISH TXTC > IIXSLTMLAT & ' & THELIFEOFFICEOFTHEPEOPLE. BRITISH WORKMAN'S AND GENERAL ASSURANCE COMPANY , LIMITED . Established in i 86 "< 5 . CIMICK OI-TICKS —Birmingham ; Loxnox CITY OITICKS—2 , West Slreet , Finsbury Pavement . District and Branch Offices throughout London and the Provinces . A complete History free by post on application . ORDINARY & INDUSTRIAL ASSURANCE . No Irksome Restrictions ; Liberal Terms ; Surrender Values ; Prompt Settlements ; Annual Income , 643 8 , 250 .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
The toast of " The Visiter " was given by the M . E . Z ., who remarked quality was tV . e order of the evening . Comp . Wishart , who was a very old Mason and companion to many for a number of vears , had honoured the chapter once more . He hid visited Ihe chapter before he lelt England for Malta , and now the companions most heartily greeted him again . Comp . W . ' srart , in reply , said it gave him very great pleasure to be present among old friends an 1 brethren of some iS years' standing . He hoped hi ; professional duties would allow him to be stationed near London , and it would be bis desire , if circunstances
permitted , to be proposed as a joining member of so distinguished a chapter . The toast of "The Past Principals" was most ably pliced b .-fore the companions by the M . E . Z ., who remarked the honour he felt in being supported by no Kss than nine . All had done such excellent service j he would ask the companions to drink to the toast most cordially . In reply , Comp . W . Williams , P . Z ., Treasurer , said , holding such an honourable position in the chapter , he was much indebted to the companions for such , and he felt very proud . As the senior Past Principal , he was under many obligations , and should be very ungrateful if he did not offer his services to the chapter , which he hoped would be at its disposal for many years to co-ne .
Comp . T , Grummant , P . Z , S . F ., also thanked the companions for their hearty greeting to the Past Principals . As S . E . he would endeavour to perform his duties to Ihe utmost . He had many pleasing reminiscences of the chapter , and looking down the long vista of time—some iS years—he had filled all the offices up to the chair of M . E . Z . His services had been appreciated , and now as S . E . he would continue to perform the duties thereof to his utmost . He felt the position of Past Principal and S . E . a very honourable one . He must thank the M . E . Z . for the privilege of allowing him
to exalt his old friend , Comp . Cogliati , and he trusted other members of the New Cross Lodge would offer themselves and increase the numbers of the chapter , in whose servic ; he hoped to continue for many years . The toast of "The Officers" was next given in appropriate terms . Comps . Barr and North ably responded . The Janitor ' s toast closed a very happy meeting . Some capital harmony was rendered by Comps . North , Smith , and Stone .
Willesden Chapter , No . 2489 . The installation meeting of the above chapter was held at Freemasons' Hall oi Wednesday , the 2 ist instant , when Comp . 0 . Claude Robson was installed as M . E . Z ., Comp . E . R . Bartley Denniss as H ., and Comp . C . Borradaile as J . The installation ceremony was entirely carried out by Comp . Capt . T . C Walls , P . Z ., A . G . D . C .
At the banquet which followed , Comp . Wellsman , on leaving the chair of M . E . Z ., was presented with a very handsome P . Z . \ s jewel and also a magnificent silver punch howl bearing the following inscription : " Presented to Comp . Walter VVellsman , P . M ., I ' . Z ., as a token of esteem and regard by the Founders of the Willesden Chapter , No . 24 S , ) , of which he was the lirst M . E . Z ., 1895-18 9 0 . "
Lodges And Chapter Of Instruction.
Lodges and Chapter of Instruction .
. PROSPERITY LODGE , No . 65 . The usual weekly meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday , the 21 st inst ., at the Weavers' Arms , London Wall , E . C , when there were present Bros . Greig , VV . M . j Butcher , S . W . j Spencer , J . W . j D . Harlow . P . M ., Preceptor ,- J . Smith , P . M ., Sec ; William Baker , S . D . ; Saunion , J . D . ; Cuzner , I . G . ; Harris , P . M . ; Parr , Collins , Robeson , Lloyd , Bullworthy , Callingham , and Shipman .
The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Robeson being the candidate . The W . M . then opened the lodge in the Second Digree , and Bro . Callingham answered the questions leading to the Third Degree , but was not entrusted . The W . M . then opened the lodge in the Third Degree , when Bro . Bullworthy was raised to the Degree of M . M . The lodge was then resumed in the First Degree , and afterwards closed .
A further meeting was held on Wednesday , the 2 Sth instant , when , at the close of the business , it was announced that the annual dinner woull be held at their plica of meeting—the Weaver ' s Arms , 17 , London Wall—on Wednesdiy , the nth prox ., and the hope expressed that all the members and other brethren wishing to attend on th it occasion would apply to the Secretary ( Bro . H . T . Meadows ) at the above address for tickets price 3 s . fij ., not later than the 4 th prox ., as not more than 50 brethren can be comfortably seated . There is the promise of a very successful and pleo . so . nt evening for nil able to attend .
ISLINGTON LODGE , No . 1471 . The usual weekly meeting was held on Tuesday , the 27 th instant , at the Cock Tavern , Highbury , when there were present Bros . G . R . Carsberg , W . M . j C . Nicole , S . W . j J . E . Thomas , J . W . j VV . Hancock , P . M ., Preceptor ; J . W . Clarke , P . M ., P . G . P . Middx ., Asst . Preceptor ; C . M . Coxon . P . M ., P . P . G . D . Herts , and I .
Duncan , P . M ., Sees . ; C . T . Rayner , S . D . ; M . Miroy , J . D . ; W . F . Roberts , I . G . ; C . VV . Rayner , A . F . Hardyment , C . Smith , A . E . Armfelt , E . J . Harrison , C . Is ' er , H . R . Bower . | . Amand , R . P . Upton , P . M ., E . A . Wagstaff , G . J . Hinsin , L . Danielsson , W . Rapley . G . Yexley , A . Oliver , P . M . ; M . Tuck , P . M , P . P . G . S . B . Essex , Knapp , and H . B . Harding , P . M .
, The lodge was opened and the minutes read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was then rehearsed , Bro . Danielsson being the candidate . The ceremony of passing was afterwards rehearsed , Bro . Amand being the candidate . The lodje was opened in the Third Degree , and closed in the Third and Second Degrees . Bro . Nicole was elected W . M . for the ensuing week , and appointed his oliicers in rotation . A vote of thanks was accorded to the W . M . for his services in the chair for the first time . The lodge was then closed .
STAR CHAPTER , Nc . 1275 . A meeting was held at the Stirling Castle Hotel , Church-street , Camberwell , S . E ., on Friday , the 23 rd inst . Present : Comps . C . N . McNorth , M . E . Z . ; W . Eckersall , H . J C . Plant , J . ; T . Grummant , P . Z ., Preceptor j C H . Stone , P . Z ., S E . ; G . Benedetti , P . Z ., S . N . J W . R . Barr , P . S . j Cornford , Hardman , C . G . Marcus , Cureton , EdwardsLewis , Willcoxand Kirby .
, , The chapter was declared open , and the minutes of the previous convocation were read and confirmed . The ceremony of exaltation was rehearsed , Comp . Cornford personating the candidate . Comp . C . Geo . Marcus , 1593 , was elected a member . Ump . North , M . E . Z ., gave a highly interesting lecture upon Holy Royal Arch Masonry , for which he received the thanks of the chapter . The business of the chapter ended , it was closed .
Knights Templar.
Knights Templar .
Mount Calvary Preceptory ( D ) . A meeting of this encampment was held at the Inns of Court Hotel , Lincoln ' s Inn 1 lews , on the 9 th inst ., when there were present , among others , Sir Knights Rev . R . r , V "^ Sham , M . A ., E . P . j H . Hills , J . P ., ist Constable ; B . Stewart , 2 nd Constable ; K » i ! ? r > , ' Walls > P"G"C- of Guards > P-E"C - - - -. Reff . ; J . R . Carter , Std . Br . tgbert Roberts , Org . ; F . W . Driver , M . A ., P . E . C ., P . E . P . ; H . I . Lardner , P . E . C . . -k-P- ; L . Steele , P . E . C , P . E . P . ; Nelson Prower , 'M . A ., P . E . C , P . E . P . ; and H .
] i J minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Comps . Christian H , „ ai ) Joseph Owen were duly installed as knights of the Order by the E . P ., with unWm 7 ? f Sir Kn ' 8 - Stee , e > actin ff p "late . Sir Knight Harris Hills was -manimousl y elected E . P ., Sir Knight Lieut .-Col . F . J . Stohwasser , P . G . S . B ., Treas .,
Knights Templar.
and Sir Knights Stewart and Carter , Auditors . A Past Preceptor's jewel was voted to the Eminent Preceptor . Apologies for non-attendance were received from Sir Knights Lieut .-Col . F . J . Stohwasser , Treas . ; B . Johnson , Marshal ; J . H . Thomas , G . Graveley , P . E . C , P . E . P ., and others . Sir Knight H . F . Bromhead was , at his request , placed on the country list for the present . The preceptory was then closed . A banquet followed , which was served in a manner that reflected the greatest credit on the management .
The E . P . presided in an able manner . From him , to whom impromptu speaking is by no means a difficult task , the members of this old preceptory or encampment expected much , and they have not been disappointed during his occupancy of the chair . In proposing the numerous toists , the E . P . was very felicitous . In giving the toast of " The Past Preceptors , " he paid a high compliment to them all , particularly
referring to Sir Knights Lardner and Steele , who were each excellent ex ponents of the ritual . In concluding , he mentioned the fact that one of that distinguished body—Sir Knight Nelson Prower—would in a few diys sail for an island of historic fame , namely , Cyprus . He trusted that the separation would not be for long . In the name of them ali , he wished their highly-respected colleague a lion voyage and a speedy return to old England .
Sir Knight N . Prower responded in an emotional sp ; ech . He was followed by Sir Knights F . VV . Driver and II . J . Lardner . " The Treasurer and Registrar " rame next , and this pledge was acknowledged by the latter . _ Sir Knights Stewart , Carter , and Roberts responded for " The Officers . " During the proceedings Sir Knights Egbert Roberts , the E . P ., H . Hills , and F . VV ; Driver entertained the members , the latte-r ' s paper on a recent tour to Russia being particularly interesting and worthy of a more than passing compliment .
©Iu* Portrait (Ballcrv?
© iu * portrait ( Ballcrv ?
COMP . DR . H . W . 'P . MAKEHAM , M . E . Z . 1275 , Is well-known and respected in the neighbourhood of New Cross , S . E ., where he resides . His professional duties bring him in contact with many , by whom he is greatly appreciated . He was initiated in the New Cross Lodge , No . > 559 , ' 'SS 5 , served all the offices , and was unanimously elected to the chair of
W . M . in 1894 , the duties of which he carried out in an exemplary manner . During his Mastership he acted as Steward to the Boys' Institution , of which he is a Life Governor , taking up a goodly list . In 1 S 8 7 he was exalted in the Star Chapter , No . 1275 , and after filling all the offices with credit , he was installed its M . E . Z . Under his able guidance the chapter is carried on most successfully .
THE OUEEN held a Council at Balmoral on Monday , at which there were present Viscount Cross , G . C . B ., Lord Privy Seal , Bro . the Duke of Fife , K . T ., and Lieut .-Col . Sir Fleetwood Edwards , K . CB . Parliament was further prorogued till the 10 th December . H . R . H . Princess Louise ( Duchess of Fife ) and Bro . the Duke of Fife lunched with her Majesty , and in the afternoon returned to Mar Lodge .
WORTH KNOWING , " I ' ve wandered much this weary mortal round , and Sage Experience bids me this declare , " THE BRITISH TXTC > IIXSLTMLAT & ' & THELIFEOFFICEOFTHEPEOPLE. BRITISH WORKMAN'S AND GENERAL ASSURANCE COMPANY , LIMITED . Established in i 86 "< 5 . CIMICK OI-TICKS —Birmingham ; Loxnox CITY OITICKS—2 , West Slreet , Finsbury Pavement . District and Branch Offices throughout London and the Provinces . A complete History free by post on application . ORDINARY & INDUSTRIAL ASSURANCE . No Irksome Restrictions ; Liberal Terms ; Surrender Values ; Prompt Settlements ; Annual Income , 643 8 , 250 .