Article At the Sign of the Perfect Ashlar. ← Page 3 of 5 →
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At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar.
The Hon . Alan de Tatton Egerton , the newlv-appointed Prov . Grand Master for Cheshire , has entered on his duties with much zeal and characteristic energy , which , we feel sure , will do much to compensate the Cheshire brethren for the loss of so able a ruler as Lord Egerton . The R . W . Bro . presided , on the 28 th November , at a meeting of the several
Cheshire Masonic Benevolent Institutions at Crewe . Reports from the various Committees showed that the Charity work of the province had been proceeding satisfactorily . Bro . Col . Dean , S . G . D ., was re-elected Chairman for the ensuing year , The Charity Councils for each of the divisions were appointed , and several petitions for relief were considered and granted .
It was resolved to hold a festival next year , not only for the benefit of the Benevolent Institutions , but also to commemorate the first year of office of the Hon . Alan de Tatton Egerton as Provincial Grand Master .
TIIK LATH HKO . fJ . I ' . l ' 'KSTA . — U'linlii . iMinbu . ili . (¦ Co ., Lmittoll ) .
We regret to record the death of Bro . Giovani P . Festa , which took place at his residence , Ealing , earl y in December . Until prevented by ill-health , Bro . Festa was a most active member of the Craft , and a generous contributor to its Charities . He was founder and first Senior Warden
of the Montague Guest Lodge , and succeeded Bro . Dean , its lirst Master , in the chair . He also took an active part in Mark Masonry , in which degree he was P . G . Overseer . Bro . Festa was Vice-Patron of the R . M . I , for Boys , and Vice-President of the R . M . I , for Girls and R . M . B . I .,
and he was for many years a familiar figure at the Festivals of each of the Institutions , and has served in all fourteen Stewardships . . »¦ « *>¦ < K »
The following generous appreciation of our efforts appears in the Palestine Bulletin published at Detroit , U . S . A . : — " 'THE MASONIC I LLUSTRATED ' is a new monthly journal of London , England , which , as its name indicates , will devote itself especially to Masonic illustrations . We have received No . 2
of Vol . I . It is a beautiful piece of work , and its views of the interior of English lodge rooms are very interesting ; besides these , it contains many portraits . If 'THE MASONIC ILLUSTRATED' continues only as well as it has begun , it will soon become the most popular and valuable of Masonic
journals . Pictures is what we want in Masonic journalism just now—views of Masonic edifices and halls and relics and the like . Nothing will broaden our Masonic knowledge so quickly . We trust that ' Tin ; MASONIC ILLUSTRATED' will regard the whole world as its field , and gather illustrations from the Continent and from America , as well as from England . "
The Duke of Devonshire , Provincial Grand Master for Derbyshire , presided , on the 30 th November , over the annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge , held at Derby . The attendance was exceptionall y large , every lodge in the province being represented . The Worshipful Masters of the various
lodges presented their annual reports , from which it appeared that Masonry was in a prosperous condition in every part of the county . The report of the Charity Committee showed that during the past year a sum of over . £ . ' 400 had been distributed among the various institutions maintained by the
Order . The Provincial Grand Officers for the ensuing year were appointed and invested by the Duke . Subsequently the annual banquet was held , and his Grace again presided , the toast of his health being drunk with much heartiness .
In responding to the toast of his health , the Duke said , last year reference had been made to the war on which they had just entered , and the disastrous character of which was just beginning to force itself upon them . Unfortunately the hope then expressed that the war might be brought to a speed y
termination had not been realised . He thought , however , it might be said that this year they met under decidedl y happier circumstances , and that at least they were able to see some prospect of the termination of the war .
THE CUTLERS' LODGE , No . 2730 . The installation banquet of the Cutlers' Lodge , No . 2730 , took place at the hall of that Ancient Worshi pful Company on the" 13 th November , and was attended by about fifty brethren and guests . W . Bro . T . Cato-Worsfold , the outgoing
Master , ably installed W . Bro . J . Paynter Hamilton as W . M ., and was presented with a very handsome P . M . jewel bearing the Arms of the Cullers' Company , which is also the arms of the lodge . The business of the lodge being completed , a most hospitable entertainment was provided , the banquet being
served in the grand panelled oak baronial hall . W . Bro . T . Cato-Worsfold , I . P . M ., in proposing the health of the present W . M ., alluded to his " usual humilit y , " and stated that , as a good painter , he was convinced he would leave his mark in the lodge . W . Bro . Archdeacon Sinclair replied most courteously for " The Grand Officers , " and mentioned that although he attempted to found a St . Paul ' s Lodge , the
Venerable Dean of St . Pauls did not give that support which was evident the Cutlers' Company had tendered to their lodge . Amongst other Grand Officers present were—W . Bro . James Terry , P . G . Swd . B . ; W . Bro . Edward Beaumont , D . G . Reg ., the Worshipful Master of the Cutlers' Company , and Bro . W . C . Beaumont , P . G . D . of C . The present W . M ., in returning
thanks for the toast of his health , made a graceful speech assuring the brethren of his high appreciation of his office , and signified his intention of acting as Steward for the R . M . B . I . W . Bro . Terry replied to " The Visitors" toast in his usual witty vein , making , we think , his shortest speech on record ,
whereb y he assured the brethren he had earned the sum of one shilling , which he had great pleasure in handing to the W . M . as his first contribution for his Steward ' s list . A most enjoyable musical programme was provided under the direction of Bro . Herbert Schartau , P . M ., P . P . G . Org . Middlesex .
THE PICCADILLY LODGE , No . 2550 . The installation meeting of the Piccadill y Lodge , No . 2550 , which took place at the Cafe Monico on the 6 th December , was a successful and pleasing function , especially noticeable from the fact that the new W . M ., Bro . T . H . Parry , was the
original founder of the lodge , and that within a short space of six years he has gone through the various offices and has now reached the chair . The Piccadilly Lodge has undoubtedly proved to be one of the most successful of the comparatively young lodges , and if there is cue attribute
more than another which calls for commendation in connection with it it is the wise discretion used , from the Master downwards , in the matter of speeches , for never has it
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar.
The Hon . Alan de Tatton Egerton , the newlv-appointed Prov . Grand Master for Cheshire , has entered on his duties with much zeal and characteristic energy , which , we feel sure , will do much to compensate the Cheshire brethren for the loss of so able a ruler as Lord Egerton . The R . W . Bro . presided , on the 28 th November , at a meeting of the several
Cheshire Masonic Benevolent Institutions at Crewe . Reports from the various Committees showed that the Charity work of the province had been proceeding satisfactorily . Bro . Col . Dean , S . G . D ., was re-elected Chairman for the ensuing year , The Charity Councils for each of the divisions were appointed , and several petitions for relief were considered and granted .
It was resolved to hold a festival next year , not only for the benefit of the Benevolent Institutions , but also to commemorate the first year of office of the Hon . Alan de Tatton Egerton as Provincial Grand Master .
TIIK LATH HKO . fJ . I ' . l ' 'KSTA . — U'linlii . iMinbu . ili . (¦ Co ., Lmittoll ) .
We regret to record the death of Bro . Giovani P . Festa , which took place at his residence , Ealing , earl y in December . Until prevented by ill-health , Bro . Festa was a most active member of the Craft , and a generous contributor to its Charities . He was founder and first Senior Warden
of the Montague Guest Lodge , and succeeded Bro . Dean , its lirst Master , in the chair . He also took an active part in Mark Masonry , in which degree he was P . G . Overseer . Bro . Festa was Vice-Patron of the R . M . I , for Boys , and Vice-President of the R . M . I , for Girls and R . M . B . I .,
and he was for many years a familiar figure at the Festivals of each of the Institutions , and has served in all fourteen Stewardships . . »¦ « *>¦ < K »
The following generous appreciation of our efforts appears in the Palestine Bulletin published at Detroit , U . S . A . : — " 'THE MASONIC I LLUSTRATED ' is a new monthly journal of London , England , which , as its name indicates , will devote itself especially to Masonic illustrations . We have received No . 2
of Vol . I . It is a beautiful piece of work , and its views of the interior of English lodge rooms are very interesting ; besides these , it contains many portraits . If 'THE MASONIC ILLUSTRATED' continues only as well as it has begun , it will soon become the most popular and valuable of Masonic
journals . Pictures is what we want in Masonic journalism just now—views of Masonic edifices and halls and relics and the like . Nothing will broaden our Masonic knowledge so quickly . We trust that ' Tin ; MASONIC ILLUSTRATED' will regard the whole world as its field , and gather illustrations from the Continent and from America , as well as from England . "
The Duke of Devonshire , Provincial Grand Master for Derbyshire , presided , on the 30 th November , over the annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge , held at Derby . The attendance was exceptionall y large , every lodge in the province being represented . The Worshipful Masters of the various
lodges presented their annual reports , from which it appeared that Masonry was in a prosperous condition in every part of the county . The report of the Charity Committee showed that during the past year a sum of over . £ . ' 400 had been distributed among the various institutions maintained by the
Order . The Provincial Grand Officers for the ensuing year were appointed and invested by the Duke . Subsequently the annual banquet was held , and his Grace again presided , the toast of his health being drunk with much heartiness .
In responding to the toast of his health , the Duke said , last year reference had been made to the war on which they had just entered , and the disastrous character of which was just beginning to force itself upon them . Unfortunately the hope then expressed that the war might be brought to a speed y
termination had not been realised . He thought , however , it might be said that this year they met under decidedl y happier circumstances , and that at least they were able to see some prospect of the termination of the war .
THE CUTLERS' LODGE , No . 2730 . The installation banquet of the Cutlers' Lodge , No . 2730 , took place at the hall of that Ancient Worshi pful Company on the" 13 th November , and was attended by about fifty brethren and guests . W . Bro . T . Cato-Worsfold , the outgoing
Master , ably installed W . Bro . J . Paynter Hamilton as W . M ., and was presented with a very handsome P . M . jewel bearing the Arms of the Cullers' Company , which is also the arms of the lodge . The business of the lodge being completed , a most hospitable entertainment was provided , the banquet being
served in the grand panelled oak baronial hall . W . Bro . T . Cato-Worsfold , I . P . M ., in proposing the health of the present W . M ., alluded to his " usual humilit y , " and stated that , as a good painter , he was convinced he would leave his mark in the lodge . W . Bro . Archdeacon Sinclair replied most courteously for " The Grand Officers , " and mentioned that although he attempted to found a St . Paul ' s Lodge , the
Venerable Dean of St . Pauls did not give that support which was evident the Cutlers' Company had tendered to their lodge . Amongst other Grand Officers present were—W . Bro . James Terry , P . G . Swd . B . ; W . Bro . Edward Beaumont , D . G . Reg ., the Worshipful Master of the Cutlers' Company , and Bro . W . C . Beaumont , P . G . D . of C . The present W . M ., in returning
thanks for the toast of his health , made a graceful speech assuring the brethren of his high appreciation of his office , and signified his intention of acting as Steward for the R . M . B . I . W . Bro . Terry replied to " The Visitors" toast in his usual witty vein , making , we think , his shortest speech on record ,
whereb y he assured the brethren he had earned the sum of one shilling , which he had great pleasure in handing to the W . M . as his first contribution for his Steward ' s list . A most enjoyable musical programme was provided under the direction of Bro . Herbert Schartau , P . M ., P . P . G . Org . Middlesex .
THE PICCADILLY LODGE , No . 2550 . The installation meeting of the Piccadill y Lodge , No . 2550 , which took place at the Cafe Monico on the 6 th December , was a successful and pleasing function , especially noticeable from the fact that the new W . M ., Bro . T . H . Parry , was the
original founder of the lodge , and that within a short space of six years he has gone through the various offices and has now reached the chair . The Piccadilly Lodge has undoubtedly proved to be one of the most successful of the comparatively young lodges , and if there is cue attribute
more than another which calls for commendation in connection with it it is the wise discretion used , from the Master downwards , in the matter of speeches , for never has it