Article Famous F.M. Songs. Page 1 of 2 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Famous F.M. Songs.
Famous F . M . Songs .
Bv W . J . CHKTWODK CRAWLKY , LL . D ., D . C . L ., P . G . D ., and G . Sec . Instr ., Ireland . IN the development of the social side of Freemasonry that followed the organisation of the English-speaking Brethren under a system of Grand Lodges , no feature is
more remarkable than the literary appetite of our forefathers for Songs . It is pretty plain that in those early days no meeting of Freemasons was regarded as complete unless some opportunity was given of " turning a tune , " as they phrased it . Not that these " Poetical Effusions , " at their best , passed beyond the standard of mere occasional verses .
They spread into fathomless floods of rhyme in every language , said or sung , that was current among Masons of the new order .
In one respect , we may be proud of these lyrics . They are comparatively free from the impure suggestions , as well as from the indecent expressions , that mar the Bacchanalian minstrelsy of that , or , indeed , of any other age . It is to be feared that the critic's eulogy must stop there . Our forefathers seem to have been easily satislied . Some of our
readers may remember how Laurence Dermott was accused in his nascent Grand Lodge of having " actually sung and lectured the Brethren out of their senses . " The wonderful answer to this charge was that if the defendant was " allowed an hour ' s time he would endeavour to sing them into their senses again . " And he did it . There have been Grand
Secretaries who might have found the experiment a trying one . I . THK EXTKKKD APPRENTICE ' SONG . Probably the best known of all the Songs in vogue among the Brethren of the last century is that appended to
Dr . Anderson ' s Constitutions of 1723 , under the title of " The Enter'd 'PRKNTICKS SONG . By our late Brother , Mr . MATTHEW BIRKHEAD , deceas'd . To be sung when all grave business is over , and with the MASTER ' S leave . "
Dr . Anderson appends the music , which is , apparently , not by Bro . Birkhead . The song is too familiar to require quotation . No reader can come that has not heard it a score of times . But there is a difference between the version of the E . A . Song , as originally written b y Bro . Birkhead , and the
version printed by Dr . Anderson in the Second Edition of his Book of Constitutions , 173 8 . The latter version contains an additional stanza , introduced between the fifth and sixth verses of " the original . How did it come there ? Who was the author ? The interpolated stanza is as follows : —
" 6 . We ' re true and sincere , And just to the Fair , Who will trust us on ev ' ry Occasion ; No Mortal can more The Ladies adore
Than a Free and an Accepted Mason . " Whatever the merits or demerits of the versicle , it gained the suffrages of the Brethren . We can be sure that our good Bro . Anderson would not have silently incorporated it in the deceased Bro . Birkhead ' s composition , if he did not think it an acceptable addition . For Bro . Anderson was
very anxious to make the New Edition of The Booh of Constitutions a pecuniary success , inasmuch as it was his private property . It is a curious fact , curious in more ways than one , that the early issues of the Conslilulions of the Grand Lodges of England and Ireland were private adventures , at the risk of the respective authors , whoit may be presumed
, , did their best to meet the tastes of the Brethren . Similarly , the verse ajipears in the first Scottish Collection of Free Masons' Songs , b y James Callendar , 1738 . With such credentials , the verse has been indissolubly welded into the fabric of the Song . The comjiosition of the verse is to be ascribed to an
unexpected quarter . In 1728 the Grand Lodge of Minister held its head-quarters in Cork , and , in its relations to the older Grand Lodge of Ireland in Dublin , had some analogy to the relations existing between the Grand Lodge of England in London and the Grand Lodge of All England at York ; all four being independent , autonomous , and legitimate
^ g > i 0 ^ J $ & i ^ k QI ^^ m . ^ = s & & r—gfZIF ^ & = i H 3 ^~ ^^^ SS = ^^^ T ~^ ~ " ^^^ &—~ i ^ >>^ ^^^ l ^ SS Sf ^ ntS ^ S
THE GOLDSMITHS COMPANY invito inspection ol the lai-jrcst and choicest STOCK in I . I 10 World of DIAMOND OHXAII l'XTS , ( 'KM . TKWKLDKRY , SILVKR 1 'IJATK , Kf . KCTRO PLATI '' , WATCH US . V CLOCKS .
GEM DEPARTMENT >» presided over by mi '' Xpert in Unit special lirniicli . Kncli stone is carefully selected , and none lint tlie finest jreins mounted . Customers may select loose stones from tlie C anpnny ' s larye stock of unmounted diamonds mid liuvc them mounded to specially r "" " r 011 " esisr ,, s '
Fine Gold , Pearl and Diamond " Golf Sticks Brooch , £ 5 5 s . INSPECTION INVITED . ¦
DIAMOND _ _ RNAMENTS . imijfiiificeiil assortment of Hinjjs
^ mmmm ' iM < . I \ 7 ^ yjp 8
"' J'lie Centur . v , " New rey-istered design , : ii' ) . s ! l !> . Fine Diamond liroocl , £ 6 15 s In l'earls £ 3 fcs .
/ fefesA /^ ir ^ KA niftaV k MKSHSMI IW ^ m \ ® Mm ^ ^^^ jfS ' '
Necklaces . Si
composed nl * tlie
WEDDING PRESENTS WEDDING PRESENTS . . A " miniensc variety of articles specially suitable for VVeildin ;; -and Bridesmaids'Presents . Uvury inltinlin ;; purchaser should inspect this stock before decidiii-r elsewhere , when Ihe superiority in design and quality and the very moderate prices will lie apparent .
finest Wliil . ii Diamonds , mounted in special and original designs , and sold direct to tlie pulilic at llcrchnnl . s' Casli Prices , siivinj , I ' lircliasers from * ¦ . * > to . "ill per cent .
= — ^ yigjjfjife . ailMfe . V ^ --- ___ Z—^?«(^ V $ S **^^< . ^; S ^*
MX ¦ 5 ft
GOLDSMITHS COMPANY . « = ES ~ I ^ tmg & r
"wMu- ^ SrV , ™ Cold Charm with Portraitof nninmiiiTiirt ArtMartaftiw Lord Ki . lmvts mill Pretoria , GOLDSMITHS COMPANY lilllll in Knamel , £ 1 5 s . Itaden-Howell , with "Mnlekiuj . ' , as above , £ 1 5 s . ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE
,. ,. ... niel . ol , land Platinum Fine Diamond and Rnliy GEM JEWELLERY . .. « 1 » , ° 1 D ' , " . ' , KinffdElI . Shrapnel Shell Links , A lnrjre assortinclit in The lloldsniitlis Company ' s Stock of llracelels , £ 2 15 s . pcrpair . slock from 25 . upwards llrooches . Necklaces , , Vc , is the largest and choicest ill the World and contains designs vO ^ TSrS— / 1 if rare ticuut . y unit excellence , not , to be f ( pr /^ gSiJ ^' '^ - 'lCfobtained elsewhere , an inspection of which filVjp ~ " ^^^ fjl k-i is respectfully invited . f ' cSW V ""* " ^ S * A f iSr Atv Tv * \ / ifr IR / 'F ^ H
sf ^ f / Zs ^^ -- "The tjoldsniiths Coiniiany ' s Catalo ^ ni' is a l £ ^^^^ 3 k ^ most admirably produced Guide Hook to the <^ ~ " ^—IN . art of lui . viiijr ' . lewcllei'v , \ c , of the finest NSc \ < j 11111 itv at , moderate prices , and every linlv F 2 * 1 should send lor a copy , which will be supplied s ^ V O ^ mat is . " Lmlfr / 'irloritil . % \ M V Mf GOLDSMITHS COMPANY . - , Fine Gold Flexiblcliracclot , set AtV / iTt- ^ with l ' earls and Turquoise , ^ - ^ sS / „ ,,.,, „„ , „„ > iO \ £ z 15 s - / t 3 * V PRICES . \ Pt \ Vl ^ ^ - ¦ --c & jewj The Goldsmiths Company , condilcfintr iheir ^^ flt ^ ix ^ /^ fiZ ~&^ AWAPnrn business , boll , in bnviiiL" and selling' forcash , ^^ "VvfAXl r /^ T ^ lX - / It '/ J ^' " AWARDED are enabled to "iye i . urchasers . 'rent , advm S 2 § yJ & $ & £ jSg £ r THE GRAND PRIX ta ^ " . yer l . ouses !!! r " w , w lo , ^ rmiit ' a ^* ~ - ig ^?> y- ¦ ^ - ** PARIS 1900 . system i-iiiniliiiji lii-li prices and bad debts , - ¦ for which cash liuyers haye to coni | iensate . ¦
> S % N ^ ~*
COUNTRY CUSTOMERS . " Selected Parcels of Goods forwarded to the Country on Approval . Country customers aive tbron-h , J , is means , the a . lvanlaffe ol beinjr supplied direct Iron , an immense London Stock containing all the latest novelties , winch are not obtainable in pro- vincial towns
,,,,,, I he Grand Prix is the ( oyeted Prize ol I ' . xlnbitors , and has never before been conlerred on a Ifrilish tirin of . lewcllei's , lloldsniitlis , t Silycrsiiiiths .
Ltd ., 112 , REGENT ST ., LONDON , W . L , ' ^ ' ) " " ^* " 5 * - *• % * *^ v * f j M . m . ¦ ysfcrci / fi-oj )/! - ( timpani / . /
Tiileitlmiio : " : {/ - ' !) . " ( TlHHiOMtS . MITII . S' ALLIAXCK , TAd . ( A . li . Snvoiii- . y & Sons ) , Into nl ' Cnmliill , K . C , is tnuist ' orrcil L . nhis Cmipaiiy . ) Toh-nuns : " Aiwinmii , Luinlnn
. , . " ^^ . M 0 , & $$$ &^ B $ k ' " W & ^&!^ I A , , < , ^ J- * , ' ., v . ] ' () ' I W ' ; ' / O / y ^ . 1 — ¦ . _ , j Hv . ' , I , "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Famous F.M. Songs.
Famous F . M . Songs .
Bv W . J . CHKTWODK CRAWLKY , LL . D ., D . C . L ., P . G . D ., and G . Sec . Instr ., Ireland . IN the development of the social side of Freemasonry that followed the organisation of the English-speaking Brethren under a system of Grand Lodges , no feature is
more remarkable than the literary appetite of our forefathers for Songs . It is pretty plain that in those early days no meeting of Freemasons was regarded as complete unless some opportunity was given of " turning a tune , " as they phrased it . Not that these " Poetical Effusions , " at their best , passed beyond the standard of mere occasional verses .
They spread into fathomless floods of rhyme in every language , said or sung , that was current among Masons of the new order .
In one respect , we may be proud of these lyrics . They are comparatively free from the impure suggestions , as well as from the indecent expressions , that mar the Bacchanalian minstrelsy of that , or , indeed , of any other age . It is to be feared that the critic's eulogy must stop there . Our forefathers seem to have been easily satislied . Some of our
readers may remember how Laurence Dermott was accused in his nascent Grand Lodge of having " actually sung and lectured the Brethren out of their senses . " The wonderful answer to this charge was that if the defendant was " allowed an hour ' s time he would endeavour to sing them into their senses again . " And he did it . There have been Grand
Secretaries who might have found the experiment a trying one . I . THK EXTKKKD APPRENTICE ' SONG . Probably the best known of all the Songs in vogue among the Brethren of the last century is that appended to
Dr . Anderson ' s Constitutions of 1723 , under the title of " The Enter'd 'PRKNTICKS SONG . By our late Brother , Mr . MATTHEW BIRKHEAD , deceas'd . To be sung when all grave business is over , and with the MASTER ' S leave . "
Dr . Anderson appends the music , which is , apparently , not by Bro . Birkhead . The song is too familiar to require quotation . No reader can come that has not heard it a score of times . But there is a difference between the version of the E . A . Song , as originally written b y Bro . Birkhead , and the
version printed by Dr . Anderson in the Second Edition of his Book of Constitutions , 173 8 . The latter version contains an additional stanza , introduced between the fifth and sixth verses of " the original . How did it come there ? Who was the author ? The interpolated stanza is as follows : —
" 6 . We ' re true and sincere , And just to the Fair , Who will trust us on ev ' ry Occasion ; No Mortal can more The Ladies adore
Than a Free and an Accepted Mason . " Whatever the merits or demerits of the versicle , it gained the suffrages of the Brethren . We can be sure that our good Bro . Anderson would not have silently incorporated it in the deceased Bro . Birkhead ' s composition , if he did not think it an acceptable addition . For Bro . Anderson was
very anxious to make the New Edition of The Booh of Constitutions a pecuniary success , inasmuch as it was his private property . It is a curious fact , curious in more ways than one , that the early issues of the Conslilulions of the Grand Lodges of England and Ireland were private adventures , at the risk of the respective authors , whoit may be presumed
, , did their best to meet the tastes of the Brethren . Similarly , the verse ajipears in the first Scottish Collection of Free Masons' Songs , b y James Callendar , 1738 . With such credentials , the verse has been indissolubly welded into the fabric of the Song . The comjiosition of the verse is to be ascribed to an
unexpected quarter . In 1728 the Grand Lodge of Minister held its head-quarters in Cork , and , in its relations to the older Grand Lodge of Ireland in Dublin , had some analogy to the relations existing between the Grand Lodge of England in London and the Grand Lodge of All England at York ; all four being independent , autonomous , and legitimate
^ g > i 0 ^ J $ & i ^ k QI ^^ m . ^ = s & & r—gfZIF ^ & = i H 3 ^~ ^^^ SS = ^^^ T ~^ ~ " ^^^ &—~ i ^ >>^ ^^^ l ^ SS Sf ^ ntS ^ S
THE GOLDSMITHS COMPANY invito inspection ol the lai-jrcst and choicest STOCK in I . I 10 World of DIAMOND OHXAII l'XTS , ( 'KM . TKWKLDKRY , SILVKR 1 'IJATK , Kf . KCTRO PLATI '' , WATCH US . V CLOCKS .
GEM DEPARTMENT >» presided over by mi '' Xpert in Unit special lirniicli . Kncli stone is carefully selected , and none lint tlie finest jreins mounted . Customers may select loose stones from tlie C anpnny ' s larye stock of unmounted diamonds mid liuvc them mounded to specially r "" " r 011 " esisr ,, s '
Fine Gold , Pearl and Diamond " Golf Sticks Brooch , £ 5 5 s . INSPECTION INVITED . ¦
DIAMOND _ _ RNAMENTS . imijfiiificeiil assortment of Hinjjs
^ mmmm ' iM < . I \ 7 ^ yjp 8
"' J'lie Centur . v , " New rey-istered design , : ii' ) . s ! l !> . Fine Diamond liroocl , £ 6 15 s In l'earls £ 3 fcs .
/ fefesA /^ ir ^ KA niftaV k MKSHSMI IW ^ m \ ® Mm ^ ^^^ jfS ' '
Necklaces . Si
composed nl * tlie
WEDDING PRESENTS WEDDING PRESENTS . . A " miniensc variety of articles specially suitable for VVeildin ;; -and Bridesmaids'Presents . Uvury inltinlin ;; purchaser should inspect this stock before decidiii-r elsewhere , when Ihe superiority in design and quality and the very moderate prices will lie apparent .
finest Wliil . ii Diamonds , mounted in special and original designs , and sold direct to tlie pulilic at llcrchnnl . s' Casli Prices , siivinj , I ' lircliasers from * ¦ . * > to . "ill per cent .
= — ^ yigjjfjife . ailMfe . V ^ --- ___ Z—^?«(^ V $ S **^^< . ^; S ^*
MX ¦ 5 ft
GOLDSMITHS COMPANY . « = ES ~ I ^ tmg & r
"wMu- ^ SrV , ™ Cold Charm with Portraitof nninmiiiTiirt ArtMartaftiw Lord Ki . lmvts mill Pretoria , GOLDSMITHS COMPANY lilllll in Knamel , £ 1 5 s . Itaden-Howell , with "Mnlekiuj . ' , as above , £ 1 5 s . ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE
,. ,. ... niel . ol , land Platinum Fine Diamond and Rnliy GEM JEWELLERY . .. « 1 » , ° 1 D ' , " . ' , KinffdElI . Shrapnel Shell Links , A lnrjre assortinclit in The lloldsniitlis Company ' s Stock of llracelels , £ 2 15 s . pcrpair . slock from 25 . upwards llrooches . Necklaces , , Vc , is the largest and choicest ill the World and contains designs vO ^ TSrS— / 1 if rare ticuut . y unit excellence , not , to be f ( pr /^ gSiJ ^' '^ - 'lCfobtained elsewhere , an inspection of which filVjp ~ " ^^^ fjl k-i is respectfully invited . f ' cSW V ""* " ^ S * A f iSr Atv Tv * \ / ifr IR / 'F ^ H
sf ^ f / Zs ^^ -- "The tjoldsniiths Coiniiany ' s Catalo ^ ni' is a l £ ^^^^ 3 k ^ most admirably produced Guide Hook to the <^ ~ " ^—IN . art of lui . viiijr ' . lewcllei'v , \ c , of the finest NSc \ < j 11111 itv at , moderate prices , and every linlv F 2 * 1 should send lor a copy , which will be supplied s ^ V O ^ mat is . " Lmlfr / 'irloritil . % \ M V Mf GOLDSMITHS COMPANY . - , Fine Gold Flexiblcliracclot , set AtV / iTt- ^ with l ' earls and Turquoise , ^ - ^ sS / „ ,,.,, „„ , „„ > iO \ £ z 15 s - / t 3 * V PRICES . \ Pt \ Vl ^ ^ - ¦ --c & jewj The Goldsmiths Company , condilcfintr iheir ^^ flt ^ ix ^ /^ fiZ ~&^ AWAPnrn business , boll , in bnviiiL" and selling' forcash , ^^ "VvfAXl r /^ T ^ lX - / It '/ J ^' " AWARDED are enabled to "iye i . urchasers . 'rent , advm S 2 § yJ & $ & £ jSg £ r THE GRAND PRIX ta ^ " . yer l . ouses !!! r " w , w lo , ^ rmiit ' a ^* ~ - ig ^?> y- ¦ ^ - ** PARIS 1900 . system i-iiiniliiiji lii-li prices and bad debts , - ¦ for which cash liuyers haye to coni | iensate . ¦
> S % N ^ ~*
COUNTRY CUSTOMERS . " Selected Parcels of Goods forwarded to the Country on Approval . Country customers aive tbron-h , J , is means , the a . lvanlaffe ol beinjr supplied direct Iron , an immense London Stock containing all the latest novelties , winch are not obtainable in pro- vincial towns
,,,,,, I he Grand Prix is the ( oyeted Prize ol I ' . xlnbitors , and has never before been conlerred on a Ifrilish tirin of . lewcllei's , lloldsniitlis , t Silycrsiiiiths .
Ltd ., 112 , REGENT ST ., LONDON , W . L , ' ^ ' ) " " ^* " 5 * - *• % * *^ v * f j M . m . ¦ ysfcrci / fi-oj )/! - ( timpani / . /
Tiileitlmiio : " : {/ - ' !) . " ( TlHHiOMtS . MITII . S' ALLIAXCK , TAd . ( A . li . Snvoiii- . y & Sons ) , Into nl ' Cnmliill , K . C , is tnuist ' orrcil L . nhis Cmipaiiy . ) Toh-nuns : " Aiwinmii , Luinlnn
. , . " ^^ . M 0 , & $$$ &^ B $ k ' " W & ^&!^ I A , , < , ^ J- * , ' ., v . ] ' () ' I W ' ; ' / O / y ^ . 1 — ¦ . _ , j Hv . ' , I , "