Article At the Sign of the Perfect Ashlar ← Page 2 of 4 →
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At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar
The hearty good Avishes of the Craft will folloAV V . W . Bro . Dr . Welklon , P . G . C , in the new position he will shortly take up as Canon of Westminster . His presence in London will add not a little to the strength of the Church in the Metropolis , where his line scholarship and rare disciplinary powers will not fail to be appreciated .
. <§ . .. 'JEE £ 4 It is a matter of pleasing interest that both the President and Secretary of the American Society in London , which held their thanksgiving dinner last month with such success , are enthusiastic members of the Craft . The President is Bro . John Morgan Richards , who Avas one of the founders of the
Columbia Lodge , No . 2397 , and the Secretary is Bro . F . C . Van Duzer , who has always been conspicuous for his good work in the same lodge and chapter .
A very old and esteemed member ot the Grand Secretary s staff has passed away in the person of Bro . Adam J . Berry , who had been for so long as most of us can remember , a familiar figure in the office of Grand Lodge . His death took place on the morning of the 16 th December . Initiated in the Canonbury Lodge , No . 657 , in 1858 , he Avas a Past
Master of the New- Finsbury Park Lodge , No . 16 95 , as Avell as a P . Z . of the Duke of Connaught Chapter , No . 1524 , in which he had been exalted .
« £ - «> « Ss We learn with satisfaction that at a recent meeting of the Jubilee Masters Lodge Bro . Fredk . C . Van Duzer was elected W . M ., as under his genial sAvay the lodge will doubtless continue its career of usefulness . Bro . Van Duzer has a brilliant record . He was initiated in the Canterbury Lodge ,
No . 16 35 , in 188 9 , of which lodge he is a P . M . ; is a member of the Empress Lodge , No . 2381 ; Founder and P . M . of the Columbia Lodge , X o . 2397 ; Founder and acting I . P . M . of the Richard Eve Lodge , No . 2772 ; and Founder of the Kirby Lodge , No . 2818 . In the Royal Arch he is a P . Z . of
the Canterbury Chapter , No . 16 35 ; P . Z . and Scribe E . of the Columbia Chapter , Xo . 2397 ; and has high rank in other Degrees of Masonry . Among Americans resident in London his name is Avell known and respected , he having lilled the honoured posts of President and Secretary of the American SocietA ' .
The Kirby Lodge of Instruction occupies a prominent position amongst the numerous schools of Masonry IIOAV possessed by the Craft in London , and its last annual festival , which took place at the Midland Grand Hotel on the 19 th of November , was a great success . The Second Lecture was worked by the W . M ., Bro . G . J . V . Rankin , assisted by Bro .
E . Sherlock , who worked the 1 st section . Other sections were worked respectively by Bros . H . E . Wilson , E . C . Fulton , H . Billinghurst , and A . L . Collins , each of whom rendered the ceremony in a very efficient manner .
« & : & A banquet afterwards followed , at which R . W . Bro . Sir John B . Monckton , P . G . W ., presided . Bro . Sir Forest Fulton , K . C , on behalf of the lodge , presented a handsome silver cigar-box and mirror to the Hon . Secretary , Bro . Miller , in recognition of his past services , Avhich Bro . Miller
suitably acknowledged . Various Masonic toasts were proposed and acknowledged , that of "The President" especially being very Avarmly received . The proceedings throughout were characterised by much earnestness and zeal , and the lodge may be congratulated , not only on the good work it has done , but on its future prospects .
The announcemement of the death of Bro . Henry Sutherland , M . D ., P . G . D ., on the 19 th November , came as a great surprise and shock to his many friends . He had attained considerable eminence in his profession . At the time of his death , and for thirty years previously , he had been physician to the St . George ' s Square Dispensary , and
was a Fellow ol" many societies connected with the medical profession , and was the author of a considerable number oi medical works .
Bro . Sutherland was a Avell known and enthusiastic Mason , haying been initiated over forty years ago , whilst an undergraduate , in the Apollo University Lodge at Oxford . From that time he never ceased to take a deep interest in Freemasonry—indeed , at the time of his death he was Worshipful Master of the Old Westminsters' Lodge ,
composed of brethren who , like himself , had been educated at Westminster School . He was also , at the time of his death , Secretary of the Grand Stewards' Lodge , of which he was a Past Master , and he had also passed through the chair of the " Shakespeare , " the "' White Horse of Kent , " and
other lodges . On the occasion of the celebration of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the installation of the Prince of Wales as Grand Master , he was one of the twenty-live brethren appointed to Grand office . Bro . Sutherland was the author of a useful little work entitled , " Notes on
Freemasonry , " which some years ago obtained a considerable circulation amongst the members of the Craft . The funeral took place at Brompton Cemetery on the 22 nd November , and was largely attended by his confreres of the medical profession , and by the Masonic fraternity .
< 3 > «> © Yet another exposure of the wicked doings of that terrible anti-Christian and treasonable society , the Freemasons . A London publisher announces a book which its author asserts will prove that the secrets of Freemasonry are unknown to the great majority of Freemasons ; that it is anti-Christian in
its teaching ; has taken to itself Satanism—whatever that might be ; that international Freemasonry , Avhich sways English Freemasonry , has been captured by the Jews , who are using the organisation for the return of their race to the Holy Land , and the proclamation of an anti-Christ !
-s- ® 0 The farewell dinner given in honour of Bro . Hermann Klein , P . G . Organist , previous to
his departure for America , which Avas held at the Prince ' s Restaurant on December 12 th , was presided over by Bro . Sir Arthur Trendell , C . M . G ., P . A . G . D . of C . Bro . Klein is Avell known
; ts a musical critic and professor oi singing , and has figured prominently in London Masonry , having for some time past , amongst other duties , filled the office of Scribe E . of the Empire Chapter , No . 2108 . The best wishes of the Craft will
accompany him on his voyage to ISHO . IITCKMAXX KLKIX . .. . ,, . , „ " the other side . ¦ * ¦ <» Dual membership of lodges is a matter which requires some light shedding upon it . A brother is a member , say ,
of half-a-dozen lodges , with only one of which he is in good financial standing . Armed with a certificate from the lastnamed , he seeks admission to a seventh , and that lodge would have just cause of complaint if brought to book by all the other lodges to which he might be in debt , or from which
even he might have been excluded . There is another point . Membership of one lodge is an expense . What about a number ? And yet when a brother or his family come before the Masonic Charities , the number of lodges he founded and joined , and the aggregate subscriptions paid , are adduced to
show his Masonic worth and zeal . What else it shows is discreetly left unmentioned . We might also ask if it makes good it claim on the charitable to point out that a brother has been a member of half-a-dozen concomitant orders . It rather shows that he has been breaking that part of bis S . O . which
enjoins him only to carry out Masonic duties so far as they do not act to the detriment of himself or his connections . , £ ,,. £ ; ,. . £ ,, We have lately been reading what are called " Masonic stories" in an Americm contemporary . Why Masonic Ave cannot make out . Their connection with the Craft is of the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar
The hearty good Avishes of the Craft will folloAV V . W . Bro . Dr . Welklon , P . G . C , in the new position he will shortly take up as Canon of Westminster . His presence in London will add not a little to the strength of the Church in the Metropolis , where his line scholarship and rare disciplinary powers will not fail to be appreciated .
. <§ . .. 'JEE £ 4 It is a matter of pleasing interest that both the President and Secretary of the American Society in London , which held their thanksgiving dinner last month with such success , are enthusiastic members of the Craft . The President is Bro . John Morgan Richards , who Avas one of the founders of the
Columbia Lodge , No . 2397 , and the Secretary is Bro . F . C . Van Duzer , who has always been conspicuous for his good work in the same lodge and chapter .
A very old and esteemed member ot the Grand Secretary s staff has passed away in the person of Bro . Adam J . Berry , who had been for so long as most of us can remember , a familiar figure in the office of Grand Lodge . His death took place on the morning of the 16 th December . Initiated in the Canonbury Lodge , No . 657 , in 1858 , he Avas a Past
Master of the New- Finsbury Park Lodge , No . 16 95 , as Avell as a P . Z . of the Duke of Connaught Chapter , No . 1524 , in which he had been exalted .
« £ - «> « Ss We learn with satisfaction that at a recent meeting of the Jubilee Masters Lodge Bro . Fredk . C . Van Duzer was elected W . M ., as under his genial sAvay the lodge will doubtless continue its career of usefulness . Bro . Van Duzer has a brilliant record . He was initiated in the Canterbury Lodge ,
No . 16 35 , in 188 9 , of which lodge he is a P . M . ; is a member of the Empress Lodge , No . 2381 ; Founder and P . M . of the Columbia Lodge , X o . 2397 ; Founder and acting I . P . M . of the Richard Eve Lodge , No . 2772 ; and Founder of the Kirby Lodge , No . 2818 . In the Royal Arch he is a P . Z . of
the Canterbury Chapter , No . 16 35 ; P . Z . and Scribe E . of the Columbia Chapter , Xo . 2397 ; and has high rank in other Degrees of Masonry . Among Americans resident in London his name is Avell known and respected , he having lilled the honoured posts of President and Secretary of the American SocietA ' .
The Kirby Lodge of Instruction occupies a prominent position amongst the numerous schools of Masonry IIOAV possessed by the Craft in London , and its last annual festival , which took place at the Midland Grand Hotel on the 19 th of November , was a great success . The Second Lecture was worked by the W . M ., Bro . G . J . V . Rankin , assisted by Bro .
E . Sherlock , who worked the 1 st section . Other sections were worked respectively by Bros . H . E . Wilson , E . C . Fulton , H . Billinghurst , and A . L . Collins , each of whom rendered the ceremony in a very efficient manner .
« & : & A banquet afterwards followed , at which R . W . Bro . Sir John B . Monckton , P . G . W ., presided . Bro . Sir Forest Fulton , K . C , on behalf of the lodge , presented a handsome silver cigar-box and mirror to the Hon . Secretary , Bro . Miller , in recognition of his past services , Avhich Bro . Miller
suitably acknowledged . Various Masonic toasts were proposed and acknowledged , that of "The President" especially being very Avarmly received . The proceedings throughout were characterised by much earnestness and zeal , and the lodge may be congratulated , not only on the good work it has done , but on its future prospects .
The announcemement of the death of Bro . Henry Sutherland , M . D ., P . G . D ., on the 19 th November , came as a great surprise and shock to his many friends . He had attained considerable eminence in his profession . At the time of his death , and for thirty years previously , he had been physician to the St . George ' s Square Dispensary , and
was a Fellow ol" many societies connected with the medical profession , and was the author of a considerable number oi medical works .
Bro . Sutherland was a Avell known and enthusiastic Mason , haying been initiated over forty years ago , whilst an undergraduate , in the Apollo University Lodge at Oxford . From that time he never ceased to take a deep interest in Freemasonry—indeed , at the time of his death he was Worshipful Master of the Old Westminsters' Lodge ,
composed of brethren who , like himself , had been educated at Westminster School . He was also , at the time of his death , Secretary of the Grand Stewards' Lodge , of which he was a Past Master , and he had also passed through the chair of the " Shakespeare , " the "' White Horse of Kent , " and
other lodges . On the occasion of the celebration of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the installation of the Prince of Wales as Grand Master , he was one of the twenty-live brethren appointed to Grand office . Bro . Sutherland was the author of a useful little work entitled , " Notes on
Freemasonry , " which some years ago obtained a considerable circulation amongst the members of the Craft . The funeral took place at Brompton Cemetery on the 22 nd November , and was largely attended by his confreres of the medical profession , and by the Masonic fraternity .
< 3 > «> © Yet another exposure of the wicked doings of that terrible anti-Christian and treasonable society , the Freemasons . A London publisher announces a book which its author asserts will prove that the secrets of Freemasonry are unknown to the great majority of Freemasons ; that it is anti-Christian in
its teaching ; has taken to itself Satanism—whatever that might be ; that international Freemasonry , Avhich sways English Freemasonry , has been captured by the Jews , who are using the organisation for the return of their race to the Holy Land , and the proclamation of an anti-Christ !
-s- ® 0 The farewell dinner given in honour of Bro . Hermann Klein , P . G . Organist , previous to
his departure for America , which Avas held at the Prince ' s Restaurant on December 12 th , was presided over by Bro . Sir Arthur Trendell , C . M . G ., P . A . G . D . of C . Bro . Klein is Avell known
; ts a musical critic and professor oi singing , and has figured prominently in London Masonry , having for some time past , amongst other duties , filled the office of Scribe E . of the Empire Chapter , No . 2108 . The best wishes of the Craft will
accompany him on his voyage to ISHO . IITCKMAXX KLKIX . .. . ,, . , „ " the other side . ¦ * ¦ <» Dual membership of lodges is a matter which requires some light shedding upon it . A brother is a member , say ,
of half-a-dozen lodges , with only one of which he is in good financial standing . Armed with a certificate from the lastnamed , he seeks admission to a seventh , and that lodge would have just cause of complaint if brought to book by all the other lodges to which he might be in debt , or from which
even he might have been excluded . There is another point . Membership of one lodge is an expense . What about a number ? And yet when a brother or his family come before the Masonic Charities , the number of lodges he founded and joined , and the aggregate subscriptions paid , are adduced to
show his Masonic worth and zeal . What else it shows is discreetly left unmentioned . We might also ask if it makes good it claim on the charitable to point out that a brother has been a member of half-a-dozen concomitant orders . It rather shows that he has been breaking that part of bis S . O . which
enjoins him only to carry out Masonic duties so far as they do not act to the detriment of himself or his connections . , £ ,,. £ ; ,. . £ ,, We have lately been reading what are called " Masonic stories" in an Americm contemporary . Why Masonic Ave cannot make out . Their connection with the Craft is of the