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History Of The Emulation Lodge Of Improvement, No. 256.
conformity therefore Avith the "Articles ot Union , an equal number of brethren Avere selected from the two Fraternities for the purpose of effecting an uniformity of ritual , and arranging the future ceremonies of the Craft . Accordingly , a Warrant bearing date 7 th December , 1813 , signed bv the Duke of Sussex , Grand Master of the " Moderns , " and
Avitnessed by the Duke of Kent , Grand Master of the " Ancients , " Avas issued for a lodge to be called the Lodge of Reconciliation , probably the only Masonic Warrant in existence bearing the sign manual of two Royal Grand Masters . When the members of this lodge had agreed amongst themselves as to the ceremonies , numerous meetings Avere held for the purpose of instructing the Craft generally , and
AVAliliAXT OF TIIK LOllCK OF IlFCOXCI J . I ATIOX ( lt ,, l ,,,-,, l Ju , ; i , Hilr ) .
those meetings Avere attended bv brethren lrom all parts of the kingdom , amongst them being several Avho afterwards joined the Emulation Lodge of Improvement , including Edwards Harper , Grand Secretary , also Secretary of the Lodge of Reconciliation , and the celebrated Peter Gilkes , of whom more hereafter . Xo pains appear to have been
spared in order to arrive at a satisfactory conclusion , and it AV ; IS not till the 20 th May , 1816 , that the ceremonies decided upon Avere rehearsed for the approval of the United Grand Lodge , as the following extracts from the records of that date will show : — "The M . W . Grand Master staled that he had convened this special Grand Lodge that the Lodge of Reconciliation might exhibit and explain to the brethren the result of their
arrangements made pursuant lo the directions contained in the 4 th and 5 th Articles of the Act of Union . That it was not His Royal Highness ' s intention that any discussion should this day take place as to those arrangements , but that at the Quarterly Communication on the 5 th of next month he should submit them for the opinion and sanction
of the Grand Lodge , so that the Brethren might in the interim have an opportunity of giving them due consideration . "The Officers and Members of the Lodge of Reconciliation then opened a Lodge in the First , Second , and
Third Degrees successivel y , and exhibited the ceremonies of initiating , passing , and raising a Mason as proposed by them for general adoption and practice in the Craft .
" These Ceremonies being ended , the Grand Lodge Avas closed in ample Form , with solemn prayer , and adjourned . " GK ' . AXD LODOK MIXI ' TKS 5 'ni J , 1816 . "The Minutes of the Grand Lodge on the 20 th May last , when the Ceremonies and Practices recommended by the Lodge of Reconciliation Avere exhibited and explained ,
Avere Read ; and , alterations on two points , in the Third Degree , having been resolved upon , the several Ceremonies , & c , recommended Avere approved and confirmed . " It will thus be seen that in 1816 , a particular method of opening and closing a lodge in the three Degrees , : \ ni \ of Initiating , Passing , and Raising was accepted and approved by the Grand Lodge , representing the Avhole of the English Fraternity .
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History Of The Emulation Lodge Of Improvement, No. 256.
conformity therefore Avith the "Articles ot Union , an equal number of brethren Avere selected from the two Fraternities for the purpose of effecting an uniformity of ritual , and arranging the future ceremonies of the Craft . Accordingly , a Warrant bearing date 7 th December , 1813 , signed bv the Duke of Sussex , Grand Master of the " Moderns , " and
Avitnessed by the Duke of Kent , Grand Master of the " Ancients , " Avas issued for a lodge to be called the Lodge of Reconciliation , probably the only Masonic Warrant in existence bearing the sign manual of two Royal Grand Masters . When the members of this lodge had agreed amongst themselves as to the ceremonies , numerous meetings Avere held for the purpose of instructing the Craft generally , and
AVAliliAXT OF TIIK LOllCK OF IlFCOXCI J . I ATIOX ( lt ,, l ,,,-,, l Ju , ; i , Hilr ) .
those meetings Avere attended bv brethren lrom all parts of the kingdom , amongst them being several Avho afterwards joined the Emulation Lodge of Improvement , including Edwards Harper , Grand Secretary , also Secretary of the Lodge of Reconciliation , and the celebrated Peter Gilkes , of whom more hereafter . Xo pains appear to have been
spared in order to arrive at a satisfactory conclusion , and it AV ; IS not till the 20 th May , 1816 , that the ceremonies decided upon Avere rehearsed for the approval of the United Grand Lodge , as the following extracts from the records of that date will show : — "The M . W . Grand Master staled that he had convened this special Grand Lodge that the Lodge of Reconciliation might exhibit and explain to the brethren the result of their
arrangements made pursuant lo the directions contained in the 4 th and 5 th Articles of the Act of Union . That it was not His Royal Highness ' s intention that any discussion should this day take place as to those arrangements , but that at the Quarterly Communication on the 5 th of next month he should submit them for the opinion and sanction
of the Grand Lodge , so that the Brethren might in the interim have an opportunity of giving them due consideration . "The Officers and Members of the Lodge of Reconciliation then opened a Lodge in the First , Second , and
Third Degrees successivel y , and exhibited the ceremonies of initiating , passing , and raising a Mason as proposed by them for general adoption and practice in the Craft .
" These Ceremonies being ended , the Grand Lodge Avas closed in ample Form , with solemn prayer , and adjourned . " GK ' . AXD LODOK MIXI ' TKS 5 'ni J , 1816 . "The Minutes of the Grand Lodge on the 20 th May last , when the Ceremonies and Practices recommended by the Lodge of Reconciliation Avere exhibited and explained ,
Avere Read ; and , alterations on two points , in the Third Degree , having been resolved upon , the several Ceremonies , & c , recommended Avere approved and confirmed . " It will thus be seen that in 1816 , a particular method of opening and closing a lodge in the three Degrees , : \ ni \ of Initiating , Passing , and Raising was accepted and approved by the Grand Lodge , representing the Avhole of the English Fraternity .