Article Grand Mark Lodge. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Consecration of the Army and Navy Royal Arch Chapter. Page 1 of 1
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Grand Mark Lodge.
as President ot the General Board , in place ot Bro . Loveland Loveland , K . C , and he Avas fortlnvith invested , and took his place at the table as President . Bro . Frank Richardson then moved a resolution altering Rule 134 of the Book of Constitution so as to include Past Presidents of the Board as c . v-otficio members , which was
duly seconded and carried . Another resolution moved bv the President , to exclude from the Order a brother Avho had been convicted and sentenced to a term of imprisonment , AV . 'ts seconded and carried . The recognition of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Victoria Avas moved by the President of the Beard ,
and , subject only to the rights of those English lodges which had not joined the newly constituted bod } ' being maintained , the resolution Avas duly carried . The presentation of a rare copy of the Constitutions of
1767 by the Earl ol Euston , and ot a A'ery handsome trophy of armour by Bro . Imre Kindly , elicited from Grand Lodge a very hearty vote of thanks to both these brethren . The armour had already been placed on the Avails of the lobby , and had attracted much attention . The nomination of His Roval Highness the Duke of
Connaught as Grand Master for the ensuing year , Avas proposed by Bro . G . Philips Parker , and Bro . Frederick G . Ivey , P . M . 3 , P . P . G . D . Middlesex , was nominated for the Grand Treasurership by Bro . Hoblyn . It was then announced that the M . W . G . Master had been pleased to appoint Bro . John Strachan , K . C , as Grand
Registrar in the room of Bro . Frank Richardson , Avho had vacated that office on his appointment as President of the General Board . Grand Mark Lodge Avas then closed in ample form .
Consecration Of The Army And Navy Royal Arch Chapter.
Consecration of the Army and Navy Royal Arch Chapter .
r PHE roll of London chapters was augmented on I Wednesday , December nth , by the Consecration of the above , attached to the Army and Navy Lodge , No . 273 8 . The ceremony took place at the Mark Masons' Hall , Great Queen Street , and Avas admirably performed by Ex . Comp . Edward Letchworth , G . S . E ., assisted by E . Comps .
J . Leach Barrett , P . G . Swd . Br . as H . ; the Rev . Canon Brownrigg , G . Supt . Bucks as J . ; the Rev . H . W . Turner , P . G . S . N . as Scribe N . ; and J . H . Matthews , P . G . D . C , as D . C At the conclusion of the consecration ceremony , Comp . C . S . Burdon , Avho is the present W . M . of the Army and Navy
CO . Ml' . C . S . HURDOX . Lodge , Avas installed M . E . Z . b y the Rev . Canon Brownrigg , "Comp . E . G . Farley , I . P . M . of the lodge , in the chair of H ., by Ex . Comp . J . Leach Barrett , P . G . S . B ., and Comp . C . H . Ferryman , P . P . G . P . S . Surrey , into the chair of J . by Comp .
the Rev . Canon Brownrigg . The names of 13 brethren were proposed for exaltation . The consecrating principal and officers were unanimously elected Honorary Members , for Avhich honour Ex . Comp . Letchworth expressed the thanks of the founders . At the banquet which followed the usual loyal and Masonic
toasts were duly honoured . In proposing ( lie toast of " The Consecrating Officers , ' ' the M . E . Z . regretted the unavoidable absence from their festive board of Ex . Comps . Letchworth and Matthews , whose many engagements had t ; ken them elsewhere . They were all ,
however , very glad that they had the Rev . Canon BroAvniigg , as somehow they were accustomed to look upon him as belonging to the armv , his hither having been one of their distinguished generals . Comp . the Rev . H . W . Turner was one of those Masons AVIIO did a lot of good Masonic work in a quiet Avay . Comp . Leach Barrett Avorked hard and Avell in the
Royal Arch , and he Avas glad to have had him present as one of the Consecrating Officers , as he had assisted at his ( the M . E . Z . ' s ) exaltation . Comp . the Rev . Canon Brownrigg , replying , could speak with pleasure of the great satisfaction it had given them to
consecrate a chapter connected Avith such a successful lodge . He had recently increased his connection with the Army by accepting the position of Chaplain to the 3 rd Middlesex Artillery , he had been a captain of volunteers in his old University days , and had much , experience among real
soldiers . He Avould now present to the companions the important toast of "The Principals of Ihe Chapter . " He had no misgivings that they had that night placed in the three chairs Masons fully qualified for their important duties , that in years to come members Avould be able to look back with gratitude and satisfaction to those AVIIO had guarded the chapter in iis early years . He trusted to see many of those present occupying the chairs of the Principals .
Ihe M . E . Z ., Comp . Burdon , in reply , appreciated the encouraging remarks of the Rev . Companion , and was glad to find the Avork of the Army and Navy Lodge had met with approval . They intended to do their Avork , and if each principal and officer did his duty as a soldier should thev would be sure to . attract brethren from one . or . other of the
services . For his own part he promised to do his best , and Avas confident of the support of his officers . Comps . H . and J . responded , and the toast of "The Visitors" followed , to which Comps . James Mander , P . Z . 18 3 , and W . O . Wclsford , P . Z . 1321 , responded .
Comp . J . Mander expressed his pride and satisfaction at seeing the M . E . Z . and H . in their proud positions as he had exalted them both into Royal Arch Masonry , and was confident they would do him credit .
Comp . \\ . O . \\ elsford thanked the companions for the heartiness of the toast . He had thought , . until that night , that he could claim some connection with the Army , having served in four regiments of volunteers in different counties , but after the remarks of the Rev . Canon , about real soldiers , he should be inclined to doubt the justice of his
claim except for the fact that history has it on record that the volunteers have , in the Tr ; insva ; il , vindicated their right to be considered soldiers and worthy comrades in arms with the regular forces . He did not doubt the success of the chapter if they but brought their training as military and
naval men to bear upon their Masonic duties . The M . E . Z . proposed the toast of "The Officers , " to which Comp . Hooker , P . Z ., Treasurer , and Comp . H . Bladon suitably responded . The Janitor ' s toast closed an enjoyable evening .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Grand Mark Lodge.
as President ot the General Board , in place ot Bro . Loveland Loveland , K . C , and he Avas fortlnvith invested , and took his place at the table as President . Bro . Frank Richardson then moved a resolution altering Rule 134 of the Book of Constitution so as to include Past Presidents of the Board as c . v-otficio members , which was
duly seconded and carried . Another resolution moved bv the President , to exclude from the Order a brother Avho had been convicted and sentenced to a term of imprisonment , AV . 'ts seconded and carried . The recognition of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Victoria Avas moved by the President of the Beard ,
and , subject only to the rights of those English lodges which had not joined the newly constituted bod } ' being maintained , the resolution Avas duly carried . The presentation of a rare copy of the Constitutions of
1767 by the Earl ol Euston , and ot a A'ery handsome trophy of armour by Bro . Imre Kindly , elicited from Grand Lodge a very hearty vote of thanks to both these brethren . The armour had already been placed on the Avails of the lobby , and had attracted much attention . The nomination of His Roval Highness the Duke of
Connaught as Grand Master for the ensuing year , Avas proposed by Bro . G . Philips Parker , and Bro . Frederick G . Ivey , P . M . 3 , P . P . G . D . Middlesex , was nominated for the Grand Treasurership by Bro . Hoblyn . It was then announced that the M . W . G . Master had been pleased to appoint Bro . John Strachan , K . C , as Grand
Registrar in the room of Bro . Frank Richardson , Avho had vacated that office on his appointment as President of the General Board . Grand Mark Lodge Avas then closed in ample form .
Consecration Of The Army And Navy Royal Arch Chapter.
Consecration of the Army and Navy Royal Arch Chapter .
r PHE roll of London chapters was augmented on I Wednesday , December nth , by the Consecration of the above , attached to the Army and Navy Lodge , No . 273 8 . The ceremony took place at the Mark Masons' Hall , Great Queen Street , and Avas admirably performed by Ex . Comp . Edward Letchworth , G . S . E ., assisted by E . Comps .
J . Leach Barrett , P . G . Swd . Br . as H . ; the Rev . Canon Brownrigg , G . Supt . Bucks as J . ; the Rev . H . W . Turner , P . G . S . N . as Scribe N . ; and J . H . Matthews , P . G . D . C , as D . C At the conclusion of the consecration ceremony , Comp . C . S . Burdon , Avho is the present W . M . of the Army and Navy
CO . Ml' . C . S . HURDOX . Lodge , Avas installed M . E . Z . b y the Rev . Canon Brownrigg , "Comp . E . G . Farley , I . P . M . of the lodge , in the chair of H ., by Ex . Comp . J . Leach Barrett , P . G . S . B ., and Comp . C . H . Ferryman , P . P . G . P . S . Surrey , into the chair of J . by Comp .
the Rev . Canon Brownrigg . The names of 13 brethren were proposed for exaltation . The consecrating principal and officers were unanimously elected Honorary Members , for Avhich honour Ex . Comp . Letchworth expressed the thanks of the founders . At the banquet which followed the usual loyal and Masonic
toasts were duly honoured . In proposing ( lie toast of " The Consecrating Officers , ' ' the M . E . Z . regretted the unavoidable absence from their festive board of Ex . Comps . Letchworth and Matthews , whose many engagements had t ; ken them elsewhere . They were all ,
however , very glad that they had the Rev . Canon BroAvniigg , as somehow they were accustomed to look upon him as belonging to the armv , his hither having been one of their distinguished generals . Comp . the Rev . H . W . Turner was one of those Masons AVIIO did a lot of good Masonic work in a quiet Avay . Comp . Leach Barrett Avorked hard and Avell in the
Royal Arch , and he Avas glad to have had him present as one of the Consecrating Officers , as he had assisted at his ( the M . E . Z . ' s ) exaltation . Comp . the Rev . Canon Brownrigg , replying , could speak with pleasure of the great satisfaction it had given them to
consecrate a chapter connected Avith such a successful lodge . He had recently increased his connection with the Army by accepting the position of Chaplain to the 3 rd Middlesex Artillery , he had been a captain of volunteers in his old University days , and had much , experience among real
soldiers . He Avould now present to the companions the important toast of "The Principals of Ihe Chapter . " He had no misgivings that they had that night placed in the three chairs Masons fully qualified for their important duties , that in years to come members Avould be able to look back with gratitude and satisfaction to those AVIIO had guarded the chapter in iis early years . He trusted to see many of those present occupying the chairs of the Principals .
Ihe M . E . Z ., Comp . Burdon , in reply , appreciated the encouraging remarks of the Rev . Companion , and was glad to find the Avork of the Army and Navy Lodge had met with approval . They intended to do their Avork , and if each principal and officer did his duty as a soldier should thev would be sure to . attract brethren from one . or . other of the
services . For his own part he promised to do his best , and Avas confident of the support of his officers . Comps . H . and J . responded , and the toast of "The Visitors" followed , to which Comps . James Mander , P . Z . 18 3 , and W . O . Wclsford , P . Z . 1321 , responded .
Comp . J . Mander expressed his pride and satisfaction at seeing the M . E . Z . and H . in their proud positions as he had exalted them both into Royal Arch Masonry , and was confident they would do him credit .
Comp . \\ . O . \\ elsford thanked the companions for the heartiness of the toast . He had thought , . until that night , that he could claim some connection with the Army , having served in four regiments of volunteers in different counties , but after the remarks of the Rev . Canon , about real soldiers , he should be inclined to doubt the justice of his
claim except for the fact that history has it on record that the volunteers have , in the Tr ; insva ; il , vindicated their right to be considered soldiers and worthy comrades in arms with the regular forces . He did not doubt the success of the chapter if they but brought their training as military and
naval men to bear upon their Masonic duties . The M . E . Z . proposed the toast of "The Officers , " to which Comp . Hooker , P . Z ., Treasurer , and Comp . H . Bladon suitably responded . The Janitor ' s toast closed an enjoyable evening .