Article Consecration of the United Service Royal Ark Mariners Lodge, No. 489. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Lod ge L 'Entente Cordiale , No. 2796. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Consecration Of The United Service Royal Ark Mariners Lodge, No. 489.
the lodge , do not let us despair . Let it rather be an incitement to us to work more earnestly and to rely on that strength which alone can come from the S . G . C . of T . U ., Avho has promised in his covenant , with his servant N ., " Mv kindness shall not depart from thee , neither shall the covenant of My peace be removed , saitb the Lord that hath
mercy on thee . " "And , lastly , beauty"' Beauty Avas lent to nature as the type Of Heaven ' s unspeakable and holy joy , Where all perfection makes the sun of bliss . '"
" So says the poet , and man instinctively 'admires what is beautiful . As he gazes on the Avonderful Avorks of nature as ordered by the Almighty , or those marvellous masterpieces of sculpture and art to be seen in the monuments of the past , or the skill and ability displayed by those amongst Avhom he
lives in his own day , he can only say , Avith the prophets ot old , " Oh Lord , IIOAV manifold are Thy works , in wisdom hast Thou made them all , " for none of them could have existed but through Him who inspired the brain to conceive and the hand to execute them . But the beauty which is to be striven after is that excellence of life and conduct Avhich Avill still
exist Avhen all these shall have passed away . It is only thus that Ave may hope to attain to that perfect happiness which the S . G . C . of H . and E . reserves for those who have tried earnestly to obey Him . Let us remember that Ave ought to be better men and better citizens , simply because Ave are
Masons , and therefore endeavour , to the utmost of our power , to make a practical use of the symbolic teaching Ave received , so that hereafter Ave may gain the approval of the S . G . C . of T . U . and finally be safely brought to the haven of everlasting rest . "
Lod Ge L 'Entente Cordiale , No. 2796.
Lodge L'Entente Cordiale , No . 2796 .
Lodge L'Entente Cordiale , which is composed of French residents in London , held a successful installation meeting at the Cafe Royal on the 2 nd December , the retiring Master being Bro . E . Roehrich , D . G . D . of C .
The officers for the year were duly appointed and invested . The W . M . announced his intention of serving as a Steward at the next Festival of the Boys' School , and the I . P . M . made a
similar announcement with regard to the R . M . B . Institution . The lodge at once voted a sum of ten guineas as its contribution to each of the Stewards' lists . A banquet followed .
The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly proposed and responded to , that of '' The Visitors" being acknowledged by the W . Master of the Old Masonians Lodge , which is composed
of the Old Boys of the Masonic School , and by Bro . H . C Richards , K . C , ALP ., in a telling little speech , which he gave in French , and which A \ 'as all the more appreciated as coming from a member of the English Parliament . - ± ¦ - )
WmFA < Ss fit . NI 1 , , sLJ
THE STEREOSCOPIC ; ! M' 1 B 1 niu < V ' ' ^ G ^ "era ) ^ ii ! <> n . mpM ( „ , « nut .. zcrW s <> o COMPANV S ,, I ) itlo ( ii . *™) s 15 0 PRISMATIC FIELD 10 DiUl ) ( Zeiss ) n o o 1-KIS . IWAI H , ntLU . (/( , iss ) ,, „ „ GLASSES . 12 ™ U > ( Oner / . ) 10 0 rt
THE STEREOSCOPIC COMPANY , 106 & 108 , Regent Street , W . and 54 , Cheapside , E . C
. . . 0 ^ I ^ E — j = ^ - t - J E-a ^ lr | l ^ = * .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Consecration Of The United Service Royal Ark Mariners Lodge, No. 489.
the lodge , do not let us despair . Let it rather be an incitement to us to work more earnestly and to rely on that strength which alone can come from the S . G . C . of T . U ., Avho has promised in his covenant , with his servant N ., " Mv kindness shall not depart from thee , neither shall the covenant of My peace be removed , saitb the Lord that hath
mercy on thee . " "And , lastly , beauty"' Beauty Avas lent to nature as the type Of Heaven ' s unspeakable and holy joy , Where all perfection makes the sun of bliss . '"
" So says the poet , and man instinctively 'admires what is beautiful . As he gazes on the Avonderful Avorks of nature as ordered by the Almighty , or those marvellous masterpieces of sculpture and art to be seen in the monuments of the past , or the skill and ability displayed by those amongst Avhom he
lives in his own day , he can only say , Avith the prophets ot old , " Oh Lord , IIOAV manifold are Thy works , in wisdom hast Thou made them all , " for none of them could have existed but through Him who inspired the brain to conceive and the hand to execute them . But the beauty which is to be striven after is that excellence of life and conduct Avhich Avill still
exist Avhen all these shall have passed away . It is only thus that Ave may hope to attain to that perfect happiness which the S . G . C . of H . and E . reserves for those who have tried earnestly to obey Him . Let us remember that Ave ought to be better men and better citizens , simply because Ave are
Masons , and therefore endeavour , to the utmost of our power , to make a practical use of the symbolic teaching Ave received , so that hereafter Ave may gain the approval of the S . G . C . of T . U . and finally be safely brought to the haven of everlasting rest . "
Lod Ge L 'Entente Cordiale , No. 2796.
Lodge L'Entente Cordiale , No . 2796 .
Lodge L'Entente Cordiale , which is composed of French residents in London , held a successful installation meeting at the Cafe Royal on the 2 nd December , the retiring Master being Bro . E . Roehrich , D . G . D . of C .
The officers for the year were duly appointed and invested . The W . M . announced his intention of serving as a Steward at the next Festival of the Boys' School , and the I . P . M . made a
similar announcement with regard to the R . M . B . Institution . The lodge at once voted a sum of ten guineas as its contribution to each of the Stewards' lists . A banquet followed .
The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly proposed and responded to , that of '' The Visitors" being acknowledged by the W . Master of the Old Masonians Lodge , which is composed
of the Old Boys of the Masonic School , and by Bro . H . C Richards , K . C , ALP ., in a telling little speech , which he gave in French , and which A \ 'as all the more appreciated as coming from a member of the English Parliament . - ± ¦ - )
WmFA < Ss fit . NI 1 , , sLJ
THE STEREOSCOPIC ; ! M' 1 B 1 niu < V ' ' ^ G ^ "era ) ^ ii ! <> n . mpM ( „ , « nut .. zcrW s <> o COMPANV S ,, I ) itlo ( ii . *™) s 15 0 PRISMATIC FIELD 10 DiUl ) ( Zeiss ) n o o 1-KIS . IWAI H , ntLU . (/( , iss ) ,, „ „ GLASSES . 12 ™ U > ( Oner / . ) 10 0 rt
THE STEREOSCOPIC COMPANY , 106 & 108 , Regent Street , W . and 54 , Cheapside , E . C
. . . 0 ^ I ^ E — j = ^ - t - J E-a ^ lr | l ^ = * .