Article Provincial Grand Chapter of Gloucestershire. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Provincial Grand Chapter Of Gloucestershire.
Provincial Grand Chapter of Gloucestershire .
fTM-IE Annual Provincial Grand Royal Arch Chapter of I Gloucestershire was held at the Masonic Hall , Cheltenham , on December 22 nd , the Provincial Grand Z ., Sir Michael Hicks Beach , presiding . The usual business was
transacted , which included the presentation of the financial statement and the appointment of the officers for the ensuing year . Both in the Chapter and subsequently at the banquet table the opportunity was taken to offer congratulations to the Grand Superintendent upon his elevation to the peerage . Companion Winterbotham , in moving that a formal entry be
COM . . Sll ! MH _ .-A-. _ - HICKS lU . ACII , liAIIT ., wno HAS ItlOl'KN ' rrA- HKEX KI . KVATED TO THE I'I . l . lfACI .. made upon the minutes of the Provincial Grand Chapter , remarked to the effect that that was the last occasion on which a Sir Michael Hicks Beach would preside over them ,
and that was a fact which among Gloucestershire Masons called for some record , and after the long connection of that honoured name with Freemasonry in the Province . But though the name of their future ruler was unknown to them , they knew that his personality would be the same , and they looked forward to a long continuance of the existing loyal
and cordial relationship between them . They were debarred by the principles of their Order from introducing at their gatherings subjects of " relig ious or political discussion , " but where there was unanimity there could not be discussion , and though the distinction upon which they congratulated Sir
Michael had been won in the political arena , there was not a Mason nor a man in Gloucestershire , nay , there was not aman in England , who would not agree that the honour conferred upon Sir Michael had been earned by his long and patriotic service to the State , and who would not be glad
that through the honour which had been bestowed upon him by the King , he could continue that service in the calmer atmosphere of the House of Lords . Through all the stress . of his life as a politician and statesman Sir Michael had never forgotten the claims of his Province , and they hoped
that in his higher but less onerous position they might look for a continuance of his fidelity to Masonry . Companion Winterbotham concluded by moving his resolution in the following terms , viz . : — " That the Companions of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Gloucestershire desire to offer to the E . Superintendent , the Right Hon . Sir M . E . Hicks Beach ,
Bart ., M . P ., their most hearty congratulations upon the high honour conferred upon him by his Majesty the King , and to express their earnest hope that he may long be spared to continue in the House of Lords the distinguished services which he had for so many years rendered to his country in thc House of Commons . "
Companion the Baron de herneres claimed the privilege of seconding the resolution , and did so in equally cordial terms . It having been as cordially adopted by the Chapter . Sir Michael Hicks Beach said it was very pleasant to him to be thus congratulated by his brethren , and his pleasure
had been added to by the fact that two such old friends as Comps . Winterbotham and the Baron de Ferrieres had introduced the resolution and spoken so kindly of him . They would accept it from him that even the honour he had accepted at the hands of His Majesty the King was associated with some elements of pain . He bad , for instance , hardly appreciated that he must part with his old name and find a new name for himself . He had had no idea that the task
was so delicate a one , and he thought that they had some cause for thankfulness that under ordinary circumstances it was a task which their godfathers and godmothers undertook for them . Whatever name he might be known by , and whatever the future might have in store for him , they might rest assured , however , that he would never lose his
attachment to the county with which his family had been for so long associated , and that it would always be a pleasure to him to come among his brethren in Gloucestershire , with whom he had spent so many happy hours of relief from the cares and anxieties of those more public avocations to which the proposer and seconder had so generously referred . After this brief interlude the ordinary business routine was resumed and concluded .
IMPROVEMENT( FOUNDED 1823 ) . Held under the sanction of the Lodge of Unions , No . 256 Committee—V . W . lira . SIK EDWARD LETCHWORTH , F . S . A ., Grand Secretary ( Treasurer ) . W . Bro . U . CI . AY SUDLOW , P . A . G . D . C , P . P . G . D . Kent . W . Hro . R . E . F . LANDER , P . M . 2086 , P . P . G . W . Herts . W . Bro . GEORGE RANKIN , P . M . Kirhv Lodge 2818 . W . Bro . T . W . ALLSOP , P . M . NS , P . P . G . D . C . Bucks ( Secretary ) , 49 , Madelcy Road , Ealiny , W .
THE & . _ WT mrU __*_* . SL . FESTIVAL
Evening , FEBRUARY 23 rd , 1906
The V . W . Bro . The Rev . H . W . TURNER , MA ., P . G . Chap ., C . Supt . lor Surrey , has kindly consented to preside . The Work will lie the Second Lecture , the First Section by Bro . R . K . PKICE , the Second Section by Bro . W . R . BKNXKTT , the Third Section by Bro . L . H . Die AM . Urethral arc rciptcste . i lo be in their places before Ihe opening
Bro . S . CllALKLl - Y , the Fourth Section by Bro . J . H . J .. AICS , the Filth Section by of the Lodge , at 6 p . m . precisely . W . Bro . EI . WAI . I . CDTLKR , K . C , P . G . O ., will give an Orjjan Recital as the
Brethren assemble
Tickets for the Temple 2 - each , and for the Dinner at 4 6 per head , exclusive of wine , may obtained from the Stewards or from the Secretary Bro . T . W . ALLSOP , 49 , Madeley Road , EalinK , W . MASTER MASONS ONLY ARE ELIGIBLE FOR ADMISSION TO THE LODGE . EVENING DRESS OPTIONAL .
. I . jj - . . be _____________________^_____ M ________________________________________________________________^ 0
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Provincial Grand Chapter Of Gloucestershire.
Provincial Grand Chapter of Gloucestershire .
fTM-IE Annual Provincial Grand Royal Arch Chapter of I Gloucestershire was held at the Masonic Hall , Cheltenham , on December 22 nd , the Provincial Grand Z ., Sir Michael Hicks Beach , presiding . The usual business was
transacted , which included the presentation of the financial statement and the appointment of the officers for the ensuing year . Both in the Chapter and subsequently at the banquet table the opportunity was taken to offer congratulations to the Grand Superintendent upon his elevation to the peerage . Companion Winterbotham , in moving that a formal entry be
COM . . Sll ! MH _ .-A-. _ - HICKS lU . ACII , liAIIT ., wno HAS ItlOl'KN ' rrA- HKEX KI . KVATED TO THE I'I . l . lfACI .. made upon the minutes of the Provincial Grand Chapter , remarked to the effect that that was the last occasion on which a Sir Michael Hicks Beach would preside over them ,
and that was a fact which among Gloucestershire Masons called for some record , and after the long connection of that honoured name with Freemasonry in the Province . But though the name of their future ruler was unknown to them , they knew that his personality would be the same , and they looked forward to a long continuance of the existing loyal
and cordial relationship between them . They were debarred by the principles of their Order from introducing at their gatherings subjects of " relig ious or political discussion , " but where there was unanimity there could not be discussion , and though the distinction upon which they congratulated Sir
Michael had been won in the political arena , there was not a Mason nor a man in Gloucestershire , nay , there was not aman in England , who would not agree that the honour conferred upon Sir Michael had been earned by his long and patriotic service to the State , and who would not be glad
that through the honour which had been bestowed upon him by the King , he could continue that service in the calmer atmosphere of the House of Lords . Through all the stress . of his life as a politician and statesman Sir Michael had never forgotten the claims of his Province , and they hoped
that in his higher but less onerous position they might look for a continuance of his fidelity to Masonry . Companion Winterbotham concluded by moving his resolution in the following terms , viz . : — " That the Companions of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Gloucestershire desire to offer to the E . Superintendent , the Right Hon . Sir M . E . Hicks Beach ,
Bart ., M . P ., their most hearty congratulations upon the high honour conferred upon him by his Majesty the King , and to express their earnest hope that he may long be spared to continue in the House of Lords the distinguished services which he had for so many years rendered to his country in thc House of Commons . "
Companion the Baron de herneres claimed the privilege of seconding the resolution , and did so in equally cordial terms . It having been as cordially adopted by the Chapter . Sir Michael Hicks Beach said it was very pleasant to him to be thus congratulated by his brethren , and his pleasure
had been added to by the fact that two such old friends as Comps . Winterbotham and the Baron de Ferrieres had introduced the resolution and spoken so kindly of him . They would accept it from him that even the honour he had accepted at the hands of His Majesty the King was associated with some elements of pain . He bad , for instance , hardly appreciated that he must part with his old name and find a new name for himself . He had had no idea that the task
was so delicate a one , and he thought that they had some cause for thankfulness that under ordinary circumstances it was a task which their godfathers and godmothers undertook for them . Whatever name he might be known by , and whatever the future might have in store for him , they might rest assured , however , that he would never lose his
attachment to the county with which his family had been for so long associated , and that it would always be a pleasure to him to come among his brethren in Gloucestershire , with whom he had spent so many happy hours of relief from the cares and anxieties of those more public avocations to which the proposer and seconder had so generously referred . After this brief interlude the ordinary business routine was resumed and concluded .
IMPROVEMENT( FOUNDED 1823 ) . Held under the sanction of the Lodge of Unions , No . 256 Committee—V . W . lira . SIK EDWARD LETCHWORTH , F . S . A ., Grand Secretary ( Treasurer ) . W . Bro . U . CI . AY SUDLOW , P . A . G . D . C , P . P . G . D . Kent . W . Hro . R . E . F . LANDER , P . M . 2086 , P . P . G . W . Herts . W . Bro . GEORGE RANKIN , P . M . Kirhv Lodge 2818 . W . Bro . T . W . ALLSOP , P . M . NS , P . P . G . D . C . Bucks ( Secretary ) , 49 , Madelcy Road , Ealiny , W .
THE & . _ WT mrU __*_* . SL . FESTIVAL
Evening , FEBRUARY 23 rd , 1906
The V . W . Bro . The Rev . H . W . TURNER , MA ., P . G . Chap ., C . Supt . lor Surrey , has kindly consented to preside . The Work will lie the Second Lecture , the First Section by Bro . R . K . PKICE , the Second Section by Bro . W . R . BKNXKTT , the Third Section by Bro . L . H . Die AM . Urethral arc rciptcste . i lo be in their places before Ihe opening
Bro . S . CllALKLl - Y , the Fourth Section by Bro . J . H . J .. AICS , the Filth Section by of the Lodge , at 6 p . m . precisely . W . Bro . EI . WAI . I . CDTLKR , K . C , P . G . O ., will give an Orjjan Recital as the
Brethren assemble
Tickets for the Temple 2 - each , and for the Dinner at 4 6 per head , exclusive of wine , may obtained from the Stewards or from the Secretary Bro . T . W . ALLSOP , 49 , Madeley Road , EalinK , W . MASTER MASONS ONLY ARE ELIGIBLE FOR ADMISSION TO THE LODGE . EVENING DRESS OPTIONAL .
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