Article The Holden Lodge, No. 2946. ← Page 2 of 2 Article The Order of the Red Cross of Rome and Constantine. Page 1 of 1
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The Holden Lodge, No. 2946.
In proposing the Officers the W . M . was sure the I . P . M . estimated at its real value the jewel they had presented to him . It represented their esteem and regard , and he was voicing the lodge in speaking of his work . While the W . M . was in the limelight the Secretary was doing the work . In
Bro . Jordan they had one of whom they were fond and who had their affection . He said on behalf of the lodge " more power to the Secretary . " In speaking of the other Officers
he was not disinterested , for what could they do without good officers . The I . P . M . in reply said it was arduous work climbing the Masonic heights , but when on top you felt you were toppling over . Well , he had now done so . He thanked them for the kindness shown him during his year . The Tyler ' s toast closed the proceedings .
The Order Of The Red Cross Of Rome And Constantine.
The Order of the Red Cross of Rome and Constantine .
AMER an interval of twenty years quiescence , the De-la-Pole Conclave , No . 132 , Hull , has recently been revived by the accession of over a score of candidates and joining members who , with the few remaining old members , have heartily combined lo re-establish the Conclave . As the above are good citizens and Masons , connected with
a town possessing between 600 and 700 members of the Craft , there is every probability that the Order in Hull will achieve the success and prosperity we earnestly desire may reward their labours . The Order of the Red Cross of Rome and Constantine is
supposed to be the oldest institution of Christum knighthood . It was instituted by Constantine , the great Roman Emperor , after the battle of Saxa Rubra , on the 28 th October , 312 when he knighted the chiefs of the Christian legion and commanded them to wear the form of the cross , he is said to have seen in the heavens , upon their shields with the
motto —/// hoc signo finces , round it . He became the sovereign patron of the Order , and appointed the Christian warriors his body-guard , with Eusebius , Bishop of Nicomedia second in command . Although the Order flourished after the death of Constantine , it appears to have commanded
little attention until the year 1190 , when it was revived h y his lineal descendant , the Emperor Isaac Angelus Comneuus , in whose family the Grand Mastership was vested until 16 99 , in which year one of his descendants transferred his hereditary rights to the Duke of Parma . Among the grand
cross officers of the Order was Abbe Giuistiniani , attached to the Venetian embassy in London , to whom , it is thought , we are indebted for the existence of the Order in England , where , in the 18 th century , men of rank in society and eminence in Masonry became enrolled as members . In 179 6 , Lord Raincliffe , Grand Master of the Templars , was
also Grand Sovereign of the Red Cross . He was succeeded , in 1804 , by Sir W . R . Wright , a personal friend of the Duke of Sussex , who joined the Order in 1813 , at Freemasons ' Tavern , and was elected Grand Sovereign of the Red Cross for and during his natural life . From 1813 to 18 43 the Duke
of Sussex was also Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England . For some years the Red Cross suffered partial eclipse , but from the year 186 5 the Order , founded on the principles of faith , unit y and zeal , has enjoyed uninterrupted progress .
By especial authority of the Grand Council , a preliminary meeting to inaugurate the De-la-Pole Conclave was held at Hull on the 26 th November , 1875 . Bro . C . F . Matier presided , and was supported by Bros , the Hon . W . T . Orde-Powlett ( now Lord Bolton ) , S . B . Ellis and Midgtey . Eight candidates were installed , viz ., H . Preston , R . Boggett , T .
Thompson , J . R . Ausdell , T . Cook , W . H . Wellsted , J . R . Robinson and T . Wells . The following year the Conclave was dedicated at the De-la-Pole Lodge , 25 , Charlotte Street , Hull , on the 27 th Nov . ( the warrant being dated 26 th Nov ., 18 76 , ) b y Bro . W . H . Brittain , Int . Gen . West Yorks , assisted
b y Bros . J . W . Woodall , - S . B . Ellis , W . Roddewigg , Joseph Binney , G . W . Hawksley , H . J . Garnett , A . Seargill , and T . Collison . Bro . the Hon . Orde-Powlett was enthroned M . P . S ., and Bro . H . Preston consecrated V . E . Bro . J . W . Woodall announced that he had retired from the office of Int . Gen .
of N . and E . Yorks in favour of the Hon . Orde-Powlett , to whom he then handed the patent of office . A sanctuary of the H . S . and commanclary of St . John were opened and nine
candidates admitted . When the Conclave met on the 8 th March , 1877 , an interesting telegram from Freemasons ' Hall , London , was received by the M . P . S . as follows" Lord Zetland is Grand Viceroy , yourself Grand Senior General , both name ? received with enthusiasm . When the knights assemble congratulate the M . P . S . on his election ,
R . W . White , Grand Recorder . " One of the by-laws suggests a commendable attempt to enforce punctuality , viz ., " If within twenty minutes after the hour mentioned in the summons , a sufficient number of Kt . Comps . to form a Conclave be not present , the names of the Kt . Comps . present ,
having been entered in the usual attendance book , they shrill be at liberty to depart , a record of the circumstances being made in the minute book . " Unfortunately , on more than one occasion , it was found to be necessary to act upon this by-law , but usually there was a good muster at thc next
meeting . In the minute book there is little that calls for special notice , the entries mainly recording the usual routine . Fortv-onc meetings were held , with an average attendance of nine members . Nine candidates who were proposed and accepted , do not appear to have attended for installation . One tihrase— " a Lodge of Sorrow "—well known to older
Masons but seldom used to-day , appears 111 a notice issued on the 6 th January , 1885— "In consequence of the sudden death of Bro . W . Banks , M . D ., P . M ., and the holding of a Lodge of Sorrow at the Humber Lodge , the meeting of the sanctuary , called for 7 . 30 , will not be held till 9 p . m . " During the ten years of its active existence thc Conclave was
greatly indebted to Bros . R . Boggett and Thomas Thompson . The former died just when his services seemed to be most necessary , but the latter who twice held the office of M . P . S ., is still an enthusiastic Mason , and last month was once again elected chief of ( he Conclave for ( he ensuing year . At the same meeting Bros . Dr . A . T . Brand and Major J .
Campbell-Thompson were received as joining members , and the following candidates were also elected , all in attendance being duly installed , viz ., Bros . P . J . Drasdo , H . J . Fenner , W . G . Fenner , { . Wildbore , Harry Davis , Walter Brown , W . D . Lyon , J . F . Hunt . H . Colbeck , R . R . Hawlcy , W . H .
Simpson , Capt . R . Saunders , R . A ., J . E . Wallis , A . Ashford Dunn , W . R . Groves , E . Grubv , G . Leigh , Dr . W . A . Bryant , Dr . H . J . Clarendon-Godfrey , J . Barclay , and H . Christian . Bro . E . Fox-Thomas , Int . Gen . N . and E . Yorks , was elected an Hon . Member . Several members of the Eboracnm
Conclave , \ o . 137 , York , assisted in the ceremonies . Letters expressing hearty good wishes for renewed prosperity were received from Bros . Lord Bolton , T . B . Whytehead , W . H . Brittain , Joseph Binney , Col . W . H . Wellsted , J . L . Atherton , J . E . Fawcett , Dr . A . W . H . Walker , and S . Sutton . - A Divisional Grand Conclave was also held , after which
the brethren dined together , when appropriate speeches were delivered by Bros . E . Fox-Thomas , Harry Davis , Dr . W . A . Bryant , W . H . Simpson , E . Leigh , W . R . Groves , Capt . R . Saunders , A . Ashford Dunn , James Smith , W . N . Cheesman , W . Squires , Major J . A . C . Gibbs , cX _ c , special mention being
made of the services rendered b y Bro . A . Ashford Dunn , Recorder . True sympathy wi ' . h Bro . T . Thompson , M . P . S ., in his sudden bereavement , was feelingly expressed . Since the meeting the Recorder has received the names of other brethren who wish to join the Order , and ( here is every indication that the De-la-Pole will rank among the strongest and most prosperous of Conclaves .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Holden Lodge, No. 2946.
In proposing the Officers the W . M . was sure the I . P . M . estimated at its real value the jewel they had presented to him . It represented their esteem and regard , and he was voicing the lodge in speaking of his work . While the W . M . was in the limelight the Secretary was doing the work . In
Bro . Jordan they had one of whom they were fond and who had their affection . He said on behalf of the lodge " more power to the Secretary . " In speaking of the other Officers
he was not disinterested , for what could they do without good officers . The I . P . M . in reply said it was arduous work climbing the Masonic heights , but when on top you felt you were toppling over . Well , he had now done so . He thanked them for the kindness shown him during his year . The Tyler ' s toast closed the proceedings .
The Order Of The Red Cross Of Rome And Constantine.
The Order of the Red Cross of Rome and Constantine .
AMER an interval of twenty years quiescence , the De-la-Pole Conclave , No . 132 , Hull , has recently been revived by the accession of over a score of candidates and joining members who , with the few remaining old members , have heartily combined lo re-establish the Conclave . As the above are good citizens and Masons , connected with
a town possessing between 600 and 700 members of the Craft , there is every probability that the Order in Hull will achieve the success and prosperity we earnestly desire may reward their labours . The Order of the Red Cross of Rome and Constantine is
supposed to be the oldest institution of Christum knighthood . It was instituted by Constantine , the great Roman Emperor , after the battle of Saxa Rubra , on the 28 th October , 312 when he knighted the chiefs of the Christian legion and commanded them to wear the form of the cross , he is said to have seen in the heavens , upon their shields with the
motto —/// hoc signo finces , round it . He became the sovereign patron of the Order , and appointed the Christian warriors his body-guard , with Eusebius , Bishop of Nicomedia second in command . Although the Order flourished after the death of Constantine , it appears to have commanded
little attention until the year 1190 , when it was revived h y his lineal descendant , the Emperor Isaac Angelus Comneuus , in whose family the Grand Mastership was vested until 16 99 , in which year one of his descendants transferred his hereditary rights to the Duke of Parma . Among the grand
cross officers of the Order was Abbe Giuistiniani , attached to the Venetian embassy in London , to whom , it is thought , we are indebted for the existence of the Order in England , where , in the 18 th century , men of rank in society and eminence in Masonry became enrolled as members . In 179 6 , Lord Raincliffe , Grand Master of the Templars , was
also Grand Sovereign of the Red Cross . He was succeeded , in 1804 , by Sir W . R . Wright , a personal friend of the Duke of Sussex , who joined the Order in 1813 , at Freemasons ' Tavern , and was elected Grand Sovereign of the Red Cross for and during his natural life . From 1813 to 18 43 the Duke
of Sussex was also Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England . For some years the Red Cross suffered partial eclipse , but from the year 186 5 the Order , founded on the principles of faith , unit y and zeal , has enjoyed uninterrupted progress .
By especial authority of the Grand Council , a preliminary meeting to inaugurate the De-la-Pole Conclave was held at Hull on the 26 th November , 1875 . Bro . C . F . Matier presided , and was supported by Bros , the Hon . W . T . Orde-Powlett ( now Lord Bolton ) , S . B . Ellis and Midgtey . Eight candidates were installed , viz ., H . Preston , R . Boggett , T .
Thompson , J . R . Ausdell , T . Cook , W . H . Wellsted , J . R . Robinson and T . Wells . The following year the Conclave was dedicated at the De-la-Pole Lodge , 25 , Charlotte Street , Hull , on the 27 th Nov . ( the warrant being dated 26 th Nov ., 18 76 , ) b y Bro . W . H . Brittain , Int . Gen . West Yorks , assisted
b y Bros . J . W . Woodall , - S . B . Ellis , W . Roddewigg , Joseph Binney , G . W . Hawksley , H . J . Garnett , A . Seargill , and T . Collison . Bro . the Hon . Orde-Powlett was enthroned M . P . S ., and Bro . H . Preston consecrated V . E . Bro . J . W . Woodall announced that he had retired from the office of Int . Gen .
of N . and E . Yorks in favour of the Hon . Orde-Powlett , to whom he then handed the patent of office . A sanctuary of the H . S . and commanclary of St . John were opened and nine
candidates admitted . When the Conclave met on the 8 th March , 1877 , an interesting telegram from Freemasons ' Hall , London , was received by the M . P . S . as follows" Lord Zetland is Grand Viceroy , yourself Grand Senior General , both name ? received with enthusiasm . When the knights assemble congratulate the M . P . S . on his election ,
R . W . White , Grand Recorder . " One of the by-laws suggests a commendable attempt to enforce punctuality , viz ., " If within twenty minutes after the hour mentioned in the summons , a sufficient number of Kt . Comps . to form a Conclave be not present , the names of the Kt . Comps . present ,
having been entered in the usual attendance book , they shrill be at liberty to depart , a record of the circumstances being made in the minute book . " Unfortunately , on more than one occasion , it was found to be necessary to act upon this by-law , but usually there was a good muster at thc next
meeting . In the minute book there is little that calls for special notice , the entries mainly recording the usual routine . Fortv-onc meetings were held , with an average attendance of nine members . Nine candidates who were proposed and accepted , do not appear to have attended for installation . One tihrase— " a Lodge of Sorrow "—well known to older
Masons but seldom used to-day , appears 111 a notice issued on the 6 th January , 1885— "In consequence of the sudden death of Bro . W . Banks , M . D ., P . M ., and the holding of a Lodge of Sorrow at the Humber Lodge , the meeting of the sanctuary , called for 7 . 30 , will not be held till 9 p . m . " During the ten years of its active existence thc Conclave was
greatly indebted to Bros . R . Boggett and Thomas Thompson . The former died just when his services seemed to be most necessary , but the latter who twice held the office of M . P . S ., is still an enthusiastic Mason , and last month was once again elected chief of ( he Conclave for ( he ensuing year . At the same meeting Bros . Dr . A . T . Brand and Major J .
Campbell-Thompson were received as joining members , and the following candidates were also elected , all in attendance being duly installed , viz ., Bros . P . J . Drasdo , H . J . Fenner , W . G . Fenner , { . Wildbore , Harry Davis , Walter Brown , W . D . Lyon , J . F . Hunt . H . Colbeck , R . R . Hawlcy , W . H .
Simpson , Capt . R . Saunders , R . A ., J . E . Wallis , A . Ashford Dunn , W . R . Groves , E . Grubv , G . Leigh , Dr . W . A . Bryant , Dr . H . J . Clarendon-Godfrey , J . Barclay , and H . Christian . Bro . E . Fox-Thomas , Int . Gen . N . and E . Yorks , was elected an Hon . Member . Several members of the Eboracnm
Conclave , \ o . 137 , York , assisted in the ceremonies . Letters expressing hearty good wishes for renewed prosperity were received from Bros . Lord Bolton , T . B . Whytehead , W . H . Brittain , Joseph Binney , Col . W . H . Wellsted , J . L . Atherton , J . E . Fawcett , Dr . A . W . H . Walker , and S . Sutton . - A Divisional Grand Conclave was also held , after which
the brethren dined together , when appropriate speeches were delivered by Bros . E . Fox-Thomas , Harry Davis , Dr . W . A . Bryant , W . H . Simpson , E . Leigh , W . R . Groves , Capt . R . Saunders , A . Ashford Dunn , James Smith , W . N . Cheesman , W . Squires , Major J . A . C . Gibbs , cX _ c , special mention being
made of the services rendered b y Bro . A . Ashford Dunn , Recorder . True sympathy wi ' . h Bro . T . Thompson , M . P . S ., in his sudden bereavement , was feelingly expressed . Since the meeting the Recorder has received the names of other brethren who wish to join the Order , and ( here is every indication that the De-la-Pole will rank among the strongest and most prosperous of Conclaves .