Article Freemasonry in the West Indies. Page 1 of 1 Article Lodge of Edinburgh (Mary's Chapel), No. 1. Page 1 of 1
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Freemasonry In The West Indies.
Freemasonry in the West Indies .
AMONG the few Colonial lodges on the roll of the Grand Lodge of England—now less than a dozen—dating their origin so far back as the 18 th century , two will be found in the West Indies , viz ., the Albion , No . 196 , at Barbados , which was constituted in 1790 , and the Atlantic Phoenix , No . 224 at Bermuda . These islands can , thereforelay
, , claim to an ancient and honourable connection with the Craft continuing to the present day , no less than thirty-three lodges being now in active working . Among these the Albion Lodge , at Barbados , occupies a deservedly high position . We "" are indebted to Bro . R . J . Clinckett , the D . G . Sec . of Barbados , for the particulars of an interesting meeting which
was held under the auspices of that lodge on the 17 th December , at which the District Grand Master , R . W . Bro . John Locke , presided , and which was attended by a large number of brethren of the three lodges in the island , including the Lord Bishop of the Diocese ; Commander John Cheyne , P . M . ; the Hon . Ralph Williams , Colonial Secretary ; the Hon . W . H . Grennes , Attorney General ; and others .
The D . G . Master , in opening the proceedings , stated that the District Grand Lodge had been called for the purpose of presenting an address to Bro . His Excellency Sir James Shaw Hay , K . C . M . G ., District Grand Senior Warden , on his retirement from the Governorship of the Island of Barbados , and in eloquent terms referred to the interest which His
Excellency had taken in the work of the Craft in the island , which , shortly after his arrival , had shown marked signs of revival , his frequent visits to the lodges stimulating and encouraging them in their work . The address was as follows : — DEAK SIIJ AXI ) BKOTHKK
, It is with regret that we learn of your impending departure after a sojourn amongst us of nearly ten years . From the time of your arrival in Barbados to assume the Governorship you have distinctly associated yourself with Freemasonry and furthered its interests by every means in your power , while you have ever shown
that you value its great and inestimable principles , involving reverence to the Great Architect of the [' inverse , honourable dealings with mankind , particularly among brother Masons , and also exemplifying bv constant practice one ol" ( he noblest of Masonic virtues that of Charity . Your frequent presence in the several lodges has always afforded us much pleasure , due to the kindly and fraternal manner you have invariably exhibited , which we feel sure has inspired every member of the Craft
with sincere feelings of respect and esteem . We understand that , while resigning ( he Governorship of the colony , you are also retiring from public life , and we tender our best and heartv wishes that you may be long spared in health and strength to enjoy the leisure to which so many years ol" active life in the service of the Imperial Government so worthily entitles you . We shall be glad if you will convey to Lady Hay the great admiration
and esteem in which she is held by the Masonic body in connection with her many deeds ol" kindness and charity towards the distressed and needy in the hour of their affliction during the years that are past . Our trust is that the Great Architect of the Universe will ever have you in his keeping . We are , dear Sir and Brother , Yours most sincerely and fraternally , His Excellency , Sin J AMKS SHAW HAY , \ K . C . M . G ., Governor and Commander-in- - ( Si ^ im / mrs . ) Chief of the Island of Barbados . J
His Excellency , in reply , said that it was with very great gratification and pride he had received the address , that what he had done for Masonry in that Island had been clone without the slightest idea of ever receiving such a distinguished mark of their sympathy and approval , and he would assure them that although he was leaving Barbados he would always be
in touch with the Masons of the District , as he intended to keep up his membership in his lodge , and that the address would ever be prized by his family . The brethren then entertained His Excellency and the visitors to an excellent dinner , at which the usual Masonic and patriotic toasts were proposed and responded to . The address was beautifully engrossed and illuminated by Messrs . Spencer and Co . of London .
Lodge Of Edinburgh (Mary's Chapel), No. 1.
Lodge of Edinburgh ( Mary's Chapel ) , No . 1 .
In our issue of November we gave a Review of Bro . David Murray Lyon ' s history of this ancient lodge . We are now enabled to give a portrait of Bro . W . W . Robertson , R . W . M ., also a representation of the building in which the lodge now holds its meetings .
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Freemasonry In The West Indies.
Freemasonry in the West Indies .
AMONG the few Colonial lodges on the roll of the Grand Lodge of England—now less than a dozen—dating their origin so far back as the 18 th century , two will be found in the West Indies , viz ., the Albion , No . 196 , at Barbados , which was constituted in 1790 , and the Atlantic Phoenix , No . 224 at Bermuda . These islands can , thereforelay
, , claim to an ancient and honourable connection with the Craft continuing to the present day , no less than thirty-three lodges being now in active working . Among these the Albion Lodge , at Barbados , occupies a deservedly high position . We "" are indebted to Bro . R . J . Clinckett , the D . G . Sec . of Barbados , for the particulars of an interesting meeting which
was held under the auspices of that lodge on the 17 th December , at which the District Grand Master , R . W . Bro . John Locke , presided , and which was attended by a large number of brethren of the three lodges in the island , including the Lord Bishop of the Diocese ; Commander John Cheyne , P . M . ; the Hon . Ralph Williams , Colonial Secretary ; the Hon . W . H . Grennes , Attorney General ; and others .
The D . G . Master , in opening the proceedings , stated that the District Grand Lodge had been called for the purpose of presenting an address to Bro . His Excellency Sir James Shaw Hay , K . C . M . G ., District Grand Senior Warden , on his retirement from the Governorship of the Island of Barbados , and in eloquent terms referred to the interest which His
Excellency had taken in the work of the Craft in the island , which , shortly after his arrival , had shown marked signs of revival , his frequent visits to the lodges stimulating and encouraging them in their work . The address was as follows : — DEAK SIIJ AXI ) BKOTHKK
, It is with regret that we learn of your impending departure after a sojourn amongst us of nearly ten years . From the time of your arrival in Barbados to assume the Governorship you have distinctly associated yourself with Freemasonry and furthered its interests by every means in your power , while you have ever shown
that you value its great and inestimable principles , involving reverence to the Great Architect of the [' inverse , honourable dealings with mankind , particularly among brother Masons , and also exemplifying bv constant practice one ol" ( he noblest of Masonic virtues that of Charity . Your frequent presence in the several lodges has always afforded us much pleasure , due to the kindly and fraternal manner you have invariably exhibited , which we feel sure has inspired every member of the Craft
with sincere feelings of respect and esteem . We understand that , while resigning ( he Governorship of the colony , you are also retiring from public life , and we tender our best and heartv wishes that you may be long spared in health and strength to enjoy the leisure to which so many years ol" active life in the service of the Imperial Government so worthily entitles you . We shall be glad if you will convey to Lady Hay the great admiration
and esteem in which she is held by the Masonic body in connection with her many deeds ol" kindness and charity towards the distressed and needy in the hour of their affliction during the years that are past . Our trust is that the Great Architect of the Universe will ever have you in his keeping . We are , dear Sir and Brother , Yours most sincerely and fraternally , His Excellency , Sin J AMKS SHAW HAY , \ K . C . M . G ., Governor and Commander-in- - ( Si ^ im / mrs . ) Chief of the Island of Barbados . J
His Excellency , in reply , said that it was with very great gratification and pride he had received the address , that what he had done for Masonry in that Island had been clone without the slightest idea of ever receiving such a distinguished mark of their sympathy and approval , and he would assure them that although he was leaving Barbados he would always be
in touch with the Masons of the District , as he intended to keep up his membership in his lodge , and that the address would ever be prized by his family . The brethren then entertained His Excellency and the visitors to an excellent dinner , at which the usual Masonic and patriotic toasts were proposed and responded to . The address was beautifully engrossed and illuminated by Messrs . Spencer and Co . of London .
Lodge Of Edinburgh (Mary's Chapel), No. 1.
Lodge of Edinburgh ( Mary's Chapel ) , No . 1 .
In our issue of November we gave a Review of Bro . David Murray Lyon ' s history of this ancient lodge . We are now enabled to give a portrait of Bro . W . W . Robertson , R . W . M ., also a representation of the building in which the lodge now holds its meetings .