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Publislicd monthly . Price Sixpence . Rules of Yearly Subscription ( including Postage ) : — The United Kingdom , India , America , I s . d . and Ihe Colonies | • • 7 6 Binding Cases for Vol . I . are now ready , prices—Clolh . js . 6 d . ;
Roan , 12 S . 6 d . The Editor , lo whom ail literary communications should be addressed , will be pleased to receive interesting photographs as well as Hems of news and comments thereon , and lo consider suggestions for lengthier articles .
Editorial and Publishing Offices : — IS , Great Queen Slreel , London , W . C . All Business Communications should be addressed lo THK PROPRIETORS , MESSRS . SPENCER & Co ., 15 , Great Queen
Street , W . C . All Applications for Advertisements lo be made lo WALTER J , LTD ., 5 , Queen Victoria Street , Loudon , E . C .
lllUSIRATED WTpiiic ^^^ li ^^ j ^ l ^^ fl ^ N ^ IJiF ^ JtU ^ 'H | j ? Jp "Vii ] i >* NJ / ii ^ xwy ^~\[ Jjj ^ SjjjjJF' '< ^ Ji ^ X" ^ 1 ' \^ j | F ^ jjj | rrNm |^ ~\ ijai ^ xflfi ^ " Njjy 1 ^[ jij | FrNiN ^ rr > t ^ yH
The Multiplication Of London Lodges.
The Multiplication of London Lodges .
F ^ OR some years past the question of the rapid increase in the number of lodges , more especially within the Metropolitan area , has been exercising the minds of many members of the Craft who have the welfare of English Freemasonry at heart , and whose faith in its past traditions has led them to believe -that the present rate of progress is
inimical to ( he ( rue principles of Freemasonry . A closer consideration of the subject , however , will , we think , dispel any such fears . It is quite true that lodges have multiplied , but seeing that in nearly every instance prosperity has accompanied such newlv-created bodies , and that , as far as
we have been able to learn , the existing lodges have suffered no diminution of membership , there remains little reason for questioning the action of the authorities on the ground of creating new lodges at the expense of those previously in existence . We have been at some pains to ascertain by enquiry from numerous lodges in London , taken at random from the lists , and the result has been to confirm the
conviction we had previously arrived at , that the average membership of each lodge is fully maintained , that their financial position has not suffered , and ( hat ( he social status of individual members is at least as "high as in what some of our elder brethren are pleased to call the best days of the Craft .
We do not for a moment desire to argue that there should be no limit to the extension of Masonry in the Metropolis , but we are disposed to fix that limit at a point which would encircle every eligible candidate for its mysteries and privileges rather than to draw an arbitrary
line marked only by figures and governed only by precedent . The point in dispute after all resolves itself into a simple question . Is Masonry a good thing , or is it not ? If doubts as to this remain in the mind of any member of ( lie Craft , bv all means let us at least move cautiously and slowly , and , if
need be , take steps to check its growth ; but if we have full faith in its principles and its humanitarian and enlightening " influences , let us possess ( lie courage oi our convictions and endeavour to promote and extend the sphere oi usefulness so clearly marked out for it . The real danger to our Order , however , is not in the multiplication of lodges , but in the neglect of brethren to carry out seriously the injunctions
imposed on them by Article 18 3 of the Book of Constitutions , which , although so well known , cannot too often be quoted " Great discredit and injury having been brought upon our ancient and honourable Fraternity from admitting members and receiving candidates without due notice being given ,
and enquiry made into their characters and qna / i / icalious . it is declared to be specially incumbent on all members of lodges to see that particular attention is paid to these several points . " It is in no light-hearted or perfunctory sense that this injunction should be taken . It was not incorporated
in the laws of the Order merely as a pious opinion or an academic embellishment , but as a rule to be strictly and literally acted on , and it is not too much to say that 011 this depends the future welfare and influence of the Craft . In a city whose population numbers within the Masonic
radius of ten miles from Freemasons' Hall upwards of Jive millions , the ihve hundred lodges at present in existence , with a membership approximately of 25 , 000 , represents but a very tiny colony of Masons in this huge community , and there must of necessity be a vast number whose characters
and qualifications would not only render them eligible , but whose presence amongst us would add strength and dignity to the Order .
In support of the views we have expressed , we have endeavoured to obtain some statistics which tend to show that the progress of Masonry in the metropolis during later years , although it has been rapid , has been of an entirely sound and healthy character . The establishment oi what are termed class lodges , although at the first glance not
appearing wholly to conform in theory to the principles oi Masonry , have been in reality of incalculable benefit in bringing together those brethren whose community of interest and social status enable them to work together in brotherly love and in an atmosphere of neutrality which no
other organisation can provide . Another factor in London Masonry , which in the provinces only bears slightly on the situation , is the question of dual membership . Rule 149 enjoins " Masters and Wardens of a
lodge to visit other lodges as often as they conveniently can in order that the same usages and customs may be observed throughout the Craft , and a good understanding cultivated amongst Free-Masons . " In place of visiting in the strictest sense of the word , we have—more especially in London dual membership , which effects precisely the same objects .
In this respect our system differs widel y from that of many other Grand Bodies , especially in the United States Avhere in neither of the Grand Lodges is it permitted for a brother to be a member of more than one lodge . The relative merits of the two systems admit of considerable
difference of opinion , ithas a distinct bearing on the question of multiplication of lodges , which has lately become so marked a feature in Metropolitan Freemasonry , .-me ! we shall hope to return to the subject in a future article .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Publislicd monthly . Price Sixpence . Rules of Yearly Subscription ( including Postage ) : — The United Kingdom , India , America , I s . d . and Ihe Colonies | • • 7 6 Binding Cases for Vol . I . are now ready , prices—Clolh . js . 6 d . ;
Roan , 12 S . 6 d . The Editor , lo whom ail literary communications should be addressed , will be pleased to receive interesting photographs as well as Hems of news and comments thereon , and lo consider suggestions for lengthier articles .
Editorial and Publishing Offices : — IS , Great Queen Slreel , London , W . C . All Business Communications should be addressed lo THK PROPRIETORS , MESSRS . SPENCER & Co ., 15 , Great Queen
Street , W . C . All Applications for Advertisements lo be made lo WALTER J , LTD ., 5 , Queen Victoria Street , Loudon , E . C .
lllUSIRATED WTpiiic ^^^ li ^^ j ^ l ^^ fl ^ N ^ IJiF ^ JtU ^ 'H | j ? Jp "Vii ] i >* NJ / ii ^ xwy ^~\[ Jjj ^ SjjjjJF' '< ^ Ji ^ X" ^ 1 ' \^ j | F ^ jjj | rrNm |^ ~\ ijai ^ xflfi ^ " Njjy 1 ^[ jij | FrNiN ^ rr > t ^ yH
The Multiplication Of London Lodges.
The Multiplication of London Lodges .
F ^ OR some years past the question of the rapid increase in the number of lodges , more especially within the Metropolitan area , has been exercising the minds of many members of the Craft who have the welfare of English Freemasonry at heart , and whose faith in its past traditions has led them to believe -that the present rate of progress is
inimical to ( he ( rue principles of Freemasonry . A closer consideration of the subject , however , will , we think , dispel any such fears . It is quite true that lodges have multiplied , but seeing that in nearly every instance prosperity has accompanied such newlv-created bodies , and that , as far as
we have been able to learn , the existing lodges have suffered no diminution of membership , there remains little reason for questioning the action of the authorities on the ground of creating new lodges at the expense of those previously in existence . We have been at some pains to ascertain by enquiry from numerous lodges in London , taken at random from the lists , and the result has been to confirm the
conviction we had previously arrived at , that the average membership of each lodge is fully maintained , that their financial position has not suffered , and ( hat ( he social status of individual members is at least as "high as in what some of our elder brethren are pleased to call the best days of the Craft .
We do not for a moment desire to argue that there should be no limit to the extension of Masonry in the Metropolis , but we are disposed to fix that limit at a point which would encircle every eligible candidate for its mysteries and privileges rather than to draw an arbitrary
line marked only by figures and governed only by precedent . The point in dispute after all resolves itself into a simple question . Is Masonry a good thing , or is it not ? If doubts as to this remain in the mind of any member of ( lie Craft , bv all means let us at least move cautiously and slowly , and , if
need be , take steps to check its growth ; but if we have full faith in its principles and its humanitarian and enlightening " influences , let us possess ( lie courage oi our convictions and endeavour to promote and extend the sphere oi usefulness so clearly marked out for it . The real danger to our Order , however , is not in the multiplication of lodges , but in the neglect of brethren to carry out seriously the injunctions
imposed on them by Article 18 3 of the Book of Constitutions , which , although so well known , cannot too often be quoted " Great discredit and injury having been brought upon our ancient and honourable Fraternity from admitting members and receiving candidates without due notice being given ,
and enquiry made into their characters and qna / i / icalious . it is declared to be specially incumbent on all members of lodges to see that particular attention is paid to these several points . " It is in no light-hearted or perfunctory sense that this injunction should be taken . It was not incorporated
in the laws of the Order merely as a pious opinion or an academic embellishment , but as a rule to be strictly and literally acted on , and it is not too much to say that 011 this depends the future welfare and influence of the Craft . In a city whose population numbers within the Masonic
radius of ten miles from Freemasons' Hall upwards of Jive millions , the ihve hundred lodges at present in existence , with a membership approximately of 25 , 000 , represents but a very tiny colony of Masons in this huge community , and there must of necessity be a vast number whose characters
and qualifications would not only render them eligible , but whose presence amongst us would add strength and dignity to the Order .
In support of the views we have expressed , we have endeavoured to obtain some statistics which tend to show that the progress of Masonry in the metropolis during later years , although it has been rapid , has been of an entirely sound and healthy character . The establishment oi what are termed class lodges , although at the first glance not
appearing wholly to conform in theory to the principles oi Masonry , have been in reality of incalculable benefit in bringing together those brethren whose community of interest and social status enable them to work together in brotherly love and in an atmosphere of neutrality which no
other organisation can provide . Another factor in London Masonry , which in the provinces only bears slightly on the situation , is the question of dual membership . Rule 149 enjoins " Masters and Wardens of a
lodge to visit other lodges as often as they conveniently can in order that the same usages and customs may be observed throughout the Craft , and a good understanding cultivated amongst Free-Masons . " In place of visiting in the strictest sense of the word , we have—more especially in London dual membership , which effects precisely the same objects .
In this respect our system differs widel y from that of many other Grand Bodies , especially in the United States Avhere in neither of the Grand Lodges is it permitted for a brother to be a member of more than one lodge . The relative merits of the two systems admit of considerable
difference of opinion , ithas a distinct bearing on the question of multiplication of lodges , which has lately become so marked a feature in Metropolitan Freemasonry , .-me ! we shall hope to return to the subject in a future article .