Article At the Sign of the Perfect Ashlar ← Page 2 of 4 →
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At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar
It is understood that H . R . H . the Duke ot Connanght will consent to be installed as Grand Master of the Mark Degree sometime during the month of June next , when His Roval Highness will probably be resident in London for the Coronation Festivities .
« £ «\? «!} There was an exceptionally large gathering at the Masonic Hall , Newport , South Wales , on January ioth to witness the installation of Bro . Edwin J . Gabb as Worshipful Master of the Albert Edward Lodge , No . 1429 , which ceremony was ably performed by W . Bro . H . J . Pillenger ,
P . M . At the subsequent banquet , the Deputy Provincial Grand Master , W . Bro . Charles Robert Lvne , in responding , as Grand Deacon , to tlie toast of " The Grand Officers /' highly eulogised the Officers of Grand Lodge , and alluded to the presence of Bro . James Terry , who had , in the interests of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , travelled from London specially to be present .
Bro . Taylor , in proposing the toast of " The Provincial Grand Master , " made feeling allusion to the lamented death during the past year of ( he Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Lieut .-Colonel Charles Lyne , whom they had loved and revered , but congratulated the province on the appointment of W . Bro . H . Martyn Kennard , which was the best possible
selection that could have been made , and much satisfaction was expressed at the continuation in the office of Deputy Provincial Grand Master of Bro . Lt .-Col . C . R . Lyne , as preserving a much-valued connecting link between the late and the present ruler of the province . The other toasts were duly honoured , and Bro . Terry , in his reply , made his customary earnest appeal on behalf of the Benevolent Institution .
It is not generally known that there is in Paris at least one lodge which , although necessaril y under the jurisdiction of the Grand Orient of France , works according to the lines laid down by our Constitution . Its name is the Anglo-Saxon Lodge , and the membership is by no means inconsiderable . The Secretary of the lodge is none other than Bro . li . P .
Denny , who was closel y related to the late-lamented V . W . Bro . the Rev . C . J . Martyn , P . G . Chaplain , and Grand Superintendent for Suffolk .
At the last meeting of the Commemoration Lodge , No . 266 3 , held at the Holborn Restaurant , Bro . W . Clarke Saunders Avas presented with a handsome and costly Westminster chime clock in recognition of his services as Secretary , 18 97 to 1901 .
The above is a reproduction of the menu card which was specially designed for the last annual dinner , on St . John ' s Day , of the Lodge of Edinburgh ( Mary ' s Chapel ) , No . r . The designs are the Avork of the new lodge architect , Bro . R . F . Sherar . The principal sketch includes the original " Mary ' s Chapel , " in Niddrv ' s Wynd ( from which
the Lodge of Edinburgh derived its by-name ) , Avhich was built by the Countess of Ross in 1504 , and after being re-fronted was taken down in 1787 to make way for the South Bridge . This sketch shows Nidchy's Wynd , towards the end of the 18 th century , with a deputation on its way to the Hall on St . John ' s night . The smaller sketch shows the front elevation of the present hall premises , opened in 18 93 .
Amongst the many sons and daughters of members of the Craft present at the Juvenile Fancy Dress Ball at ( he Mansion House last month were the children of V . W . Bro . the Lord Mayor , P . G . T ., and those of V . W . Bro . Sheriff Marshall , their clever costumes having all been singled out for special mention .
' & •& " 5 ' It is a matter of interest to the Craft , no less than to the medical profession , that the post of Consulting Surgeon and Surgeon-in-Chief of the French Hospital , vacant by ( he death of Bro . Sir William MacCormac , has been filled by the appointment of Bro . Edmund Owen , F . R . C . S ., Surgeon to St . Mary ' s Hospital , who is a P . G . Deacon of England .
» 3 > O « S > At the installation meeting of the Zetland Lodge , No . 5 61 , Guisborongh , on the 15 th January , W . Bro . W . H . Harrison was duly inducted into the chair of King Solomon by Bro . W . J . Watson , P . M . After the appointment of the officers and the routine business had been transacted , the
brethren dined together under the presidency of the Worshipful Master , when the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed and duly honoured .
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At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar
It is understood that H . R . H . the Duke ot Connanght will consent to be installed as Grand Master of the Mark Degree sometime during the month of June next , when His Roval Highness will probably be resident in London for the Coronation Festivities .
« £ «\? «!} There was an exceptionally large gathering at the Masonic Hall , Newport , South Wales , on January ioth to witness the installation of Bro . Edwin J . Gabb as Worshipful Master of the Albert Edward Lodge , No . 1429 , which ceremony was ably performed by W . Bro . H . J . Pillenger ,
P . M . At the subsequent banquet , the Deputy Provincial Grand Master , W . Bro . Charles Robert Lvne , in responding , as Grand Deacon , to tlie toast of " The Grand Officers /' highly eulogised the Officers of Grand Lodge , and alluded to the presence of Bro . James Terry , who had , in the interests of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , travelled from London specially to be present .
Bro . Taylor , in proposing the toast of " The Provincial Grand Master , " made feeling allusion to the lamented death during the past year of ( he Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Lieut .-Colonel Charles Lyne , whom they had loved and revered , but congratulated the province on the appointment of W . Bro . H . Martyn Kennard , which was the best possible
selection that could have been made , and much satisfaction was expressed at the continuation in the office of Deputy Provincial Grand Master of Bro . Lt .-Col . C . R . Lyne , as preserving a much-valued connecting link between the late and the present ruler of the province . The other toasts were duly honoured , and Bro . Terry , in his reply , made his customary earnest appeal on behalf of the Benevolent Institution .
It is not generally known that there is in Paris at least one lodge which , although necessaril y under the jurisdiction of the Grand Orient of France , works according to the lines laid down by our Constitution . Its name is the Anglo-Saxon Lodge , and the membership is by no means inconsiderable . The Secretary of the lodge is none other than Bro . li . P .
Denny , who was closel y related to the late-lamented V . W . Bro . the Rev . C . J . Martyn , P . G . Chaplain , and Grand Superintendent for Suffolk .
At the last meeting of the Commemoration Lodge , No . 266 3 , held at the Holborn Restaurant , Bro . W . Clarke Saunders Avas presented with a handsome and costly Westminster chime clock in recognition of his services as Secretary , 18 97 to 1901 .
The above is a reproduction of the menu card which was specially designed for the last annual dinner , on St . John ' s Day , of the Lodge of Edinburgh ( Mary ' s Chapel ) , No . r . The designs are the Avork of the new lodge architect , Bro . R . F . Sherar . The principal sketch includes the original " Mary ' s Chapel , " in Niddrv ' s Wynd ( from which
the Lodge of Edinburgh derived its by-name ) , Avhich was built by the Countess of Ross in 1504 , and after being re-fronted was taken down in 1787 to make way for the South Bridge . This sketch shows Nidchy's Wynd , towards the end of the 18 th century , with a deputation on its way to the Hall on St . John ' s night . The smaller sketch shows the front elevation of the present hall premises , opened in 18 93 .
Amongst the many sons and daughters of members of the Craft present at the Juvenile Fancy Dress Ball at ( he Mansion House last month were the children of V . W . Bro . the Lord Mayor , P . G . T ., and those of V . W . Bro . Sheriff Marshall , their clever costumes having all been singled out for special mention .
' & •& " 5 ' It is a matter of interest to the Craft , no less than to the medical profession , that the post of Consulting Surgeon and Surgeon-in-Chief of the French Hospital , vacant by ( he death of Bro . Sir William MacCormac , has been filled by the appointment of Bro . Edmund Owen , F . R . C . S ., Surgeon to St . Mary ' s Hospital , who is a P . G . Deacon of England .
» 3 > O « S > At the installation meeting of the Zetland Lodge , No . 5 61 , Guisborongh , on the 15 th January , W . Bro . W . H . Harrison was duly inducted into the chair of King Solomon by Bro . W . J . Watson , P . M . After the appointment of the officers and the routine business had been transacted , the
brethren dined together under the presidency of the Worshipful Master , when the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed and duly honoured .