Article Consecration of the Chingford Lodge, No. 2859. Page 1 of 1 Article Consecration of the Chingford Lodge, No. 2859. Page 1 of 1 Article Robert Burns Lodge, No. 25. Page 1 of 1 Article Robert Burns Lodge, No. 25. Page 1 of 1
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Consecration Of The Chingford Lodge, No. 2859.
Consecration of the Chingford Lodge , No . 2859 .
A LARGE and representative gathering assembled at the Roval Forest Hotel , Chingford , on the 3 rd of December , to take part in the consecration of the Chingford Lodge . In the absence of both the Provincial Grand Master and the Deputy Provincial Grand Master , the former caused by illness and the latter by another Masonic engagement , the dut y fell
on Bro . T . J . Railing , Prov . Grand Secretary , who was ably assisted bv other Provincial Grand officers . Bro . Railing addressed the brethren on the object of the gathering , forcibly impressing on them the fact that the formation of a new lodge was a serious undertaking , and involved serious responsibilities , and pointing out that they should avoid
the danger to which all lodges are liable , especially during ( heir infancy , of desiring to add to its membership without due regard to the character of those who sought admission to it . A thoughtful and highly instructive oration was delivered
Consecration Of The Chingford Lodge, No. 2859.
by the Provincial Grand Chaplain , the Rev . E . F . Colnettj Chaplain of the Bagshaw Lodge , No . 1457 . At the conclusion of the consecration ceremony the first Master of the lodge , W . Bro . George R . Brown , was ablv installed by W . Bro . Albert Lucking , P . G . P ., Prov . G . D . C ., and the new Master having invited W . Bro . Frederick Taylor ,
P . M . 2256 , to act as I . P . M . for tlie year , the officers were invested as follows : —Bros . Sydney Fortes . cue , S . W . ; J . Parkinson Watts , J . W . ; S . C . Rhodes , Treas . ; Charles T . Papworth , Sec . ; Harry Bird , S . D . ; George H . Pizey , J . D . ; W . W . West , I . G . ; K . M . Yeoman , D . C ; F . C . Gooding ,
Stwd . ; and J . Ives , Tyler . The W . M . was elected to represent the lodge on the Essex Provincial Charity Committee . Between seventy and eig hty bretliren afterwards dined together , under the presidency of the new W . M ., fervent wishes being expressed by the after-dinner speakers for the welfare of the new lodge .
Robert Burns Lodge, No. 25.
Robert Burns Lodge , No . 25 .
r PHE installation meeting of the above lodge took place I on Monday , January 6 th , at Freemasons' Hall . A good assembly of brethren and visitors witnessed the verv admirable manner in wheh W . Bro . Charles Lee , P . M ., was installed into the chair of K . S . by Bro . S . Davis , P . M ., the Wardens for the vear being Bros . W . C . Elsclon , S . W ., and H . Simon , T . W .
ISIIO . CHAIII . K . S J , KI- ; , W . M . ( I'lmhi Klili-l'orliitil Cn . )
The lodge having been closed , the brethren adjourned to a banquet , which was enlivened both by music and song .
Robert Burns Lodge, No. 25.
After the usual loval toasts had been duly honoured , that of " The Grand Officers" was given , and ably replied to by W . Bro . Notley , P . G . Swd . Br ., who complimented the I . P . M ., W . Bro . Davis , on the excellence of his work as Installing Master , and further said that he had been specially pleased at the kindly and courteous feeling evinced in the Robert Burns
Lodge in having passed a brother from the Brixton Lodge . In proposing the toast of " The Worshipful Master , " the I . P . M . spoke of his sterling qualities as a Mason and a worker . He was sure he would be a credit to the lodge . The Worshipful Master , in replying , thanked the brethren
for the kindly feeling shown him . He had now reached the goal he had sought , and congratulated the lodge on being what he was pleased to call a " family lodge . " There was no such thing as a " clique " in the Robert Burns Lodge , and he trusted there never would be .
The Worshipful Master next proposed the toast of " Ihe Installing Master . " All were proud of him . Although he had had a deal of trouble during the past year , still Bro . Davis had never failed in his duties to the Robert Burns Lodge . He had much p leasure in presenting him with the Past Master ' s jewel as a mark of love and appreciation from all
the brethren . The I . P . M ., in reply , thanked ( he brethren for their kindness . His year of office had been a pleasure , and the jewel he had received would always remind him of the goodwill of the brethren . " The Visitors " was responded lo by W . Bro . J . King ,
P . M ., P . P . G . Swd . Br ., W . Bro . Garcia , W . M . of the Derby Allcroft Lodge , and W . Bro . Hellier , W . M . of the Eecleston Lodge , while Bro . Wilbur Gtinn responded by singing a song which was much appreciated . The toasts of " The Treasurer and Secretary , " and "The Past Masters" was ably responded to by the Secretary , Bro .
Harvey , and the D . C Bro . Deacon , both of whom testified to the good fellowship evinced by all the brethren . Altogether a very enjoyable evening was spent , and all were sorry to part when the Tyler ' s toast demanded the closing of the day .
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Consecration Of The Chingford Lodge, No. 2859.
Consecration of the Chingford Lodge , No . 2859 .
A LARGE and representative gathering assembled at the Roval Forest Hotel , Chingford , on the 3 rd of December , to take part in the consecration of the Chingford Lodge . In the absence of both the Provincial Grand Master and the Deputy Provincial Grand Master , the former caused by illness and the latter by another Masonic engagement , the dut y fell
on Bro . T . J . Railing , Prov . Grand Secretary , who was ably assisted bv other Provincial Grand officers . Bro . Railing addressed the brethren on the object of the gathering , forcibly impressing on them the fact that the formation of a new lodge was a serious undertaking , and involved serious responsibilities , and pointing out that they should avoid
the danger to which all lodges are liable , especially during ( heir infancy , of desiring to add to its membership without due regard to the character of those who sought admission to it . A thoughtful and highly instructive oration was delivered
Consecration Of The Chingford Lodge, No. 2859.
by the Provincial Grand Chaplain , the Rev . E . F . Colnettj Chaplain of the Bagshaw Lodge , No . 1457 . At the conclusion of the consecration ceremony the first Master of the lodge , W . Bro . George R . Brown , was ablv installed by W . Bro . Albert Lucking , P . G . P ., Prov . G . D . C ., and the new Master having invited W . Bro . Frederick Taylor ,
P . M . 2256 , to act as I . P . M . for tlie year , the officers were invested as follows : —Bros . Sydney Fortes . cue , S . W . ; J . Parkinson Watts , J . W . ; S . C . Rhodes , Treas . ; Charles T . Papworth , Sec . ; Harry Bird , S . D . ; George H . Pizey , J . D . ; W . W . West , I . G . ; K . M . Yeoman , D . C ; F . C . Gooding ,
Stwd . ; and J . Ives , Tyler . The W . M . was elected to represent the lodge on the Essex Provincial Charity Committee . Between seventy and eig hty bretliren afterwards dined together , under the presidency of the new W . M ., fervent wishes being expressed by the after-dinner speakers for the welfare of the new lodge .
Robert Burns Lodge, No. 25.
Robert Burns Lodge , No . 25 .
r PHE installation meeting of the above lodge took place I on Monday , January 6 th , at Freemasons' Hall . A good assembly of brethren and visitors witnessed the verv admirable manner in wheh W . Bro . Charles Lee , P . M ., was installed into the chair of K . S . by Bro . S . Davis , P . M ., the Wardens for the vear being Bros . W . C . Elsclon , S . W ., and H . Simon , T . W .
ISIIO . CHAIII . K . S J , KI- ; , W . M . ( I'lmhi Klili-l'orliitil Cn . )
The lodge having been closed , the brethren adjourned to a banquet , which was enlivened both by music and song .
Robert Burns Lodge, No. 25.
After the usual loval toasts had been duly honoured , that of " The Grand Officers" was given , and ably replied to by W . Bro . Notley , P . G . Swd . Br ., who complimented the I . P . M ., W . Bro . Davis , on the excellence of his work as Installing Master , and further said that he had been specially pleased at the kindly and courteous feeling evinced in the Robert Burns
Lodge in having passed a brother from the Brixton Lodge . In proposing the toast of " The Worshipful Master , " the I . P . M . spoke of his sterling qualities as a Mason and a worker . He was sure he would be a credit to the lodge . The Worshipful Master , in replying , thanked the brethren
for the kindly feeling shown him . He had now reached the goal he had sought , and congratulated the lodge on being what he was pleased to call a " family lodge . " There was no such thing as a " clique " in the Robert Burns Lodge , and he trusted there never would be .
The Worshipful Master next proposed the toast of " Ihe Installing Master . " All were proud of him . Although he had had a deal of trouble during the past year , still Bro . Davis had never failed in his duties to the Robert Burns Lodge . He had much p leasure in presenting him with the Past Master ' s jewel as a mark of love and appreciation from all
the brethren . The I . P . M ., in reply , thanked ( he brethren for their kindness . His year of office had been a pleasure , and the jewel he had received would always remind him of the goodwill of the brethren . " The Visitors " was responded lo by W . Bro . J . King ,
P . M ., P . P . G . Swd . Br ., W . Bro . Garcia , W . M . of the Derby Allcroft Lodge , and W . Bro . Hellier , W . M . of the Eecleston Lodge , while Bro . Wilbur Gtinn responded by singing a song which was much appreciated . The toasts of " The Treasurer and Secretary , " and "The Past Masters" was ably responded to by the Secretary , Bro .
Harvey , and the D . C Bro . Deacon , both of whom testified to the good fellowship evinced by all the brethren . Altogether a very enjoyable evening was spent , and all were sorry to part when the Tyler ' s toast demanded the closing of the day .