Article Guildhall School of Music Lodge, No. 2454. Page 1 of 1 Article White Rose of York Lodge, No. 2840. Page 1 of 1 Article White Rose of York Lodge, No. 2840. Page 1 of 1 Article The St. Bride Lodge of Instruction. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Guildhall School Of Music Lodge, No. 2454.
Guildhall School of Music Lodge , No . 2454 .
Al an emergency meeting ol the Guildhall School of Music Lodge , No . 2454 . held ( b y dispensation from Grand Lodge ) at the Hotel Cecil on Wednesday , 1 st January , the brethren of the Incorporated Society of Musicians were entertained . After the Worshi pful Master , Bro . William Rogers , had initiated two gentlemen into
Freemasonry , and raised two members , the brethren : adjourned to an adjoining room , where they partook of a well-served banquet . During the evening , Bro . Dr . W . H . Cummings , P . M ., P . G . Organist , Principal of the Guildhall School of Music ,
• stated that , for some time past , many of the brethren of the Incorporated Society of Musicians had felt the want of a Alasonic lodge in connection with that bod y , to bring the brethren into close brotherly communion . As a result , they had applied to Grand Lodge for a warrantwhich
, he was pleased to say had been granted , and in a f ' ew Aveeks the lodge would be consecrated at the Holborn Restaurant , and called "The Incorporated Society of Musicians Lodge . " It would be what is known as a summer lodge , and would meet at that place four times
during the summer months on Saturday afternoons . He hoped that all the members of the Society who were "Masons would join the new lodge , and he was pleased to state that ( hey already had the names of live or six gentlemen for initiation , amongst the first of whom were Mr . Chadlield , the secretary , and Air . A . T . Cummings ( the Principal ' s son ) , the solicitor of the Society .
the amount collected in the Charity-box at the table , amounting to £$ I 0 S - ) was sent by the lodge as a contribution towards the funds of the Orphanage connected Avith the Society bv a few Masonic friends .
White Rose Of York Lodge, No. 2840.
White Rose of York Lodge , No . 2840 .
r Y ^ W \ L installation meeting of the above lodge took I place on Friday , January 3 rd , 1 9 , at the Holborn Restaurant , when W . Bro . James Graham , P . M . 652 , 2750 , P . P . Dep . G . D . of C . Essex , was installed as W . M . b y W . Bro . Dobb . The first W . M . of this very successful lodge was W . Bro . Sir Alfred J . Newton , Bart ., P . G . D ., but
owing to his many official duties elsewhere , the real work of the lodge had fallen on the shoulders of the S . W ., W . Bro . Graham , who had performed them in a highly creditable
manner . This lodge is scarcely a year old , and was exclusivel y founded by Yorkshire brethren in London , among whom are many distinguished men in Masonry . Before his installation as W . M ., Bro . Graham gave a splendid sample of his work in his very able and impressive
rendering of the Third Degree . At the subsequent banquet , the toast of "The Grand Officers " was responded to by W . Bro . Terry , who thanked the brethren for the hearty way in which all had drank the same . He reminded the brethren that the Grand Officers ,
like all Englishmen , always did their duty , no matter where they might be placed . W . Bro . Harrison , Chaplain , in proposing the toast of "The Worshipful Master , " reminded the brethren that their W . M . of that evening had practically been Master of the Lodge since its commencement . They had a W . M . second
to none , and he looked forward to a successful year under his guidance . The Worshipful Master , replying , said that the occupation of the chair during the past year had been a labour of love , and he hoped it would so continue in the White Rose Lodge .
White Rose Of York Lodge, No. 2840.
In proposing the toast of "The Installing Master , " the Worshipful Master said that Bro . Dobb had performed his duties admirably . \ V . Bro . Terry replied to the toast of " The Charities . " In giving the toast of " The Visitors , " the Worshipful Master said he was pleased to number among his guests
two brethren from his mother lodge in Yorkshire who had travelled from that county to honour him at his installation , an honour he felt very proud of , and thanked them for . " The Treasurer and Secretary " and '' The Past Masters ' ' having been duly honoured , the happy evening was brought to a close with the Tyler ' s toast .
The St. Bride Lodge Of Instruction.
The St . Bride Lodge of Instruction .
^ T ^ HE inauguration meeting of above lodge took place J at the Hotel Cecil on the 4 th of January , and was attended by nearly one hundred brethren . W . Bro . R . Clay Sudlow , P . A . G . D . C , installed W . Bro . John F . Roberts as Preceptor of the lodge . A banquet was afterwards given , at which R . W . Bro . Sir
Frank Green , Bart ., P . G . W ., W . M . of the St . Bride Lodge , presided . Several Masonic toasts were given , that of " The Lancastrian and St . Bride Regular Lodges " being proposed by W . Bro . Frank Richardson , P . G . Registrar , in which he spoke of the great good " class" lodges had done for Masonry .
Bro . Sir Frank Green , in giving the toast of "The Emulation Lodge of Improvement , " spoke of the very masterly and sympathetic manner in which Bro . Sudlow had rendered the ritual , in reply to which Bro . Sudlow said he hailed this new lodge of instruction as another offshoot of the parent tree , and that he wished it every prosperity- He also
most heartily congratulated the lodge in having appointed Bro . Roberts as its Preceptor , who , he might say , was splendidly equipped for the task he had undertaken , and he coupled his name with the toast of " The St . Bride Lodge of Instruction . "
Bro . Roberts , in a very able reply , thanked Bro . Sudlow for his very kind remarks , and said it would be his endeavour that the lodge should be entitled to rank with the other firstclass lodges of instruction ; he also went on to speak of the very poor working of the metropolitan lodges generally as compared with those in the country—he gave one or two
instances whereat he had been the witness of such , and wished that the eye of authority could be equally on the London as on the country lodges . In conclusion he suggested that lodges of instruction should be worked under authority .
A very entertaining musical programme , under the direction of Bro . G . C . Burry , P . P . G . O ., Surrey , was also provided during the evening .
MUSIC IN OUR LODGE CEREMONIES . FOR THL THRLL DLGRLKS OF CRAFT MASONRY . Service Musical Masonic Beach - Hicks The THE MOST COMPREHENSIVE SERVICE EVER PUBLISHED . Selected and arranged by WOK . BRO . HAROLD CAULK , W . M . Zetland Lodge , 1005 , Prov . Grand Organist Gloucestershire . Music composed by BKOS . C . H . LLOYD , Mas , Doc , Ri : v . G . C . V . UYLKY , M . A ., Mus . Bac , HAKOLD CADI . E , and other well-known Organists . A great assistance to the Dignified rendering of tlie Ceremonies . 40 pages Imperial 4 to , strongly bound cloth , price 2-. SPENCER & . CO ., 15 , Gt . Queen Street , London , W . C .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Guildhall School Of Music Lodge, No. 2454.
Guildhall School of Music Lodge , No . 2454 .
Al an emergency meeting ol the Guildhall School of Music Lodge , No . 2454 . held ( b y dispensation from Grand Lodge ) at the Hotel Cecil on Wednesday , 1 st January , the brethren of the Incorporated Society of Musicians were entertained . After the Worshi pful Master , Bro . William Rogers , had initiated two gentlemen into
Freemasonry , and raised two members , the brethren : adjourned to an adjoining room , where they partook of a well-served banquet . During the evening , Bro . Dr . W . H . Cummings , P . M ., P . G . Organist , Principal of the Guildhall School of Music ,
• stated that , for some time past , many of the brethren of the Incorporated Society of Musicians had felt the want of a Alasonic lodge in connection with that bod y , to bring the brethren into close brotherly communion . As a result , they had applied to Grand Lodge for a warrantwhich
, he was pleased to say had been granted , and in a f ' ew Aveeks the lodge would be consecrated at the Holborn Restaurant , and called "The Incorporated Society of Musicians Lodge . " It would be what is known as a summer lodge , and would meet at that place four times
during the summer months on Saturday afternoons . He hoped that all the members of the Society who were "Masons would join the new lodge , and he was pleased to state that ( hey already had the names of live or six gentlemen for initiation , amongst the first of whom were Mr . Chadlield , the secretary , and Air . A . T . Cummings ( the Principal ' s son ) , the solicitor of the Society .
the amount collected in the Charity-box at the table , amounting to £$ I 0 S - ) was sent by the lodge as a contribution towards the funds of the Orphanage connected Avith the Society bv a few Masonic friends .
White Rose Of York Lodge, No. 2840.
White Rose of York Lodge , No . 2840 .
r Y ^ W \ L installation meeting of the above lodge took I place on Friday , January 3 rd , 1 9 , at the Holborn Restaurant , when W . Bro . James Graham , P . M . 652 , 2750 , P . P . Dep . G . D . of C . Essex , was installed as W . M . b y W . Bro . Dobb . The first W . M . of this very successful lodge was W . Bro . Sir Alfred J . Newton , Bart ., P . G . D ., but
owing to his many official duties elsewhere , the real work of the lodge had fallen on the shoulders of the S . W ., W . Bro . Graham , who had performed them in a highly creditable
manner . This lodge is scarcely a year old , and was exclusivel y founded by Yorkshire brethren in London , among whom are many distinguished men in Masonry . Before his installation as W . M ., Bro . Graham gave a splendid sample of his work in his very able and impressive
rendering of the Third Degree . At the subsequent banquet , the toast of "The Grand Officers " was responded to by W . Bro . Terry , who thanked the brethren for the hearty way in which all had drank the same . He reminded the brethren that the Grand Officers ,
like all Englishmen , always did their duty , no matter where they might be placed . W . Bro . Harrison , Chaplain , in proposing the toast of "The Worshipful Master , " reminded the brethren that their W . M . of that evening had practically been Master of the Lodge since its commencement . They had a W . M . second
to none , and he looked forward to a successful year under his guidance . The Worshipful Master , replying , said that the occupation of the chair during the past year had been a labour of love , and he hoped it would so continue in the White Rose Lodge .
White Rose Of York Lodge, No. 2840.
In proposing the toast of "The Installing Master , " the Worshipful Master said that Bro . Dobb had performed his duties admirably . \ V . Bro . Terry replied to the toast of " The Charities . " In giving the toast of " The Visitors , " the Worshipful Master said he was pleased to number among his guests
two brethren from his mother lodge in Yorkshire who had travelled from that county to honour him at his installation , an honour he felt very proud of , and thanked them for . " The Treasurer and Secretary " and '' The Past Masters ' ' having been duly honoured , the happy evening was brought to a close with the Tyler ' s toast .
The St. Bride Lodge Of Instruction.
The St . Bride Lodge of Instruction .
^ T ^ HE inauguration meeting of above lodge took place J at the Hotel Cecil on the 4 th of January , and was attended by nearly one hundred brethren . W . Bro . R . Clay Sudlow , P . A . G . D . C , installed W . Bro . John F . Roberts as Preceptor of the lodge . A banquet was afterwards given , at which R . W . Bro . Sir
Frank Green , Bart ., P . G . W ., W . M . of the St . Bride Lodge , presided . Several Masonic toasts were given , that of " The Lancastrian and St . Bride Regular Lodges " being proposed by W . Bro . Frank Richardson , P . G . Registrar , in which he spoke of the great good " class" lodges had done for Masonry .
Bro . Sir Frank Green , in giving the toast of "The Emulation Lodge of Improvement , " spoke of the very masterly and sympathetic manner in which Bro . Sudlow had rendered the ritual , in reply to which Bro . Sudlow said he hailed this new lodge of instruction as another offshoot of the parent tree , and that he wished it every prosperity- He also
most heartily congratulated the lodge in having appointed Bro . Roberts as its Preceptor , who , he might say , was splendidly equipped for the task he had undertaken , and he coupled his name with the toast of " The St . Bride Lodge of Instruction . "
Bro . Roberts , in a very able reply , thanked Bro . Sudlow for his very kind remarks , and said it would be his endeavour that the lodge should be entitled to rank with the other firstclass lodges of instruction ; he also went on to speak of the very poor working of the metropolitan lodges generally as compared with those in the country—he gave one or two
instances whereat he had been the witness of such , and wished that the eye of authority could be equally on the London as on the country lodges . In conclusion he suggested that lodges of instruction should be worked under authority .
A very entertaining musical programme , under the direction of Bro . G . C . Burry , P . P . G . O ., Surrey , was also provided during the evening .
MUSIC IN OUR LODGE CEREMONIES . FOR THL THRLL DLGRLKS OF CRAFT MASONRY . Service Musical Masonic Beach - Hicks The THE MOST COMPREHENSIVE SERVICE EVER PUBLISHED . Selected and arranged by WOK . BRO . HAROLD CAULK , W . M . Zetland Lodge , 1005 , Prov . Grand Organist Gloucestershire . Music composed by BKOS . C . H . LLOYD , Mas , Doc , Ri : v . G . C . V . UYLKY , M . A ., Mus . Bac , HAKOLD CADI . E , and other well-known Organists . A great assistance to the Dignified rendering of tlie Ceremonies . 40 pages Imperial 4 to , strongly bound cloth , price 2-. SPENCER & . CO ., 15 , Gt . Queen Street , London , W . C .