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History Of The Emulation Lodge Of Improvement, No. 256.—– (Continued).
History of the Emulation lodge of Improvement , No . 256 . —– ( Continued ) .
( By Bro . HicXk ' v S . UH . KR , Sub-Librarian to the Grand Lodge of England ) .
ALTHOUGH not published in the Grand Lodge Calendar , a register of the several lodges of instruction meeting in the metropolis was kept by the Grand Secretary . This register confirms the advertisement just quoted as to the early meetings of the lodge having been held at the Red Lion , Old Cavendish Street , and further informs us that its next
abiding place was at the Burlington Anns , Old Burlington Street . Early in 1830 we Jind from the following Memorial , part of which is reproduced on the opposite page , that it was located at the Blue Posts , Charlotte Street , Fitzroy Square , where it remained until March , 18 3 6 : — "To H . R . H . The Duke of Sussex ,
Most Worshipful Grand Master of Free & Accepted Masons of England , & c , & c , & c , & c . "We the undersigned being members of the lodge of instruction called the Emulation Lodge of cf O Improvement meeting at the Blue Posts Charlotte Street Fitzroy Sqr , under the sanction of the Lodge of Hope since
its commencement on the 2 nd of October 1823 beg leave most respectfully to state that this lodge of instruction is for MMs only , always commencing with the lecture in the 3 rd degree , and taking the other lectures in rotation as time will permit , and are worked according to the custom of the
Grand Stewards Lodge , and since the commencement of the same there have joined between three & four hundred brethren , and that the number attending in the year 1827 was 795 , in 1828—1109—in 1829—833—total 2735 , making the average number for each night 18 for the last three years ,
but in consequence of the communication and command received from your Royal Highness on the last Quarterly Communication we are debarred from meeting and working as we have been accustomed to viz electing the WM and he appointing his officers for the next night of meeting , so that the brethren may have an opportunity of giving the section
they are appointed to work due consideration previously to the night of meeting which is on every Friday . This Lodge of Instruction is circumstanced differently from any other in the Order , having only one of the members belonging to the lodge under whose sanction it is held and that one the WM who now comes amongst us .
Having thus laid the statement and manner of working before your Royal Highness and having the prosperity of the Craft at heart , we are anxious to promote and diffuse the genuine principles of the Art in a regular constitutional manner , and wishing to excite emulation amongst the
younger brethren and to give such instruction that when they may have the honour to be appointed to any office or elected to the Chair , in a regular lodge they may be fully competent to discharge the important duties of the same with that correctness and regularity which is so
essential to the well ruling and governing a lodge . We do therefore pray that your Royal Highness will be pleased to grant this lodge of instruction your especial license and authority so that we may meet and conduct the business of Masonry which we trust has been done for nearly seven years , and the undersigned as in dutywill ever pray . "
The foregoing Memorial appears to have been prompted by a " Communication and Command" from the Grand Master at a meeting of the Grand Lodge on the 3 rd March , 1830 , but unfortunately we are left quite in the dark as to the nature of that Communication , the Grand Lodge Records of the date mentioned containing nothing appertaining to
Lodges of Instruction ; nor does the reply to the memorial , here appended , throw any light upon the matter . It is possible that the Memorial induced the Grand Master to
reconsider the subject , and that his command was intentionally omitted from the minutes . However that may be , the lodge appears to have gone on about the same as it had from its beginning , and , indeed , as it has ever since , with regard to the election of Master and the appointment of officers . Reply to the memorial : — " F . M . Hall ,
" 31 st March , 1830 . " W . Brother , " I have received the Commands of the M . W . G . Master , the Duke of Sussex , to state in reply to your Memorial for a Special Licence for the Lodge of Instruction at present attached to Lodge No . 7 that H . R . Highness does not feel
, himself at liberty to accede to the prayer of the Memorial . " The Laws of the Grand Lodge relative to Lodges of Instruction proceed upon the principle of placing those meetings under the superintendence and control of a warranted Lodge ; and which Lodge when it gives its
sanction is made responsible for the correctness of proceeding in the Lodge of Instruction , the object of which is that the Grand Lodge may have a known responsible party in the event of irregularity—H . R . Highness fully concurring in opinion with the Grand Lodge on the propriety and even
necessity for such a Law , cannot do any Act which would have a tendency to weaken its force . That part of the Law which gives to the M . W . G . Master authority to grant a
Special Licence for a Lodge of Instruction , ought to be exercised only in cases of a very Special Nature where the application of an extraordinary remedy had become requisite , and such a case is not alleged in the Memorial .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
History Of The Emulation Lodge Of Improvement, No. 256.—– (Continued).
History of the Emulation lodge of Improvement , No . 256 . —– ( Continued ) .
( By Bro . HicXk ' v S . UH . KR , Sub-Librarian to the Grand Lodge of England ) .
ALTHOUGH not published in the Grand Lodge Calendar , a register of the several lodges of instruction meeting in the metropolis was kept by the Grand Secretary . This register confirms the advertisement just quoted as to the early meetings of the lodge having been held at the Red Lion , Old Cavendish Street , and further informs us that its next
abiding place was at the Burlington Anns , Old Burlington Street . Early in 1830 we Jind from the following Memorial , part of which is reproduced on the opposite page , that it was located at the Blue Posts , Charlotte Street , Fitzroy Square , where it remained until March , 18 3 6 : — "To H . R . H . The Duke of Sussex ,
Most Worshipful Grand Master of Free & Accepted Masons of England , & c , & c , & c , & c . "We the undersigned being members of the lodge of instruction called the Emulation Lodge of cf O Improvement meeting at the Blue Posts Charlotte Street Fitzroy Sqr , under the sanction of the Lodge of Hope since
its commencement on the 2 nd of October 1823 beg leave most respectfully to state that this lodge of instruction is for MMs only , always commencing with the lecture in the 3 rd degree , and taking the other lectures in rotation as time will permit , and are worked according to the custom of the
Grand Stewards Lodge , and since the commencement of the same there have joined between three & four hundred brethren , and that the number attending in the year 1827 was 795 , in 1828—1109—in 1829—833—total 2735 , making the average number for each night 18 for the last three years ,
but in consequence of the communication and command received from your Royal Highness on the last Quarterly Communication we are debarred from meeting and working as we have been accustomed to viz electing the WM and he appointing his officers for the next night of meeting , so that the brethren may have an opportunity of giving the section
they are appointed to work due consideration previously to the night of meeting which is on every Friday . This Lodge of Instruction is circumstanced differently from any other in the Order , having only one of the members belonging to the lodge under whose sanction it is held and that one the WM who now comes amongst us .
Having thus laid the statement and manner of working before your Royal Highness and having the prosperity of the Craft at heart , we are anxious to promote and diffuse the genuine principles of the Art in a regular constitutional manner , and wishing to excite emulation amongst the
younger brethren and to give such instruction that when they may have the honour to be appointed to any office or elected to the Chair , in a regular lodge they may be fully competent to discharge the important duties of the same with that correctness and regularity which is so
essential to the well ruling and governing a lodge . We do therefore pray that your Royal Highness will be pleased to grant this lodge of instruction your especial license and authority so that we may meet and conduct the business of Masonry which we trust has been done for nearly seven years , and the undersigned as in dutywill ever pray . "
The foregoing Memorial appears to have been prompted by a " Communication and Command" from the Grand Master at a meeting of the Grand Lodge on the 3 rd March , 1830 , but unfortunately we are left quite in the dark as to the nature of that Communication , the Grand Lodge Records of the date mentioned containing nothing appertaining to
Lodges of Instruction ; nor does the reply to the memorial , here appended , throw any light upon the matter . It is possible that the Memorial induced the Grand Master to
reconsider the subject , and that his command was intentionally omitted from the minutes . However that may be , the lodge appears to have gone on about the same as it had from its beginning , and , indeed , as it has ever since , with regard to the election of Master and the appointment of officers . Reply to the memorial : — " F . M . Hall ,
" 31 st March , 1830 . " W . Brother , " I have received the Commands of the M . W . G . Master , the Duke of Sussex , to state in reply to your Memorial for a Special Licence for the Lodge of Instruction at present attached to Lodge No . 7 that H . R . Highness does not feel
, himself at liberty to accede to the prayer of the Memorial . " The Laws of the Grand Lodge relative to Lodges of Instruction proceed upon the principle of placing those meetings under the superintendence and control of a warranted Lodge ; and which Lodge when it gives its
sanction is made responsible for the correctness of proceeding in the Lodge of Instruction , the object of which is that the Grand Lodge may have a known responsible party in the event of irregularity—H . R . Highness fully concurring in opinion with the Grand Lodge on the propriety and even
necessity for such a Law , cannot do any Act which would have a tendency to weaken its force . That part of the Law which gives to the M . W . G . Master authority to grant a
Special Licence for a Lodge of Instruction , ought to be exercised only in cases of a very Special Nature where the application of an extraordinary remedy had become requisite , and such a case is not alleged in the Memorial .