Article Some Memorials of the Globe Lodge, No.23, and of the "Red Apron." ← Page 2 of 5 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Some Memorials Of The Globe Lodge, No.23, And Of The "Red Apron."
depend entirely upon foreign material for the construction of our " Wooden Walls , " a prospect quite the reverse of agreeable , yon may be sure , to the " John Bull" of the period . In 1758 , therefore , the Society of Arts proposed to give three medals , one of Gold and two of Silver , to those gentlemen who had planted the largest number of acorns on
their estates . These medals were awarded in 1759 , the Gold one to the Duke of Beaufort who had planted the largest number , the second to Philip Carteret Webb for the next largest quantity , and the third to a gentleman whose name has escaped my memory .
In 1756 , Webb was appointed Solicitor to the Treasury , an office which I assume to have been equivalent to that of Solicitor-General of the present day , and filled that office until 1765 . His first wife died in 1756 , and he married again in 175 8 . He died at Busbridge Hall in 1770 , having bequeathed everything he possibly could to his widow ; she married in
1771 Edward Beaver , Esq ., of Farnham , and it was from this gentleman that the Grand Lodge purchased the premises in Great Queen Street in 1774 . Webb had been an ardent collector for many years of Historical Manuscripts , some of which he had disposed of in his later years , the remainder were sold by his widow to the
Earl of Shelburne , first Marquess of Lansdowne , and they now form part of the " Lansdowne Collection " in the British Museum , it is , therefore , well within the range of probabilities that the unique document in that collection , known to Masonic Students as "The Lansdowne MS . of the Old
Charges of the British Freemasons , " a facsimile of which is in the Grand Lodge Library , was formerly owned by Philip Carteret Webb , one of the original members of the Globe Lodge . Webb was the author of several political pamphlets , as well as of sundry works on Antiquarian subjects . Besides manuscripts and printed books , he had a large
collection of Bronzes , Brasses , Marbles , and Coins and Medals , the whole of which were sold by auction in 1771 . Although I have not said all I might have said about him , I think I have done enough to give you reason to be proud of your old brother , at all events , sufficient to justify my statement that he was probably the most remarkable member in the
annals of the Globe Lodge . A few words in conclusion on the street in which he lived . The first houses in this street are said to have been built after the designs of that eminent architect , Inigo Jones , between 1620 and 1623 , as in the latter year , I have it on
good authority , there were but fifteen houses in the street , erected on what had formerly been meadow land , reaching from the East side of Lincoln ' s Inn Fields to the open country Westward , and nearly down to the Strand . What is now Great Queen Street was formerly a footpath ,
or , more probably , a bridle path , leading from Holborn Hill in a South-westerly direction , being a short cut to the village of Charing . The first houses were situated on the South side of the street , and I have not the slightest doubt but the house subsequently acquired by Philip Carteret Webb
was one of them . At first the buildings were all private houses with gardens and stables attached , inhabited chiefly by members of what we term the aristocracy , of course I mean the houses only , not the stables .
The earliest information I have been able to get relating to the Grand Lodge property , is that at some time prior to 1702 it consisted of one capital messuage or tenement and a large garden in the occupation of the Marquess of Normanby , that subsequently another house was built in the garden , and in 1702 it came into the possession of an eminent Turkey Merchant , Ralph Lane , whose eldest daughter was married to the Honourable George Parker , who became the second
THE ,GOLDSMITHS & SILVERSMITHS COMPANY , LTD ., 112 REGENT STREET , LONDON , W ., Supply the Public direct at MANUFACTURERS' CASH PRICES , saving Purchasers from 25 to 50 per cent . ^^ SyJlP'Pi ^^^ ^^ SS ^ i ^^ K & i ^ r ^ s ^ sPI * FilleG " Menytliimsrli-and Mistletoe Spray with ^ TV ^ VP ' A 25 §^ /¦^ PH I ^ fi & -Wl !?§ fs 9 SMJ /¦^ ^ r ? , "' !' , "" ' ' " y ^ ^^ v Fisinimvl . ' wi ' tii l- * i » e Fcarl and Opal MWm £ §& ^* X % llF U Laii ^ iCharin , /^^ M . * C \ c-iimivedFisl . es Fancy Circle Brooch , f W $ s 2 £$ ^ IlOl Fi"c Din , mmrt l , 11 ( l Pe " ' ff fz £ s & sv 3 r \ \ V Colours , £ 1 10 s . -Wf ^ Hiir ) Fine fluid . Pearl , and XSBLJSES' »^ _ M _ < SrS & Platinum Chain Back as Euamel Pendant , £ 16 VK & S ^ MPAQPIITQ MiT' Necklet , £ 37 10 s . ... ., . . „ „ ¦ ¦ * i # W ^* I ¦ l »« Fine Pearl and Green Tourmaline r me Pearl nnil Green Tourmaline lii-nnri , P 9 . lie Brooch , £ 2 15 s . Inspection invited of the Choicest Stock JS ' UUCII , *« _ . _ , _ .. ^— >_ . _ ^ , ~ y = > - \ &* in the world of f ^ Sl - ~*_ ^^^^^^^^ jC ) f % GEM JEWELLERY » J ^ I gr ^ -ii ^ b ~ ri ^ fS ^ ' ' ^^ 5 _\ IHpsP ^ K . 1 ?® % specially suitable for Pres 2 iits , in New * yyfcifi & ik — II IZ ^ T l | fiKsifc )/ J-Jwj ) Iff and Kxclusive Designs , at Most Moderate / i # * ' ! SwSs 5 P'V \ *~ --. n ,, „ ,- » .,.. , -,, , ¦ _ ,.,,,, * v lS @ rW & ir & 4 tTEI 1 ' ric . i II ^ zkd . ' W m \ Fine Gold Croijiiet Mallet and Pearl tmc f . old and Tiinjnoiao How , on Gold W ^^& JSSF \ Mj * dsSnffi < e *\] W Ball Brooch , £ 1 15 s . Curl , Chain , £ 1 __ s . 6 d . m yM & fjfef 0 ^ 8 Hi ^ l 3 *« Nl ^ Wjpr NO IMPORTUNITY TO PURCHASE . @& h £$ & H 3 > * J & r 0 NOVELTY LIST Kil , e Gol , 1 > « hi iod Pretexts List Post Free . ' ^ f NOVELTY LIST i ^^^^^^ t Enamelled Flower , SELECTIONS SUNT OK API-ROVAI .. Fin « 0 ll , ( 1 > rcarl , POST ' FREE . ^&^ mSEtt } sx 7 r POST FREE I ' eavl Centre , and Tuniuoise y-a » SS 5 « yX f >> £ 1 15 s . V J Brooch , £ 2 5 s . BT THL VM Tuniuoise Hrooch , ^ isJPiG' ^^ Tourmaline Circle Brooch , £ 1 5 s . ^ IU £ 5 10 s . Fine Gold , Pearl and Tuniuoise Flexible Bracelet , £ 4 15 s . GOLDSMITHS & . SILVERSMITHS COMPANY , LTD ., 112 , REGENT STREET , LONDON , W . Telephone : S 72 U Germril . ( With which is incorporated The GOLDSMITHS' ALLIANCE , Ltd . —A . B . Savory & Sons -late of Cornuill . E . C . ) Telegrams : " AIWHUOU , London . "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Some Memorials Of The Globe Lodge, No.23, And Of The "Red Apron."
depend entirely upon foreign material for the construction of our " Wooden Walls , " a prospect quite the reverse of agreeable , yon may be sure , to the " John Bull" of the period . In 1758 , therefore , the Society of Arts proposed to give three medals , one of Gold and two of Silver , to those gentlemen who had planted the largest number of acorns on
their estates . These medals were awarded in 1759 , the Gold one to the Duke of Beaufort who had planted the largest number , the second to Philip Carteret Webb for the next largest quantity , and the third to a gentleman whose name has escaped my memory .
In 1756 , Webb was appointed Solicitor to the Treasury , an office which I assume to have been equivalent to that of Solicitor-General of the present day , and filled that office until 1765 . His first wife died in 1756 , and he married again in 175 8 . He died at Busbridge Hall in 1770 , having bequeathed everything he possibly could to his widow ; she married in
1771 Edward Beaver , Esq ., of Farnham , and it was from this gentleman that the Grand Lodge purchased the premises in Great Queen Street in 1774 . Webb had been an ardent collector for many years of Historical Manuscripts , some of which he had disposed of in his later years , the remainder were sold by his widow to the
Earl of Shelburne , first Marquess of Lansdowne , and they now form part of the " Lansdowne Collection " in the British Museum , it is , therefore , well within the range of probabilities that the unique document in that collection , known to Masonic Students as "The Lansdowne MS . of the Old
Charges of the British Freemasons , " a facsimile of which is in the Grand Lodge Library , was formerly owned by Philip Carteret Webb , one of the original members of the Globe Lodge . Webb was the author of several political pamphlets , as well as of sundry works on Antiquarian subjects . Besides manuscripts and printed books , he had a large
collection of Bronzes , Brasses , Marbles , and Coins and Medals , the whole of which were sold by auction in 1771 . Although I have not said all I might have said about him , I think I have done enough to give you reason to be proud of your old brother , at all events , sufficient to justify my statement that he was probably the most remarkable member in the
annals of the Globe Lodge . A few words in conclusion on the street in which he lived . The first houses in this street are said to have been built after the designs of that eminent architect , Inigo Jones , between 1620 and 1623 , as in the latter year , I have it on
good authority , there were but fifteen houses in the street , erected on what had formerly been meadow land , reaching from the East side of Lincoln ' s Inn Fields to the open country Westward , and nearly down to the Strand . What is now Great Queen Street was formerly a footpath ,
or , more probably , a bridle path , leading from Holborn Hill in a South-westerly direction , being a short cut to the village of Charing . The first houses were situated on the South side of the street , and I have not the slightest doubt but the house subsequently acquired by Philip Carteret Webb
was one of them . At first the buildings were all private houses with gardens and stables attached , inhabited chiefly by members of what we term the aristocracy , of course I mean the houses only , not the stables .
The earliest information I have been able to get relating to the Grand Lodge property , is that at some time prior to 1702 it consisted of one capital messuage or tenement and a large garden in the occupation of the Marquess of Normanby , that subsequently another house was built in the garden , and in 1702 it came into the possession of an eminent Turkey Merchant , Ralph Lane , whose eldest daughter was married to the Honourable George Parker , who became the second
THE ,GOLDSMITHS & SILVERSMITHS COMPANY , LTD ., 112 REGENT STREET , LONDON , W ., Supply the Public direct at MANUFACTURERS' CASH PRICES , saving Purchasers from 25 to 50 per cent . ^^ SyJlP'Pi ^^^ ^^ SS ^ i ^^ K & i ^ r ^ s ^ sPI * FilleG " Menytliimsrli-and Mistletoe Spray with ^ TV ^ VP ' A 25 §^ /¦^ PH I ^ fi & -Wl !?§ fs 9 SMJ /¦^ ^ r ? , "' !' , "" ' ' " y ^ ^^ v Fisinimvl . ' wi ' tii l- * i » e Fcarl and Opal MWm £ §& ^* X % llF U Laii ^ iCharin , /^^ M . * C \ c-iimivedFisl . es Fancy Circle Brooch , f W $ s 2 £$ ^ IlOl Fi"c Din , mmrt l , 11 ( l Pe " ' ff fz £ s & sv 3 r \ \ V Colours , £ 1 10 s . -Wf ^ Hiir ) Fine fluid . Pearl , and XSBLJSES' »^ _ M _ < SrS & Platinum Chain Back as Euamel Pendant , £ 16 VK & S ^ MPAQPIITQ MiT' Necklet , £ 37 10 s . ... ., . . „ „ ¦ ¦ * i # W ^* I ¦ l »« Fine Pearl and Green Tourmaline r me Pearl nnil Green Tourmaline lii-nnri , P 9 . lie Brooch , £ 2 15 s . Inspection invited of the Choicest Stock JS ' UUCII , *« _ . _ , _ .. ^— >_ . _ ^ , ~ y = > - \ &* in the world of f ^ Sl - ~*_ ^^^^^^^^ jC ) f % GEM JEWELLERY » J ^ I gr ^ -ii ^ b ~ ri ^ fS ^ ' ' ^^ 5 _\ IHpsP ^ K . 1 ?® % specially suitable for Pres 2 iits , in New * yyfcifi & ik — II IZ ^ T l | fiKsifc )/ J-Jwj ) Iff and Kxclusive Designs , at Most Moderate / i # * ' ! SwSs 5 P'V \ *~ --. n ,, „ ,- » .,.. , -,, , ¦ _ ,.,,,, * v lS @ rW & ir & 4 tTEI 1 ' ric . i II ^ zkd . ' W m \ Fine Gold Croijiiet Mallet and Pearl tmc f . old and Tiinjnoiao How , on Gold W ^^& JSSF \ Mj * dsSnffi < e *\] W Ball Brooch , £ 1 15 s . Curl , Chain , £ 1 __ s . 6 d . m yM & fjfef 0 ^ 8 Hi ^ l 3 *« Nl ^ Wjpr NO IMPORTUNITY TO PURCHASE . @& h £$ & H 3 > * J & r 0 NOVELTY LIST Kil , e Gol , 1 > « hi iod Pretexts List Post Free . ' ^ f NOVELTY LIST i ^^^^^^ t Enamelled Flower , SELECTIONS SUNT OK API-ROVAI .. Fin « 0 ll , ( 1 > rcarl , POST ' FREE . ^&^ mSEtt } sx 7 r POST FREE I ' eavl Centre , and Tuniuoise y-a » SS 5 « yX f >> £ 1 15 s . V J Brooch , £ 2 5 s . BT THL VM Tuniuoise Hrooch , ^ isJPiG' ^^ Tourmaline Circle Brooch , £ 1 5 s . ^ IU £ 5 10 s . Fine Gold , Pearl and Tuniuoise Flexible Bracelet , £ 4 15 s . GOLDSMITHS & . SILVERSMITHS COMPANY , LTD ., 112 , REGENT STREET , LONDON , W . Telephone : S 72 U Germril . ( With which is incorporated The GOLDSMITHS' ALLIANCE , Ltd . —A . B . Savory & Sons -late of Cornuill . E . C . ) Telegrams : " AIWHUOU , London . "