Article Some Notes on Freemasonry in Australasia.– –(Continued). ← Page 3 of 3 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Some Notes On Freemasonry In Australasia.– –(Continued).
the House of Lords of 1904 in the matter of the rival Scottish churches and the property appertaining thereto , indeed , the two cases are analogous .
BUG . . 1 . c . KI-: MINGTO . , FIFTH GRAND MASTKR OF XKW SOUTH WALKS . About this time , however , the plaintiffs had regained possession of their lodge warrant , and they resumed working , which action met with the disapproval of the
Colonial Board . It should be here explained that nothing had been clone in London to give effect to the resolution of
Grand Lodge in June , 18 93 , if we except the reinstatement of the lodge in the official Freemasons' Calendar , from which it had previously been deleted . In the meantime the New South Wales Grand Lodge had periodically issued notices warning its lodges and their
members of pains and penalties should they admit as visitors any members of the Cambrian Lodge of Australia , or visit that lodge , which , in point of fact , was declared an irregular lodge . In 18 99 the Colonial Board having meanwhile been
, abolished—a Colonial Committee , a sub-committee of the Board of General Purposes , taking its place—the Board of General Purposes , in a recommendation to Grand Lodge ( strenuously opposed by Lord Carrington ) , reported as follows : —
" This Board , while regretting the irregularities which occurred in the Cambrian Lodge of Australia , No . 656 , from June , 18 94 , and the cause thereof , acknowledges the great emergency under which these irregularities were committed , and resolves to recognise
the several elections and initiations of members , elections , and installations of Worshipful Masters , appointments of officers and other acts supervening thereon , and confirms in their respective rank and Past rank all such Masters and officers . All returns
by the said lodge to be recognised in the usual course . " " The certificates of all brethren in the lodge since 1888 have been forwarded , and a troublous matter has been swept away . "
( 7 ' o be continued . )
The GOLDSMITHS & SILVERSMITHS CO ., Ltd ., 112 , Regent Street , W ., invite inspection of their magnificent stock of Solid Silver Tea Services , which is the finest in the World . Many of the designs are reproductions of the antique at about one-eighth the cost of the original , whilst others are the Company ' s special registered designs , and cannot be obtained elsewhere . ^^^^^^^ SOLID SILVER TEA SERVICES MnnFRfiTP . ^^^^ VBH ^^^^ . Supplied MaiillllKiiirci ' - Cash ITlUUIinillD J ^^^^^ ^^^ % i , I ' licis . saving purchasi-is all usual PRICES . ft J ' «*•** » in Ww and Original IH-siuns . and al iiinM Mndcrak- Ivies . \\ - \ v lllustlakd Catalonia- I ' nM Vn-v . ? I * NEW CATALOGUE , THE "ACANTHUS ; " TEA AND COFFEE SERVICE . SELECTIONS FORWARDED OLD SILVER CONTA . NINO | N S"u" S | IVI- " - TO _ H _ ro .. NTBV Taken in Ivvdian-i- ..,- IMuchased for Cash C . iinpriMiiUTt-: il' < it . C .. t - | . -L-I ' .. I . Siii ; : irll ( m- | ,: iii ( ICiv . -ii : iKwL-i-, omipIi-ti- £ 27 10 TO THE COUNTHY 2503 ILLUSTRATIONS , ,. ' ?" , . « ., — Kcllk-on Stand ... ... ... ... ... £ 18 O ON APPROVAL . POST FREE . OllurSi-ivicis Irnin £ 1 O 1 O upwards . THE — - *¦ GOLDSMITHS & SILVERSMITHS CO ., Ltd ., Willi which is iiK-orpni-alt-d THK GOLDSMITHS' ALLIAN'CK ( A . I ! . SAVOKV X Snxs , Ltd . ) , laic- < if Cornhill , ICC . 372 TC E RTARD . 112 & 110 , REGENT STREET , LONDON , W . . WN ^ IT . ONDON , . ¦^^^ m MmKmmmm ^ Km ^^^ KHm ^^ KmmamKKmKmMKii ^^ i ^ Kmamim ^ mmimmmmmiimmii ^ Kmm ^ mammmKmm
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Some Notes On Freemasonry In Australasia.– –(Continued).
the House of Lords of 1904 in the matter of the rival Scottish churches and the property appertaining thereto , indeed , the two cases are analogous .
BUG . . 1 . c . KI-: MINGTO . , FIFTH GRAND MASTKR OF XKW SOUTH WALKS . About this time , however , the plaintiffs had regained possession of their lodge warrant , and they resumed working , which action met with the disapproval of the
Colonial Board . It should be here explained that nothing had been clone in London to give effect to the resolution of
Grand Lodge in June , 18 93 , if we except the reinstatement of the lodge in the official Freemasons' Calendar , from which it had previously been deleted . In the meantime the New South Wales Grand Lodge had periodically issued notices warning its lodges and their
members of pains and penalties should they admit as visitors any members of the Cambrian Lodge of Australia , or visit that lodge , which , in point of fact , was declared an irregular lodge . In 18 99 the Colonial Board having meanwhile been
, abolished—a Colonial Committee , a sub-committee of the Board of General Purposes , taking its place—the Board of General Purposes , in a recommendation to Grand Lodge ( strenuously opposed by Lord Carrington ) , reported as follows : —
" This Board , while regretting the irregularities which occurred in the Cambrian Lodge of Australia , No . 656 , from June , 18 94 , and the cause thereof , acknowledges the great emergency under which these irregularities were committed , and resolves to recognise
the several elections and initiations of members , elections , and installations of Worshipful Masters , appointments of officers and other acts supervening thereon , and confirms in their respective rank and Past rank all such Masters and officers . All returns
by the said lodge to be recognised in the usual course . " " The certificates of all brethren in the lodge since 1888 have been forwarded , and a troublous matter has been swept away . "
( 7 ' o be continued . )
The GOLDSMITHS & SILVERSMITHS CO ., Ltd ., 112 , Regent Street , W ., invite inspection of their magnificent stock of Solid Silver Tea Services , which is the finest in the World . Many of the designs are reproductions of the antique at about one-eighth the cost of the original , whilst others are the Company ' s special registered designs , and cannot be obtained elsewhere . ^^^^^^^ SOLID SILVER TEA SERVICES MnnFRfiTP . ^^^^ VBH ^^^^ . Supplied MaiillllKiiirci ' - Cash ITlUUIinillD J ^^^^^ ^^^ % i , I ' licis . saving purchasi-is all usual PRICES . ft J ' «*•** » in Ww and Original IH-siuns . and al iiinM Mndcrak- Ivies . \\ - \ v lllustlakd Catalonia- I ' nM Vn-v . ? I * NEW CATALOGUE , THE "ACANTHUS ; " TEA AND COFFEE SERVICE . SELECTIONS FORWARDED OLD SILVER CONTA . NINO | N S"u" S | IVI- " - TO _ H _ ro .. NTBV Taken in Ivvdian-i- ..,- IMuchased for Cash C . iinpriMiiUTt-: il' < it . C .. t - | . -L-I ' .. I . Siii ; : irll ( m- | ,: iii ( ICiv . -ii : iKwL-i-, omipIi-ti- £ 27 10 TO THE COUNTHY 2503 ILLUSTRATIONS , ,. ' ?" , . « ., — Kcllk-on Stand ... ... ... ... ... £ 18 O ON APPROVAL . POST FREE . OllurSi-ivicis Irnin £ 1 O 1 O upwards . THE — - *¦ GOLDSMITHS & SILVERSMITHS CO ., Ltd ., Willi which is iiK-orpni-alt-d THK GOLDSMITHS' ALLIAN'CK ( A . I ! . SAVOKV X Snxs , Ltd . ) , laic- < if Cornhill , ICC . 372 TC E RTARD . 112 & 110 , REGENT STREET , LONDON , W . . WN ^ IT . ONDON , . ¦^^^ m MmKmmmm ^ Km ^^^ KHm ^^ KmmamKKmKmMKii ^^ i ^ Kmamim ^ mmimmmmmiimmii ^ Kmm ^ mammmKmm