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137th Anniversary Of The Lodge Of Sincerity, No. 174.
137 th Anniversary of the Lodge of Sincerity , No . 174 .
JnstaHcdion of cBro . W . < A . Sterling , W . M . Sfo . 2918 .
A LARGE and important gathering of Freemasons assembled on the iSth instant at the Guildhall Tavern , Gresham Street , to witness the installation of Bro . Sterling , the present W . M . of the Southern Cross Lodge , as Worshipful Master . The ceremony was performed by Bro . Mustart , the outgoing Master , and was witnessed
by quite a hundred brethren , including Bros . P . Colville Smith , M . A ., P . G . D ., Secretary of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution ; H . Times , Dep . G . D . C . ; W . J . Spratling , B . Sc , P . G . S . B . ; C . J . R . Tijou , P . G . Std . B . " ; W . S . Whitaker , P . A . G . P . ; John Iggleden , P . M . ; John Buhner , Mayor of Hove , P . M . ; Chas . Lacey , P . M ., Treas . ;
C . H . Webb , P . M ., Secretary ; G . T . H . Seddon , P . M . ; Geo . Jones , P . M . ; W . J . Higgs , P . M . ; Henry Jay , P . M . ; W . M . Butcher , P . M ., P . P . G . Supt . Works Essex ; J . H . Buhner , P . M . ; W . J . Sowden , P . M . ; T . W . Chant , P . M . ; H . Meyer , P . M . ; Jno . Clans , P . M . ; Geo . Jas . Ralph , P . M .
Chas . H . A . Harris , P . M . ; W . C . Smith , P . M . ; G . Enser , P . M . ; J . Endacott , P . M . ; S . M . Barry , I . P . M . ; Hy . Harbord , P . M . ; Saml . Crowson , P . M . ; Jno . A . Ren wick , W . M . No . 276 4 ; R . Wilson , F . W . Burmester , C . Newell , J . O . Horton , H . S . Stuart , M . H . S . Suart , R . Chandler , G . O . Duggna , G . F . Wilson , E . J . G . Smee , W . Rickard , G . E . Anderton ,
H . G . Brew , S . W . Hart , A . Ashworth , W . J . Harris , P . A . Legge , W . A . Vincent , Jno . D . Hawkins , G . Ferry , R . East , G . H . Butcher , E . Biesterfeld , and others .
THK WORSHIl'l- 'L'L MASTER . The Worshipful Master will be assisted during his year of office by the following brethren : —Bros . F . G . Mustart , W . Tidman , E . J . Wallis , E . P . Brokenshire , F . R . King , A . E . Reeve , J . C . Higgs , Chas . R . Naylor , Hy . Coffin , V . J .
Reveley , C . J . Fielder , and Samuel Ellis , Tyler . A very pleasing innovation was made by the W orshipful Master at the banquet table . Bro . Jno . Buhner , who is rightly styled the father of the lodge , had to leave early in order to reach his home at Hove , of which town he is mayor for the second time . Bro . Buhner was initiated in 18 ^ 5
served as Worshipful Master in 1861 , and installed his son , Bro . J . H . Buhner , in 1902 . The Worshipful Master coupled the names of Bros . C . Lacy and C . H . Webb , Treasurer and Secretary , respectively , with that of Bro . Buhner , and on behalf of the Senior Warden and himself , presented to each of these grand old Freemasons a handsome basket of flowers
as a small token of the good work each had done for Sincerity Lodge , and expressed the hope that for many years the lodge would be favoured with their presence and advice . The united ages of these three veteians amounted to nearly 240 years .
Bro . Buhner , P . M ., who fust thanked the brethren , remarked that it was because of advancing years that he troubled them with his remarks so early in the evening . He was no " chicken , " and it became increasingly necessary for him to get home at a reasonable hour . His activities were
many , he was glad to tell them , in spite of the on-come of the years , and in his connection with Hove , as Mayor , and in other ways , he found himself fully occupied . Cheers greeted our veteran brother , who was followed by Bros . Webb and Lacey , the Secretary and Treasurer , respectively .
In proposing the toast of " The Grand Officers , " Bro . Sterling , W . M ., called on Bros . W . J . Spratling , P . G . S . B ., and C . J . R . Tijou , P . G . Std . B ., to reply .
Bro . Spratling , in response , said that when the list of apologies for non-attendance was read , he could not help the feeling that if any of them had been there he should have felt very much relieved . As it was , however , he could only say how delighted he was to be present at the meeting of so old a lodge , and how honoured he felt to be called on to
reply for the Grand Officers . Bro . Tijou followed , and expressed his pleasure at seeing amongst the brethren so many whom he knew , and who were connected with the Southern Cross and Deanery Lodges , at both of which he had acted as consecrating officer .
The toast of " The Worshipful Master , " Bro . Sterling , was proposed by Bro . Fredk . Mustart , the I . P . M ., who said that their Worshipful Master had revived many good customs of the Sincerity Lodge , he was an able worker and a good man . The toast was received with great enthusiasm and accorded musical honours .
It was a common fault , said the Worshipful Master , in reply , to make many good resolutions at such a moment . One of the resolutions he had made was that they should finish early that night , but that alas seemed one of the first to be broken . He became a member of the lodge six years ago , and he thanked them for electing him their Master .
He had endeavoured to carry out his duties during the six years he had been amongst them faithfully and honestly , and he looked to them for assistance in the duties he should
now have to perform , and hoped that at the end of his year of office he would have merited their approbation . The toast of " The Installing Master " was next responded to , and the new member having returned thanks for the toast of his health , Bro . P . Colville Smith , M . A ., P . G . D ., responded for "The Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , "
giving some interesting facts and ligures concerning it . Bros . Meyer , Harris , and Stuart replied for " The Visitors , " and that of " The Officers ol" the Lodge " concluded the proceedings . Musical selections bv Misses Rose Dallow , Edith Turner ,
Dorothy Bull , and Bro . Robert Dennant , under the direction of Bro . William Derby , P . M ., agreeably interspersed the proceedings .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
137th Anniversary Of The Lodge Of Sincerity, No. 174.
137 th Anniversary of the Lodge of Sincerity , No . 174 .
JnstaHcdion of cBro . W . < A . Sterling , W . M . Sfo . 2918 .
A LARGE and important gathering of Freemasons assembled on the iSth instant at the Guildhall Tavern , Gresham Street , to witness the installation of Bro . Sterling , the present W . M . of the Southern Cross Lodge , as Worshipful Master . The ceremony was performed by Bro . Mustart , the outgoing Master , and was witnessed
by quite a hundred brethren , including Bros . P . Colville Smith , M . A ., P . G . D ., Secretary of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution ; H . Times , Dep . G . D . C . ; W . J . Spratling , B . Sc , P . G . S . B . ; C . J . R . Tijou , P . G . Std . B . " ; W . S . Whitaker , P . A . G . P . ; John Iggleden , P . M . ; John Buhner , Mayor of Hove , P . M . ; Chas . Lacey , P . M ., Treas . ;
C . H . Webb , P . M ., Secretary ; G . T . H . Seddon , P . M . ; Geo . Jones , P . M . ; W . J . Higgs , P . M . ; Henry Jay , P . M . ; W . M . Butcher , P . M ., P . P . G . Supt . Works Essex ; J . H . Buhner , P . M . ; W . J . Sowden , P . M . ; T . W . Chant , P . M . ; H . Meyer , P . M . ; Jno . Clans , P . M . ; Geo . Jas . Ralph , P . M .
Chas . H . A . Harris , P . M . ; W . C . Smith , P . M . ; G . Enser , P . M . ; J . Endacott , P . M . ; S . M . Barry , I . P . M . ; Hy . Harbord , P . M . ; Saml . Crowson , P . M . ; Jno . A . Ren wick , W . M . No . 276 4 ; R . Wilson , F . W . Burmester , C . Newell , J . O . Horton , H . S . Stuart , M . H . S . Suart , R . Chandler , G . O . Duggna , G . F . Wilson , E . J . G . Smee , W . Rickard , G . E . Anderton ,
H . G . Brew , S . W . Hart , A . Ashworth , W . J . Harris , P . A . Legge , W . A . Vincent , Jno . D . Hawkins , G . Ferry , R . East , G . H . Butcher , E . Biesterfeld , and others .
THK WORSHIl'l- 'L'L MASTER . The Worshipful Master will be assisted during his year of office by the following brethren : —Bros . F . G . Mustart , W . Tidman , E . J . Wallis , E . P . Brokenshire , F . R . King , A . E . Reeve , J . C . Higgs , Chas . R . Naylor , Hy . Coffin , V . J .
Reveley , C . J . Fielder , and Samuel Ellis , Tyler . A very pleasing innovation was made by the W orshipful Master at the banquet table . Bro . Jno . Buhner , who is rightly styled the father of the lodge , had to leave early in order to reach his home at Hove , of which town he is mayor for the second time . Bro . Buhner was initiated in 18 ^ 5
served as Worshipful Master in 1861 , and installed his son , Bro . J . H . Buhner , in 1902 . The Worshipful Master coupled the names of Bros . C . Lacy and C . H . Webb , Treasurer and Secretary , respectively , with that of Bro . Buhner , and on behalf of the Senior Warden and himself , presented to each of these grand old Freemasons a handsome basket of flowers
as a small token of the good work each had done for Sincerity Lodge , and expressed the hope that for many years the lodge would be favoured with their presence and advice . The united ages of these three veteians amounted to nearly 240 years .
Bro . Buhner , P . M ., who fust thanked the brethren , remarked that it was because of advancing years that he troubled them with his remarks so early in the evening . He was no " chicken , " and it became increasingly necessary for him to get home at a reasonable hour . His activities were
many , he was glad to tell them , in spite of the on-come of the years , and in his connection with Hove , as Mayor , and in other ways , he found himself fully occupied . Cheers greeted our veteran brother , who was followed by Bros . Webb and Lacey , the Secretary and Treasurer , respectively .
In proposing the toast of " The Grand Officers , " Bro . Sterling , W . M ., called on Bros . W . J . Spratling , P . G . S . B ., and C . J . R . Tijou , P . G . Std . B ., to reply .
Bro . Spratling , in response , said that when the list of apologies for non-attendance was read , he could not help the feeling that if any of them had been there he should have felt very much relieved . As it was , however , he could only say how delighted he was to be present at the meeting of so old a lodge , and how honoured he felt to be called on to
reply for the Grand Officers . Bro . Tijou followed , and expressed his pleasure at seeing amongst the brethren so many whom he knew , and who were connected with the Southern Cross and Deanery Lodges , at both of which he had acted as consecrating officer .
The toast of " The Worshipful Master , " Bro . Sterling , was proposed by Bro . Fredk . Mustart , the I . P . M ., who said that their Worshipful Master had revived many good customs of the Sincerity Lodge , he was an able worker and a good man . The toast was received with great enthusiasm and accorded musical honours .
It was a common fault , said the Worshipful Master , in reply , to make many good resolutions at such a moment . One of the resolutions he had made was that they should finish early that night , but that alas seemed one of the first to be broken . He became a member of the lodge six years ago , and he thanked them for electing him their Master .
He had endeavoured to carry out his duties during the six years he had been amongst them faithfully and honestly , and he looked to them for assistance in the duties he should
now have to perform , and hoped that at the end of his year of office he would have merited their approbation . The toast of " The Installing Master " was next responded to , and the new member having returned thanks for the toast of his health , Bro . P . Colville Smith , M . A ., P . G . D ., responded for "The Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , "
giving some interesting facts and ligures concerning it . Bros . Meyer , Harris , and Stuart replied for " The Visitors , " and that of " The Officers ol" the Lodge " concluded the proceedings . Musical selections bv Misses Rose Dallow , Edith Turner ,
Dorothy Bull , and Bro . Robert Dennant , under the direction of Bro . William Derby , P . M ., agreeably interspersed the proceedings .