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Shropshire Masons In London. Consecration Of The Wrekin Lodge, No. 2883.
Bro . Capt . Williams Freeman , P . G . S . B ., S . W ., proposed the toast of " The Consecrating Officers , " and eulogised the impressive manner in which the ceremony had been performed . He had been delighted but not surprised , as three of the six Consecrating Officers were Shropshire men—Bro . A . C . Spaull , P . D . G . D . C ., Bro . V . C . L . Crump , P . G .
Std . Br ., and he could claim the Bishop of Barking , as he was educated at King EdAvard VII . School , ShrcAvsbury . He did not think it possible for the ceremony to have been done better , but if it were possible it would be when all six officers hailed from Salop . Bro . the Right Rev . the Bishop of Barking , replying ( in
the absence of the Grand Secretary ) for the Consecrating Officers , had pleasure in admitting that he OAved a great deal to the old school of King Echvard VII ., regarding which he had had a reminder from Shrewsbury , for the first letter he
received after being gazetted Bishop Avas one from the head boy of the school asking him to write and get the boys a half-holiday in honour of the event , Avhich he had great pleasure in doing . The founding of a lodge always reminded him of the launching of a ship . When the cords were cut , there was that anxious moment before the vessel
gradually and majestically glides off the slips ; there was just that period in starting a lodge , Avould all go right ? There AA * as no doubt as to that . Judging from propositions made that night , the success of the Wrekin Lodge was a foregone conclusion . It AA * as always a pleasure to be a consecrating officer Avith such a Master as Bro . Letchworth and a Director
of Ceremonies of such ability as Bro . Frank Richardson . He Avas confident the lodge they had started Avould attract Shropshire men to rall y round it . Freemasonry draws ' real work out of men , and he advised every member to aspire to office , and to thus help the Avork forward .
Bro . J . H . Redman , acting I . P . M ., in proposing the toast of " The Worshipful Master , " remarked that none but those acting on the committee of the Shropshire Society , could
knoAV how much enthusiasm Lord Barnard had displayed in their interests . Anything for the benefit of Shropshire men was sure to have his hearty support . Me was second president of their societA" , having succeeded the Duke of Norfolk . When the question oi a lodge Avas mentioned to him he stepped doAvn from his lofty pedestal of Provincial Grand
Master of Durham and consented to be their first W . M . He could assure him that he held , and ever Avould hold , the affections of Shropshire Masons . The W . M ., in reply , could not sufficiently thank the brethren for the heartiness accorded to the toast . Whatever
he had done for the society and lodge have been simple evidence of the deep interest in everything concerning the county . He hoped the influence of the lodge would bring good recruits from the society , and that its working would be a model among lodges . He disclaimed much of the credit Avhich had been given to him , which must be shared with
those Avho have Avorked with him . The toast of " The visitors " Avas duly honoured , and Avas responded to by Bro . f . D . Williams , who said he AA * as the youngest installed Master present , and W . M . of the oldest lodge in the province , No . 117 . The heartiest Avishes , he said ,
for the success of the lodge would re-echo from " Around the Wrekin . " Bro . Pretty , P . M ., also responded . Replying to the toast of "The Officers , " Bro . R . B . Benson , W . M . 1537 , J . W ., assured the Worshipful Master
and brethren that they appreciated the honour and privilege of being the original officers , everyone of whom felt a deep sense of responsibility , realizing that they Avere making traditions for the lodge . A local Shropshire toast , "All around the Wrekin , " was
given and honoured . The Tyler ' s toast brought a successful evening to a close , the arrangements for which Avere perfect , and reflected great credit upon the Secretary , Bro . A . Middleton Richards .
We are indebted for the above to W . Bro . Ivan H . Haarburger , Past Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies , of Bloemfontein , whose portrait appeared in our issue of September last .
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Shropshire Masons In London. Consecration Of The Wrekin Lodge, No. 2883.
Bro . Capt . Williams Freeman , P . G . S . B ., S . W ., proposed the toast of " The Consecrating Officers , " and eulogised the impressive manner in which the ceremony had been performed . He had been delighted but not surprised , as three of the six Consecrating Officers were Shropshire men—Bro . A . C . Spaull , P . D . G . D . C ., Bro . V . C . L . Crump , P . G .
Std . Br ., and he could claim the Bishop of Barking , as he was educated at King EdAvard VII . School , ShrcAvsbury . He did not think it possible for the ceremony to have been done better , but if it were possible it would be when all six officers hailed from Salop . Bro . the Right Rev . the Bishop of Barking , replying ( in
the absence of the Grand Secretary ) for the Consecrating Officers , had pleasure in admitting that he OAved a great deal to the old school of King Echvard VII ., regarding which he had had a reminder from Shrewsbury , for the first letter he
received after being gazetted Bishop Avas one from the head boy of the school asking him to write and get the boys a half-holiday in honour of the event , Avhich he had great pleasure in doing . The founding of a lodge always reminded him of the launching of a ship . When the cords were cut , there was that anxious moment before the vessel
gradually and majestically glides off the slips ; there was just that period in starting a lodge , Avould all go right ? There AA * as no doubt as to that . Judging from propositions made that night , the success of the Wrekin Lodge was a foregone conclusion . It AA * as always a pleasure to be a consecrating officer Avith such a Master as Bro . Letchworth and a Director
of Ceremonies of such ability as Bro . Frank Richardson . He Avas confident the lodge they had started Avould attract Shropshire men to rall y round it . Freemasonry draws ' real work out of men , and he advised every member to aspire to office , and to thus help the Avork forward .
Bro . J . H . Redman , acting I . P . M ., in proposing the toast of " The Worshipful Master , " remarked that none but those acting on the committee of the Shropshire Society , could
knoAV how much enthusiasm Lord Barnard had displayed in their interests . Anything for the benefit of Shropshire men was sure to have his hearty support . Me was second president of their societA" , having succeeded the Duke of Norfolk . When the question oi a lodge Avas mentioned to him he stepped doAvn from his lofty pedestal of Provincial Grand
Master of Durham and consented to be their first W . M . He could assure him that he held , and ever Avould hold , the affections of Shropshire Masons . The W . M ., in reply , could not sufficiently thank the brethren for the heartiness accorded to the toast . Whatever
he had done for the society and lodge have been simple evidence of the deep interest in everything concerning the county . He hoped the influence of the lodge would bring good recruits from the society , and that its working would be a model among lodges . He disclaimed much of the credit Avhich had been given to him , which must be shared with
those Avho have Avorked with him . The toast of " The visitors " Avas duly honoured , and Avas responded to by Bro . f . D . Williams , who said he AA * as the youngest installed Master present , and W . M . of the oldest lodge in the province , No . 117 . The heartiest Avishes , he said ,
for the success of the lodge would re-echo from " Around the Wrekin . " Bro . Pretty , P . M ., also responded . Replying to the toast of "The Officers , " Bro . R . B . Benson , W . M . 1537 , J . W ., assured the Worshipful Master
and brethren that they appreciated the honour and privilege of being the original officers , everyone of whom felt a deep sense of responsibility , realizing that they Avere making traditions for the lodge . A local Shropshire toast , "All around the Wrekin , " was
given and honoured . The Tyler ' s toast brought a successful evening to a close , the arrangements for which Avere perfect , and reflected great credit upon the Secretary , Bro . A . Middleton Richards .
We are indebted for the above to W . Bro . Ivan H . Haarburger , Past Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies , of Bloemfontein , whose portrait appeared in our issue of September last .