Article At the Sign of the Perfect Ashlar ← Page 3 of 4 →
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At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar
however , that he achieved most distinction in the domain ol literature , and his contributions always carried with them the weight of authority . His " History of the Mother Lodge , Kilwinning , " which he set up with his own hands in the printing office where he was employed , was translated into several foreign languages , while his " History of the Old Lodge at Thornhill " found a large circle of readers .
€ » © © His greatest literary work , however , and that by which he will be best remembered , is his " History of the Lodge of Edinburgh ( Mary ' s Chapel ) , No . i , " which was published in 1873 , under the patronage of the then Prince of Wales , as Patron of the Order . The value of this publication is not
confined to the local lodge which gives it its title . It is a book of universal interest to members of the Craft , for it not only contains a detailed account of the venerable Lodge , No . 1 , the tercentenary of whose earliest records was celebrated three years ago , but it also includes an account
of the rise and progress of Freemasonry , and a fund of information concerning other Scottish lodges . All through his connection with the Grand Lodge , Bro . Murray Lyon was a familiar figure in Masonic circles , and his genial presence will be much missed by the brethren . As head of
the executive staff of the Grand Lodge , he rendered long and faithful services , the value of which the members of the Craft were not slow to appreciate .
© © © The Mallei , whose contributions to the Masonic column of the Glasgow Evening Xcws have been such a prominent feature for so many years , has the following interesting note in a recent issue : —"' The Constitution of the Grand Lodge of Scotland , ' of date 18 3 6—the first issued for the use of
subordinate lodges—is by no means a book of every day use . A copy , procured by Bro . Peter Macdonald , P . M . of 219 , whose mind has an arclueological tendency , is in good preservation ; and , having been favoured with a perusal , I have found it most interesting reading . Many of the laws ,
of course , are obsolete , and it is no use as a guide now . It is interesting to note from the introduction that to Scotland belongs the honour of introducing Freemasonry into the Kingdoms of Denmark and Sweden , both of which have been prominently before the Grand Lodges of the world recently .
The lodge raised to the dignity of the Grand Lodge of Denmark ( says the ' Recorder' of 18 3 6 ) was erected in 1 743 , under the auspices of the Grand Lodge of Scotland , while the first lodge in Sweden was erected at Stockholm in the year 1754 under the same authority . " * © ©
A very successful festival of the London Rifle Brigade Lodge of Instruction was held at the Holborn Viaduct Hotel on the 4 th February , Bro . the Rev . F . Bethune Norman Lee , Chaplain to the Forces , P . G . C ., presiding . Before the banquet ( he ceremony of passing was ably rehearsed by Bro . H . A . Davidson , J . D . of the lodge , and the three
sections of the Second Lecture worked by Bro . T . H . Jenks , P . M . 8 , and other brethren . During the banquet , Bro . Jenks , in response to the toast of " Prosperity to the London Rille Brigade Lodge of Instruction , " gave a short sketch of the history of the lodge , which , although hardly four years old , appeared to be in a very nourishing condition , and gave promise of being amongst the best in the metropolis .
© © © On the 20 II 1 February Bro . Henry George , P . P . G . W ., assisted by Bros . S . Pegler , P . M . ; the Rev . H . T . Hayman , P . P . G . C . of Notts ; and the Rev . Bing , of Nottingham , performed the ceremony of dedicating a new Masonic Hall at Worksop , built for the brethren of the Pelham Lodge
, No . 939 . The old quarters were in Newcastle Avenue , but were found to be inadequate for the requirements of the Craft , and the new building , which is in Newcastle Street , is a most commodious and handsomely appointed structure . 1 here were a number of visiting brethren present at the
ceremony from Retford , Mansfield , and elsewhere , who , together with the brethren of the Pelham Lodge , subsequently dined at the Golden Ball Hotel .
Liverpool , recognised as the English " Metropolis of Wales" with regard to population and commercial enterprise , may also claim to be a centre of enthusiasm and activity with respect to the Masonic Order , as in all the lodges of the city and district there is a very large proportion of the brethren who hail from the Principality , and whose presence is a
power in not only directing the actual working of the " mystic craft , " but in giving substantial aid and active labour to the development of the three great charities in the Province of West Lancashire—the West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution ( instituted for the tuition and maintenance of
children of deceased Freemasons ) , the Hamer Benevolent Institution , and the Alpass Benevolent Institution ( which meets the linancial wants of widows of former members of the Order ) .
© © 1 © A good many years ago the Ancient Briton Lodge , No . 1675 , was established for the purpose of giving membership to natives of the "Land of the Leek , " but the extension of this provision for purely Masonic purposes has been
found necessary . Accordingly the usual steps for the consecration of a new lodge for the convenience of Welsh brethren were taken some time ago , and the result of a successful application for a charter was shown in a significant light on the 20 th February at the Masonic Hall , Hope Street ,
in connection with the consecration of the St . David ' s Lodge , No . 2950 on the register of the Grand Lodge of England . The gathering of brethren of varied ranks on the occasion was the largest which has taken place at the city headquarters of the Order for a long time , clearly indicating that the "St . David" is likely to maintain prosperity in the best interests of the Craft . © © ©
The annual meeting of the Court of Governors of the Alpass Benevolent Institution of West Lancashire was held on the 25 th February at the Masonic Hall , Hope Street , Liverpool , under the chairmanship of Bro . W . Goodacre , Prov . G . Sec . It was resolved to continue the annual grants to all present annuitants and extend the benefit of the
charity to three applicants , thus making the number seventy participants now deriving help from the charity , at a cost of £ 1260 per annum . It was reported that the interest from investments last year ( £ 9500 ) was . £ 339 , and that the contributions from lodges and chapters were . £ 772 . Bros .
G . A . Harradon , P . G . D ., was re-elected Treasurer ; G . Barclay , P . M ., Honorary Secretary ; and T . Smith , P . M ., Honorarv Solicitor .
© © © Bro . J . Spiers , the Secretary for Queensland of the Correspondence Circle of Lodge Quatuor Coronati , writes from Toowoomba as follows : — " I have taken a special interest in the portrait of His Highness the Maharajah of
Cooch-Behar , Past Grand Warden , published in your issue of October last . I have in my possession the regalia jewel of another distinguished Indian Mason , who attained the rank of Past Grand Warden in 18 3 6 , as the following inscription on the obverse of the jewel shows : — ' In virtue
of a vote of Grand Lodge . Presented by His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex , K . G ., M . W . Grand Master , to His Excellency the Moolavee Mahomed Ismael Kahn , a distinguished Master Mason of the Lodge of Friendship , No . 6 , 7 th September , A . D . 18 3 6 , A . L . 5 8 3 6 , A . nice ; 1251 , ' with the Arabic letter sin under the Mahomedan date .
© © © " It appears this brother was an Ambassador from the King of Oucle to the Court of St . James , but what became of him after his departure from England I have been unable to discover . How his jewel found its way to this State is a mvstery , as it is difficult to understand a Prince parting with a souvenir of this kind .
" The following is an extract lrom Grand Lodge minutes : 'At a Quarterly Communication .... on Wednesday , the 71 I 1 September , 18 3 6 , His Royal Highness Prince Augustus Frederick , Duke of Sussex , M . W . Grand Master ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar
however , that he achieved most distinction in the domain ol literature , and his contributions always carried with them the weight of authority . His " History of the Mother Lodge , Kilwinning , " which he set up with his own hands in the printing office where he was employed , was translated into several foreign languages , while his " History of the Old Lodge at Thornhill " found a large circle of readers .
€ » © © His greatest literary work , however , and that by which he will be best remembered , is his " History of the Lodge of Edinburgh ( Mary ' s Chapel ) , No . i , " which was published in 1873 , under the patronage of the then Prince of Wales , as Patron of the Order . The value of this publication is not
confined to the local lodge which gives it its title . It is a book of universal interest to members of the Craft , for it not only contains a detailed account of the venerable Lodge , No . 1 , the tercentenary of whose earliest records was celebrated three years ago , but it also includes an account
of the rise and progress of Freemasonry , and a fund of information concerning other Scottish lodges . All through his connection with the Grand Lodge , Bro . Murray Lyon was a familiar figure in Masonic circles , and his genial presence will be much missed by the brethren . As head of
the executive staff of the Grand Lodge , he rendered long and faithful services , the value of which the members of the Craft were not slow to appreciate .
© © © The Mallei , whose contributions to the Masonic column of the Glasgow Evening Xcws have been such a prominent feature for so many years , has the following interesting note in a recent issue : —"' The Constitution of the Grand Lodge of Scotland , ' of date 18 3 6—the first issued for the use of
subordinate lodges—is by no means a book of every day use . A copy , procured by Bro . Peter Macdonald , P . M . of 219 , whose mind has an arclueological tendency , is in good preservation ; and , having been favoured with a perusal , I have found it most interesting reading . Many of the laws ,
of course , are obsolete , and it is no use as a guide now . It is interesting to note from the introduction that to Scotland belongs the honour of introducing Freemasonry into the Kingdoms of Denmark and Sweden , both of which have been prominently before the Grand Lodges of the world recently .
The lodge raised to the dignity of the Grand Lodge of Denmark ( says the ' Recorder' of 18 3 6 ) was erected in 1 743 , under the auspices of the Grand Lodge of Scotland , while the first lodge in Sweden was erected at Stockholm in the year 1754 under the same authority . " * © ©
A very successful festival of the London Rifle Brigade Lodge of Instruction was held at the Holborn Viaduct Hotel on the 4 th February , Bro . the Rev . F . Bethune Norman Lee , Chaplain to the Forces , P . G . C ., presiding . Before the banquet ( he ceremony of passing was ably rehearsed by Bro . H . A . Davidson , J . D . of the lodge , and the three
sections of the Second Lecture worked by Bro . T . H . Jenks , P . M . 8 , and other brethren . During the banquet , Bro . Jenks , in response to the toast of " Prosperity to the London Rille Brigade Lodge of Instruction , " gave a short sketch of the history of the lodge , which , although hardly four years old , appeared to be in a very nourishing condition , and gave promise of being amongst the best in the metropolis .
© © © On the 20 II 1 February Bro . Henry George , P . P . G . W ., assisted by Bros . S . Pegler , P . M . ; the Rev . H . T . Hayman , P . P . G . C . of Notts ; and the Rev . Bing , of Nottingham , performed the ceremony of dedicating a new Masonic Hall at Worksop , built for the brethren of the Pelham Lodge
, No . 939 . The old quarters were in Newcastle Avenue , but were found to be inadequate for the requirements of the Craft , and the new building , which is in Newcastle Street , is a most commodious and handsomely appointed structure . 1 here were a number of visiting brethren present at the
ceremony from Retford , Mansfield , and elsewhere , who , together with the brethren of the Pelham Lodge , subsequently dined at the Golden Ball Hotel .
Liverpool , recognised as the English " Metropolis of Wales" with regard to population and commercial enterprise , may also claim to be a centre of enthusiasm and activity with respect to the Masonic Order , as in all the lodges of the city and district there is a very large proportion of the brethren who hail from the Principality , and whose presence is a
power in not only directing the actual working of the " mystic craft , " but in giving substantial aid and active labour to the development of the three great charities in the Province of West Lancashire—the West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution ( instituted for the tuition and maintenance of
children of deceased Freemasons ) , the Hamer Benevolent Institution , and the Alpass Benevolent Institution ( which meets the linancial wants of widows of former members of the Order ) .
© © 1 © A good many years ago the Ancient Briton Lodge , No . 1675 , was established for the purpose of giving membership to natives of the "Land of the Leek , " but the extension of this provision for purely Masonic purposes has been
found necessary . Accordingly the usual steps for the consecration of a new lodge for the convenience of Welsh brethren were taken some time ago , and the result of a successful application for a charter was shown in a significant light on the 20 th February at the Masonic Hall , Hope Street ,
in connection with the consecration of the St . David ' s Lodge , No . 2950 on the register of the Grand Lodge of England . The gathering of brethren of varied ranks on the occasion was the largest which has taken place at the city headquarters of the Order for a long time , clearly indicating that the "St . David" is likely to maintain prosperity in the best interests of the Craft . © © ©
The annual meeting of the Court of Governors of the Alpass Benevolent Institution of West Lancashire was held on the 25 th February at the Masonic Hall , Hope Street , Liverpool , under the chairmanship of Bro . W . Goodacre , Prov . G . Sec . It was resolved to continue the annual grants to all present annuitants and extend the benefit of the
charity to three applicants , thus making the number seventy participants now deriving help from the charity , at a cost of £ 1260 per annum . It was reported that the interest from investments last year ( £ 9500 ) was . £ 339 , and that the contributions from lodges and chapters were . £ 772 . Bros .
G . A . Harradon , P . G . D ., was re-elected Treasurer ; G . Barclay , P . M ., Honorary Secretary ; and T . Smith , P . M ., Honorarv Solicitor .
© © © Bro . J . Spiers , the Secretary for Queensland of the Correspondence Circle of Lodge Quatuor Coronati , writes from Toowoomba as follows : — " I have taken a special interest in the portrait of His Highness the Maharajah of
Cooch-Behar , Past Grand Warden , published in your issue of October last . I have in my possession the regalia jewel of another distinguished Indian Mason , who attained the rank of Past Grand Warden in 18 3 6 , as the following inscription on the obverse of the jewel shows : — ' In virtue
of a vote of Grand Lodge . Presented by His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex , K . G ., M . W . Grand Master , to His Excellency the Moolavee Mahomed Ismael Kahn , a distinguished Master Mason of the Lodge of Friendship , No . 6 , 7 th September , A . D . 18 3 6 , A . L . 5 8 3 6 , A . nice ; 1251 , ' with the Arabic letter sin under the Mahomedan date .
© © © " It appears this brother was an Ambassador from the King of Oucle to the Court of St . James , but what became of him after his departure from England I have been unable to discover . How his jewel found its way to this State is a mvstery , as it is difficult to understand a Prince parting with a souvenir of this kind .
" The following is an extract lrom Grand Lodge minutes : 'At a Quarterly Communication .... on Wednesday , the 71 I 1 September , 18 3 6 , His Royal Highness Prince Augustus Frederick , Duke of Sussex , M . W . Grand Master ,