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Installation Meeting Of The Westbourne Lodge, No. 733.
Installation Meeting of the Westbourne Lodge , No . 733 .
THE installation meeting of this popular lodge was held at the Holborn Restaurant , on Thursday , February 19 th , when the outgoing Master , Bro . H . H . Bagnall , installed his successor , Bro . Edward Thomas , into the Alaster ' s chair . The ceremony was rendered with impressive
dignity . The Worshipful Master invested his officers as follows : — Bros . F . Beesley , S . W . ; C . Halston , J . W . ; [ . Welford , P . M ., P . G . Std . Br ., Treasurer ; S . R . Walker , P . M ., Secretary ; G . T . Meek , S . D . ; E . J . White , J . D . ; W . Recknell , I . G . ; C . A . Cottebrune , P . AI ., P . G . Std . Br ., D . C ; F . Chidley , A . D . C . ; A . C . Hawkins , Organist ; E . Young and H . Morton , Stewards ; and S . Ellis , Tyler .
BRO . EDWARD THOMAS . At the banquet which followed , the speeches were brief . The usual loyal toasts were duly given and honoured . In proposing the toast of " The Grand Officers , " the
Worshipful Alaster said the Westbourne Lodge was proud to have two such veteran Grand Officers among . their members as Bros . C . A . Cottebrune and J . Welford , and hoped that they would live for many years to continue their valuable services to the Westbourne Lodge .
Bro . Cottebrune , PG . Std . Br ., said he had much pleasure in responding . He felt it a great honour to be their oldest Past Alaster and a Past Grand Officer . Forty-live years ago he had been a founder of the lodge , and occupied the position now held by their Worshipful Master . He had worked with many of the old Past Alasters to establish the
lodge on a firm basis , and others were now carrying on that work . He could look back to the time when the usual refreshment of the lodge after labour consisted of bread and cheese and beer , but still they were happy in spite of their economy . He was proud that the lodge had continued its prosperous career , which he hoped would go on for many
years , although he , being eighty-one years of age , could not hope to respond to that toast for many more years . Bro . J . Welford , P . G . Std . Br ., endorsed the remarks made by his old friend , and trusted that they would together be able to attend many more installation meetings of the Westbourne
Lodge . The I . P . M ., Bro . H . H . Bagnall , proposing the toast of '' The Worshipful Master , " felt it a particular pleasure that that task devolved upon him as they were old friends , and had run in harness together for some years . The Worshipful Alaster had proved in the lodge of instruction that he was a
most capable worker , and he could promise him that he would have what he well deserved , the undivided support of the brethren . It was the earnest wish of all the members that he would have a prosperous year of office . The Worshipful Alaster , in reply , thanked the brethren for the cordial reception they had given to the toast , and
assured them that nothing should be wanting on his part to continue the good work of the lodge , in which endeavour he knew he would receive the support of the Past Alasters . He submitted to them the toast of " The Installing Master , Bro . H . H . Bagnall , " and had great pleasure in presenting him ,
on behalf of the lodge , with a Past Alaster ' s jewel . The I . P . AI ., in response , thanked the brethren who had so loyally supported him during his year of office , and for the handsome Past Master ' s jewel they had presented him with . He was glad he had given them satisfaction , and it had always been his endeavour to act up to the spirit of the Craft .
The toast of " The Visitors " was responded to by Bros . Grice , T . Mason , and W . O . Welsford . They congratulated the Worshipful Alaster upon the high office to which he had attained , and offered their sincere sympathy in the sorrow which a family bereavement was weighing upon him that night .
The toast of " The Past Alasters" was replied to by Bro . J . Welford , who looked back with pleasure to the lime when he occupied the chair of Worshipful Alaster , twentytwo years ago , and Bro . A . Arrowsmith who had experienced considerable pleasure that evening in seeing installed into the
chair of the lodge a brother who had been one of his initiates when he had been Alaster , and who , like others whom he had initiated , had brought honour upon themselves by the manner in which they had fulfilled the duties of any office they had held . He trusted the Worshipful Alaster would
attain even greater success than that of his predecessors . Bro . S . R . Walker , the indefatigable Secretary , also replied in his usual humorous vein . The toast of " The Officers " was duly given and responded to , and the Tyler ' s toast brought the proceedings to a close .
Installation Meeting Of The Savage Club Lodge, No. 2190.
Installation Meeting of the Savage Club Lodge , No . 2190 .
^ PHE installation meeting of the above lodge took place I at Freemasons ' . Hall , Great Queen Street , on February 3 rd , when a large number of Grand Officers and distinguished brethren were present . Bro . R . Bowdler Sliarpe ,
LL . D ., was installed as Worshipful Alaster , and the following officers were invested for the year : —Bros . Edward Peacock , I . P . AI . ; Hugh Moss , S . W . ; Herbert Johnson , J . W . ; Raymond Tucker , P . AI . 18 99 , Treasurer ; F . H . Clieesewright , P . M .
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Installation Meeting Of The Westbourne Lodge, No. 733.
Installation Meeting of the Westbourne Lodge , No . 733 .
THE installation meeting of this popular lodge was held at the Holborn Restaurant , on Thursday , February 19 th , when the outgoing Master , Bro . H . H . Bagnall , installed his successor , Bro . Edward Thomas , into the Alaster ' s chair . The ceremony was rendered with impressive
dignity . The Worshipful Master invested his officers as follows : — Bros . F . Beesley , S . W . ; C . Halston , J . W . ; [ . Welford , P . M ., P . G . Std . Br ., Treasurer ; S . R . Walker , P . M ., Secretary ; G . T . Meek , S . D . ; E . J . White , J . D . ; W . Recknell , I . G . ; C . A . Cottebrune , P . AI ., P . G . Std . Br ., D . C ; F . Chidley , A . D . C . ; A . C . Hawkins , Organist ; E . Young and H . Morton , Stewards ; and S . Ellis , Tyler .
BRO . EDWARD THOMAS . At the banquet which followed , the speeches were brief . The usual loyal toasts were duly given and honoured . In proposing the toast of " The Grand Officers , " the
Worshipful Alaster said the Westbourne Lodge was proud to have two such veteran Grand Officers among . their members as Bros . C . A . Cottebrune and J . Welford , and hoped that they would live for many years to continue their valuable services to the Westbourne Lodge .
Bro . Cottebrune , PG . Std . Br ., said he had much pleasure in responding . He felt it a great honour to be their oldest Past Alaster and a Past Grand Officer . Forty-live years ago he had been a founder of the lodge , and occupied the position now held by their Worshipful Master . He had worked with many of the old Past Alasters to establish the
lodge on a firm basis , and others were now carrying on that work . He could look back to the time when the usual refreshment of the lodge after labour consisted of bread and cheese and beer , but still they were happy in spite of their economy . He was proud that the lodge had continued its prosperous career , which he hoped would go on for many
years , although he , being eighty-one years of age , could not hope to respond to that toast for many more years . Bro . J . Welford , P . G . Std . Br ., endorsed the remarks made by his old friend , and trusted that they would together be able to attend many more installation meetings of the Westbourne
Lodge . The I . P . M ., Bro . H . H . Bagnall , proposing the toast of '' The Worshipful Master , " felt it a particular pleasure that that task devolved upon him as they were old friends , and had run in harness together for some years . The Worshipful Alaster had proved in the lodge of instruction that he was a
most capable worker , and he could promise him that he would have what he well deserved , the undivided support of the brethren . It was the earnest wish of all the members that he would have a prosperous year of office . The Worshipful Alaster , in reply , thanked the brethren for the cordial reception they had given to the toast , and
assured them that nothing should be wanting on his part to continue the good work of the lodge , in which endeavour he knew he would receive the support of the Past Alasters . He submitted to them the toast of " The Installing Master , Bro . H . H . Bagnall , " and had great pleasure in presenting him ,
on behalf of the lodge , with a Past Alaster ' s jewel . The I . P . AI ., in response , thanked the brethren who had so loyally supported him during his year of office , and for the handsome Past Master ' s jewel they had presented him with . He was glad he had given them satisfaction , and it had always been his endeavour to act up to the spirit of the Craft .
The toast of " The Visitors " was responded to by Bros . Grice , T . Mason , and W . O . Welsford . They congratulated the Worshipful Alaster upon the high office to which he had attained , and offered their sincere sympathy in the sorrow which a family bereavement was weighing upon him that night .
The toast of " The Past Alasters" was replied to by Bro . J . Welford , who looked back with pleasure to the lime when he occupied the chair of Worshipful Alaster , twentytwo years ago , and Bro . A . Arrowsmith who had experienced considerable pleasure that evening in seeing installed into the
chair of the lodge a brother who had been one of his initiates when he had been Alaster , and who , like others whom he had initiated , had brought honour upon themselves by the manner in which they had fulfilled the duties of any office they had held . He trusted the Worshipful Alaster would
attain even greater success than that of his predecessors . Bro . S . R . Walker , the indefatigable Secretary , also replied in his usual humorous vein . The toast of " The Officers " was duly given and responded to , and the Tyler ' s toast brought the proceedings to a close .
Installation Meeting Of The Savage Club Lodge, No. 2190.
Installation Meeting of the Savage Club Lodge , No . 2190 .
^ PHE installation meeting of the above lodge took place I at Freemasons ' . Hall , Great Queen Street , on February 3 rd , when a large number of Grand Officers and distinguished brethren were present . Bro . R . Bowdler Sliarpe ,
LL . D ., was installed as Worshipful Alaster , and the following officers were invested for the year : —Bros . Edward Peacock , I . P . AI . ; Hugh Moss , S . W . ; Herbert Johnson , J . W . ; Raymond Tucker , P . AI . 18 99 , Treasurer ; F . H . Clieesewright , P . M .