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At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar
A gentleman in Chicago objects to the Masonic fraternitylaying the corner stone of a public school building , not because Masonry is a secret institution , but simply because it is an institution . He would not have the corner stone laid by any one but the people , or some body of men representing the whole people . In a letter to a Chicago paper he said
in part : In this connection let it be understood that I make no plea against Masonry which I would not make against the church in which I received my early training or any other church or order . With reference to no occasion would my
argument apply with stronger force than the occasion of the dedication of the public school building . The public school we have for many years looked upon as our special protege . It is an institution which we have been guarding with jealous eye against all special and sectarian influences and whatever
is sectarian or special in its tendencies . This is the light in which it is given me to see this business and I cannot but believe that there are members of the Masonic fraternity , many of whom I know to be of liberal education , and broadminded men , who stand ready to second what I have said in this behalf . No church or order which is not fully
representative of the people should assume the right to officiate on such occasions as I have referred to . None , I presume , will claim that Masonry is thoroughly representative of the beliefs of the people in this great city . Of the men we may safely say that not more than one in twenty belong to that Order .
I regard Saturday ' s proceeding as simply one of the false steps which the conscience and intelligence of the most enlightened body of men sometimes take for want of reflection and sufficient information of the ground over which it is travelling . —P . L . O'MEARA .
© © © The only religious belief which Masons , as Masons , have is in a Supreme Being and His Fatherhood . Surely this is a belief more generally shared by the people of Chicago than any other religious creed . Is it not reasonable ,
therefore , to conclude that Masonry is as thoroughly representative of the beliefs of Chicago people as is any association that has any religious belief whatever ? And yet why all this mixture of religion and education ? Why should there be any greater religious significance about the laying of a corner
stone by the Masonic fraternity than if it were laid by the mayor of the city ? Why should it be imagined that such an act , performed by a modern descendant of an ancient building association should throw any special or sectarian influence about a public school ? The corner stone of the national
capitol in Washington , D . C , was laid by Masons a century and a decade ago . If one took stock in the criticisms of carping pessimists one would expect in that long period that Masonry would at least have subverted all national legislation to its own ends and doubtless corrupted the whole government , if not the entire nation . Show us , ye who so freely
criticise , what baneful influence Masonry has ever been known to exert over the public institutions , the corner stones of whose buildings it has laid . —American Tyler . © © © The New Palace Steamers , Limited , announce that they
have sold their well-known paddle steamer " La Marguerite , " to the Liverpool and North Wales Steamship Co ., Limited , to run between Liverpool , Llandudno and the Menai Straits , and she will leave the Thames very shortly , but the Company have made such arrangements for the coming season that
their patrons will not suffer from lack of service from London Bridge and Tilbury to Southend , Margate and Ramsgate . Provision will be made for running cross-channel trips , and plans are under consideration for the building of a fine new steamer to be placed on that station in 1905 .
© © © Nowadays with our hoardings and newspaper advertisement columns teeming with all sorts of flashy advertisements of low grade teas , it is quite refreshing to receive from Messrs . Ridgways Limited , the great tea firm of King
William Street , London , a package of their superb blend , which they for many years supplied to our late beloved Queen Victoria . As stated on the package , this is a blend of extremely choice , delicately-flavoured teas in the exact proportions as originally ordered by the late Queen for her
own private use . This blend should appeal strongly to those of our readers to whom quality is of more consideration than an apparently low price .
BANK119 & 120 , BISHOPSdATE STREET WITHIN , E . C , and 28 , BEDFORD STREET , CHARING CROSS , LONDON , W . C . ( ESTABLISHED 1870 ) . Assets , JG 512 . 475 . Liabilities , . £ 209 , 475 . Reserve , . £ 303 , 000 . Loans of . £ 50 to £ 5 , 000 made on imy class of security . Two and a-half per cent , interest allowed , on Current Accounts . Deposits of £ 10 and inwards received as under : — 5 per cent , per annum , subject to 3 months' notice of withdrawal . G ¦ >• >> .. C > „ .. 7 l- > Special terms for longer periods . Interest paid Quarterly . The Terminable ¦ Deposit Bonds pay nearly 0 per cent ., and are a safe investment . Write or call for Prospectus . £ ^^ } Joint Managers .
. . THE . . " —
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B ° ™
Mx ' ' tl - P JMk Jf t ^* ^ ~ / , v *** I ' that ?" 1- ^ ^ -Tt-t- ¦ *» " > - ' J * 2
TATTOOING( Art Etching on the Human Skin ) by
Pall Mall , London , S . W . Patronised by Royalty , Officers of His Majesty ' s Services , anil leading Members of Society .
Masonic Jewels , Badges ; and Emblematic Designs artistically and accurately etched on the Skin . Sporting Pictures , Studies o { Animals , Dogs' and Horses' Heads reproduced in Tattoo from Sketches or Photographs . Coats of Arms , Crests , Monograms , Initials , and Inscriptions . Illustrated Articles and Press comments on Alfred Soulh ' s work appeared in all the leading Papers at home and abroad . ELECTRIC INSTRUMENTS ( OWN PATENTA TERMS MODERATE . HOUKS 10 a . m . to 7 p . m . Telephone : 3037 Central . Telegraphic Address .- Tattooing , London .
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar
A gentleman in Chicago objects to the Masonic fraternitylaying the corner stone of a public school building , not because Masonry is a secret institution , but simply because it is an institution . He would not have the corner stone laid by any one but the people , or some body of men representing the whole people . In a letter to a Chicago paper he said
in part : In this connection let it be understood that I make no plea against Masonry which I would not make against the church in which I received my early training or any other church or order . With reference to no occasion would my
argument apply with stronger force than the occasion of the dedication of the public school building . The public school we have for many years looked upon as our special protege . It is an institution which we have been guarding with jealous eye against all special and sectarian influences and whatever
is sectarian or special in its tendencies . This is the light in which it is given me to see this business and I cannot but believe that there are members of the Masonic fraternity , many of whom I know to be of liberal education , and broadminded men , who stand ready to second what I have said in this behalf . No church or order which is not fully
representative of the people should assume the right to officiate on such occasions as I have referred to . None , I presume , will claim that Masonry is thoroughly representative of the beliefs of the people in this great city . Of the men we may safely say that not more than one in twenty belong to that Order .
I regard Saturday ' s proceeding as simply one of the false steps which the conscience and intelligence of the most enlightened body of men sometimes take for want of reflection and sufficient information of the ground over which it is travelling . —P . L . O'MEARA .
© © © The only religious belief which Masons , as Masons , have is in a Supreme Being and His Fatherhood . Surely this is a belief more generally shared by the people of Chicago than any other religious creed . Is it not reasonable ,
therefore , to conclude that Masonry is as thoroughly representative of the beliefs of Chicago people as is any association that has any religious belief whatever ? And yet why all this mixture of religion and education ? Why should there be any greater religious significance about the laying of a corner
stone by the Masonic fraternity than if it were laid by the mayor of the city ? Why should it be imagined that such an act , performed by a modern descendant of an ancient building association should throw any special or sectarian influence about a public school ? The corner stone of the national
capitol in Washington , D . C , was laid by Masons a century and a decade ago . If one took stock in the criticisms of carping pessimists one would expect in that long period that Masonry would at least have subverted all national legislation to its own ends and doubtless corrupted the whole government , if not the entire nation . Show us , ye who so freely
criticise , what baneful influence Masonry has ever been known to exert over the public institutions , the corner stones of whose buildings it has laid . —American Tyler . © © © The New Palace Steamers , Limited , announce that they
have sold their well-known paddle steamer " La Marguerite , " to the Liverpool and North Wales Steamship Co ., Limited , to run between Liverpool , Llandudno and the Menai Straits , and she will leave the Thames very shortly , but the Company have made such arrangements for the coming season that
their patrons will not suffer from lack of service from London Bridge and Tilbury to Southend , Margate and Ramsgate . Provision will be made for running cross-channel trips , and plans are under consideration for the building of a fine new steamer to be placed on that station in 1905 .
© © © Nowadays with our hoardings and newspaper advertisement columns teeming with all sorts of flashy advertisements of low grade teas , it is quite refreshing to receive from Messrs . Ridgways Limited , the great tea firm of King
William Street , London , a package of their superb blend , which they for many years supplied to our late beloved Queen Victoria . As stated on the package , this is a blend of extremely choice , delicately-flavoured teas in the exact proportions as originally ordered by the late Queen for her
own private use . This blend should appeal strongly to those of our readers to whom quality is of more consideration than an apparently low price .
BANK119 & 120 , BISHOPSdATE STREET WITHIN , E . C , and 28 , BEDFORD STREET , CHARING CROSS , LONDON , W . C . ( ESTABLISHED 1870 ) . Assets , JG 512 . 475 . Liabilities , . £ 209 , 475 . Reserve , . £ 303 , 000 . Loans of . £ 50 to £ 5 , 000 made on imy class of security . Two and a-half per cent , interest allowed , on Current Accounts . Deposits of £ 10 and inwards received as under : — 5 per cent , per annum , subject to 3 months' notice of withdrawal . G ¦ >• >> .. C > „ .. 7 l- > Special terms for longer periods . Interest paid Quarterly . The Terminable ¦ Deposit Bonds pay nearly 0 per cent ., and are a safe investment . Write or call for Prospectus . £ ^^ } Joint Managers .
. . THE . . " —
- **
B ° ™
Mx ' ' tl - P JMk Jf t ^* ^ ~ / , v *** I ' that ?" 1- ^ ^ -Tt-t- ¦ *» " > - ' J * 2
TATTOOING( Art Etching on the Human Skin ) by
Pall Mall , London , S . W . Patronised by Royalty , Officers of His Majesty ' s Services , anil leading Members of Society .
Masonic Jewels , Badges ; and Emblematic Designs artistically and accurately etched on the Skin . Sporting Pictures , Studies o { Animals , Dogs' and Horses' Heads reproduced in Tattoo from Sketches or Photographs . Coats of Arms , Crests , Monograms , Initials , and Inscriptions . Illustrated Articles and Press comments on Alfred Soulh ' s work appeared in all the leading Papers at home and abroad . ELECTRIC INSTRUMENTS ( OWN PATENTA TERMS MODERATE . HOUKS 10 a . m . to 7 p . m . Telephone : 3037 Central . Telegraphic Address .- Tattooing , London .
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