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Freemasonry In Chill.
Freemasonry in Chill .
THE Grand Lodge of England is represented in Chili by only one lodge , Harmony , No . 1411 , which was founded about 30 years ago , and whose fortunes have flowed and ebbed with the tides , and are now flowing again . The present
THK WORSHIPFUL MASTER . W . M . of the Lodge , Bro . Coghill , has recently been on a visit to this country , visiting lodges both in England and
Scotland . He is the first Master who has obeyed the summons to attend ai Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge , ' which , considering the length of the cable which attaches the lodge to its parent , is scarcely to be wondered at .
Harmony Lodge occupies a very prominent position in Masonry in Valparaiso , where also the Grand Lodge of Chili has its headquarters , as also subordinate lodges under the Grand Lodges of Scotland and Mass ., U . S . A . The pioneer lodge in Valparaiso is Bethesda , under the Grand Lodge of Mass ., U . S . A ., and its charter dates 1853 . Then follows the
Royal Arch Chapter , also with charter from U . S . A . dated 1865 . The Lodge Star and Thistle under the Grand Lodge of Scotland conies next , but for some years it was in recess , and it is only comparatively recently that it has again started work .
" Harmony " is consequently the youngest of the English speaking lodges , but notwithstanding this it has wielded a powerful influence amongst the Masonic fraternity in Chili , and continues to exercise that influence in a beneficial manner . The lodge possesses two votes in the Royal Masonic
Institution for Girls , and has a girl being educated there ( Miss J . Jacobs . ) It also possesses one vote in the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , and the settled purpose of the lodge is to continue accumulating those votes from time to time as opportunity and financial ability permit .
Bro . Coghill has had a warm reception here , and has been the recipient of many honours , especially in Edinburgh , in the higher degrees , as well as being the Com . from the U . S . A . as Deputy General Grand Master for Chili of Royal and Select Masters , and is loud in his expression of gratitude
for the kind attentions shown him by all friends in London and elsewhere throughout England , taking all kindnesses shown him as favours and honours for his lodge .
Mr . MURRAY'S NEW BOOKS . Completion of the definitive Edition of THE WORKS OF LORD BYRON . A new Text collated with the original MSS . and revised proofs , which are still in existence , with many hitherto Unpublished Additions . With portraits and Illustrations . W vols , (( j vol ' s . LKTTKRS , " vols . POETRY ) , crown Svo . ( is . each . The Concluding Volume ( POKT 11 Y , Vol . VII . ) , containing THK EPIGRAMS ,. xc—SUN WHY VERSES—THE COMPLETE BIBLIOGRAPHY- THK INDEX , & c , is now ready . THE CREEYEY PAPERS . From Family Papers hitherto unpublished . Edited by the Right Hon . Sir lfEiuiKitr M . \ X \ VI : I . L , Bart ., XI . P . Sixth Impression . With Portraits , 2 vols , demy Svo ., : ils . ( id . net . " There is hardly a distinguished » mn of the time that Uveovey did not count his friend . . . Wherever you turn in these remarkable volumes you may find vivid sketches of distinguished personages , the warmest praise of friends , and the most outspoken abuse of enemies ... He knew himself as Samuel Pcpysknov himself , and like Pcpys , he does not moid making full and open confession of his sins . ... At last , then , Thomas Creevcy has won immortality through the skilful editing of Sir Herbert Maxwell , and our only regret is that wc did not make his better acquaintance many years ago . "—Spectator . GEORGE YILLIERS : Second Duke of Buckingham , 1628-1687 . A STUDY IN THE HISTORY OP THE RESTORATION . By WIXIKKKD , Lady Bunoaci . iiitK . Wit . lv Portraits . Demy 8 vo ., 21 s . net . "It is our pleasure to appreciate the very intelligent use Lady Burghclere has made of her material . Her very sincerity in purpose , the very general correctness of her history , and lastly the unostentatious hut genuine literary grace which commands her narrative . . the book which deserves to be widely read and upon which the Author maybe sincere '} ' congratulated . "—The Athemeiiiu . FROM KABUL TO KUMASSI . liy Sir JAMKS WILL COCKS . With Illustrations , numerous Maps , and a Portrait of the Author , & c . Demy Svo ., 21 s . net . " The keen spirit of the author communicates itself to his writing , and the book , though written in an ordinary conversational style without attempt at elaborate litemry graces , yet enthrals the reader by its spirit , its sweep of narrative , and the vigour of its descriptions . The relief of Kumassi in WOO has already been well described ; but we have been waiting for the com \ i \ el < i story of that intricate forest war . This Sir James Willcocks has given us , and much besides ; for there are many excellent accounts of sport , and , since his experience of savage warfare is almost unrivalled , what be has to pay of the organisation of native levies and tfie tactics to he employed against a barbarous foe is a valuable contribution to military science . "Sneetator . IRELAND IN THE NEW CENTURY . liy the lit . Hon . Sir HOBICK PixxKivrr , K . C . V . O ., P . H . S ., Vice-President of the Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction for Ireland ; Member of His Majesty ' s Privy Council in Ireland ; Commissioner Congested Districts Board , Ireland . Large crown Svo , 5 R . net . THE MIDDLE EASTERN QUESTION ; or , Some Political Problems of Indian Defence . liy VALBHTIXK CHIKOI ,, Author of "The Far Eastern Question . " With Maps and Illustrations , Demy Svo , ISs . net . The Timet says : — " Mr . Chirol deserves the gratitude of the British public for his able recital of the dangers to which our Indian Empire is necessarily subjected by the extension of Russia throughout Mid-ABift , and especially in Persia . . . . Mr . Chirol writes with high authority . It is matter of regret to us that we are unable to do more than allude to the charming' sketches of Persian scenery , life , and character which will render ' The Middle Eastern Question ' attractive reading even for those who are indifferent to international politics . " JOHN MURRAY , ALBEMARLE STREET , W .
THE MARVELLOUS EGYPTIAN REMEDY FOR PAIN . I ' or the removal of Stillness and Soreness of the Muscles and Joints , as ¦ well as all Aches and Pains . A grand thing for Athletes and Sportsmen , as it makes the muscle * pliable iind strong 1 \ sitive cure for Rheumatism , Neuralg a , Lumbago , Golf Arm , Toothache , Feetache , Sprains , Bruises , Cramp , Grout , Headache , Weak and Painful Ankles , Stiff Neck , Quinsey , Chilblains , Pleurisy , Sciatica , and Neuritis ( Nerve Pains ) . Invaluable for Coughs , Sore Throats , Colds , Croup , Bronchitis , Laryngitis , Whooping Cough , Pains in the chest , under the Shoulder Blades , and in the Small of the Back . There is no preparation in the world that will act so quicWy and effectually . FOR OUTWARD APPLICATION ONLY . 1 / 14 and 2 / 6 per bottle , of Boots' Days' and Taylors' Stores , and all Medicine Dealers ; or Direct from the Proprietors . The 2 / 6 size holds three times as much as the 1 / 1 $ size , and tooth hold 25 per cent , more than any other oil for " outward application . FREE SAMPLE ON APPLICATION TO GYPTICAN OIL CO ., Ltd . (*• 5 i ™ 0 , Fleet House , Farringdon Avenue , London , E . C . THK GYPTICAN OIL , COMPANY are issuing their marvellous Geddes Weather Forecast and Calendar , a , book which predicts the state of the weather day by day for VI months ahead . It is really worth having , and a copy can be procured from any of Hoots ' , Days ' , and Tailors' Stores , or the Proprietors' will send direct on receipt of Id . stamp . ^ ¦ ^ ^ ¦ ^ ^¦ ^ ^¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ^ ¦¦ ^ ^ ^¦¦ I ^ HM ^ aM ^^^^¦^^^^ MiH ^^ M ^ H ^^ H ^^ HHUiB ^^^ B ^^ H ^ HHMHilMHHHB ^^ HWi ^ Hii ^^^^*
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Freemasonry In Chill.
Freemasonry in Chill .
THE Grand Lodge of England is represented in Chili by only one lodge , Harmony , No . 1411 , which was founded about 30 years ago , and whose fortunes have flowed and ebbed with the tides , and are now flowing again . The present
THK WORSHIPFUL MASTER . W . M . of the Lodge , Bro . Coghill , has recently been on a visit to this country , visiting lodges both in England and
Scotland . He is the first Master who has obeyed the summons to attend ai Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge , ' which , considering the length of the cable which attaches the lodge to its parent , is scarcely to be wondered at .
Harmony Lodge occupies a very prominent position in Masonry in Valparaiso , where also the Grand Lodge of Chili has its headquarters , as also subordinate lodges under the Grand Lodges of Scotland and Mass ., U . S . A . The pioneer lodge in Valparaiso is Bethesda , under the Grand Lodge of Mass ., U . S . A ., and its charter dates 1853 . Then follows the
Royal Arch Chapter , also with charter from U . S . A . dated 1865 . The Lodge Star and Thistle under the Grand Lodge of Scotland conies next , but for some years it was in recess , and it is only comparatively recently that it has again started work .
" Harmony " is consequently the youngest of the English speaking lodges , but notwithstanding this it has wielded a powerful influence amongst the Masonic fraternity in Chili , and continues to exercise that influence in a beneficial manner . The lodge possesses two votes in the Royal Masonic
Institution for Girls , and has a girl being educated there ( Miss J . Jacobs . ) It also possesses one vote in the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , and the settled purpose of the lodge is to continue accumulating those votes from time to time as opportunity and financial ability permit .
Bro . Coghill has had a warm reception here , and has been the recipient of many honours , especially in Edinburgh , in the higher degrees , as well as being the Com . from the U . S . A . as Deputy General Grand Master for Chili of Royal and Select Masters , and is loud in his expression of gratitude
for the kind attentions shown him by all friends in London and elsewhere throughout England , taking all kindnesses shown him as favours and honours for his lodge .
Mr . MURRAY'S NEW BOOKS . Completion of the definitive Edition of THE WORKS OF LORD BYRON . A new Text collated with the original MSS . and revised proofs , which are still in existence , with many hitherto Unpublished Additions . With portraits and Illustrations . W vols , (( j vol ' s . LKTTKRS , " vols . POETRY ) , crown Svo . ( is . each . The Concluding Volume ( POKT 11 Y , Vol . VII . ) , containing THK EPIGRAMS ,. xc—SUN WHY VERSES—THE COMPLETE BIBLIOGRAPHY- THK INDEX , & c , is now ready . THE CREEYEY PAPERS . From Family Papers hitherto unpublished . Edited by the Right Hon . Sir lfEiuiKitr M . \ X \ VI : I . L , Bart ., XI . P . Sixth Impression . With Portraits , 2 vols , demy Svo ., : ils . ( id . net . " There is hardly a distinguished » mn of the time that Uveovey did not count his friend . . . Wherever you turn in these remarkable volumes you may find vivid sketches of distinguished personages , the warmest praise of friends , and the most outspoken abuse of enemies ... He knew himself as Samuel Pcpysknov himself , and like Pcpys , he does not moid making full and open confession of his sins . ... At last , then , Thomas Creevcy has won immortality through the skilful editing of Sir Herbert Maxwell , and our only regret is that wc did not make his better acquaintance many years ago . "—Spectator . GEORGE YILLIERS : Second Duke of Buckingham , 1628-1687 . A STUDY IN THE HISTORY OP THE RESTORATION . By WIXIKKKD , Lady Bunoaci . iiitK . Wit . lv Portraits . Demy 8 vo ., 21 s . net . "It is our pleasure to appreciate the very intelligent use Lady Burghclere has made of her material . Her very sincerity in purpose , the very general correctness of her history , and lastly the unostentatious hut genuine literary grace which commands her narrative . . the book which deserves to be widely read and upon which the Author maybe sincere '} ' congratulated . "—The Athemeiiiu . FROM KABUL TO KUMASSI . liy Sir JAMKS WILL COCKS . With Illustrations , numerous Maps , and a Portrait of the Author , & c . Demy Svo ., 21 s . net . " The keen spirit of the author communicates itself to his writing , and the book , though written in an ordinary conversational style without attempt at elaborate litemry graces , yet enthrals the reader by its spirit , its sweep of narrative , and the vigour of its descriptions . The relief of Kumassi in WOO has already been well described ; but we have been waiting for the com \ i \ el < i story of that intricate forest war . This Sir James Willcocks has given us , and much besides ; for there are many excellent accounts of sport , and , since his experience of savage warfare is almost unrivalled , what be has to pay of the organisation of native levies and tfie tactics to he employed against a barbarous foe is a valuable contribution to military science . "Sneetator . IRELAND IN THE NEW CENTURY . liy the lit . Hon . Sir HOBICK PixxKivrr , K . C . V . O ., P . H . S ., Vice-President of the Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction for Ireland ; Member of His Majesty ' s Privy Council in Ireland ; Commissioner Congested Districts Board , Ireland . Large crown Svo , 5 R . net . THE MIDDLE EASTERN QUESTION ; or , Some Political Problems of Indian Defence . liy VALBHTIXK CHIKOI ,, Author of "The Far Eastern Question . " With Maps and Illustrations , Demy Svo , ISs . net . The Timet says : — " Mr . Chirol deserves the gratitude of the British public for his able recital of the dangers to which our Indian Empire is necessarily subjected by the extension of Russia throughout Mid-ABift , and especially in Persia . . . . Mr . Chirol writes with high authority . It is matter of regret to us that we are unable to do more than allude to the charming' sketches of Persian scenery , life , and character which will render ' The Middle Eastern Question ' attractive reading even for those who are indifferent to international politics . " JOHN MURRAY , ALBEMARLE STREET , W .
THE MARVELLOUS EGYPTIAN REMEDY FOR PAIN . I ' or the removal of Stillness and Soreness of the Muscles and Joints , as ¦ well as all Aches and Pains . A grand thing for Athletes and Sportsmen , as it makes the muscle * pliable iind strong 1 \ sitive cure for Rheumatism , Neuralg a , Lumbago , Golf Arm , Toothache , Feetache , Sprains , Bruises , Cramp , Grout , Headache , Weak and Painful Ankles , Stiff Neck , Quinsey , Chilblains , Pleurisy , Sciatica , and Neuritis ( Nerve Pains ) . Invaluable for Coughs , Sore Throats , Colds , Croup , Bronchitis , Laryngitis , Whooping Cough , Pains in the chest , under the Shoulder Blades , and in the Small of the Back . There is no preparation in the world that will act so quicWy and effectually . FOR OUTWARD APPLICATION ONLY . 1 / 14 and 2 / 6 per bottle , of Boots' Days' and Taylors' Stores , and all Medicine Dealers ; or Direct from the Proprietors . The 2 / 6 size holds three times as much as the 1 / 1 $ size , and tooth hold 25 per cent , more than any other oil for " outward application . FREE SAMPLE ON APPLICATION TO GYPTICAN OIL CO ., Ltd . (*• 5 i ™ 0 , Fleet House , Farringdon Avenue , London , E . C . THK GYPTICAN OIL , COMPANY are issuing their marvellous Geddes Weather Forecast and Calendar , a , book which predicts the state of the weather day by day for VI months ahead . It is really worth having , and a copy can be procured from any of Hoots ' , Days ' , and Tailors' Stores , or the Proprietors' will send direct on receipt of Id . stamp . ^ ¦ ^ ^ ¦ ^ ^¦ ^ ^¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ^ ¦¦ ^ ^ ^¦¦ I ^ HM ^ aM ^^^^¦^^^^ MiH ^^ M ^ H ^^ H ^^ HHUiB ^^^ B ^^ H ^ HHMHilMHHHB ^^ HWi ^ Hii ^^^^*