Article Consecration of the Kentish Lodge, No. 3021. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Consecration of the Kentish Lodge, No. 3021. Page 2 of 2 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Consecration Of The Kentish Lodge, No. 3021.
Secretary ; H . ePickett , P . M . 1602 , S . D . ; Bro . A . H . Fitz-Herbert , 1461 , J . D . ; W . Bro . W . G . Davenall , P . M . 1602 , D . C . ; Bro . G . Rutherford , 1531 , I . G . ; Bros . Thomas Woof , 1531 ; F . W . Barton , 1602 ; Alfred Jaray , 1531 , Stewards . The Consecration Officers and Wor . Bro . William Kipps , P . A . G . P ., were elected hon . members .
A founder ' s jewel was presented to Sir Edward Letchworth , who , on behalf of the hon . members , returned thanks . At the banquet which followed the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured .
THE WORSHIPFUL MASTER . In proposing the toast of "The Grand Officers , " the Wor . Master expressed the pride Kentish Masons felt at having their own beloved Provincial Grand Master as the
Pro Grand Master of England . Among those present that night they had the most perfect Director of Ceremonies in the person of V . Wor . Bro . Frank Richardson , whom he called upon to respond . V . Wor . Bro . Frank Richardson , replying , congratulated
the lodge upon their successful start , and for having for their Grand Master the Earl Amherst , who presided over Grand Lodge so well , and in such a business-like manner . He thanked them for the toast , and if Grand Officers gained the appreciation of the brethren they were perfectly satisfied .
Consecration Of The Kentish Lodge, No. 3021.
Wor . Bro . kipps , proposing the toast of-j" The Wor . Master , " felt a particular pride in doing so , having seen him initiated in the " Chislehurst Lodge " twenty-five years ago . He was a Mason of great experience , and had been twice Master of that lodge , and always made charity land benevolence his guiding principles ,
The Wor . Master briefly and feelingly replied , expressing his pride at being first Master of what he believed would speedily become an influential and prosperous lodge . He would advise all young Masons to be first good privates , as that would train them to be good officers . He would ask
them all to rally round him , and he promised to do his utmost . In proposing the toast of " The Consecrating Officers , " the Wor . Master said that no words could be too eulogistic to . describe the Masonic ceremony that evening . V . Wor .
Bro . Sir Edward Letchworth had performed his work with charming dignity , ably assisted by the other Consecrating Officers .
Replying , Sir Edward Letchworth expressed his appreciation of the kind manner in which the Wor . Master had introduced the toast . He felt quite satisfied the " Kentish Lodge " would have a great career . They had had a friend at court in the person of the Pro Grand Master in securing their warrant . They all appreciated the hon . membership ,
and he would place the pretty jewel they had presented to him among his rapidly increasing collection . He regretted that V . Wor . Bro . the Rev . Sir Borradaile Savory had been obliged to leave somewhat early , and was , therefore , unable to reply to the toast .
The Wor . Master then proposed the toast of " The Acting I . P . M ., " and felt gratified that a Grand Officer should have accepted the post . Wor . Bro . Kipps did his duties well , and was ever ready to lend a helping hand . Wor . Bro . Kipps biiefly replied , and remarked that his
duties would be light , as their Wor . Master was a perfect adept at the ceremonies . The toast of " The Visitors , " of whom there were about sixty , followed , and was replied to by Wor . Bros . Col . F . Frigout , G . S . B . ; William Russell , P . A . G . D . C , P . G . Treas .
Kent ; Henry Sadler , Sub-Librarian of the Grand Lodge of England ; J . P . Fitzgerald , P . G . Std . B . ; and Bro . Albion T . Snell .
The toast of " The Masonic Charities " was proposed , and Wor . Bro . August A . Frigout , Senior Warden , replying , made an urgent appeal for subscriptions for the R . M . I . Boys . The toast of " The Officers " followed . It will be of interest to record that this Kentish Lodge
was formed entirely out of a club of instruction and from the members of he " Chislehurst Lodge . " The former was established about fourteen years ago , and has had a useful and successful career , Wor . Bro . C . F . Quicke , the Master of the new lodge , being the Preceptor .
JUST PUBLISHED . 16 mo ., Limp Lambskin , Price 2 6 Nett .
The " WEEKLY TIMES " says : " Every Freeinas : jn , and a jjond many others interested , will welcome this dainty little half-crown volume . " B- «» The " SCOTSMAN " savs : "Brethren of the mystic tie will give it an especial welcome . "
S . C . BROWN LANGHAM & Co ., Ltd ., 47 , Great Russell Street , W . C
. . .
Electrical Engineers And Contractors . .
Telephone : Xo . 404 H GEKKAKD and 3772 CENTRAL
J \ \ /\ y , , , . .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Consecration Of The Kentish Lodge, No. 3021.
Secretary ; H . ePickett , P . M . 1602 , S . D . ; Bro . A . H . Fitz-Herbert , 1461 , J . D . ; W . Bro . W . G . Davenall , P . M . 1602 , D . C . ; Bro . G . Rutherford , 1531 , I . G . ; Bros . Thomas Woof , 1531 ; F . W . Barton , 1602 ; Alfred Jaray , 1531 , Stewards . The Consecration Officers and Wor . Bro . William Kipps , P . A . G . P ., were elected hon . members .
A founder ' s jewel was presented to Sir Edward Letchworth , who , on behalf of the hon . members , returned thanks . At the banquet which followed the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured .
THE WORSHIPFUL MASTER . In proposing the toast of "The Grand Officers , " the Wor . Master expressed the pride Kentish Masons felt at having their own beloved Provincial Grand Master as the
Pro Grand Master of England . Among those present that night they had the most perfect Director of Ceremonies in the person of V . Wor . Bro . Frank Richardson , whom he called upon to respond . V . Wor . Bro . Frank Richardson , replying , congratulated
the lodge upon their successful start , and for having for their Grand Master the Earl Amherst , who presided over Grand Lodge so well , and in such a business-like manner . He thanked them for the toast , and if Grand Officers gained the appreciation of the brethren they were perfectly satisfied .
Consecration Of The Kentish Lodge, No. 3021.
Wor . Bro . kipps , proposing the toast of-j" The Wor . Master , " felt a particular pride in doing so , having seen him initiated in the " Chislehurst Lodge " twenty-five years ago . He was a Mason of great experience , and had been twice Master of that lodge , and always made charity land benevolence his guiding principles ,
The Wor . Master briefly and feelingly replied , expressing his pride at being first Master of what he believed would speedily become an influential and prosperous lodge . He would advise all young Masons to be first good privates , as that would train them to be good officers . He would ask
them all to rally round him , and he promised to do his utmost . In proposing the toast of " The Consecrating Officers , " the Wor . Master said that no words could be too eulogistic to . describe the Masonic ceremony that evening . V . Wor .
Bro . Sir Edward Letchworth had performed his work with charming dignity , ably assisted by the other Consecrating Officers .
Replying , Sir Edward Letchworth expressed his appreciation of the kind manner in which the Wor . Master had introduced the toast . He felt quite satisfied the " Kentish Lodge " would have a great career . They had had a friend at court in the person of the Pro Grand Master in securing their warrant . They all appreciated the hon . membership ,
and he would place the pretty jewel they had presented to him among his rapidly increasing collection . He regretted that V . Wor . Bro . the Rev . Sir Borradaile Savory had been obliged to leave somewhat early , and was , therefore , unable to reply to the toast .
The Wor . Master then proposed the toast of " The Acting I . P . M ., " and felt gratified that a Grand Officer should have accepted the post . Wor . Bro . Kipps did his duties well , and was ever ready to lend a helping hand . Wor . Bro . Kipps biiefly replied , and remarked that his
duties would be light , as their Wor . Master was a perfect adept at the ceremonies . The toast of " The Visitors , " of whom there were about sixty , followed , and was replied to by Wor . Bros . Col . F . Frigout , G . S . B . ; William Russell , P . A . G . D . C , P . G . Treas .
Kent ; Henry Sadler , Sub-Librarian of the Grand Lodge of England ; J . P . Fitzgerald , P . G . Std . B . ; and Bro . Albion T . Snell .
The toast of " The Masonic Charities " was proposed , and Wor . Bro . August A . Frigout , Senior Warden , replying , made an urgent appeal for subscriptions for the R . M . I . Boys . The toast of " The Officers " followed . It will be of interest to record that this Kentish Lodge
was formed entirely out of a club of instruction and from the members of he " Chislehurst Lodge . " The former was established about fourteen years ago , and has had a useful and successful career , Wor . Bro . C . F . Quicke , the Master of the new lodge , being the Preceptor .
JUST PUBLISHED . 16 mo ., Limp Lambskin , Price 2 6 Nett .
The " WEEKLY TIMES " says : " Every Freeinas : jn , and a jjond many others interested , will welcome this dainty little half-crown volume . " B- «» The " SCOTSMAN " savs : "Brethren of the mystic tie will give it an especial welcome . "
S . C . BROWN LANGHAM & Co ., Ltd ., 47 , Great Russell Street , W . C
. . .
Electrical Engineers And Contractors . .
Telephone : Xo . 404 H GEKKAKD and 3772 CENTRAL
J \ \ /\ y , , , . .