Article The Master's Obligations. ← Page 2 of 2 Article At the Sign of the Perfect Ashlar. Page 1 of 4 →
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The Master's Obligations.
advantage to add to the Master ' s perplexity , and possibl y his distress of mind ? In the majorit y of cases the harm done by rash appeal lo outside authority far outweighs that which may be due lo the trilling causes which gave it rise . The Master has a right to appeal to the charity of the brethren , and to ask that they will suspend their judgment
, and give him credit for the highest motives . He ought not to feel that he is in an assembl y of critics . He should be surrounded b y sympathetic friends , and he and they should be imbued with the idea that the alplnt and ome & i of Freemasonry are unity , peace and concord .
At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar.
At the Sign of the Perfect Ashlar .
The failure of the negotiations entered into with an eminent lirm of restaurateurs for the leasing of Freemasons' Tavern and the expenditure of the sum of ^ . " 50 , 000 voted by Grand Lodge for its reconstruction has been the one subject of interest and discussion in London Masonic circles during the past few weeks , and it is not surprising to find that the
moderate and practical suggestions of the authorities have been supplemented by the more ambitious and visionary schemes of irresponsible brethren who talk airily of expending millions on some modern Solomon ' s Temple . That the Grand Lodge of England should possess a house worthy of the Mother Grand
Lodge of the world no one would care to deny , but it should also be remembered that English Freemasonry is not of that aggressive type which is characteristic of many organizations and , moreover , needs no advertisement . Its chief aim is the cultivation of brotherly love and charity and the success of its mission in the world is not dependent on gorgeous temples or outward show .
© © © But in saying this we do not desire to convey the impression that we are content that it should be meanly housed or that its executive offices and meeting place should in any way be of a sordid character , or insufficient in space 01
adornment ; by all means let it be in accordance with the requirements of the Order and sufficiently ornate to satisfy modern needs . In this respect we are confidently of opinion that the scheme of reconstruction ( with certain modifications ) of Freemasons' Tavern prepared by Bro . H . L . Florence , the Grand Superintendent of Works , whose experience as the
architect of such great hostelries as the Carlton Hotel , the Victoria Hotel , and many similar buildings , is a sufficient guarantee that he possesses fitness for the work . With regard to Freemasons' Hall itself it ought not to be
beyond the skill of the architect , or the means at the disposal of Grand Lodge , to enlarge and beautify the present building on a scale that would amply satisfy all reasonable requirements , especially when it is remembered that a large portion of the surrounding site has been from time to time acquired We trust , therefore , that the representative committee which
was appointed at the last quarterly communication of Grand Lodge will settle down to their work in a sober and practical spirit and not be influenced by the inflated ideas of the mere ardent spirits who talk and write so glibly of millions without serious thought of where these millions are to come from , or how a vast structure on a fabulously valuable sile is to be
maintained without impoverishing the Order and withdrawing from the great charitable institutions the monies needed for their support . © © © The other questions raised in ( his controversary are more difficult to deal with . Whether it is practicable to retain the Tavern premises wholly for the use of the fraternity , either
as a Masonic club or by the formation of a company to lake over the lease and run the tavern on business lines , is a matter on which it would be well to invite expert opinion lo express itself , but that some such scheme is feasible we have not the shadow of a doubt , and we trust the " great , wise , and eminent " among our brethren will bring their business acumen and Masonic sympathies to bear on the solution ol the problem . © ©¦ ©
The contest for the Grand Treasurership bids fair not only to be an annual event but an abiding source ot interest and excitement during the intervals between the elections . Xo sooner had the announcement been made ol " the successful candidature of Bro . Winsloe for the ensuing year than the names of aspirants for the office are put forward for the year
1906-7 , one of these being one ol " the defeated candidates in the recent contest . We desire to impartially convey to our readers the simple announcement without expressing an opinion as to the desirability or otherwise of perpetuating this method of selection for the one appointment to Grand
oflice which is not in the hands of the Grand Master and therefore simply limit ourselves to giving the names and qualifications of the brethren who may , from time to time , be announced as candidates .
© © © Bro . Alfred Augustus Frigout has notified his intention of again soliciting the support of the Craft for election in 1 907 . He is a member of the Lodge of Amity , No . 171 , West Kent Volunteer Lodge , Xo . 2041 , Kentish Lodge , No . 3021 , and
the Excelsior Lodge , Xo . 1155 . He is P . Z . of the Robert Burns Chapter , No . 25 , and also of the Excelsior Chapter , No . 1155 . Bro . Frigout isa Vice-Patron of all the institutions and has served in all 30 Stewardships .
© © © The candidature of Bro . Thomas Fraser is also announced in a circular issued by Bro . J . D . Langton , as Chairman of the executive committee , and Bros . J . Percy Fitzgerald and W . Wrighton Hooper as Honorarv Secretaries . Bro . Fraser is a partner in the old-established Banking House of
Dennistoun Cross & Company , Threadneedle Street , London . He is a Past Master ol " the Eccentric Lodge , No . 24 88 , W . M . of the Jubilee Masters Lodge , Xo . 2712 , and a member of the Dene Lodge , Xo . 2228 , the Grafton Lodge , No . 2347 , the Marcians Lodge , No . 26 4 8 , and the Richard Clowes Lodge ,
No . 293 6 . He is Z . of the Marcians Chapter , No . 26 4 8 , and a member or " the Eccentric Chapter , Xo . 2488 , a Vice-Patron of each of the Masonic Charilies , for which he has served 18 Stewardships ; a Governor of the London Hospital , the Scottish Hospital , the Hospital for Incurables , the British Orphan Asylum , and a generous supporter of other charitable Institutions .
© © © The only lodge in the metropolis which has its permanent home in one of the City Companies' Halls is the Cutlers ' Lodge , and at its last meeting on March Stli there was a notable assembly of city magnates and Grand Officers to witness
the initiation of Lieut .-General Sir John French into Freemasonry . The ceremony was performed by the Rt . Hon . the Lord Mayor , Alderman Vaughan Morgan , P . G . W . On General French's return from South Africa after the Boer War , the Cutlers' Company presented him with the freedom
and liver } ' of the company and a sword of honour , and he is thus qualified to become a member of the lodge . Bro . Tatton Sykes , the W . M ., vacated his position in favour of the Lord Mayor , who was supported by Bro . Cornelius Thorne , P . D . G . M . Northern China ; Bro . Canon Childe , P . G .
Chap . ; Bro . E . Beaumont , P . D . G . Reg . ; Bro . F . Richardson , P . D . G . Reg . ; Bro . Sir . E . Letchworth , Grand . Secretary ; Bro . C . F . Matier , P . D . G . D . C . ; Bro . A . Thomas , P . A . G . D . C . ; Bro . W . C . Beaumont , P . A . G . D . C . ; Bro . J . Welford , P . G . S . B . ; Bro . T . A . Bullock , P . G . S . B . ; Bro . Henniker Heaton , M . P . ;
Bro . Alderman and Sheriff H . G . Smallman , and Bro . Sheriff T . V . Bowater . The officers ol " the lodge present were Bros . Attwood Thorne , Samuel Welch , f . Simpson , P . M . ; F . W .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Master's Obligations.
advantage to add to the Master ' s perplexity , and possibl y his distress of mind ? In the majorit y of cases the harm done by rash appeal lo outside authority far outweighs that which may be due lo the trilling causes which gave it rise . The Master has a right to appeal to the charity of the brethren , and to ask that they will suspend their judgment
, and give him credit for the highest motives . He ought not to feel that he is in an assembl y of critics . He should be surrounded b y sympathetic friends , and he and they should be imbued with the idea that the alplnt and ome & i of Freemasonry are unity , peace and concord .
At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar.
At the Sign of the Perfect Ashlar .
The failure of the negotiations entered into with an eminent lirm of restaurateurs for the leasing of Freemasons' Tavern and the expenditure of the sum of ^ . " 50 , 000 voted by Grand Lodge for its reconstruction has been the one subject of interest and discussion in London Masonic circles during the past few weeks , and it is not surprising to find that the
moderate and practical suggestions of the authorities have been supplemented by the more ambitious and visionary schemes of irresponsible brethren who talk airily of expending millions on some modern Solomon ' s Temple . That the Grand Lodge of England should possess a house worthy of the Mother Grand
Lodge of the world no one would care to deny , but it should also be remembered that English Freemasonry is not of that aggressive type which is characteristic of many organizations and , moreover , needs no advertisement . Its chief aim is the cultivation of brotherly love and charity and the success of its mission in the world is not dependent on gorgeous temples or outward show .
© © © But in saying this we do not desire to convey the impression that we are content that it should be meanly housed or that its executive offices and meeting place should in any way be of a sordid character , or insufficient in space 01
adornment ; by all means let it be in accordance with the requirements of the Order and sufficiently ornate to satisfy modern needs . In this respect we are confidently of opinion that the scheme of reconstruction ( with certain modifications ) of Freemasons' Tavern prepared by Bro . H . L . Florence , the Grand Superintendent of Works , whose experience as the
architect of such great hostelries as the Carlton Hotel , the Victoria Hotel , and many similar buildings , is a sufficient guarantee that he possesses fitness for the work . With regard to Freemasons' Hall itself it ought not to be
beyond the skill of the architect , or the means at the disposal of Grand Lodge , to enlarge and beautify the present building on a scale that would amply satisfy all reasonable requirements , especially when it is remembered that a large portion of the surrounding site has been from time to time acquired We trust , therefore , that the representative committee which
was appointed at the last quarterly communication of Grand Lodge will settle down to their work in a sober and practical spirit and not be influenced by the inflated ideas of the mere ardent spirits who talk and write so glibly of millions without serious thought of where these millions are to come from , or how a vast structure on a fabulously valuable sile is to be
maintained without impoverishing the Order and withdrawing from the great charitable institutions the monies needed for their support . © © © The other questions raised in ( his controversary are more difficult to deal with . Whether it is practicable to retain the Tavern premises wholly for the use of the fraternity , either
as a Masonic club or by the formation of a company to lake over the lease and run the tavern on business lines , is a matter on which it would be well to invite expert opinion lo express itself , but that some such scheme is feasible we have not the shadow of a doubt , and we trust the " great , wise , and eminent " among our brethren will bring their business acumen and Masonic sympathies to bear on the solution ol the problem . © ©¦ ©
The contest for the Grand Treasurership bids fair not only to be an annual event but an abiding source ot interest and excitement during the intervals between the elections . Xo sooner had the announcement been made ol " the successful candidature of Bro . Winsloe for the ensuing year than the names of aspirants for the office are put forward for the year
1906-7 , one of these being one ol " the defeated candidates in the recent contest . We desire to impartially convey to our readers the simple announcement without expressing an opinion as to the desirability or otherwise of perpetuating this method of selection for the one appointment to Grand
oflice which is not in the hands of the Grand Master and therefore simply limit ourselves to giving the names and qualifications of the brethren who may , from time to time , be announced as candidates .
© © © Bro . Alfred Augustus Frigout has notified his intention of again soliciting the support of the Craft for election in 1 907 . He is a member of the Lodge of Amity , No . 171 , West Kent Volunteer Lodge , Xo . 2041 , Kentish Lodge , No . 3021 , and
the Excelsior Lodge , Xo . 1155 . He is P . Z . of the Robert Burns Chapter , No . 25 , and also of the Excelsior Chapter , No . 1155 . Bro . Frigout isa Vice-Patron of all the institutions and has served in all 30 Stewardships .
© © © The candidature of Bro . Thomas Fraser is also announced in a circular issued by Bro . J . D . Langton , as Chairman of the executive committee , and Bros . J . Percy Fitzgerald and W . Wrighton Hooper as Honorarv Secretaries . Bro . Fraser is a partner in the old-established Banking House of
Dennistoun Cross & Company , Threadneedle Street , London . He is a Past Master ol " the Eccentric Lodge , No . 24 88 , W . M . of the Jubilee Masters Lodge , Xo . 2712 , and a member of the Dene Lodge , Xo . 2228 , the Grafton Lodge , No . 2347 , the Marcians Lodge , No . 26 4 8 , and the Richard Clowes Lodge ,
No . 293 6 . He is Z . of the Marcians Chapter , No . 26 4 8 , and a member or " the Eccentric Chapter , Xo . 2488 , a Vice-Patron of each of the Masonic Charilies , for which he has served 18 Stewardships ; a Governor of the London Hospital , the Scottish Hospital , the Hospital for Incurables , the British Orphan Asylum , and a generous supporter of other charitable Institutions .
© © © The only lodge in the metropolis which has its permanent home in one of the City Companies' Halls is the Cutlers ' Lodge , and at its last meeting on March Stli there was a notable assembly of city magnates and Grand Officers to witness
the initiation of Lieut .-General Sir John French into Freemasonry . The ceremony was performed by the Rt . Hon . the Lord Mayor , Alderman Vaughan Morgan , P . G . W . On General French's return from South Africa after the Boer War , the Cutlers' Company presented him with the freedom
and liver } ' of the company and a sword of honour , and he is thus qualified to become a member of the lodge . Bro . Tatton Sykes , the W . M ., vacated his position in favour of the Lord Mayor , who was supported by Bro . Cornelius Thorne , P . D . G . M . Northern China ; Bro . Canon Childe , P . G .
Chap . ; Bro . E . Beaumont , P . D . G . Reg . ; Bro . F . Richardson , P . D . G . Reg . ; Bro . Sir . E . Letchworth , Grand . Secretary ; Bro . C . F . Matier , P . D . G . D . C . ; Bro . A . Thomas , P . A . G . D . C . ; Bro . W . C . Beaumont , P . A . G . D . C . ; Bro . J . Welford , P . G . S . B . ; Bro . T . A . Bullock , P . G . S . B . ; Bro . Henniker Heaton , M . P . ;
Bro . Alderman and Sheriff H . G . Smallman , and Bro . Sheriff T . V . Bowater . The officers ol " the lodge present were Bros . Attwood Thorne , Samuel Welch , f . Simpson , P . M . ; F . W .