Article At the Sign of the Perfect Ashlar. ← Page 2 of 4 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar.
Williams , P . M .. ; Sydney Pocock , P . M . ; J . P . Hamilton , P . M . ; J . U . Morton , C . E . Squire , H . M . Perkins , T . Cnto Worsfold , P . M ., and F . C . Squire . At the banquet which followed the Lord Mayor , as acting W . M ., proposed the health of Bro . Lieut .-General Sir John French , who , in reply ,
expressed his sense of the honour conferred upon him , rendered possible by the kindness of the Cutlers' Company . © © © A representative gathering assembled at the Hotel Cecil on Tuesday , February 13 th , to witness the installation of the
Worshipful Master of the Drury Lane Lodge , No . 2127 , for the ensuing year . Bro . Clarence Coggin was impressively installed by the retiring master , Bro . Henry Nye Chart . The Worshipful Master then appointed and invested his officers for the ensuing year . A pleasing incident was the
passing of a candidate , which ceremony was performed by Bro . H . Nye Chart at the request of Bro . Gerald' Maxwell , the present Master of the Green Room Lodge . © © 0 In this issue we are able to reproduce a photograph
of W . Bro . J . U . Valentine , P . M ., P . D . P . G . D . C . of Devon , who , alter a valuable and appreciated service of a quarter of a century in connection with Benevolent Lodge , No . 303 , has found it impossible to accept the honour of reelection . At a verv interesting ceremony at the annual
Installation Meeting Bro . Valentine was presented by the members of the lodge with a very handsome timepiece and ornaments in onyx . The presentation was made in the
HIIO . . 1 . L . VALKXTIXK . presence of the Prov . Gd . Master and several officers of the P . G . Lodge and on behalf of the members of the lodge by Bro . G . N . Burden , P . M ., P . P . G JAV . Devon . The inscription on the timepiece read as follows : "Teignmouth ,
February 12 , 1906 . This clock and vases were presented to Brother J . U . Valentine , P . M ., by the members ot Benevolent Lodge , No . 303 , as a slight acknowledgment of his valuable and untiring services as Secretary for a period of 25 years . "
Bro . Valentine was initiated September , 1875 , and in January , 1876 , appointed to oflice . He never missed receiving a collar of oflice in the lodge up to February , 1906 , when he retired , and during that period he served as Secretary for 25 years . In 1 SS 0 he was W . M . and was fortunate
enough to represent the lodge at the laying of the foundation stone of Truro Cathedral by His Majesty the King . In 18 S 6 Bro . Valentine was appointed Dep . Prov . G . D . C . by Lord Ebrington , P . G . M ., and in the Arch Degree he was exalted in Chapter No . 303 in 1877 anc ^ was ^ - in s ^ 3- A year
PRESENTATION TIMKl'IF . CK AXD ORNAMENTS . later he was appointed P . G . O . Devon , and advanced in the Mark Masters' Lodge , No . 316 , in 1883 . In 18 93 Bro . Valentine was elected W . M . and re-elected in 1904 , and was in the
same year appointed P . G . J . Overseer of Devon . We wish Bro . Valentine the repose and happiness he deserves and that he will live many years to enjoy the respect and esteem he has won from those who have been fortunate enough to make his acquaintance .
© © © Masonic titles , or rather Masonic honorifics , appear to be based upon ecclesiastical procedure . In the latter we have Most Reverend , Right Reverend , Very Reverend and Reverend . These correspond in dignity with the Masonic
offices described by changing Reverend for Worshipful . Following out Bishop Wilberforce ' s suggestion we might make the Wardens a present of a title . They have one under the Grand Lodge of Scotland . Why not call them " Rather Worshipful " ?
Where ought the Senior Warden to sit in the absence of the Worshipful Master ? It seems strange in these days of Masonic enlightenment that the question should be asked , but it frequently is . The Senior Warden ' s '' constant" place
is in the West , and whilst he is in charge of the lodge , if the W . M . dies or is disabled , it only means that the summons goes out in his name , and the responsibilities , which were the W . M ' s ., are now his .
© © © The M . W . Grand Master has been pleased to appoint as Provincial Grand Master of Northumberland Bro . Major A . E . Burdon , in succession to the late Lord Ridley .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar.
Williams , P . M .. ; Sydney Pocock , P . M . ; J . P . Hamilton , P . M . ; J . U . Morton , C . E . Squire , H . M . Perkins , T . Cnto Worsfold , P . M ., and F . C . Squire . At the banquet which followed the Lord Mayor , as acting W . M ., proposed the health of Bro . Lieut .-General Sir John French , who , in reply ,
expressed his sense of the honour conferred upon him , rendered possible by the kindness of the Cutlers' Company . © © © A representative gathering assembled at the Hotel Cecil on Tuesday , February 13 th , to witness the installation of the
Worshipful Master of the Drury Lane Lodge , No . 2127 , for the ensuing year . Bro . Clarence Coggin was impressively installed by the retiring master , Bro . Henry Nye Chart . The Worshipful Master then appointed and invested his officers for the ensuing year . A pleasing incident was the
passing of a candidate , which ceremony was performed by Bro . H . Nye Chart at the request of Bro . Gerald' Maxwell , the present Master of the Green Room Lodge . © © 0 In this issue we are able to reproduce a photograph
of W . Bro . J . U . Valentine , P . M ., P . D . P . G . D . C . of Devon , who , alter a valuable and appreciated service of a quarter of a century in connection with Benevolent Lodge , No . 303 , has found it impossible to accept the honour of reelection . At a verv interesting ceremony at the annual
Installation Meeting Bro . Valentine was presented by the members of the lodge with a very handsome timepiece and ornaments in onyx . The presentation was made in the
HIIO . . 1 . L . VALKXTIXK . presence of the Prov . Gd . Master and several officers of the P . G . Lodge and on behalf of the members of the lodge by Bro . G . N . Burden , P . M ., P . P . G JAV . Devon . The inscription on the timepiece read as follows : "Teignmouth ,
February 12 , 1906 . This clock and vases were presented to Brother J . U . Valentine , P . M ., by the members ot Benevolent Lodge , No . 303 , as a slight acknowledgment of his valuable and untiring services as Secretary for a period of 25 years . "
Bro . Valentine was initiated September , 1875 , and in January , 1876 , appointed to oflice . He never missed receiving a collar of oflice in the lodge up to February , 1906 , when he retired , and during that period he served as Secretary for 25 years . In 1 SS 0 he was W . M . and was fortunate
enough to represent the lodge at the laying of the foundation stone of Truro Cathedral by His Majesty the King . In 18 S 6 Bro . Valentine was appointed Dep . Prov . G . D . C . by Lord Ebrington , P . G . M ., and in the Arch Degree he was exalted in Chapter No . 303 in 1877 anc ^ was ^ - in s ^ 3- A year
PRESENTATION TIMKl'IF . CK AXD ORNAMENTS . later he was appointed P . G . O . Devon , and advanced in the Mark Masters' Lodge , No . 316 , in 1883 . In 18 93 Bro . Valentine was elected W . M . and re-elected in 1904 , and was in the
same year appointed P . G . J . Overseer of Devon . We wish Bro . Valentine the repose and happiness he deserves and that he will live many years to enjoy the respect and esteem he has won from those who have been fortunate enough to make his acquaintance .
© © © Masonic titles , or rather Masonic honorifics , appear to be based upon ecclesiastical procedure . In the latter we have Most Reverend , Right Reverend , Very Reverend and Reverend . These correspond in dignity with the Masonic
offices described by changing Reverend for Worshipful . Following out Bishop Wilberforce ' s suggestion we might make the Wardens a present of a title . They have one under the Grand Lodge of Scotland . Why not call them " Rather Worshipful " ?
Where ought the Senior Warden to sit in the absence of the Worshipful Master ? It seems strange in these days of Masonic enlightenment that the question should be asked , but it frequently is . The Senior Warden ' s '' constant" place
is in the West , and whilst he is in charge of the lodge , if the W . M . dies or is disabled , it only means that the summons goes out in his name , and the responsibilities , which were the W . M ' s ., are now his .
© © © The M . W . Grand Master has been pleased to appoint as Provincial Grand Master of Northumberland Bro . Major A . E . Burdon , in succession to the late Lord Ridley .