Article Who was the new Grand Master's first Initiate ? Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic Temple, Albany, New York, U.S.A., Dedicated 1896. Page 1 of 1 Article IMPORTANT. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Who Was The New Grand Master's First Initiate ?
Who was the new Grand Master ' s first Initiate ?
The election of His Royal Highness the Duke of Connaught as Most Worshipful Grand Master took place tit Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen Street , on Wednesday , the 6 th March , and the proprietors of "THE MASONIC ILLUSTRATED" are desirous of commemorating the event by presenting to the Worshipful Master of the lodge which
had the good fortune to perform the first ceremony of initiation under the new regime a memento of the occasion . Of the eighteen hundred odd lodges in England and Wales there must have been many who were tit the same hour engaged in the work of initiating a candidate , and we invite communications from thesegiving particulars of the exact
, time at which the candidate wtis introduced into the lodge . To the Worshipful Master who had the privilege of receiving into Masonry the first candidate under H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught's Masonic reign we have decided to present , a beautifully-modelled Bronze Statuette of Her late Majesty Queen Victoria , by Messrs . MAPPIN BROTHERS , of 66 ,
Cheapside . The exact time tit which the M . W . Pro Grand Master declared the Duke of Connaught elected litis been carefully noted , and the award will be made to the W . M . of the lodge which submits satisfactory proof of a candidate being the first to be passed through its portals after that announcement . While every care will be taken to verify the
correctness of the information , it must be distinctly understood that the decision of the Editor will be final , and no correspondence can be entered into with regard to t . The statement to be forwarded must give the extict time tit which the ceremony was commenced , signed by the Worshipful Master and Secretin- } - , and must be . accompanied
by the printed summons and agenda of business . To the candidate himself we will present an illuminated certificate , which we venture to think may be valued by him as an interesting record of his introduction into Masonry . Communications must reach us not later than April ioth , addressed to the Editor , " Masonic Illustrated , " 15 , Great Queen Street , London , W . C .
Masonic Temple, Albany, New York, U.S.A., Dedicated 1896.
Masonic Temple , Albany , New York , U . S . A ., Dedicated 1896 .
This edifice is used entirely for Masonic purposes , and contains two lodge rooms , Scottish Rite hall , with stage and elaborate scenery , Knights Templar armoury , together with parlours , club and banquet rooms , and billiard parlour . The ground on which it stands wtis donated by Masters Lodge ,
No . 5 ( originally No . 2 ) . On this site in 1768 was erected the first Masonic lodge house in America , occupied jointly by Masters Lodge and the Junior and Senior Grand Lodge of Perfection Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite . This illustration was sent to us by Bro . Geo . Cowstock Baker , 32 " , J . W . of Masters Lodge .
The Publishers are desirous of procuring a few copies of Xo . 2 of "THE MASONIC ILLUSTRATED , " which is now out of prini , and for which they will he pleased lo pay One Shilling and Sixpence per eopv . Published monthly . Price Sixpence .
Rates of Yearly Subscription ( including Postage ) : — The United Kingdom , India , America , \ s . d . and lite Colonics j ... 76 Editorial and Publishing Offices : — 15 , Great Queen Street , London , W . C . The . Editor , lo 'whom all literary communications should be
addressed , will be pleased to receive interesting photographs as well as Hems of news and comments Ihcreon , and to consider suggestions for lengthier articles . All Business Communications should be addressed lo THE PROPRIETORS , MESSRS . SPENCER & Co ., 15 , Great Oitcen
Street , W . C . All Applications for Adverlisemenls lo be made lo WALTER J , LTD ., 5 , Queen Victoria Street , London , E . C .
WISDOM , STRENGTH , & BEAUTY . By the late W . Bro . C . N . MCINTVKK NORTH , Architect . This useful work , ' the result of years of labour and careful study of ours , deals in a masterly manner with the plans , forms and architectural details of King Solomon ' s Temple in a pleasant and readable style never before attempted , culled from Holy Writ , the Works of Josephus , Perrot , Chipiez , Texier , Ferguson , Warren , Condor , Lortet , Donaldson , Renan , Loftus , Daniels , Wilson , and many others . Profusely illustrated . Invaluable to the proper understanding of the lectures , a useful book of reference . Published privately by the late W . Bro . Mclntyre North , in cloth at 1 os . 6 d . Si'KNCKR & Co . having purchased the remainder from the Executors , offer them at the low and popular price of 4 6 . Masonic Depot , 15 Great Queen Street , London , W . C .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Who Was The New Grand Master's First Initiate ?
Who was the new Grand Master ' s first Initiate ?
The election of His Royal Highness the Duke of Connaught as Most Worshipful Grand Master took place tit Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen Street , on Wednesday , the 6 th March , and the proprietors of "THE MASONIC ILLUSTRATED" are desirous of commemorating the event by presenting to the Worshipful Master of the lodge which
had the good fortune to perform the first ceremony of initiation under the new regime a memento of the occasion . Of the eighteen hundred odd lodges in England and Wales there must have been many who were tit the same hour engaged in the work of initiating a candidate , and we invite communications from thesegiving particulars of the exact
, time at which the candidate wtis introduced into the lodge . To the Worshipful Master who had the privilege of receiving into Masonry the first candidate under H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught's Masonic reign we have decided to present , a beautifully-modelled Bronze Statuette of Her late Majesty Queen Victoria , by Messrs . MAPPIN BROTHERS , of 66 ,
Cheapside . The exact time tit which the M . W . Pro Grand Master declared the Duke of Connaught elected litis been carefully noted , and the award will be made to the W . M . of the lodge which submits satisfactory proof of a candidate being the first to be passed through its portals after that announcement . While every care will be taken to verify the
correctness of the information , it must be distinctly understood that the decision of the Editor will be final , and no correspondence can be entered into with regard to t . The statement to be forwarded must give the extict time tit which the ceremony was commenced , signed by the Worshipful Master and Secretin- } - , and must be . accompanied
by the printed summons and agenda of business . To the candidate himself we will present an illuminated certificate , which we venture to think may be valued by him as an interesting record of his introduction into Masonry . Communications must reach us not later than April ioth , addressed to the Editor , " Masonic Illustrated , " 15 , Great Queen Street , London , W . C .
Masonic Temple, Albany, New York, U.S.A., Dedicated 1896.
Masonic Temple , Albany , New York , U . S . A ., Dedicated 1896 .
This edifice is used entirely for Masonic purposes , and contains two lodge rooms , Scottish Rite hall , with stage and elaborate scenery , Knights Templar armoury , together with parlours , club and banquet rooms , and billiard parlour . The ground on which it stands wtis donated by Masters Lodge ,
No . 5 ( originally No . 2 ) . On this site in 1768 was erected the first Masonic lodge house in America , occupied jointly by Masters Lodge and the Junior and Senior Grand Lodge of Perfection Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite . This illustration was sent to us by Bro . Geo . Cowstock Baker , 32 " , J . W . of Masters Lodge .
The Publishers are desirous of procuring a few copies of Xo . 2 of "THE MASONIC ILLUSTRATED , " which is now out of prini , and for which they will he pleased lo pay One Shilling and Sixpence per eopv . Published monthly . Price Sixpence .
Rates of Yearly Subscription ( including Postage ) : — The United Kingdom , India , America , \ s . d . and lite Colonics j ... 76 Editorial and Publishing Offices : — 15 , Great Queen Street , London , W . C . The . Editor , lo 'whom all literary communications should be
addressed , will be pleased to receive interesting photographs as well as Hems of news and comments Ihcreon , and to consider suggestions for lengthier articles . All Business Communications should be addressed lo THE PROPRIETORS , MESSRS . SPENCER & Co ., 15 , Great Oitcen
Street , W . C . All Applications for Adverlisemenls lo be made lo WALTER J , LTD ., 5 , Queen Victoria Street , London , E . C .
WISDOM , STRENGTH , & BEAUTY . By the late W . Bro . C . N . MCINTVKK NORTH , Architect . This useful work , ' the result of years of labour and careful study of ours , deals in a masterly manner with the plans , forms and architectural details of King Solomon ' s Temple in a pleasant and readable style never before attempted , culled from Holy Writ , the Works of Josephus , Perrot , Chipiez , Texier , Ferguson , Warren , Condor , Lortet , Donaldson , Renan , Loftus , Daniels , Wilson , and many others . Profusely illustrated . Invaluable to the proper understanding of the lectures , a useful book of reference . Published privately by the late W . Bro . Mclntyre North , in cloth at 1 os . 6 d . Si'KNCKR & Co . having purchased the remainder from the Executors , offer them at the low and popular price of 4 6 . Masonic Depot , 15 Great Queen Street , London , W . C .