Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE FINEST STOCK IN THE WORLD OF DIAMONDORNAMENTS&GEMJEWELLERY Specially suitable for WEDDING , BIRTHDAY , & COMPLIHENTARY PRESENTS . DIRECT FROM THE DESIGNERS AND MANUFACTURERS , THE GOLDSMITHS COMPANY , 112 , REGENT STREET , W . THE GOLDSMITHS COMPANY invito ^ j g > MsZ ^^ t k 3 L _ THE GOLDSMITHS' COMPANY ' S inspection of the liu-yest nml choicest STOCK ^ Sjg VaTT ^^^^ v ^ elf ^^ *~ GEM DEPARTMENT is P' -osiiioil over liy mi in the World of DIAJIOND ORNAMENTS , ^> ^^~ - —^^^ s- ~^ ~ ^^^^^^ —^ ^ expert in Hint specinl linliich . Knch stone is GUM . IEWKLI . ERY , SILVKR PLATE , ^^ SsiifilS ^ gjgjg *^ eiirel ' nll . v selerteil , IIIKI none lint the linestiieins ELECTRO PLATE , WATCHES . v CLOCKS . Fi „ c Gold , Perl nn . l Diamond "Golf Sticks- mounted , fnslomers nmy select l ,. ose stones Brooch , £ 5 5 s . trom the Company's larire stock of unmounted INSPECTION INVITED . _ ^ . / - *» . NO IMPORTUNITY clininonds nnd have tliem niounded to spccinllv GOLDSMITHS COMPANY . M 0 DER — PRICES . # @ 1 ^^ TO PURCH . SE . , „ ., „„ .,.,, ! ,,,. . , 0 M « - M WWWI GOLDSMITHS COMPANY . A miiffiiiflccut nssortment of Rinsrs , Stars , ^^ fmm ^' Mi ,, "The Century , " ^ f . ^ Sprays , Xecklnces . Sc , composed of the \ r __ J : Scw registered design ,: U ! IS ! I !> . / y % iSsist'y \ WEDDING PRESENTS . finest White Diamonds , mounted in special ~ -jK m line Diamond liro ( ich £ 6 15 s . £ i » Tll >\ A . ¦ •.,-, •, ' •n and oi-isinnl designs , and sold direct to the jp >» 1 > Ci" ' ^ 3 bs . H § Sfc 1 « k'A An ...... ions .- variety o articles specially s ,,, tpnblic at Merchants' Cash Prices , savin- ( A UfP ^ WR' aMe t « , r \\ ecU . nir « t"l Hrnlestiatnts Presents Pi ,,-, A ,-IO , ,. f ,., „„ •>-. „ - «„„ .. „ . ' " W IWilWrasSsl'J / Lvery inlendini ; purchaser Mould inspect 1 uichascs Horn A , to , 0 pet cent . V y ^^ E ^ fe . TOPPy this stock lieforc llecidin- elsewhere , when ^ S $ T 5 S ^\ XfcTff &/ l , lu superiority in design and quality and the ^ T V ^^^ ^^ e' ^ ^^^ i ^ -J = £ — verv moderate prices will lie apparent . GOLDSMITHS COMPANY . e = £ ^^ f ** g $ ^ pr Jt zSSS ^^ Z < Fine Gold and Platinum Fine Diamond and Ruby Lord Roberts and Pretoria , GOLDSMITHS COMPANY . REM icwn 1 FBV " Lee Mctfortl" anil Ring £ 11 . li » 0 in Enamel , £ 1 5 s . Dt « utiYtLLtm . "Shrapnel Shell" Links , A large assortment in Baden-liowell . with Male-The Goldsmiths Company ' s Stock of liracelcts , £ 2 15 s . per pair . stock from 25-upwards . king , as above . £ 1 5 s . ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE . Urooches , Necklaces , kc , is the largest and ~ = ^~~ _ , „ , r . ,, ¦ , , choicest in the World and contains designs sa ^ £ r ^ Z-^ s-S ? CS ^&~ " 1 C f"ll < l ' : , lllt ls Company s t atalogue is a of rare bcautv and excellence not to be j 1 $ fy && dg ^ £ . r ' fifiJsM ^ Qs ^ t ^ , most adnurubly produced Guide liook to the obtained elsewhere , mi inspection of which fW ^^^^^ n ^ , fhjV ^ ^^^ 5 i , ! 1 , ' t , "' ' >" . v » ist Jewsllorv , ic , ot the linest is respectfully invited . ftiW " ^ Ss d & T ^ 5- ^ N qmilit . y at moderate pi-iecs , an . every liidy 1 ' iNJl ^ X / LrV' ^^ Mould send for a copy , which will be supplied Oaf Y ^ , ^ 1 H ? M gratis . " l . « etj - * J > ir / ori , a . GOLDSMITHS COMPANY . M ¥ \ Jl nnin „ Mm , n „„„„ . „„ V & v JM GOLDSMITHS COMPANY . NS ^ frSii rmiNTRV rncsTriMFRt ! \ Ssii FineGoldFlexibloRracelct . set MNl AQ ^ NTRY ^ CilSTOMERS , . ^ ft'tr- ^ "itl , Pearls and Tumuoise , ^ -0 Jf CASH PR | CES Selected Parcels of Goods forwarded to the ^ TTip- ^ X ^^ 15 s . // fi ^ i / Z ? Country on Approval . Country customers V | pi ] Vw ^ kfis'srv / ''' ' Goldsmiths Company , cuiilueting their have through this means , the advantage of A \ A / Aoncn ^ S ^ VV 5 * NX ~~ / fj ^ CsS ? ^**^ AWAPDFn business , both in buying and selling for cash , being supplied direct from an immense AWARDED ^^^\ K ^ S ^\ ' ^^ P' ^>^ eX / ijPy ^ are enabled to give purchasers great nilviin-Londou Stock , containing all the latest THE GRAND PRIX ^^^ vV ftjsr W ? S **^ THE GRAND PRIX i . agcs over bouses offering long credit , a , novelties , which arc not obtainable in pro- PARIS 1900 . — " ^ ZzS £ Zr '' PARIS 1900 . system entailing high prices and bad debts , yincial towns . - „ , ... for which cash buyers have to compensate . The Grand Prix is tlie Coveted Pri / . e of Exhibitors , and has never before been conferred on a British firm of Jewellers , Goldsmiths , t Silversmiths . GOLDSMITHS & SILVERSMITHS COMPANY , Ltd ., 112 , REGENT ST ., LONDON , W . U ,, J ^ 'S ,, „„„ . ) Telephone : " 872 !) . " ( The GOLDSMITHS' ALLIANCE , Ltd . ( A . 11 . Savoury & Sons ) , late of Cornhill , E . C ., is transferred to this Company . ) Telegrams : " Argennon , London . "
ITE'W"ZMZASOIfcTiaTIEIMIIPILJIE. Most Magnificent in London . SHIP&TURTLE, 129132,LEADENHALLSTREETE.G. This Ancient and Spacious Hall has been converted into a FINE HASONIC TEHPLE , Thoroughy redecorated and fitted with Electric Light . Provided with unique and handsome MASONIC FURNITURE and FITTINGS-with canopied Throne . CONVENIENT ANTE BOOMS . SPACIOUS DINING HALLS . EVERY MODERN IMPROVEMENT . EASY ACCESS FROM THE WEST END BY THE CENTRAL LONDON RAILWAY . Proprietors:Messrs.PIMMS&Co. Telephone No . 5531 Avenue . Telegraphic Address , " Tortola London . "
AMostAcceptable&UsefulPresent. Delightfully Flexible ULLruLUulllU THE M 0 ST and Comfortable . ¦« . _ .,- »_ . __ . _ . SUITABLE BRACELET Cannot be Lost . RQA | FI FTQ MADE No Snap to come DllHULLL I O FOK WATCHES , unfastened . ¦ ..,.,.- „„ „ ,...,.......... „> % ( SAUNDERS & SHEPHERDS ) ' ^ ' ^ ^¦ ^ ^ ^ ¦¦¦¦ ¦ ¦¦¦¦ ¦ ^ ¦¦¦ ^ ¦ ¦ ¦¦¦ ^ ^ ^¦¦ ^ ¦ iiH
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE FINEST STOCK IN THE WORLD OF DIAMONDORNAMENTS&GEMJEWELLERY Specially suitable for WEDDING , BIRTHDAY , & COMPLIHENTARY PRESENTS . DIRECT FROM THE DESIGNERS AND MANUFACTURERS , THE GOLDSMITHS COMPANY , 112 , REGENT STREET , W . THE GOLDSMITHS COMPANY invito ^ j g > MsZ ^^ t k 3 L _ THE GOLDSMITHS' COMPANY ' S inspection of the liu-yest nml choicest STOCK ^ Sjg VaTT ^^^^ v ^ elf ^^ *~ GEM DEPARTMENT is P' -osiiioil over liy mi in the World of DIAJIOND ORNAMENTS , ^> ^^~ - —^^^ s- ~^ ~ ^^^^^^ —^ ^ expert in Hint specinl linliich . Knch stone is GUM . IEWKLI . ERY , SILVKR PLATE , ^^ SsiifilS ^ gjgjg *^ eiirel ' nll . v selerteil , IIIKI none lint the linestiieins ELECTRO PLATE , WATCHES . v CLOCKS . Fi „ c Gold , Perl nn . l Diamond "Golf Sticks- mounted , fnslomers nmy select l ,. ose stones Brooch , £ 5 5 s . trom the Company's larire stock of unmounted INSPECTION INVITED . _ ^ . / - *» . NO IMPORTUNITY clininonds nnd have tliem niounded to spccinllv GOLDSMITHS COMPANY . M 0 DER — PRICES . # @ 1 ^^ TO PURCH . SE . , „ ., „„ .,.,, ! ,,,. . , 0 M « - M WWWI GOLDSMITHS COMPANY . A miiffiiiflccut nssortment of Rinsrs , Stars , ^^ fmm ^' Mi ,, "The Century , " ^ f . ^ Sprays , Xecklnces . Sc , composed of the \ r __ J : Scw registered design ,: U ! IS ! I !> . / y % iSsist'y \ WEDDING PRESENTS . finest White Diamonds , mounted in special ~ -jK m line Diamond liro ( ich £ 6 15 s . £ i » Tll >\ A . ¦ •.,-, •, ' •n and oi-isinnl designs , and sold direct to the jp >» 1 > Ci" ' ^ 3 bs . H § Sfc 1 « k'A An ...... ions .- variety o articles specially s ,,, tpnblic at Merchants' Cash Prices , savin- ( A UfP ^ WR' aMe t « , r \\ ecU . nir « t"l Hrnlestiatnts Presents Pi ,,-, A ,-IO , ,. f ,., „„ •>-. „ - «„„ .. „ . ' " W IWilWrasSsl'J / Lvery inlendini ; purchaser Mould inspect 1 uichascs Horn A , to , 0 pet cent . V y ^^ E ^ fe . TOPPy this stock lieforc llecidin- elsewhere , when ^ S $ T 5 S ^\ XfcTff &/ l , lu superiority in design and quality and the ^ T V ^^^ ^^ e' ^ ^^^ i ^ -J = £ — verv moderate prices will lie apparent . GOLDSMITHS COMPANY . e = £ ^^ f ** g $ ^ pr Jt zSSS ^^ Z < Fine Gold and Platinum Fine Diamond and Ruby Lord Roberts and Pretoria , GOLDSMITHS COMPANY . REM icwn 1 FBV " Lee Mctfortl" anil Ring £ 11 . li » 0 in Enamel , £ 1 5 s . Dt « utiYtLLtm . "Shrapnel Shell" Links , A large assortment in Baden-liowell . with Male-The Goldsmiths Company ' s Stock of liracelcts , £ 2 15 s . per pair . stock from 25-upwards . king , as above . £ 1 5 s . ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE . Urooches , Necklaces , kc , is the largest and ~ = ^~~ _ , „ , r . ,, ¦ , , choicest in the World and contains designs sa ^ £ r ^ Z-^ s-S ? CS ^&~ " 1 C f"ll < l ' : , lllt ls Company s t atalogue is a of rare bcautv and excellence not to be j 1 $ fy && dg ^ £ . r ' fifiJsM ^ Qs ^ t ^ , most adnurubly produced Guide liook to the obtained elsewhere , mi inspection of which fW ^^^^^ n ^ , fhjV ^ ^^^ 5 i , ! 1 , ' t , "' ' >" . v » ist Jewsllorv , ic , ot the linest is respectfully invited . ftiW " ^ Ss d & T ^ 5- ^ N qmilit . y at moderate pi-iecs , an . every liidy 1 ' iNJl ^ X / LrV' ^^ Mould send for a copy , which will be supplied Oaf Y ^ , ^ 1 H ? M gratis . " l . « etj - * J > ir / ori , a . GOLDSMITHS COMPANY . M ¥ \ Jl nnin „ Mm , n „„„„ . „„ V & v JM GOLDSMITHS COMPANY . NS ^ frSii rmiNTRV rncsTriMFRt ! \ Ssii FineGoldFlexibloRracelct . set MNl AQ ^ NTRY ^ CilSTOMERS , . ^ ft'tr- ^ "itl , Pearls and Tumuoise , ^ -0 Jf CASH PR | CES Selected Parcels of Goods forwarded to the ^ TTip- ^ X ^^ 15 s . // fi ^ i / Z ? Country on Approval . Country customers V | pi ] Vw ^ kfis'srv / ''' ' Goldsmiths Company , cuiilueting their have through this means , the advantage of A \ A / Aoncn ^ S ^ VV 5 * NX ~~ / fj ^ CsS ? ^**^ AWAPDFn business , both in buying and selling for cash , being supplied direct from an immense AWARDED ^^^\ K ^ S ^\ ' ^^ P' ^>^ eX / ijPy ^ are enabled to give purchasers great nilviin-Londou Stock , containing all the latest THE GRAND PRIX ^^^ vV ftjsr W ? S **^ THE GRAND PRIX i . agcs over bouses offering long credit , a , novelties , which arc not obtainable in pro- PARIS 1900 . — " ^ ZzS £ Zr '' PARIS 1900 . system entailing high prices and bad debts , yincial towns . - „ , ... for which cash buyers have to compensate . The Grand Prix is tlie Coveted Pri / . e of Exhibitors , and has never before been conferred on a British firm of Jewellers , Goldsmiths , t Silversmiths . GOLDSMITHS & SILVERSMITHS COMPANY , Ltd ., 112 , REGENT ST ., LONDON , W . U ,, J ^ 'S ,, „„„ . ) Telephone : " 872 !) . " ( The GOLDSMITHS' ALLIANCE , Ltd . ( A . 11 . Savoury & Sons ) , late of Cornhill , E . C ., is transferred to this Company . ) Telegrams : " Argennon , London . "
ITE'W"ZMZASOIfcTiaTIEIMIIPILJIE. Most Magnificent in London . SHIP&TURTLE, 129132,LEADENHALLSTREETE.G. This Ancient and Spacious Hall has been converted into a FINE HASONIC TEHPLE , Thoroughy redecorated and fitted with Electric Light . Provided with unique and handsome MASONIC FURNITURE and FITTINGS-with canopied Throne . CONVENIENT ANTE BOOMS . SPACIOUS DINING HALLS . EVERY MODERN IMPROVEMENT . EASY ACCESS FROM THE WEST END BY THE CENTRAL LONDON RAILWAY . Proprietors:Messrs.PIMMS&Co. Telephone No . 5531 Avenue . Telegraphic Address , " Tortola London . "
AMostAcceptable&UsefulPresent. Delightfully Flexible ULLruLUulllU THE M 0 ST and Comfortable . ¦« . _ .,- »_ . __ . _ . SUITABLE BRACELET Cannot be Lost . RQA | FI FTQ MADE No Snap to come DllHULLL I O FOK WATCHES , unfastened . ¦ ..,.,.- „„ „ ,...,.......... „> % ( SAUNDERS & SHEPHERDS ) ' ^ ' ^ ^¦ ^ ^ ^ ¦¦¦¦ ¦ ¦¦¦¦ ¦ ^ ¦¦¦ ^ ¦ ¦ ¦¦¦ ^ ^ ^¦¦ ^ ¦ iiH