Article At the Sign of the Perfect Ashlar. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar.
musician Bro . Lutz , he said , was one of the greatest masters in London . Skilled in technological science and instrumentation , a superior organist and an inspiring conductor , able to infuse and obtain desired effects without any apparent effort and unnecessary display , due to his intimate
acquaintance with , and appreciation of , the full scores he was entrusted to execute . Had there existed a better demand for elaborate compositions , Bro . Lutz would undoubtedly have achieved still greater distinction . This alone prevented him from devoting the best part of his life entirely to the
classics . He possessed a keen appreciation of humour and a store of sparkling wit , as is evidenced in his delightful " Musicians I have met , " which appeared in the Era Annual for 1902 . < s > « s > « s » There was a very large gathering at the Bridge House
Hotel on Saturday , February 28 th , when Bro . J . F . Henley was installed Worshipful Master of the Alleyne Lodge , No . 26 47 . Bro . Henley is an official of the House of Commons , and several of the most distinguished Masons in that assembly were present at his installation . Viscount Valentia , Deputy Provincial
Grand Master of Oxfordshire , was the Installing Master , and was supported by Bros . Colonel Lockwood , M . P ., Provincial Grand Master of Essex ; Sir Joseph Dimsdale , Bart ., M . P . ; the Hon . T . F . Halsey , M . P ., Provincial Grand Master of Hertfordshire ; and Sir Edward Letchworth , Grand Secretary . Besides these brethren , a number of Members of Parliament wrote expressing their extreme regret at being unable to be
mio . . 1 . P . HENLEY . present . These included Sir John Aird , M . P . ; the Hon . R . Greville , M . P . ; the Hon . A . Stanley , M . P . ; the Hon . J . Hozier , M . P ., Grand Master of Scotland ; Sir F . Godson , M . P .,
Provincial Grand Master of Worcestershire ; Sir Thomas Firbank , M . P . ; George Lambert , M . P . ; Lord G . Hamilton , M . P ., Grand Master of Middlesex ; H . S . Samuel , M . P . ; Lord H . Bentinck , M . P ., Provincial Grand Master of Cumberland and Westmorland ; F . S . W . Comwallis , P . G . W . ;
Ernest Flower , M . P . ; Admiral Lord C . Beresford ; Sir Joseph Lawrence , M . P . ; Major Seely , M . P ., P . M . 6 y 8 ; and telegrams from many other distinguished brethren . « 8- <& ' ®> After the ceremony was over , a banquet was served in
the hotel . " The Health of the Worshipful Master" was proposed by Viscount Valentia , who said that he had known Bro . Henley for many years . He was confident that he was well fitted to fill the high office to which he was called , and he was gratified at having the pleasure of installing him .
Speeches were also delivered during the evening by Colonel Lockwood , the Hon . T . F . Halsey , and Sir Edward Letchworth . An excellent programme of music was provided , and guests and members alike voted the evening one of the most pleasant in the history of the lodge . The musical arrangements were under the direction of Bro . Sidney Candy .
< S > < g > o Bro . Lieut .-Col . William Watts , whose installation as Worshipful Master of the newly consecrated Royal and Loyal Lodge is reported in another column , was initiated into Masonry in Lodge Honour and Friendship , No . 1266 ,
Blandford , Dorset , in 1886 , and in 18 95 took a prominent part in founding the St . Aldhelms Lodge , No . 2559 , Branksome . He is also Senior Warden of Earl ' s Court Lodge , No . 2765 , Kensington , a member of the Quadratic Lodge , No . 1691 , and while serving with the Forces in South Africa
became a member of the Wynberg Lodge , No . 2577 . In 18 95 he was appointed Provincial Senior Grand Warden for Dorset .
@ & © Bro . Col . Watts was exalted in the St . Cuthberga Royal Arch Chapter , No . 622 , Wimborne , and became M . E . Z . in 1892 . He is now Z . elect of the Quadratic Chapter in the Province of Middlesex . In Mark Masonry he has also taken
an active part , having been advanced in the St . Cuthberga Lodge , becoming Worshipful Master in 1892 , * and Provincial Senior Grand Warden of Dorset in 18 94 . While in South Africa he acted for same as Deputy District Grand Master of the Southern Division . Col . Watts is also a Past M . W . S . of
the Vigne Rose Croix Chapter , and a Past E . P . of the Hyde Preceptory of Knights Templars . It only remains to be said that he has not failed in the cardinal Masonic virtue of charity , having served seventeen times as Steward to the three Masonic Institutions .
< s > < s > © " Eastbourne's desire that the Duke of Devonshire should not only receive the freedom of the borough , in special recognition of his gift of a valuable site for a free library and technical institute , but should lay the foundation-stone of the necessary building with Masonic ceremony will not surprise
Freemasons . There would be a special fitness , indeed , in the Lord President of the Council performing this ceremony at Eastbourne , as that is the home of the earliest founded of the three Hartington Lodges which exist in this country , the others being at Barrow-in-Furness and Derby , all these
places being closely associated with the Cavendish family . But when in 1862 the Hartington Lodge at Eastbourne was established , the Marquis of Hartington ( as the present Duke of Devonshire then was ) had already been a Provincial Grand Master for four years , he having succeeded his kinsman , the
sixth Duke , in 18 5 8 , as Grand Master for the Province of Derby when he was but twenty-five . That kinsman himself had been called to the position in 1814 , when he was twentyfour ; and this is a striking example of Masonic continuity , only to be nearly paralleled by the tenure of the Grand Mastership of the North and East Ridings of Yorkshire ,
which has been filled since its creation in 1817 by no more than three persons , and those the three successive holders of the peerage of Zetland , one of whom became Grand Master of England . The Duke of Devonshire , it may be added , holds the second place in point of seniority among the
Provincial Grand Masters , the premier position being occupied by Lord Leigh , who last year celebrated the jubilee of his presidency over the Masonic Province of Warwickshire . " These facts we glean from the Westminster , whose Masonic Correspondent provides the editor from time to time with various interesting notes on " the Craft . "
* > $ > < 3 > The extraordinary increase in the Craft in Aldershot that has occurred since the troops returned from South Africa bids fair to continue , judging by what has taken place in the Aldershot Camp Lodge , No . 1331 , since the installation night in January . Last year lifty-one candidates were initiated , all , with one or two exceptions , being serving
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar.
musician Bro . Lutz , he said , was one of the greatest masters in London . Skilled in technological science and instrumentation , a superior organist and an inspiring conductor , able to infuse and obtain desired effects without any apparent effort and unnecessary display , due to his intimate
acquaintance with , and appreciation of , the full scores he was entrusted to execute . Had there existed a better demand for elaborate compositions , Bro . Lutz would undoubtedly have achieved still greater distinction . This alone prevented him from devoting the best part of his life entirely to the
classics . He possessed a keen appreciation of humour and a store of sparkling wit , as is evidenced in his delightful " Musicians I have met , " which appeared in the Era Annual for 1902 . < s > « s > « s » There was a very large gathering at the Bridge House
Hotel on Saturday , February 28 th , when Bro . J . F . Henley was installed Worshipful Master of the Alleyne Lodge , No . 26 47 . Bro . Henley is an official of the House of Commons , and several of the most distinguished Masons in that assembly were present at his installation . Viscount Valentia , Deputy Provincial
Grand Master of Oxfordshire , was the Installing Master , and was supported by Bros . Colonel Lockwood , M . P ., Provincial Grand Master of Essex ; Sir Joseph Dimsdale , Bart ., M . P . ; the Hon . T . F . Halsey , M . P ., Provincial Grand Master of Hertfordshire ; and Sir Edward Letchworth , Grand Secretary . Besides these brethren , a number of Members of Parliament wrote expressing their extreme regret at being unable to be
mio . . 1 . P . HENLEY . present . These included Sir John Aird , M . P . ; the Hon . R . Greville , M . P . ; the Hon . A . Stanley , M . P . ; the Hon . J . Hozier , M . P ., Grand Master of Scotland ; Sir F . Godson , M . P .,
Provincial Grand Master of Worcestershire ; Sir Thomas Firbank , M . P . ; George Lambert , M . P . ; Lord G . Hamilton , M . P ., Grand Master of Middlesex ; H . S . Samuel , M . P . ; Lord H . Bentinck , M . P ., Provincial Grand Master of Cumberland and Westmorland ; F . S . W . Comwallis , P . G . W . ;
Ernest Flower , M . P . ; Admiral Lord C . Beresford ; Sir Joseph Lawrence , M . P . ; Major Seely , M . P ., P . M . 6 y 8 ; and telegrams from many other distinguished brethren . « 8- <& ' ®> After the ceremony was over , a banquet was served in
the hotel . " The Health of the Worshipful Master" was proposed by Viscount Valentia , who said that he had known Bro . Henley for many years . He was confident that he was well fitted to fill the high office to which he was called , and he was gratified at having the pleasure of installing him .
Speeches were also delivered during the evening by Colonel Lockwood , the Hon . T . F . Halsey , and Sir Edward Letchworth . An excellent programme of music was provided , and guests and members alike voted the evening one of the most pleasant in the history of the lodge . The musical arrangements were under the direction of Bro . Sidney Candy .
< S > < g > o Bro . Lieut .-Col . William Watts , whose installation as Worshipful Master of the newly consecrated Royal and Loyal Lodge is reported in another column , was initiated into Masonry in Lodge Honour and Friendship , No . 1266 ,
Blandford , Dorset , in 1886 , and in 18 95 took a prominent part in founding the St . Aldhelms Lodge , No . 2559 , Branksome . He is also Senior Warden of Earl ' s Court Lodge , No . 2765 , Kensington , a member of the Quadratic Lodge , No . 1691 , and while serving with the Forces in South Africa
became a member of the Wynberg Lodge , No . 2577 . In 18 95 he was appointed Provincial Senior Grand Warden for Dorset .
@ & © Bro . Col . Watts was exalted in the St . Cuthberga Royal Arch Chapter , No . 622 , Wimborne , and became M . E . Z . in 1892 . He is now Z . elect of the Quadratic Chapter in the Province of Middlesex . In Mark Masonry he has also taken
an active part , having been advanced in the St . Cuthberga Lodge , becoming Worshipful Master in 1892 , * and Provincial Senior Grand Warden of Dorset in 18 94 . While in South Africa he acted for same as Deputy District Grand Master of the Southern Division . Col . Watts is also a Past M . W . S . of
the Vigne Rose Croix Chapter , and a Past E . P . of the Hyde Preceptory of Knights Templars . It only remains to be said that he has not failed in the cardinal Masonic virtue of charity , having served seventeen times as Steward to the three Masonic Institutions .
< s > < s > © " Eastbourne's desire that the Duke of Devonshire should not only receive the freedom of the borough , in special recognition of his gift of a valuable site for a free library and technical institute , but should lay the foundation-stone of the necessary building with Masonic ceremony will not surprise
Freemasons . There would be a special fitness , indeed , in the Lord President of the Council performing this ceremony at Eastbourne , as that is the home of the earliest founded of the three Hartington Lodges which exist in this country , the others being at Barrow-in-Furness and Derby , all these
places being closely associated with the Cavendish family . But when in 1862 the Hartington Lodge at Eastbourne was established , the Marquis of Hartington ( as the present Duke of Devonshire then was ) had already been a Provincial Grand Master for four years , he having succeeded his kinsman , the
sixth Duke , in 18 5 8 , as Grand Master for the Province of Derby when he was but twenty-five . That kinsman himself had been called to the position in 1814 , when he was twentyfour ; and this is a striking example of Masonic continuity , only to be nearly paralleled by the tenure of the Grand Mastership of the North and East Ridings of Yorkshire ,
which has been filled since its creation in 1817 by no more than three persons , and those the three successive holders of the peerage of Zetland , one of whom became Grand Master of England . The Duke of Devonshire , it may be added , holds the second place in point of seniority among the
Provincial Grand Masters , the premier position being occupied by Lord Leigh , who last year celebrated the jubilee of his presidency over the Masonic Province of Warwickshire . " These facts we glean from the Westminster , whose Masonic Correspondent provides the editor from time to time with various interesting notes on " the Craft . "
* > $ > < 3 > The extraordinary increase in the Craft in Aldershot that has occurred since the troops returned from South Africa bids fair to continue , judging by what has taken place in the Aldershot Camp Lodge , No . 1331 , since the installation night in January . Last year lifty-one candidates were initiated , all , with one or two exceptions , being serving