Article Installation Meeting of the Yorick Lodge, No. 2771. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal and Loyal Lodge, No. 2952. Page 1 of 2 →
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Installation Meeting Of The Yorick Lodge, No. 2771.
Installation Meeting of the Yorick Lodge , No . 2771 .
r PHE installation meeting of this important lodge was I held at the Trocadero Restaurant on Tuesday , the 17 th March , when Bro . F . Trehawke Davies was installed Worshipful Master . He appointed and invested his officers as follows , with the exception of Bro . E . Lockwood , who was absent in South Africa : —Bros . E . Lockwood ,
S . W . ; J . Bannister Howard , J . W . ; the Ven . Archdeacon Sinclair , D . D ., P . G . Chaplain , Chaplain ; Clarence Sounes , Treasurer ; Stanley Pringle , Secretary ; George Robins , S . D . ; Duncan Tovey , J . D . ; James Chapman , I . G . ; W . S . Pcnley , Grand Treasurer elect , D . C . ; A . J . Winter , E . T .
liUO . F . TREHAWKE IIAVIES . Addyman , and J . Louis Knight , Stewards ; and J . W . Freeman , Tyler . The ceremony and addresses were rendered
with exceptional impressiveness and dignity by the outgoing Master , Bro . Alexr . Watson , S . G . W . Bucks , to whom in the lodge the Worshipful Master presented a Past Master ' s jewel . The subsequent banquet was partaken of by about seventy
brethren . In submitting the toast of " The Grand Officers , " the Worshipful Master stated that he had amongst them many friends , and it was an especial honour and pleasure to have the Venerable Archdeacon of London as Chaplain of the
lodge . It was also quite unique to welcome three Grand Treasurers—they had both the present , the past , and the Grand Treasurer elect amongst them . In reply , Bro . Archdeacon Sinclair said he was glad to
take the opportunity to thank the Worshipful Master for the great honour he had bestowed upon him in appointing him Chaplain of the lodge . It was most pleasant to him to end his day of labour with such a congenial gathering . He was most impressed by the addresses given by Bro . Watson , and thought they contained more flowers of speech than he had before discovered , which was no doubt clue to the admirable manner in which they had been delivered .
Bro . Captain J . Barlow also tendered his hearty thanks . The I . P . M ., in proposing the toast of " The Worshipful Master , " said it was very difficult to talk about the Worshipful Master ' s virtues , and quite impossible to speak of his vices , for he had none , and if he confined himself to the former he would , like Tennyson ' s " brook , " go on for ever .
He was a young Mason , yet he was Secretary of three lodges , and devoted a great deal of his time to Masonic work , although he had other work to do in the municipality of Marylebone . He announced that the Worshipful Master reached his fiftieth birthday this year and the twenty-fifth
anniversary of his marriage , and sincerely trusted the year would be a happy one to himself , his wife , and his daughter . The Worshipful Master , in responding , said he was exceedingly nervous , and the very flattering speech of the I . P . AI . rendered him even more so . He would say ,
however , he had done , and would do , his best for the lodge , although he felt he was a very young Mason to become a Worshipful Master . He thanked the brethren most heartily for having elected him and for the way they had received the toast .
The Worshipful Master then proceeded to propose the combined toast of " The I . P . M . and Past Masters , " and remarked how excellently they had done their work . As an example , he referred to the installation ceremony , and said that it had made so great an impression upon him that it would never be effaced from his memory .
The I . P . M . thanked the Worshipful Master exceedingly for the terms in which he had proposed the toast . He had determined for months past , if he was only well enough , to instal his very dear old friend in the chair . He vacated the office with feelings of regret , as he had not done all he perhaps might have done ; but it was a great consolation to
him to know that the lodge had such an admirable Master . Bro . E . R . Bartley Denniss said he conceived that it was the duty of the Past Masters to look after the ordinary members of the lodge , and exhorted them to be perfect Masons , kind , and courteous , which would generate feelings
of happiness to themselves and the other brethren . He paid a kindly tribute to Bro . Penley , who , he assured them , was one of the best and truest men he had ever come across , and he thought he most thoroughly deserved the great honour he had received at the hands of the Craft , an honour , too , that
was much appreciated by the members of the lodge . The toast of " The Visitors " was given by the Worshipful Master and responded to by Bro . Harry Nicholls . The toast of " The Officers" and the Tyler's toast followed , and a delightful musical programme terminated the proceedings .
Royal And Loyal Lodge, No. 2952.
Royal and Loyal Lodge , No . 2952 .
'OHE above lodge , founded in the interests of the cadets I of the King ' s Royal Rides , was consecrated at the Great Eastern Hotel on Thursday , February 26 th , and the beautiful ceremony was most impressively performed by Bro . Sir Edward Letchworth , Grand Secretary , assisted by Bros . Major-General Astley Terry , G . S . B ., as S . W . ; Lieut .-
Col . G . E . Blunt , P . G . S . B ., as J . W . ; the Rev . Sir Borradaile Savory , Bart ., P . G . C ., as Chaplain ; Frank Richardson , P . D . G . Reg ., as D . of C . ; and Major H . Vane Stow , D . G . Swd . Br ., as I . G . ; upon completion of which Bro . Col . Williams Watts , C . B ., P . P . S . G . W . Dorset , was installed as Worshipful Master , and invested his officers as follows : —
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Installation Meeting Of The Yorick Lodge, No. 2771.
Installation Meeting of the Yorick Lodge , No . 2771 .
r PHE installation meeting of this important lodge was I held at the Trocadero Restaurant on Tuesday , the 17 th March , when Bro . F . Trehawke Davies was installed Worshipful Master . He appointed and invested his officers as follows , with the exception of Bro . E . Lockwood , who was absent in South Africa : —Bros . E . Lockwood ,
S . W . ; J . Bannister Howard , J . W . ; the Ven . Archdeacon Sinclair , D . D ., P . G . Chaplain , Chaplain ; Clarence Sounes , Treasurer ; Stanley Pringle , Secretary ; George Robins , S . D . ; Duncan Tovey , J . D . ; James Chapman , I . G . ; W . S . Pcnley , Grand Treasurer elect , D . C . ; A . J . Winter , E . T .
liUO . F . TREHAWKE IIAVIES . Addyman , and J . Louis Knight , Stewards ; and J . W . Freeman , Tyler . The ceremony and addresses were rendered
with exceptional impressiveness and dignity by the outgoing Master , Bro . Alexr . Watson , S . G . W . Bucks , to whom in the lodge the Worshipful Master presented a Past Master ' s jewel . The subsequent banquet was partaken of by about seventy
brethren . In submitting the toast of " The Grand Officers , " the Worshipful Master stated that he had amongst them many friends , and it was an especial honour and pleasure to have the Venerable Archdeacon of London as Chaplain of the
lodge . It was also quite unique to welcome three Grand Treasurers—they had both the present , the past , and the Grand Treasurer elect amongst them . In reply , Bro . Archdeacon Sinclair said he was glad to
take the opportunity to thank the Worshipful Master for the great honour he had bestowed upon him in appointing him Chaplain of the lodge . It was most pleasant to him to end his day of labour with such a congenial gathering . He was most impressed by the addresses given by Bro . Watson , and thought they contained more flowers of speech than he had before discovered , which was no doubt clue to the admirable manner in which they had been delivered .
Bro . Captain J . Barlow also tendered his hearty thanks . The I . P . M ., in proposing the toast of " The Worshipful Master , " said it was very difficult to talk about the Worshipful Master ' s virtues , and quite impossible to speak of his vices , for he had none , and if he confined himself to the former he would , like Tennyson ' s " brook , " go on for ever .
He was a young Mason , yet he was Secretary of three lodges , and devoted a great deal of his time to Masonic work , although he had other work to do in the municipality of Marylebone . He announced that the Worshipful Master reached his fiftieth birthday this year and the twenty-fifth
anniversary of his marriage , and sincerely trusted the year would be a happy one to himself , his wife , and his daughter . The Worshipful Master , in responding , said he was exceedingly nervous , and the very flattering speech of the I . P . AI . rendered him even more so . He would say ,
however , he had done , and would do , his best for the lodge , although he felt he was a very young Mason to become a Worshipful Master . He thanked the brethren most heartily for having elected him and for the way they had received the toast .
The Worshipful Master then proceeded to propose the combined toast of " The I . P . M . and Past Masters , " and remarked how excellently they had done their work . As an example , he referred to the installation ceremony , and said that it had made so great an impression upon him that it would never be effaced from his memory .
The I . P . M . thanked the Worshipful Master exceedingly for the terms in which he had proposed the toast . He had determined for months past , if he was only well enough , to instal his very dear old friend in the chair . He vacated the office with feelings of regret , as he had not done all he perhaps might have done ; but it was a great consolation to
him to know that the lodge had such an admirable Master . Bro . E . R . Bartley Denniss said he conceived that it was the duty of the Past Masters to look after the ordinary members of the lodge , and exhorted them to be perfect Masons , kind , and courteous , which would generate feelings
of happiness to themselves and the other brethren . He paid a kindly tribute to Bro . Penley , who , he assured them , was one of the best and truest men he had ever come across , and he thought he most thoroughly deserved the great honour he had received at the hands of the Craft , an honour , too , that
was much appreciated by the members of the lodge . The toast of " The Visitors " was given by the Worshipful Master and responded to by Bro . Harry Nicholls . The toast of " The Officers" and the Tyler's toast followed , and a delightful musical programme terminated the proceedings .
Royal And Loyal Lodge, No. 2952.
Royal and Loyal Lodge , No . 2952 .
'OHE above lodge , founded in the interests of the cadets I of the King ' s Royal Rides , was consecrated at the Great Eastern Hotel on Thursday , February 26 th , and the beautiful ceremony was most impressively performed by Bro . Sir Edward Letchworth , Grand Secretary , assisted by Bros . Major-General Astley Terry , G . S . B ., as S . W . ; Lieut .-
Col . G . E . Blunt , P . G . S . B ., as J . W . ; the Rev . Sir Borradaile Savory , Bart ., P . G . C ., as Chaplain ; Frank Richardson , P . D . G . Reg ., as D . of C . ; and Major H . Vane Stow , D . G . Swd . Br ., as I . G . ; upon completion of which Bro . Col . Williams Watts , C . B ., P . P . S . G . W . Dorset , was installed as Worshipful Master , and invested his officers as follows : —