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Alfred Newton Lodge, No. 2686.
Alfred Newton Lodge , No . 2686 .
THE installation meeting of the above lodge took place at the Roval Palace Hotel , Kensington , on the 14 th March , in the presence of a numerous gathering ¦ of distinguished visitors and a large number of members .
HRO . ERNEST . T . R 1 X . The outgoing Master , Bro . Arthur Strutt , installed his ¦ successor , Bro . Ernest J . Rix , in a very able and impressive manner . The Worshipful Master then invested his officers as follows : —Bros . T . Gordon Heighingfon , S . W . ; John W .
Jupe , J . W . ; James Bailey , M . P ., Treasurer ; W . Banister Abbott ' , P . M ., " Secretary ; W . H . Eardley , S . D . ; Herbert Redgrave , J . D . ; W . C . Freeman , I . G . ; Richard T . Pearce , P . M ., P . A . G . D . C . Middlesex , D . of C . ; W . Windsor , Organist ; and Edward Vernon , Alfred Howell , Harry Johnson and Hairy Day , Stewards .
A banquet was subsequently served in the new hall . After the loyal toasts had been disposed of , the Worshipful ' Master gave that of " Tlie Grand Officers , " and said that they had several of those distinguished brethren amongst them , and regretted that Sir Alfred Newton was not able
tostop to the banquet . He coupled with the toast the name of Bro . Imre Kiralfy , P . A . G . D . C , who , in replying , spoke of the perfect manner in which the Worshipful Master and all his officers had done their work , not only in the lodge , but also right through the evening .
Bro . Arthur Strutt , in proposing the toast of "The Worshipful Master , " said it was just ten years ago when he and the Worshipful Master were initiated , and he could not speak too highly of the admirable manner in which the ¦ Worshi pful Master had always done his work . He had
much pleasure in presenting him with a silver cup , being the fifth that had been presented to the lodge by Bro . Sir Alfred Newton for that purpose .
The Worshipful Master thanked the I . P . M . for his kind remarks , and asserted that anything he could say would be quite inadequate , but he hoped to justify their opinion of him . He then gave the toast of " The I . P . M ., " and said no one in the Alfred Newton Lodge had merited more thanks , and to attempt to speak of his thoroughness in the work
would be like painting the lily ; it was , however , so well known to the brethren that it would not be necessary to * dwell upon it . The I . P . M ., in responding , could only say that he had always endeavoured to do his duty , and if he had given
satisfaction it was most gratifying to him . Other toasts followed , and an enjoyable evening was brought to a close by an excellent musical programme .
Consecration Of The St. Michael Le Querne Chapter, No. 2697.
Consecration of the St . Michael le Querne Chapter , No . 2697 .
THE enthusiasm which characterised the proceedings at the consecration of the above-named chapter at the Holborn Restaurant , on Monday , the 16 th March , cannot but be regarded in the light of a happy augury for the future , while the fact of the chapter having been called into
existence . but four years after the starting of the lodge to which it is attached is a certain proof of the earnestness and zeal of its members . The formal constitution of the chapter was effected by Comp . Sir Edward Letchworth , F . S . A ., G . S . E ., in his usual
admirable manner , assisted by Comps . W . A . Dawson , P . G . Std . Br ., as H . ; the Rev . H . G . Morse , M . A ., P . G . Soj ., as J . ; Frank Richardson , P . D . G . Reg ., as D . C . ; and W . Lake , A . G . S . E ., as S . N . The founders were afterwards invested as follows : —
Comps . A . C . A . Higerty , M . E . Z . ; Leon Francis , H . ; Leonard Cook , J . ; R . Grist , S . E . ; Hugh James , S . N . ; W . Hall , Treasurer ; C . Martin , P . S . ; ] . J . Henigan , ist A . S . ; W . Prince , 2 nd A . S . ; and H . Inglis , D . C . Proposals were received during the evening for sixteen candidates for
joining and exaltation . At the subsequent banquet , Comp . W . A . Dawson , replying to the toast of "The Consecrating Officers , " said lie had to convey to the companions Comp . Sir Edward Letchworth ' s sincere regret that he had been unavoidably called away from them , as he would very much have enjoyed
('( IMC . A . (' . A . HKIKKTY .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Alfred Newton Lodge, No. 2686.
Alfred Newton Lodge , No . 2686 .
THE installation meeting of the above lodge took place at the Roval Palace Hotel , Kensington , on the 14 th March , in the presence of a numerous gathering ¦ of distinguished visitors and a large number of members .
HRO . ERNEST . T . R 1 X . The outgoing Master , Bro . Arthur Strutt , installed his ¦ successor , Bro . Ernest J . Rix , in a very able and impressive manner . The Worshipful Master then invested his officers as follows : —Bros . T . Gordon Heighingfon , S . W . ; John W .
Jupe , J . W . ; James Bailey , M . P ., Treasurer ; W . Banister Abbott ' , P . M ., " Secretary ; W . H . Eardley , S . D . ; Herbert Redgrave , J . D . ; W . C . Freeman , I . G . ; Richard T . Pearce , P . M ., P . A . G . D . C . Middlesex , D . of C . ; W . Windsor , Organist ; and Edward Vernon , Alfred Howell , Harry Johnson and Hairy Day , Stewards .
A banquet was subsequently served in the new hall . After the loyal toasts had been disposed of , the Worshipful ' Master gave that of " Tlie Grand Officers , " and said that they had several of those distinguished brethren amongst them , and regretted that Sir Alfred Newton was not able
tostop to the banquet . He coupled with the toast the name of Bro . Imre Kiralfy , P . A . G . D . C , who , in replying , spoke of the perfect manner in which the Worshipful Master and all his officers had done their work , not only in the lodge , but also right through the evening .
Bro . Arthur Strutt , in proposing the toast of "The Worshipful Master , " said it was just ten years ago when he and the Worshipful Master were initiated , and he could not speak too highly of the admirable manner in which the ¦ Worshi pful Master had always done his work . He had
much pleasure in presenting him with a silver cup , being the fifth that had been presented to the lodge by Bro . Sir Alfred Newton for that purpose .
The Worshipful Master thanked the I . P . M . for his kind remarks , and asserted that anything he could say would be quite inadequate , but he hoped to justify their opinion of him . He then gave the toast of " The I . P . M ., " and said no one in the Alfred Newton Lodge had merited more thanks , and to attempt to speak of his thoroughness in the work
would be like painting the lily ; it was , however , so well known to the brethren that it would not be necessary to * dwell upon it . The I . P . M ., in responding , could only say that he had always endeavoured to do his duty , and if he had given
satisfaction it was most gratifying to him . Other toasts followed , and an enjoyable evening was brought to a close by an excellent musical programme .
Consecration Of The St. Michael Le Querne Chapter, No. 2697.
Consecration of the St . Michael le Querne Chapter , No . 2697 .
THE enthusiasm which characterised the proceedings at the consecration of the above-named chapter at the Holborn Restaurant , on Monday , the 16 th March , cannot but be regarded in the light of a happy augury for the future , while the fact of the chapter having been called into
existence . but four years after the starting of the lodge to which it is attached is a certain proof of the earnestness and zeal of its members . The formal constitution of the chapter was effected by Comp . Sir Edward Letchworth , F . S . A ., G . S . E ., in his usual
admirable manner , assisted by Comps . W . A . Dawson , P . G . Std . Br ., as H . ; the Rev . H . G . Morse , M . A ., P . G . Soj ., as J . ; Frank Richardson , P . D . G . Reg ., as D . C . ; and W . Lake , A . G . S . E ., as S . N . The founders were afterwards invested as follows : —
Comps . A . C . A . Higerty , M . E . Z . ; Leon Francis , H . ; Leonard Cook , J . ; R . Grist , S . E . ; Hugh James , S . N . ; W . Hall , Treasurer ; C . Martin , P . S . ; ] . J . Henigan , ist A . S . ; W . Prince , 2 nd A . S . ; and H . Inglis , D . C . Proposals were received during the evening for sixteen candidates for
joining and exaltation . At the subsequent banquet , Comp . W . A . Dawson , replying to the toast of "The Consecrating Officers , " said lie had to convey to the companions Comp . Sir Edward Letchworth ' s sincere regret that he had been unavoidably called away from them , as he would very much have enjoyed
('( IMC . A . (' . A . HKIKKTY .