Article Festival of the Emulation Lodge of Improvement. ← Page 3 of 3 Article United Grand Lodge. Page 1 of 1 Article Jubilee Masters' Lodge, No. 2712. Page 1 of 2 →
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Festival Of The Emulation Lodge Of Improvement.
again put them right . The expert on this second occasion was Bro . Sudlow , a pupil of Bro . Thomas Fenn . The next instance was no less singular . In 1840 , Bro . Richard Daly was elected Secretary of that lodge . He was a member of the British Lodge , No . 8 . To-day , in their Bro . Russell , they had not only one of the most genial , but one of the
most devoted Secretaries the lodge ever possessed . Moreover , he was a Past Master of the British Lodge , No . 8 . That was an age of record making and record breaking , and he confessed that he had a very great ambition to make a record in some way in connection with the lodge ; but it was
by no means easy . His twenty years' service as senior Past Master faded almost into insignificance in comparison with the achievements of more than one of his predecessors . Still , he did not propose to give up entirely all hope . Granted a continuance of health and of memory , he might yet see the fulfilment of his desire ; but even if that was not to be , the future of the lodge was absolutely safe in the hands of his
colleagues , Bros . Lewis and Lander ; they were masters of the ritual , and they were profoundly impressed with the importance and with the sacredness of the trust reposed in them as members of the Committee . Moreover , should vacancies occur in the course of time in the Committee , he was glad to say that at present there were not a few * members
of the lodge competent to fill the breach . That being so , he looked forward with every confidence to , he would say , twenty years' time , when the lodge would be celebrating its centenary , and then it would be found as strong , as useful , and as high in the estimation of the Craft as it was to-day .
The toast of "The Lodge of Unions , No . 256 , " under the warrant of which the Emulation Lodge of Improvement works , was given by Bro . C . E . Keyser , P . G . D ., and replied to by Bro . G . Booth Henning , P . M . and Treasurer of Lodge 256 , and the toast of "The Secretary and Stewards , " proposed by Bro . W . G . Kentish , and responded to by Secretary Bro . Joseph Russell , brought the meeting to a close .
United Grand Lodge.
United Grand Lodge .
THE quarterly communication of Grand Lodge was held at Freemasons' Hall on tlie 4 th March , the Pro Grand Master presiding . The Right Hon . T . F . Halsey , M . P ., Provincial Grand Master for Hertfordshire , acted as Deputy Grand Master , and Bro . George Richards , District Grand Master for the Transvaal , as Past Grand
Master . Bro . Victor Williamson , P . G . Warden , and Bro . the Rev . H . W . Turner , P . G . Chaplain , occupied the chairs of Senior and Junior Grand Warden respectively . A large number of brethren were present , the Temple being filled to its utmost capacity . The first business after the reading and confirmation of the minutes of the December communication was the
election of the Most Worshipful Grand Master , and the duty of proposing the re-election of H . R . H . the Duke of Connanght fell to the lot of Major Badham , P . G . Steward . The proposition was seconded by Bro . J . Ernest Lane , F . R . C . S ., and carried with acclamation , all the brethren standing while Bro . Frank Richardson , Acting Grand Director
of Ceremonies , formally proclaimed his Royal Highness the Duke of Connanght and Strathearn duly elected Most Worshipful Grand Master of Free and Accepted Masons of England . The next business was the election of Grand Treasurer ,
and as no other brother had been nominated for the office , Bro . W . S . Penley shared the honour with the Grand Master of being elected by acclamation . The report of the Board of Benevolence , presented by Bro . James H . Matthews , President , showed that during the
previous quarter the sum of . £ 3450 had been granted to 108 applicants , in sums varying from £ 5 to ^ 200 . The report was received and ordered to be entered in the minutes , and the recommendations contained therein were confirmed .
Ihe report of the Board of General Purposes was an unusually lengthy one . It contained a list of twenty-six Past Grand Officers who had been removed by death during the previous year , all of whom had been conspicuous by their devotion to the Craft . The report also contained a
recommendation that the salaries of the staff m the Grand Secretary ' s office should be increased in the following manner : —That of Assistant Grand Secretary from . £ 500 a year to . £ 600 ; the cashier and accountant from . £ 400 to X 450 ; and other members of the staff to ^ 250 and ^ 150 , each by annual increments , and on the motion of Bro .
Loveland-Loveland , K . C ., President , the resolution was carried approving the several recommendations . The Board also reported that it had become necessary to summon to the last meeting a London brother at present filling the position of a Past Grand Officer to answer complaints of having
withheld certain books from the lodge of which he had been Secretary , of having mutilated the minute book and inserted false minutes therein , and other charges which the Board had investigated and declared to have been proved , and had ordered the said brother to be suspended for the period of
two years and six months , and further recommend that he be removed from his rank as Past Grand Officer . The Grand Registrar stated that the Board of General Purposes had gone so far as it was empowered to do by suspension , and moved— " That Grand Lodge having considered the
communication of the Most Worshipful Grand Master , agreed to the propriety under the circumstances of removing the said brother from the rank to which he had been appointed , and respectfully requests the Grand Master to deprive him of his rank accordingly . " The motion was carried unanimouslv .
The question of the unauthorised publication of matters relating to lodges was discussed , and resulted in a motion respectfully requesting the Pro Grand Master to communicate with the parties concerned , and that the general question be referred to the special consideration of the Board of General Purposes .
An appeal against a decision of the District Grand Master of British Guiana was presented by the Grand Registrar , who moved that it be dismissed , which resolution was carried . Grand Lodge was then closed in ample form .
Jubilee Masters' Lodge, No. 2712.
Jubilee Masters' Lodge , No . 2712 .
r PHK J ubilee Masters' Lodge , which is composed of the I Masters and Past Masters of London lodges , was established in 18 9 8 , and was the outcome of the great meeting held at the Albeit Hall in the previous year , to
celebrate the Diamond Jubilee of her late Majesty Queen Victoria , when the members of London lodges dined together to celebrate that historic event . Commencing with a list of founders numbering seventy-live , the lodge now comprises
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Festival Of The Emulation Lodge Of Improvement.
again put them right . The expert on this second occasion was Bro . Sudlow , a pupil of Bro . Thomas Fenn . The next instance was no less singular . In 1840 , Bro . Richard Daly was elected Secretary of that lodge . He was a member of the British Lodge , No . 8 . To-day , in their Bro . Russell , they had not only one of the most genial , but one of the
most devoted Secretaries the lodge ever possessed . Moreover , he was a Past Master of the British Lodge , No . 8 . That was an age of record making and record breaking , and he confessed that he had a very great ambition to make a record in some way in connection with the lodge ; but it was
by no means easy . His twenty years' service as senior Past Master faded almost into insignificance in comparison with the achievements of more than one of his predecessors . Still , he did not propose to give up entirely all hope . Granted a continuance of health and of memory , he might yet see the fulfilment of his desire ; but even if that was not to be , the future of the lodge was absolutely safe in the hands of his
colleagues , Bros . Lewis and Lander ; they were masters of the ritual , and they were profoundly impressed with the importance and with the sacredness of the trust reposed in them as members of the Committee . Moreover , should vacancies occur in the course of time in the Committee , he was glad to say that at present there were not a few * members
of the lodge competent to fill the breach . That being so , he looked forward with every confidence to , he would say , twenty years' time , when the lodge would be celebrating its centenary , and then it would be found as strong , as useful , and as high in the estimation of the Craft as it was to-day .
The toast of "The Lodge of Unions , No . 256 , " under the warrant of which the Emulation Lodge of Improvement works , was given by Bro . C . E . Keyser , P . G . D ., and replied to by Bro . G . Booth Henning , P . M . and Treasurer of Lodge 256 , and the toast of "The Secretary and Stewards , " proposed by Bro . W . G . Kentish , and responded to by Secretary Bro . Joseph Russell , brought the meeting to a close .
United Grand Lodge.
United Grand Lodge .
THE quarterly communication of Grand Lodge was held at Freemasons' Hall on tlie 4 th March , the Pro Grand Master presiding . The Right Hon . T . F . Halsey , M . P ., Provincial Grand Master for Hertfordshire , acted as Deputy Grand Master , and Bro . George Richards , District Grand Master for the Transvaal , as Past Grand
Master . Bro . Victor Williamson , P . G . Warden , and Bro . the Rev . H . W . Turner , P . G . Chaplain , occupied the chairs of Senior and Junior Grand Warden respectively . A large number of brethren were present , the Temple being filled to its utmost capacity . The first business after the reading and confirmation of the minutes of the December communication was the
election of the Most Worshipful Grand Master , and the duty of proposing the re-election of H . R . H . the Duke of Connanght fell to the lot of Major Badham , P . G . Steward . The proposition was seconded by Bro . J . Ernest Lane , F . R . C . S ., and carried with acclamation , all the brethren standing while Bro . Frank Richardson , Acting Grand Director
of Ceremonies , formally proclaimed his Royal Highness the Duke of Connanght and Strathearn duly elected Most Worshipful Grand Master of Free and Accepted Masons of England . The next business was the election of Grand Treasurer ,
and as no other brother had been nominated for the office , Bro . W . S . Penley shared the honour with the Grand Master of being elected by acclamation . The report of the Board of Benevolence , presented by Bro . James H . Matthews , President , showed that during the
previous quarter the sum of . £ 3450 had been granted to 108 applicants , in sums varying from £ 5 to ^ 200 . The report was received and ordered to be entered in the minutes , and the recommendations contained therein were confirmed .
Ihe report of the Board of General Purposes was an unusually lengthy one . It contained a list of twenty-six Past Grand Officers who had been removed by death during the previous year , all of whom had been conspicuous by their devotion to the Craft . The report also contained a
recommendation that the salaries of the staff m the Grand Secretary ' s office should be increased in the following manner : —That of Assistant Grand Secretary from . £ 500 a year to . £ 600 ; the cashier and accountant from . £ 400 to X 450 ; and other members of the staff to ^ 250 and ^ 150 , each by annual increments , and on the motion of Bro .
Loveland-Loveland , K . C ., President , the resolution was carried approving the several recommendations . The Board also reported that it had become necessary to summon to the last meeting a London brother at present filling the position of a Past Grand Officer to answer complaints of having
withheld certain books from the lodge of which he had been Secretary , of having mutilated the minute book and inserted false minutes therein , and other charges which the Board had investigated and declared to have been proved , and had ordered the said brother to be suspended for the period of
two years and six months , and further recommend that he be removed from his rank as Past Grand Officer . The Grand Registrar stated that the Board of General Purposes had gone so far as it was empowered to do by suspension , and moved— " That Grand Lodge having considered the
communication of the Most Worshipful Grand Master , agreed to the propriety under the circumstances of removing the said brother from the rank to which he had been appointed , and respectfully requests the Grand Master to deprive him of his rank accordingly . " The motion was carried unanimouslv .
The question of the unauthorised publication of matters relating to lodges was discussed , and resulted in a motion respectfully requesting the Pro Grand Master to communicate with the parties concerned , and that the general question be referred to the special consideration of the Board of General Purposes .
An appeal against a decision of the District Grand Master of British Guiana was presented by the Grand Registrar , who moved that it be dismissed , which resolution was carried . Grand Lodge was then closed in ample form .
Jubilee Masters' Lodge, No. 2712.
Jubilee Masters' Lodge , No . 2712 .
r PHK J ubilee Masters' Lodge , which is composed of the I Masters and Past Masters of London lodges , was established in 18 9 8 , and was the outcome of the great meeting held at the Albeit Hall in the previous year , to
celebrate the Diamond Jubilee of her late Majesty Queen Victoria , when the members of London lodges dined together to celebrate that historic event . Commencing with a list of founders numbering seventy-live , the lodge now comprises