Article Masonic Stone-Laying.—Impressive Ceremony at Aldershot. ← Page 3 of 3 Article Consecration of the New Forest Chapter, No . 319. Page 1 of 1 Article The Lady Freemason. Page 1 of 1
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Masonic Stone-Laying.—Impressive Ceremony At Aldershot.
us , I am sure that the same thought is in your minds to-day Avhich animated the J CAVS of old , Avhen , as Ezra tells us , the builders laid the foundations of the House of the Lord and they set the priests in their apparel and with trumpets to praise the Lord according to the ordinances of David , King of Israel , and all the people shouted with a loud shout when
they saw that the foundations of the House of the Lord were laid . " After the plans had been inspected and the Grand Chaplain had offered up a prayer for the prosperity of the
work , Gen . Moncrieff thanked the Prov . Grand Master for having laid the stone , after which the procession was re-formed and the Masons returned to the Masonic Hall , the assemblage singing as the procession moved off , " All People that on Earth do Dwell . " Needless to say the beautiful Masonic ritual and the faultless manner in which the
ceremony had been carried out by R . W . Bro . Sir Augustus Webster , made a profound impression , not only upon the general body of spectators , but also upon the assembled Masons .
Consecration Of The New Forest Chapter, No . 319.
Consecration of the New Forest Chapter , No . 319 .
THERE was a large attendance of prominent members of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight , at the Lecture Hall of the Literary Institute , Lymington , on the afternoon of Monday , February 29 th , to witness the ceremony of consecration of the New
Forest Chapter , No . 319 . This Avas most impressively performed by the Grand Superintendent , Sir Augustus F . Webster , Bart ., who Avas attended by Ex . Comp . Commander H . G . Giles , P . G . Stand . Bearer , Prov . G . H ., as H . ; Ex . Comp . L . Steele , Prov . G . J ., as J . ; Ex . Comp . E . Goble ,
P . G . Std . Bearer , Prov . G . S . E ., as S . E . ; Ex . Comp . Rev . W . Hawksley , Prov . G . S . N ., as S . N . ; and Ex . Comp . H . A . F . Smith , Prov . G . D . C , as D . C . The musical arrangements of the beautiful and most impressive ceremony Avere under the direction of Ex . Comp .
J . J . Brazier , P . P . G . P . S . At its close , the Grand Superintendent installed the Principals as folloAvs : — " M . E . Z ., " M . E . Comp . Commander H . G . Giles , R . N . ; " ., " E . Comp . Major Cecil PoAvney ; "J ., " M . E . Comp . the Rev . W . Hawksley ; and then came the investiture of officers , these
being as folloAvs : —E . Comps . J . Davis RaAvlins , S . E . ; Hamilton Dent , S . N . ; Silas Dore , Treas . ; R . Wentworth White , P . Soj . ; Rev . W . Naish , ist Asst . Soj . ; F . W . Pember ( p . t . ) , 2 nd Asst . Soj . ; G . R . Masters ( p . t . ) , D . C . ; E . Stone , Organist ; R . L . Gent , J . W . Jolliffe , SteAvards .
Before the proceedings closed a number of names AA'ere proposed , either as joining comps . or as candidates for exaltation . Later a banquet was served at the Angel Hotel , when a company of between 70 and 80 guests assembled . Commander Giles , R . N ., presided .
The usual toast list Avas gone through , and the heartiest of good wishes expressed towards the new chapter that it might flourish and prosper , and win fame in the province . Its officers were complimented and congratulated , and fitting reference AA'as made to the deeply impressive manner in which the Grand Supt . had performed the consecration
ceremony , and the pleasure all had experienced that Sir Augustus Webster had come amongst them for that purpose . The Grand Superintendent , in his reply , said that the province ruled over by him should occupy a high position , and he knew they Avould second his endeavours to make
Hampshire and the Isle of Wight second to none in Masonic efficiency . He thanked them for the kindness of the welcome ; for it Avas a very great pleasure for him to be amongst them as much as possible , and he hoped the chapter established that day would increase in strength , and prosper as long
as the province existed . An interesting event during the evening was the presentation of a memorial jeAvel to each of the consecrating officers . There AA'as one addition to the toast list , Commander
Giles submitting , " The Parent Lodge , " which was responded to by W . Bro . E . A . G . Stone , W . M . 319 . During the evening some fine ! ) ' rendered songs were given by Comps . F . W . Taylor , Lancaster , Holland , Buck , and Jupp , and Comp . St . Barbe recited " The Jubilee Cup "
in a style that evoked applause of a most enthusiastic character . Sir Augustus Webster , Bart ., and M . E . Comps Steele and Lancaster , have become honorary members of the chapter .
The Lady Freemason.
The Lady Freemason .
THE story of the initiation of the Hon . Elizabeth St . Leger has often been told , but it Avill bear repetition if only to aid in preserving from oblivion one of the many romantic incidents which have occurred from time to time in connection with the Craft . It would appear from some
accounts that our Masonic forefathers regarded the cowan as deserving of the most severe punishment , and notwithstanding that the culprit Avas in this instance of the gentler sex , they would have us belieA - e that little less than the death penalty would at first satisfy their sense of justice , but
however that may be , it is evident that all ended happily , and that the adventurous lady lived to become the Hon . Mrs . Alchvorth , and afterwards to wear the insignia of the Order even if she did not again actually take part in the work of a lodge . Bro . R . F . Gould , in his history of Freemasonry ,
tells the story in more sober fashion than the imaginative chronicler , as becomes the veracious historian . He informs us that the Hon . Mrs . Aldworth AA as initiated , according to one account , in No . 95 . Another writer connects the occurrence with the annals of No . 150 , but although the lady
unquestionably became a member of the Society , the lodge in which she AA'as admitted appears to have been No . 44 , warranted in 1735 . The Hon . Mrs . Aldworth Avas the youngest child and only daughter of the first Viscount Doneraile . The date of her initiation is uncertain , though it must have taken place before 1744 , in which year her name appears on the list of
subscribers fo a Masonic work . According to one account the adventurous young lady concealed herself in a clock , and according to another she witnessed the proceedings of a lodge through a crevice in the wall . All versions of the occurrence agree , however , in stating that the eaves-dropper
Avas detected and afterwards initiated in due form . On the death of her brother Avithout issue , the family estates passed to the " Lady Freemason , " who married Richard Aldworth , of Newmarket , in the county oi Cork , and the title of Viscount Doneraile was subsequently revived in the person
of her son . The portrait of Mrs . Aldworth in Masonic clothing , of which Ave give a reproduction on page 150 , hangs in many ot the Irish lodge rooms , and her apron is still preserved at Newmarket House .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Stone-Laying.—Impressive Ceremony At Aldershot.
us , I am sure that the same thought is in your minds to-day Avhich animated the J CAVS of old , Avhen , as Ezra tells us , the builders laid the foundations of the House of the Lord and they set the priests in their apparel and with trumpets to praise the Lord according to the ordinances of David , King of Israel , and all the people shouted with a loud shout when
they saw that the foundations of the House of the Lord were laid . " After the plans had been inspected and the Grand Chaplain had offered up a prayer for the prosperity of the
work , Gen . Moncrieff thanked the Prov . Grand Master for having laid the stone , after which the procession was re-formed and the Masons returned to the Masonic Hall , the assemblage singing as the procession moved off , " All People that on Earth do Dwell . " Needless to say the beautiful Masonic ritual and the faultless manner in which the
ceremony had been carried out by R . W . Bro . Sir Augustus Webster , made a profound impression , not only upon the general body of spectators , but also upon the assembled Masons .
Consecration Of The New Forest Chapter, No . 319.
Consecration of the New Forest Chapter , No . 319 .
THERE was a large attendance of prominent members of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight , at the Lecture Hall of the Literary Institute , Lymington , on the afternoon of Monday , February 29 th , to witness the ceremony of consecration of the New
Forest Chapter , No . 319 . This Avas most impressively performed by the Grand Superintendent , Sir Augustus F . Webster , Bart ., who Avas attended by Ex . Comp . Commander H . G . Giles , P . G . Stand . Bearer , Prov . G . H ., as H . ; Ex . Comp . L . Steele , Prov . G . J ., as J . ; Ex . Comp . E . Goble ,
P . G . Std . Bearer , Prov . G . S . E ., as S . E . ; Ex . Comp . Rev . W . Hawksley , Prov . G . S . N ., as S . N . ; and Ex . Comp . H . A . F . Smith , Prov . G . D . C , as D . C . The musical arrangements of the beautiful and most impressive ceremony Avere under the direction of Ex . Comp .
J . J . Brazier , P . P . G . P . S . At its close , the Grand Superintendent installed the Principals as folloAvs : — " M . E . Z ., " M . E . Comp . Commander H . G . Giles , R . N . ; " ., " E . Comp . Major Cecil PoAvney ; "J ., " M . E . Comp . the Rev . W . Hawksley ; and then came the investiture of officers , these
being as folloAvs : —E . Comps . J . Davis RaAvlins , S . E . ; Hamilton Dent , S . N . ; Silas Dore , Treas . ; R . Wentworth White , P . Soj . ; Rev . W . Naish , ist Asst . Soj . ; F . W . Pember ( p . t . ) , 2 nd Asst . Soj . ; G . R . Masters ( p . t . ) , D . C . ; E . Stone , Organist ; R . L . Gent , J . W . Jolliffe , SteAvards .
Before the proceedings closed a number of names AA'ere proposed , either as joining comps . or as candidates for exaltation . Later a banquet was served at the Angel Hotel , when a company of between 70 and 80 guests assembled . Commander Giles , R . N ., presided .
The usual toast list Avas gone through , and the heartiest of good wishes expressed towards the new chapter that it might flourish and prosper , and win fame in the province . Its officers were complimented and congratulated , and fitting reference AA'as made to the deeply impressive manner in which the Grand Supt . had performed the consecration
ceremony , and the pleasure all had experienced that Sir Augustus Webster had come amongst them for that purpose . The Grand Superintendent , in his reply , said that the province ruled over by him should occupy a high position , and he knew they Avould second his endeavours to make
Hampshire and the Isle of Wight second to none in Masonic efficiency . He thanked them for the kindness of the welcome ; for it Avas a very great pleasure for him to be amongst them as much as possible , and he hoped the chapter established that day would increase in strength , and prosper as long
as the province existed . An interesting event during the evening was the presentation of a memorial jeAvel to each of the consecrating officers . There AA'as one addition to the toast list , Commander
Giles submitting , " The Parent Lodge , " which was responded to by W . Bro . E . A . G . Stone , W . M . 319 . During the evening some fine ! ) ' rendered songs were given by Comps . F . W . Taylor , Lancaster , Holland , Buck , and Jupp , and Comp . St . Barbe recited " The Jubilee Cup "
in a style that evoked applause of a most enthusiastic character . Sir Augustus Webster , Bart ., and M . E . Comps Steele and Lancaster , have become honorary members of the chapter .
The Lady Freemason.
The Lady Freemason .
THE story of the initiation of the Hon . Elizabeth St . Leger has often been told , but it Avill bear repetition if only to aid in preserving from oblivion one of the many romantic incidents which have occurred from time to time in connection with the Craft . It would appear from some
accounts that our Masonic forefathers regarded the cowan as deserving of the most severe punishment , and notwithstanding that the culprit Avas in this instance of the gentler sex , they would have us belieA - e that little less than the death penalty would at first satisfy their sense of justice , but
however that may be , it is evident that all ended happily , and that the adventurous lady lived to become the Hon . Mrs . Alchvorth , and afterwards to wear the insignia of the Order even if she did not again actually take part in the work of a lodge . Bro . R . F . Gould , in his history of Freemasonry ,
tells the story in more sober fashion than the imaginative chronicler , as becomes the veracious historian . He informs us that the Hon . Mrs . Aldworth AA as initiated , according to one account , in No . 95 . Another writer connects the occurrence with the annals of No . 150 , but although the lady
unquestionably became a member of the Society , the lodge in which she AA'as admitted appears to have been No . 44 , warranted in 1735 . The Hon . Mrs . Aldworth Avas the youngest child and only daughter of the first Viscount Doneraile . The date of her initiation is uncertain , though it must have taken place before 1744 , in which year her name appears on the list of
subscribers fo a Masonic work . According to one account the adventurous young lady concealed herself in a clock , and according to another she witnessed the proceedings of a lodge through a crevice in the wall . All versions of the occurrence agree , however , in stating that the eaves-dropper
Avas detected and afterwards initiated in due form . On the death of her brother Avithout issue , the family estates passed to the " Lady Freemason , " who married Richard Aldworth , of Newmarket , in the county oi Cork , and the title of Viscount Doneraile was subsequently revived in the person
of her son . The portrait of Mrs . Aldworth in Masonic clothing , of which Ave give a reproduction on page 150 , hangs in many ot the Irish lodge rooms , and her apron is still preserved at Newmarket House .