Article At the Sign of the Perfect Ashlar. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar.
The Annual Festival of the Emulation Lodge of Improvement was held at Freemasons' Hall , on Friday , March 4 th . The Deputy Grand Master , the Rt . Hon . T . F . Halsey , M . P ., had kindly consented to preside , but having received a summons to be present at the Speaker ' s official dinner , he
Avas unable to do so , and his place Avas ably occupied by the Bishop of Barking , P . G . Chaplain , who Avas supported by a large number of Grand Officers and other brethren . Bro . R . Clay SudloAV , P . A . G . D . C , occupied the Master ' s chair , and he Avas assisted in the rehearsal of the ceremonies by Bros . L . H .
Dear , W . E . Bennett , A . L . Collins , J . Jinks , and T . W . Allsop . It need hardly be said that in such hands the exemplification of our beautiful ritual was of the highest order , and that the standard of excellence Avhich for so many years has characterised this great school of Masonry , suffered
no diminution . In moving a vote of thanks at the close of the proceedings , the President expressed the unanimous opinion of the brethren present that a most pleasant and profitable evening had been spent .
© © © The Pro Grand Master is one of the latest subjects for the pencil of " Spy" in Vanity Fair , and although a characteiistic and recognizable sketch , it is not quite so happy as that of the Grand Secretary , which appeared some months ago . The
laconic biographer , "Jehu Juneor , " who epitomises the lives of the " great , Avise , and eminent , " who are the subjects of the artist from week to week , thus describes the popular Grand Master : — " William Archer Amherst , of Aracan , in the East Indies , third Earl Amherst , Viscount Holmesdale , of
Holmesdale , in Kent , and Baron Amherst , of Montreal , in Kent , was born eight-and-sixty years ago , though he still looks quite young . He began life at Eton , and real life in the Coldstream Guards , with AA'hom he served in the Crimea , winning a glorious if severe wound , and a thrice-clasped
medal at Inkerman . Since then he has been an officer of volunteers , and is a Deputy-Lieutenant and Justice of the Peace and other worthy things in Kent , Avhich county he IOA es and has lived with all his life . He is also a Knight of Justice of St John of Jerusalem , and before he AA as summoned
to the Upper House he served his county as a Member of Parliament for twenty-one years , representing first West Kent and afterwards Mid-Kent , about eight thousand acres of which county he OAAIIS .
" Outside Kent he is known the world over as Pro Grand Master of the English Freemasons , Avhile he has been Grand Master of Kent for four-and-forty years , and with the double exception of Lord Leigh and the Duke of Devonshire , he
is the oldest Provincial Grand Master in England . So popular and so good a Mason is he , that his King , AVIIO Avas then Grand Master , appointed him to the office of Deputy Grand Master of England eight years ago ; and when the great figure of the late Lord Lathom disappeared from among us i \ ve years ago , he Avas promoted to the great office which he IIOAV so worthily fills .
© © © " In the discharge of his Masonic duties he combines much dignity and urbanity Avith that most useful quality , tact . He is also remarkable for great quickness of perception , as he has shown on many occasions of difficulty and doubt ;
so that he is altogether , and most rightly , popular in the Craft . Outside Freemasonry he is a sportsman so keenly devoted to shooting , fishing , and golf , that he spends a great part of the year in his shooting quarters in Sutherlandshire , while he has excellent golf links of his own in Kent . He is altogether a worthy , upright , rather reserved man of much dignity . "
0 © © On Friday , February 19 th , at the Bridge House Hotel , the members of the Rose of Denmark Lodge , No . 975 , and their lady friends accorded the W . M ., Bro . George J . Ayling , and his Avife , a red-letter night in the history of the lodge , 125 being seated at the banqueting table , M . Callingham ,
proprietor of the hotel , having provided an excellent menu .. Amongst those present Avere P . M . Williams and Avife , P . M . White and wife , P . M . Campbell , Avife and son , the latter also being in the lodge ; P . M . T . Tatham Willcox , Secretary , and daughters ; P . M . Funge , Treasurerand Avife ; P . M .
, Bond , Hon . D . C , and wife : P . M . Parker and Avife , P . M . Barnicott and Avife , P . M . Williams , Avife and daughters . The officers present were Bro . Friend , S . W . ; Bro . Nelson , S . D . ; . Bro . Tribe , J . W . ; Bro . Alderton , I . G . ; Bro . Stello , Organist ; . Bro . Gilbert , Tyler . While among the friends of the W . M .
Ave re P . M . distance and Avife , Bro . Succerow and wife , Bro . j . H . Clasper and Avife , Mr . and Mrs . McNiel , Mr . and Mrs . Broomlield , Mr . and Mrs . Newcourt , Mr . and Mrs . Lloyd , Miss Bishop , Miss and Master Ayling , and Mr . and Mrs . Beer and Mrs . Ayling , of 42 , Grand Parade , Brighton , AvidoAV of the late Edward Ayling , an old Past Master of the Rose of Denmark Lodge , and prior to his retirement -
to-THK AVORSHIPFUL MASTER . Brighton live years ago , was D . C . of the lodge . After the banquet the company were photographed by Messrs . Fradelle and Young , who , later in the eA-ening , sent a proof
for inspection , which proved most satisfactory . The toasts of "The King and Queen" and "The Ladies" were duly honoured , and Mr . Broomlield ( AVIIO , by the way , was schoolmaster to the W . M . 26 years ago ) responded on behalf of the latter . An admirable concert was given under the able direction of Mr . Walter Fullertonof Catford . The artists were
, Miss Blanche Kettle , violinist ; MissWilley , Miss Bear , and Miss . Jessie Jolly , and Messrs . Fullerton , Debonnair , Briden , and Mr . Manatou , most of whom received Avell deserved encores , and an enjoyable evening came to a close at 11 . 30 . Much credit is due to P . M . WillcoxP . M . FungeP . M . WhiteP . M .
, , , Williams , who assisted in occupying the chair during the concert , P . M . Barnicott , and Bros . Little , RaAvlings , Hearn , Willey and Alderton . The ladies greatly appreciated the bottles of scent presented to each by the W . M .
© © © One of the many class lodges recently formed in the metropolis is the Philanthie , which is composed of members , of the Order connected with floriculture—mostly members of the National Amateur Gardener's Association . With the
editor of a popular weekly gardening paper as its first Master and a number of enthusiastic amateur florists as officers , the lodge should be a veritable arcadia . The gatherings of the " Hortus Lodge , " formed on similar lines a feAV years since ,, have become famous for their Horal decorations .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar.
The Annual Festival of the Emulation Lodge of Improvement was held at Freemasons' Hall , on Friday , March 4 th . The Deputy Grand Master , the Rt . Hon . T . F . Halsey , M . P ., had kindly consented to preside , but having received a summons to be present at the Speaker ' s official dinner , he
Avas unable to do so , and his place Avas ably occupied by the Bishop of Barking , P . G . Chaplain , who Avas supported by a large number of Grand Officers and other brethren . Bro . R . Clay SudloAV , P . A . G . D . C , occupied the Master ' s chair , and he Avas assisted in the rehearsal of the ceremonies by Bros . L . H .
Dear , W . E . Bennett , A . L . Collins , J . Jinks , and T . W . Allsop . It need hardly be said that in such hands the exemplification of our beautiful ritual was of the highest order , and that the standard of excellence Avhich for so many years has characterised this great school of Masonry , suffered
no diminution . In moving a vote of thanks at the close of the proceedings , the President expressed the unanimous opinion of the brethren present that a most pleasant and profitable evening had been spent .
© © © The Pro Grand Master is one of the latest subjects for the pencil of " Spy" in Vanity Fair , and although a characteiistic and recognizable sketch , it is not quite so happy as that of the Grand Secretary , which appeared some months ago . The
laconic biographer , "Jehu Juneor , " who epitomises the lives of the " great , Avise , and eminent , " who are the subjects of the artist from week to week , thus describes the popular Grand Master : — " William Archer Amherst , of Aracan , in the East Indies , third Earl Amherst , Viscount Holmesdale , of
Holmesdale , in Kent , and Baron Amherst , of Montreal , in Kent , was born eight-and-sixty years ago , though he still looks quite young . He began life at Eton , and real life in the Coldstream Guards , with AA'hom he served in the Crimea , winning a glorious if severe wound , and a thrice-clasped
medal at Inkerman . Since then he has been an officer of volunteers , and is a Deputy-Lieutenant and Justice of the Peace and other worthy things in Kent , Avhich county he IOA es and has lived with all his life . He is also a Knight of Justice of St John of Jerusalem , and before he AA as summoned
to the Upper House he served his county as a Member of Parliament for twenty-one years , representing first West Kent and afterwards Mid-Kent , about eight thousand acres of which county he OAAIIS .
" Outside Kent he is known the world over as Pro Grand Master of the English Freemasons , Avhile he has been Grand Master of Kent for four-and-forty years , and with the double exception of Lord Leigh and the Duke of Devonshire , he
is the oldest Provincial Grand Master in England . So popular and so good a Mason is he , that his King , AVIIO Avas then Grand Master , appointed him to the office of Deputy Grand Master of England eight years ago ; and when the great figure of the late Lord Lathom disappeared from among us i \ ve years ago , he Avas promoted to the great office which he IIOAV so worthily fills .
© © © " In the discharge of his Masonic duties he combines much dignity and urbanity Avith that most useful quality , tact . He is also remarkable for great quickness of perception , as he has shown on many occasions of difficulty and doubt ;
so that he is altogether , and most rightly , popular in the Craft . Outside Freemasonry he is a sportsman so keenly devoted to shooting , fishing , and golf , that he spends a great part of the year in his shooting quarters in Sutherlandshire , while he has excellent golf links of his own in Kent . He is altogether a worthy , upright , rather reserved man of much dignity . "
0 © © On Friday , February 19 th , at the Bridge House Hotel , the members of the Rose of Denmark Lodge , No . 975 , and their lady friends accorded the W . M ., Bro . George J . Ayling , and his Avife , a red-letter night in the history of the lodge , 125 being seated at the banqueting table , M . Callingham ,
proprietor of the hotel , having provided an excellent menu .. Amongst those present Avere P . M . Williams and Avife , P . M . White and wife , P . M . Campbell , Avife and son , the latter also being in the lodge ; P . M . T . Tatham Willcox , Secretary , and daughters ; P . M . Funge , Treasurerand Avife ; P . M .
, Bond , Hon . D . C , and wife : P . M . Parker and Avife , P . M . Barnicott and Avife , P . M . Williams , Avife and daughters . The officers present were Bro . Friend , S . W . ; Bro . Nelson , S . D . ; . Bro . Tribe , J . W . ; Bro . Alderton , I . G . ; Bro . Stello , Organist ; . Bro . Gilbert , Tyler . While among the friends of the W . M .
Ave re P . M . distance and Avife , Bro . Succerow and wife , Bro . j . H . Clasper and Avife , Mr . and Mrs . McNiel , Mr . and Mrs . Broomlield , Mr . and Mrs . Newcourt , Mr . and Mrs . Lloyd , Miss Bishop , Miss and Master Ayling , and Mr . and Mrs . Beer and Mrs . Ayling , of 42 , Grand Parade , Brighton , AvidoAV of the late Edward Ayling , an old Past Master of the Rose of Denmark Lodge , and prior to his retirement -
to-THK AVORSHIPFUL MASTER . Brighton live years ago , was D . C . of the lodge . After the banquet the company were photographed by Messrs . Fradelle and Young , who , later in the eA-ening , sent a proof
for inspection , which proved most satisfactory . The toasts of "The King and Queen" and "The Ladies" were duly honoured , and Mr . Broomlield ( AVIIO , by the way , was schoolmaster to the W . M . 26 years ago ) responded on behalf of the latter . An admirable concert was given under the able direction of Mr . Walter Fullertonof Catford . The artists were
, Miss Blanche Kettle , violinist ; MissWilley , Miss Bear , and Miss . Jessie Jolly , and Messrs . Fullerton , Debonnair , Briden , and Mr . Manatou , most of whom received Avell deserved encores , and an enjoyable evening came to a close at 11 . 30 . Much credit is due to P . M . WillcoxP . M . FungeP . M . WhiteP . M .
, , , Williams , who assisted in occupying the chair during the concert , P . M . Barnicott , and Bros . Little , RaAvlings , Hearn , Willey and Alderton . The ladies greatly appreciated the bottles of scent presented to each by the W . M .
© © © One of the many class lodges recently formed in the metropolis is the Philanthie , which is composed of members , of the Order connected with floriculture—mostly members of the National Amateur Gardener's Association . With the
editor of a popular weekly gardening paper as its first Master and a number of enthusiastic amateur florists as officers , the lodge should be a veritable arcadia . The gatherings of the " Hortus Lodge , " formed on similar lines a feAV years since ,, have become famous for their Horal decorations .