Article At the Sign of the Perfect Ashlar. ← Page 3 of 3
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At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar.
The Secretary of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , Bro . P . Colville Smith , has issued a statement giving concisely and clearly the position of the Institution from the actuarial point of vieAV , showing the amount of the im-ested capital of the Institution up to June , 1903 , if capitalised on the basis of the Government annuities . The total income of
tlie Institution in 1903 amounted to ^ 35 , 4 66 12 s . 5 c ! ., of which . £ 5671 9 s . gd . AA'as received from dividends on iiiA'estments , ^ 550 fro m legacies , £ 9094 from lodge perpetual donations , and . £ 20 , 131 2 s . Sd . from life and annual donations and subscriptions , whilst the expenditure amounted to £ 21 , 217 7 s - oc l-
© © © At a meeting of the General Purposes Committee of the Devon Masonic Educational Fund on the 2 nd March , it was stated that there are IIOAV twenty-three children on the fund , and that three of these Avould go off during the year . In
view of the fact that there are already six applications for admission to the fund , it was decided by a majority to place five children on the list for election in April , which Avill take place this year at Exeter .
At the last meeting of the Rahere Lodge , No . 2546 , which is composed of members connected with St . Bartholomew ' s Hospital , the Master and Wardens signed a petition to Grand Lodge for the formation of a St . George ' s Hospital
Lodgethe eighth hospital lodge to be established in London and the sixth Avhich the Rahere , the oldest , has had the privilege of assisting to promote . The lodge is named " The Lanesborough . "
© <& © The sudden death of Bro . Henry Jackson , of Stalybridge , has caused much sorrow to the brethren who have for so long been associated Avith him in all the good works for which the Craft in general , and the Province of
Staffordshire in particular , are conspicuous . Bro . Jackson was initiated so long ago as 1868 , and during the 3 6 years of a busy life , he has devoted no small portion of them to the services of the Craft . He has filled the chairs of Master and First Principal in lodge and chapter and Provincial Grand Lodge and has been honoured by appointment to the offices of Prov . G . Deacon and Prov . G . Warden . In 1802
TUB LATE BRO . HENRY JACKSON . his services were recognised by the central authorities by his appointment as Grand Deacon of England . But his most valued services have been in connection with the Charities of the Order , and at the time of his death he held the
position of Chairman of the Charity Council of Cheshire . Besides contributing liberally to the provincial Charities , which are so prominent a feature in Staffordshire Masonry , he was a Life Governor of each of the three Institutions , and had served several SteAvardships . © © ©
The " oldest Freemason " like " the oldest inhabitant , ' is always with us , and when , full of years , he at last joins the majority , the succession is as sure as that of the monarchy . The death took place in Edinburgh recently of Bro . James Lyall , late of Laurencekirk and Logiepert , in his 95 th year .
THE LATE BRO . JAMES LYALL . Bro . Lyall was believed to be at the time of his death the oldest Freemason in Scotland , his connection with the Craft dating from 18 3 8 , when he joined the St . Lawrence Lodge ,
Laurencekirk , so that he was ' a Freemason of 66 years' standing . Bro . Lyall AA'as an eye-witness of the murder in the Surgeons' Hall of Colonel Ivison Macadam , AVIIO Avas also a prominent Freemason , and with whom he AA'as on the most intimate terms . That tragic event Avas a great shock to the old man .
© © © A Masonic life of 66 years is a record not often surpassed , but Ave have never yet met with such a case of Masonic longevity as that of Bro . Tresidder , a Cornish Mason , who Avas initiated in the year 1805 , presumably by
dispensation at the age of 20 , and died in the year 188 7 at the age of 102 , thus attaining a Masonic life of 82 years ! It would be difficult , we think , for our American cousins to find an " oldest Mason " to equal this record , and still more difficult to substantiate the fact , but the claims of the Cornish brother
were , we understand , investigated by the late Bro . Buss , Asst . Grand Secretary , with the result that the register of Grand Lodge proves the figures beyond doubt .
© © © We are glad to be able to announce that "A Concise History of Freemasonry" by the Avell known Masonic historian , Bro . Robert Freke Gould , P . G . D ., has at last made its appearance . It is but fair , however , to the English
publishers of the work , Messrs . Gale and Polden , to state that they are in no AA'ise responsible for the unusual delay , the fault or accident being attributable to our friends across the Atlantic . The work is in one octavo volume of about 450 pages , published at 10 / 6 nett , and copies may be obtained at our offices in Great Queen Street .
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At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar.
The Secretary of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , Bro . P . Colville Smith , has issued a statement giving concisely and clearly the position of the Institution from the actuarial point of vieAV , showing the amount of the im-ested capital of the Institution up to June , 1903 , if capitalised on the basis of the Government annuities . The total income of
tlie Institution in 1903 amounted to ^ 35 , 4 66 12 s . 5 c ! ., of which . £ 5671 9 s . gd . AA'as received from dividends on iiiA'estments , ^ 550 fro m legacies , £ 9094 from lodge perpetual donations , and . £ 20 , 131 2 s . Sd . from life and annual donations and subscriptions , whilst the expenditure amounted to £ 21 , 217 7 s - oc l-
© © © At a meeting of the General Purposes Committee of the Devon Masonic Educational Fund on the 2 nd March , it was stated that there are IIOAV twenty-three children on the fund , and that three of these Avould go off during the year . In
view of the fact that there are already six applications for admission to the fund , it was decided by a majority to place five children on the list for election in April , which Avill take place this year at Exeter .
At the last meeting of the Rahere Lodge , No . 2546 , which is composed of members connected with St . Bartholomew ' s Hospital , the Master and Wardens signed a petition to Grand Lodge for the formation of a St . George ' s Hospital
Lodgethe eighth hospital lodge to be established in London and the sixth Avhich the Rahere , the oldest , has had the privilege of assisting to promote . The lodge is named " The Lanesborough . "
© <& © The sudden death of Bro . Henry Jackson , of Stalybridge , has caused much sorrow to the brethren who have for so long been associated Avith him in all the good works for which the Craft in general , and the Province of
Staffordshire in particular , are conspicuous . Bro . Jackson was initiated so long ago as 1868 , and during the 3 6 years of a busy life , he has devoted no small portion of them to the services of the Craft . He has filled the chairs of Master and First Principal in lodge and chapter and Provincial Grand Lodge and has been honoured by appointment to the offices of Prov . G . Deacon and Prov . G . Warden . In 1802
TUB LATE BRO . HENRY JACKSON . his services were recognised by the central authorities by his appointment as Grand Deacon of England . But his most valued services have been in connection with the Charities of the Order , and at the time of his death he held the
position of Chairman of the Charity Council of Cheshire . Besides contributing liberally to the provincial Charities , which are so prominent a feature in Staffordshire Masonry , he was a Life Governor of each of the three Institutions , and had served several SteAvardships . © © ©
The " oldest Freemason " like " the oldest inhabitant , ' is always with us , and when , full of years , he at last joins the majority , the succession is as sure as that of the monarchy . The death took place in Edinburgh recently of Bro . James Lyall , late of Laurencekirk and Logiepert , in his 95 th year .
THE LATE BRO . JAMES LYALL . Bro . Lyall was believed to be at the time of his death the oldest Freemason in Scotland , his connection with the Craft dating from 18 3 8 , when he joined the St . Lawrence Lodge ,
Laurencekirk , so that he was ' a Freemason of 66 years' standing . Bro . Lyall AA'as an eye-witness of the murder in the Surgeons' Hall of Colonel Ivison Macadam , AVIIO Avas also a prominent Freemason , and with whom he AA'as on the most intimate terms . That tragic event Avas a great shock to the old man .
© © © A Masonic life of 66 years is a record not often surpassed , but Ave have never yet met with such a case of Masonic longevity as that of Bro . Tresidder , a Cornish Mason , who Avas initiated in the year 1805 , presumably by
dispensation at the age of 20 , and died in the year 188 7 at the age of 102 , thus attaining a Masonic life of 82 years ! It would be difficult , we think , for our American cousins to find an " oldest Mason " to equal this record , and still more difficult to substantiate the fact , but the claims of the Cornish brother
were , we understand , investigated by the late Bro . Buss , Asst . Grand Secretary , with the result that the register of Grand Lodge proves the figures beyond doubt .
© © © We are glad to be able to announce that "A Concise History of Freemasonry" by the Avell known Masonic historian , Bro . Robert Freke Gould , P . G . D ., has at last made its appearance . It is but fair , however , to the English
publishers of the work , Messrs . Gale and Polden , to state that they are in no AA'ise responsible for the unusual delay , the fault or accident being attributable to our friends across the Atlantic . The work is in one octavo volume of about 450 pages , published at 10 / 6 nett , and copies may be obtained at our offices in Great Queen Street .