Article Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Yorick Lodge, No. 2771. Page 1 of 2 →
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Grand Lodge Of Mark Master Masons.
be elected as M . W . G . M . M . M . of England and Wales , and the Colonies and Dependencies of the British Crown for the year ensuing . Bro . Walter Lawrance seconded . The motion Avas put and carried by acclamation , and Bro . Tower proclaimed his Royal Highness duly elected .
Bro . Thomas Fraser , P . G . SteAvard , W . M . Dramatic Lodge , in proposing Bro . Isaac Newton WoodiAviss for election as Grand Treasurer , said that at the last Quarterly Communication he had the honour of nominating that brother for election . Bro . Woodiwiss was known so Avell that
it needed no words from him to recommend him for election . He AA'as a popular member of a popular family . He Avas the brother of the Prov . Grand Master for Derbyshire , had served eight SteAvardships for the Mark Benevolent Fund , and lifteen Stewardships for the other Masonic Charities , and
if the brethren elected him as Grand Treasurer they Avould bestow the office on a brother who would do honour to it . Bro . Dr . Maitland Coffin seconded the proposition . No other candidate being proposed , the Acting Grand
Master declared Bro . Isaac Newton Woodiwiss duly elected Grand Treasurer . The report of the General Board AA'as taken as read , and ordered to be received and entered on the minutes . Some discussion took place as to postponing the consideration of certain proposed alterations in the Book of
Constitutions , and Bro . Belton then moved to insert in Rule 80 after the words— " He cannot confer on a brother the rank of a Past Provincial or District Grand Officer "— " unless specially empowered to do so by the Grand Master . " The Provincial or Dist . G . Master could not confer the rank of
P . Prov . or District Grand Officer IIOAV , and , therefore , it was proposed to add " unless specially empowered to do so by the Grand Master . " Bro . Tower seconded and the motion was carried . Bro . Belton them moved that certain lodges be removed
from the roll of lodges , which Avas carried . On the motion of Bro . Belton , seconded by Bro . Tower , £ 100 was voted to the widow of one late brother and £ 50 to the widow of another . Grand Lodge Avas then closed in form .
Yorick Lodge, No. 2771.
Yorick Lodge , No . 2771 .
Jnstatlation of J 3 ro . J . < J 3 annister JCoward as Worshipful ( Master .
r pHE fifth installation meeting of this highly popular I London lodge Avas held at the " Trocadero Restaurant , " on Tuesday , 15 th March , AA'hen V . Wor . Bro . W . S . Penley , Gd . Treasr ., installed Bro . J . Bannister Howard into the Wor . Master ' s chair .
THE WOliSHII'KUL MASTER . The ceremony was performed with that solemnity and eloquence for which Wor . Bro . W . S . Penley is so celebrated in Masonic circles . The Wor . Master appointed and invested his officers as
foIloAVS : —W . Bio . E . Lockwood , S . W . ; Bro . Clarence Sounes , J . W . ; W . Bro . F . Trehawke Davies , I . P . M . and Secretary ; V . W . Bro . W . S . Penley , Gd . Treas ., Treasurer ; Bros . George Robins , S . D . ; Duncan Tovey , J . D . ; W . Bro . Alexr . Watson , S . G . W . Bucks , D . of C . ; Bros . F . T . Addyman ,
I . G . ; A . J . Winter , Organist ; J . Louis Kight , Athelstane Nobbs , M . D ., A . P . Oxley , E . H . Bull , SteAvards ; W . Bradford Smith , Wine SteAvard ; W . Bro . J . W . Freeman , Tyler . The unique and handsome Past Master ' s jeAvel of the lodge Avas presented to the out-going Master , Wor . Bro . F .
Trehawke Davies , in graceful terms by the Wor . Master , AVIIO alluded to the valuable and self-denying services which that popular brother had rendered to the lodge , both at its foundation and since in the capacity of Secretary , and during the past year as Wor Master .
Among the distinguished brethren present might be noted : — V . W . Bro . George Everett , P . G . T . ; W . Bros . Edward White , P . A . G . D . C . ; Alexr . Watson , S . G . W . Bucks , D . of C . ; George W . Page , P . P . G . D . R . and P . P . G . T . Norfolk ; Akerman May , W . M . Lodge of Asaph ; Thomas
Fraser , P . M . Eccentric Lodge ; A . Dangerfield , P . M . John Hervey Lodge ; A . Rashleigh Phipps , W . M . Drury Lane Lodge ; A . Innes-Keys , W . M . London Scottish Rides Lodge , and many others . After the closing of the lodge the brethren adjourned to a banquet , which Avas followed by one of the most perfect
entertainments it has ever been our pleasure to listen to . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured . In proposing the toast of " The Grand Officers , " the Wor . Master expressed his appreciation of the honour of having tAvo Grand Officers among their membersA'iz . Wor . Bros .
, , W . S . Penley . G . T ., and E . R . Bartley Denniss , P . G . D . Also their gratification at having among the visitors that night , V . W . Bro . George Everett , P . G . T ., and W . Bro . Alderman Edward White , P . A . G . D . C .
V . W . Bro . George Everett , P . G . T ., replying , felt it an honour to respond for such a distinguished body , Avhose merit Avas ahvays recognized among Masons . He was also proud at being one of the elected officers . W . Bro . Alderman Edward White also replied , and thanked the Wor . Master for his kind Avords , and the
brethren for the reception they had received that night . Wor . Bro . F . Trehawke Davies , I . P . M . and Secretary , in proposing the toast of " The Wor . Master , " AA - as confident that Bro . J . Bannister Howard Avould fill the office of Master Avith distinguished ability . He was a very zealous and able Mason . He had started on the lowest rung of the ladder and steadily climbed to the position he IIOAV held . He had
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Grand Lodge Of Mark Master Masons.
be elected as M . W . G . M . M . M . of England and Wales , and the Colonies and Dependencies of the British Crown for the year ensuing . Bro . Walter Lawrance seconded . The motion Avas put and carried by acclamation , and Bro . Tower proclaimed his Royal Highness duly elected .
Bro . Thomas Fraser , P . G . SteAvard , W . M . Dramatic Lodge , in proposing Bro . Isaac Newton WoodiAviss for election as Grand Treasurer , said that at the last Quarterly Communication he had the honour of nominating that brother for election . Bro . Woodiwiss was known so Avell that
it needed no words from him to recommend him for election . He AA'as a popular member of a popular family . He Avas the brother of the Prov . Grand Master for Derbyshire , had served eight SteAvardships for the Mark Benevolent Fund , and lifteen Stewardships for the other Masonic Charities , and
if the brethren elected him as Grand Treasurer they Avould bestow the office on a brother who would do honour to it . Bro . Dr . Maitland Coffin seconded the proposition . No other candidate being proposed , the Acting Grand
Master declared Bro . Isaac Newton Woodiwiss duly elected Grand Treasurer . The report of the General Board AA'as taken as read , and ordered to be received and entered on the minutes . Some discussion took place as to postponing the consideration of certain proposed alterations in the Book of
Constitutions , and Bro . Belton then moved to insert in Rule 80 after the words— " He cannot confer on a brother the rank of a Past Provincial or District Grand Officer "— " unless specially empowered to do so by the Grand Master . " The Provincial or Dist . G . Master could not confer the rank of
P . Prov . or District Grand Officer IIOAV , and , therefore , it was proposed to add " unless specially empowered to do so by the Grand Master . " Bro . Tower seconded and the motion was carried . Bro . Belton them moved that certain lodges be removed
from the roll of lodges , which Avas carried . On the motion of Bro . Belton , seconded by Bro . Tower , £ 100 was voted to the widow of one late brother and £ 50 to the widow of another . Grand Lodge Avas then closed in form .
Yorick Lodge, No. 2771.
Yorick Lodge , No . 2771 .
Jnstatlation of J 3 ro . J . < J 3 annister JCoward as Worshipful ( Master .
r pHE fifth installation meeting of this highly popular I London lodge Avas held at the " Trocadero Restaurant , " on Tuesday , 15 th March , AA'hen V . Wor . Bro . W . S . Penley , Gd . Treasr ., installed Bro . J . Bannister Howard into the Wor . Master ' s chair .
THE WOliSHII'KUL MASTER . The ceremony was performed with that solemnity and eloquence for which Wor . Bro . W . S . Penley is so celebrated in Masonic circles . The Wor . Master appointed and invested his officers as
foIloAVS : —W . Bio . E . Lockwood , S . W . ; Bro . Clarence Sounes , J . W . ; W . Bro . F . Trehawke Davies , I . P . M . and Secretary ; V . W . Bro . W . S . Penley , Gd . Treas ., Treasurer ; Bros . George Robins , S . D . ; Duncan Tovey , J . D . ; W . Bro . Alexr . Watson , S . G . W . Bucks , D . of C . ; Bros . F . T . Addyman ,
I . G . ; A . J . Winter , Organist ; J . Louis Kight , Athelstane Nobbs , M . D ., A . P . Oxley , E . H . Bull , SteAvards ; W . Bradford Smith , Wine SteAvard ; W . Bro . J . W . Freeman , Tyler . The unique and handsome Past Master ' s jeAvel of the lodge Avas presented to the out-going Master , Wor . Bro . F .
Trehawke Davies , in graceful terms by the Wor . Master , AVIIO alluded to the valuable and self-denying services which that popular brother had rendered to the lodge , both at its foundation and since in the capacity of Secretary , and during the past year as Wor Master .
Among the distinguished brethren present might be noted : — V . W . Bro . George Everett , P . G . T . ; W . Bros . Edward White , P . A . G . D . C . ; Alexr . Watson , S . G . W . Bucks , D . of C . ; George W . Page , P . P . G . D . R . and P . P . G . T . Norfolk ; Akerman May , W . M . Lodge of Asaph ; Thomas
Fraser , P . M . Eccentric Lodge ; A . Dangerfield , P . M . John Hervey Lodge ; A . Rashleigh Phipps , W . M . Drury Lane Lodge ; A . Innes-Keys , W . M . London Scottish Rides Lodge , and many others . After the closing of the lodge the brethren adjourned to a banquet , which Avas followed by one of the most perfect
entertainments it has ever been our pleasure to listen to . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured . In proposing the toast of " The Grand Officers , " the Wor . Master expressed his appreciation of the honour of having tAvo Grand Officers among their membersA'iz . Wor . Bros .
, , W . S . Penley . G . T ., and E . R . Bartley Denniss , P . G . D . Also their gratification at having among the visitors that night , V . W . Bro . George Everett , P . G . T ., and W . Bro . Alderman Edward White , P . A . G . D . C .
V . W . Bro . George Everett , P . G . T ., replying , felt it an honour to respond for such a distinguished body , Avhose merit Avas ahvays recognized among Masons . He was also proud at being one of the elected officers . W . Bro . Alderman Edward White also replied , and thanked the Wor . Master for his kind Avords , and the
brethren for the reception they had received that night . Wor . Bro . F . Trehawke Davies , I . P . M . and Secretary , in proposing the toast of " The Wor . Master , " AA - as confident that Bro . J . Bannister Howard Avould fill the office of Master Avith distinguished ability . He was a very zealous and able Mason . He had started on the lowest rung of the ladder and steadily climbed to the position he IIOAV held . He had