Article Alfred Newton Lodge, No. 2686. Page 1 of 1 Article Jubilee Masters' Lodge, No. 2712. Page 1 of 4 →
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Alfred Newton Lodge, No. 2686.
Alfred Newton Lodge , No . 2686 .
WI 1 H the assistance of Karoly klay ' s red band and an excellent programme of vocal music , the after proceedings of Bro . Jupe ' s installation as Master of the above well-known lodge met with deserved success . The lodge work was of first-rate quality , and Avas graced by the presence of Bro . Sir Alfred Newton , Bait , P . G . D . An
apology for absence , through illness , was read from Bro . J . Bailey , M . P ., the Treasurer . Among the brethren present were Bros . J . W . Jupe , W . M . ; E . J . Rix , I . P . M . ; Sir Alfred NeAvton , P . G . D . ; * T . Gordon-Heighington , S . W . ; W . H . Eardley , J . W . ; D . F . Norrington , P . M . ; A . J . Xaughton , P . M . ;
W . B . Abbott , P . M ., Sec . ; Y \ . Redgrave , S . D . ; W . C . Freeman , J . D . ; E . Vernon , I . G . ; A . G . Howell , D . C . ; W . Windsor , Orgt . ; W . Skilton , Musical Director ; Bros . Johnson , Day , Pegram , and Bland , SteAvards ; C . Barter , P . M . -1623 ; S . Conadi , P . M . 753 ; K . Donnt , P . M . 172 ; J . Sandland , I . P . M .
239 8 ; W . Bates , W . M . 1891 ; W . Croxson , P . M . 1 . 658 ; Bros . Webb , Kynock , Shir ] , Mussel , Leslie , Simpson , and others .
THE WORSHIPFUL MASTER . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts having been honoured , Bro . E . J . Rix ., I . P . M ., proposed the toast of " The Worshipful Master . " Bro . Jupe Avas , he said , a brother Avell known
to the majority of the brethren , by whom he was held in great esteem . They were all very pleased to see him attain the position Avhich it had been his aim and ambition to reach in Freemasonry . He was perfectly satisfied he would do everything to merit their approbation during his year of
office . He Avas a brother AVIIO , from the earliest stage of the formation of the lodge , had proceeded step by step in almost every office . He Avas sure , therefore , that they were < . ] uite safe in entrusting to Bro . Jupe the care of that lodge .
There Avasalso a pleasing duty he had to perform . On behalf of Sir Alfred Newton , P . G . D ., one of the founders of the lodge—after whom , indeed , the lodge had been namedhe had to present Bro . Jupe with a solid silver fern pot . These fern pots were historical . They were given by Sir Alfred at the formation of the lodge , and one had been
presented to each successive Master from that time . It , therefore , gave him great pleasure to make the usual presentation . The pot Avas engraved , "A Souvenir of the Consecration of the Alfred XeAvton Lodge of Freemasons , Xo . 2686 , London , 5 th March , 18 9 8 . " He Avished Bro . Jupe
a most successful year of office . The Worshipful Master , Bro . Jupe , in reply , thanked the brethren for the warmth of the toast which had been given . He might say that it Avas with a considerable amount of diffidence he had accepted the office of Master that evening .
He would liked to have filled every office in the lodge before being Master , but owing to the indisposition of the Senior Warden , he had not been able . He could assure them he would do everything he could to merit the approbation of the lodge during his year of office . He knew he
had plenty of support in his officers , and at the end of his year of office it would be a pleasure to know he had given satisfaction . He would conclude by returning thanks to Bro . Rix , I . P . M ., for the souvenir kindly presented by Sir Afred Newton , P . G . D .
In proposing the toast of " Ihe Immediate Past and Installing Master , Bro . Rix , " the W . M . said he felt it an honour to follow so extremely worthy a Master . That evening ' s proceedings would have been sufficient to illustrate what he meant , as the work done by him Avas excellent . Bro . E . J . Rix , I . P . M ., in responding , said the acceptance
of his toast had quite unnerved him . However , he had just sufficient breath left to say that he had , a year ago , made the usual promise on such occasions to do everything he could for the lodge during his year of office , and he hoped that his conduct had not belied that promise . Certainly , although
he Avas IIOAV relegated to the reserve forces of the lodge , the W . M . need never look to him in vain for assistance during his year of office . In response to the toast of " The Visitors , " the following brethren replied : —Bros . Bates , W . M . 1891 ; Croxson , P . M .
1658 ; E . Vincent Evans of the Gallery Lodge , 1928 . The W . M . next proposed the toast of " The Past Masters , " of whom , out of a possible six , there were four present . The senior Past Master present , Bro . Naughton , responded briefly to the toast . He Avas sorry that , quite unavoidably ,
neither Bros . Sir Alfred nor Harry Newton had been able to be present at the banquet table . He thought that there Avas no cause for anything but mutual admiration and congratulation on the work that had been done for the lodge up to that time . Their present Master had been associated with him
for the past twenty years , and he was sure he would carry out his duties to their entire satisfaction . As he AA'as in business so he Avas in Masonry .
Bro . Norrington also responded , and a reply was also vouchsafed by the junior Past Master . Other toasts followed , and an agreeable evening came to a close . In addition to a varied vocal programme , Karoly Klay ' s red band discoursed excellent music during the banquet .
Jubilee Masters' Lodge, No. 2712.
Jubilee Masters' Lodge , No . 2712 .
• ''pHE Jubilee Masters' Lodge , No . 2712 , which was founded I in 18 9 8 by brethren AVIIO were in the Master ' s chair of London lodges during the Diamond Jublilee year -of the late Queen Victoria , brought to a close a most successful term of office by Bro . Robert Clay Sudlow , P . A . G . D . C ,
as W . M ., on March 18 th at the Hotel Cecil , Strand . A company of 200 brethren formed a record attendance , and among this number were included the following wearers of the purple : —Bros . R . Horton Smith , K . C , P . G . Registrar ; P . Colville Smith , P . G . D ., Deputy Provincial Grand Master
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Alfred Newton Lodge, No. 2686.
Alfred Newton Lodge , No . 2686 .
WI 1 H the assistance of Karoly klay ' s red band and an excellent programme of vocal music , the after proceedings of Bro . Jupe ' s installation as Master of the above well-known lodge met with deserved success . The lodge work was of first-rate quality , and Avas graced by the presence of Bro . Sir Alfred Newton , Bait , P . G . D . An
apology for absence , through illness , was read from Bro . J . Bailey , M . P ., the Treasurer . Among the brethren present were Bros . J . W . Jupe , W . M . ; E . J . Rix , I . P . M . ; Sir Alfred NeAvton , P . G . D . ; * T . Gordon-Heighington , S . W . ; W . H . Eardley , J . W . ; D . F . Norrington , P . M . ; A . J . Xaughton , P . M . ;
W . B . Abbott , P . M ., Sec . ; Y \ . Redgrave , S . D . ; W . C . Freeman , J . D . ; E . Vernon , I . G . ; A . G . Howell , D . C . ; W . Windsor , Orgt . ; W . Skilton , Musical Director ; Bros . Johnson , Day , Pegram , and Bland , SteAvards ; C . Barter , P . M . -1623 ; S . Conadi , P . M . 753 ; K . Donnt , P . M . 172 ; J . Sandland , I . P . M .
239 8 ; W . Bates , W . M . 1891 ; W . Croxson , P . M . 1 . 658 ; Bros . Webb , Kynock , Shir ] , Mussel , Leslie , Simpson , and others .
THE WORSHIPFUL MASTER . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts having been honoured , Bro . E . J . Rix ., I . P . M ., proposed the toast of " The Worshipful Master . " Bro . Jupe Avas , he said , a brother Avell known
to the majority of the brethren , by whom he was held in great esteem . They were all very pleased to see him attain the position Avhich it had been his aim and ambition to reach in Freemasonry . He was perfectly satisfied he would do everything to merit their approbation during his year of
office . He Avas a brother AVIIO , from the earliest stage of the formation of the lodge , had proceeded step by step in almost every office . He Avas sure , therefore , that they were < . ] uite safe in entrusting to Bro . Jupe the care of that lodge .
There Avasalso a pleasing duty he had to perform . On behalf of Sir Alfred Newton , P . G . D ., one of the founders of the lodge—after whom , indeed , the lodge had been namedhe had to present Bro . Jupe with a solid silver fern pot . These fern pots were historical . They were given by Sir Alfred at the formation of the lodge , and one had been
presented to each successive Master from that time . It , therefore , gave him great pleasure to make the usual presentation . The pot Avas engraved , "A Souvenir of the Consecration of the Alfred XeAvton Lodge of Freemasons , Xo . 2686 , London , 5 th March , 18 9 8 . " He Avished Bro . Jupe
a most successful year of office . The Worshipful Master , Bro . Jupe , in reply , thanked the brethren for the warmth of the toast which had been given . He might say that it Avas with a considerable amount of diffidence he had accepted the office of Master that evening .
He would liked to have filled every office in the lodge before being Master , but owing to the indisposition of the Senior Warden , he had not been able . He could assure them he would do everything he could to merit the approbation of the lodge during his year of office . He knew he
had plenty of support in his officers , and at the end of his year of office it would be a pleasure to know he had given satisfaction . He would conclude by returning thanks to Bro . Rix , I . P . M ., for the souvenir kindly presented by Sir Afred Newton , P . G . D .
In proposing the toast of " Ihe Immediate Past and Installing Master , Bro . Rix , " the W . M . said he felt it an honour to follow so extremely worthy a Master . That evening ' s proceedings would have been sufficient to illustrate what he meant , as the work done by him Avas excellent . Bro . E . J . Rix , I . P . M ., in responding , said the acceptance
of his toast had quite unnerved him . However , he had just sufficient breath left to say that he had , a year ago , made the usual promise on such occasions to do everything he could for the lodge during his year of office , and he hoped that his conduct had not belied that promise . Certainly , although
he Avas IIOAV relegated to the reserve forces of the lodge , the W . M . need never look to him in vain for assistance during his year of office . In response to the toast of " The Visitors , " the following brethren replied : —Bros . Bates , W . M . 1891 ; Croxson , P . M .
1658 ; E . Vincent Evans of the Gallery Lodge , 1928 . The W . M . next proposed the toast of " The Past Masters , " of whom , out of a possible six , there were four present . The senior Past Master present , Bro . Naughton , responded briefly to the toast . He Avas sorry that , quite unavoidably ,
neither Bros . Sir Alfred nor Harry Newton had been able to be present at the banquet table . He thought that there Avas no cause for anything but mutual admiration and congratulation on the work that had been done for the lodge up to that time . Their present Master had been associated with him
for the past twenty years , and he was sure he would carry out his duties to their entire satisfaction . As he AA'as in business so he Avas in Masonry .
Bro . Norrington also responded , and a reply was also vouchsafed by the junior Past Master . Other toasts followed , and an agreeable evening came to a close . In addition to a varied vocal programme , Karoly Klay ' s red band discoursed excellent music during the banquet .
Jubilee Masters' Lodge, No. 2712.
Jubilee Masters' Lodge , No . 2712 .
• ''pHE Jubilee Masters' Lodge , No . 2712 , which was founded I in 18 9 8 by brethren AVIIO were in the Master ' s chair of London lodges during the Diamond Jublilee year -of the late Queen Victoria , brought to a close a most successful term of office by Bro . Robert Clay Sudlow , P . A . G . D . C ,
as W . M ., on March 18 th at the Hotel Cecil , Strand . A company of 200 brethren formed a record attendance , and among this number were included the following wearers of the purple : —Bros . R . Horton Smith , K . C , P . G . Registrar ; P . Colville Smith , P . G . D ., Deputy Provincial Grand Master