Article Jubilee Masters' Lodge, No. 2712. ← Page 4 of 4 Article Masonic Stone-Laying.—Impressive Ceremony at Aldershot. Page 1 of 3 →
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Jubilee Masters' Lodge, No. 2712.
to him of proposing the next toast—a toast which on that occasion he kneAV Avould be received with absolute enthusiasm — the toast of " The Worship ful Master . " When he said that Bro . Harry Nicholls Avould justify the choice the brethren had made , he absolutely meant Avhat he
said . Bro . Nicholls Avas a Mason of great and varied experience . This Avas the fourth time that he occupied the chair of a lodge , and if the Jubilee Masters' Lodge had attained in the past a large measure of success , he ventured to say that under the able rule of Bro . Nicholls in this coming year the lodge Avould attain to a still higher pinnacle
of success . Xo need for him in that assembly to refer to the exhilarating inlluence that Bro . Xicholls brought to bear upon the fourth degree ; suffice it to say that Bro . Xicholls ' presence at the festive board Avould be as delightful as it Avould be adA-antageous in the serious business of the lodge . Nickel as a metallic element Avas not of very much value ;
but suppose they to-night , Avithout being too critical of spelling , just added a small final "s , " they at once effected a very Avonderful transformation , and he ventured to say that their nickel \ A'as as good as gold , because Bro . Xicholls Avas so true and so trusting , and held in high estimation by all of his brethren and felloAvs . He asked them to drink in all heartiness " The Health of the W . M . "
The toast having been enthusiastically honoured , Bro . Harry Xicholls , W . M ., in reply , said , Worshipful Brother Clay Sudlow , Grand Officers , and Brethren of the Jubilee Masters' Lodge , let me at once endeavour , as far as I possibly can , to express my great gratification , and—I
hardly know whether to call it—my delight , at receiving such a greeting as you have accorded to me this evening . It is impossible for me to give full expression to all I am feeling
at the present time . A Worshipful Master always receives a hearty welcome , but this is not an ordinary occasion ; this is not an ordinarily constituted lodge , inasmuch as every member must have been the recipient of a similar hearty Avelcome Avhen he was placed in this position .
Bro . Xicholls proposed the toast of "The I . P . M ., " and presented Bro . SudloAV with a . P . M . JCAVCI and a handsome goblet . Bro . SIKIIOAV , in reply , said : The kind Avords used by the Worshipful Master in proposing the toast of
"The Immediate Past Master , " and the Avarmth witli Avhich von have received Avhat he said , make it very difficult for me to reply . Looking back upon my year of office . 1 confess that I have fallen short of the standard I set myself . On the other hand , the presentation which has
just been made to me by the Worshipful Master in your name , SIIOAVS in your opinion I have done my best . For this reason these gifts will be very highly prized . They will ahvays remain a delightful memento , not onl y of my year of office , but also of the kindness and assistance I have received from you all during my Mastership . XOAV that I become a
Past Master I set myself another ideal . It is a very simple one , namely , to folloAV in the footsteps of my predecessors . This means not to rest upon one ' s oars , but to do everything possible to help foi'Avard the success of this lodge . 1 am quite sure that none of us ought to feel satisfied until every London lodge is represented in Xo . 2712 . 1 should like IIOAV
to use the cup you have given me in drinking , " Continued Success to the jubilee Masters' Lodge , and Prosperity to CA-erv one of its Members . "
A concert followed , under the direction of Bro . James Kift , in which Miss Ethel Beian , Mr . Morris Han c \ , and Bros . Edgar Coyle and Nelson Jackson took part .
Masonic Stone-Laying.—Impressive Ceremony At Aldershot.
Masonic Stone-Laying . —Impressive Ceremony at Aldershot .
THE close connection that has ever existed between the Army and the Craft was evidenced on February 24 th , when the foundation stone of the Church of England Soldiers' Institute at Aldershot Avas laid Avith full Masonic honours by the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master
of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight , Sir Augustus Webster , Bart ., which ceremony , at once impressive and rare , attracted a great gathering of brethren to witness , beside a large crowd of the general public . Grand and Provincial Grand Officers of Hants , Surrey , Berks , Kent , and Bombay , assembled in the morning at the Masonic Hall , and were received on behalf of the Institute
Committee by Bros . Lt .-General G . H . Moncrieff , Col . J . Walker , and W . Bro . Major J . Clisham . Lunch was served in the banqueting hall , at which Bro . Lt .-General Moncrieff , presided , R . W . Bro . Sir Augustus Webster , Bart ., being the principal guest . After lunch the brethren proceeded to don their Masonic
clothing and regalia , and a most imposing procession was formed , in which some 250 brethren took part , headed by the Tylers of "Army and Navy" and " Farnborough and North Camp " Lodges . The military and county police had closed the roads to enable the procession to move from the hall to the site of the HCAV building in Victoria Road , and
the route was lined by a great gathering of spectators , the vast majority of whom saw for the Iirst time members of the Order wearing Masonic clothing . The day was beautifully fine , consequently the imposing nature of the procession was seen at its best . The Ty lers were followed by a number
of visiting brethren , and then in order came , each headed by their banner , the officers and brethren of Panmure Lodge , No . 723 ; Aldershot Camp Lodge , No . 1331 ; Army and Navy Lodge , No . 1971 ; Farnborough and North Camp Lodge , No . 2203 ; and Border Lodge , No . 2475 . These were followed by the architect carrying the plans and an entered apprentice carrying cement . The
Worshipful Masters of 723 , 1331 , and 1971 , W . Bros . C Cullen , Quartermaster-Sergeant Boxall , and Colonel J . W . B . Landon , folloAved , carrying the gold vessels containing corn , wine , and oil , being folloAved by the Grand and Provincial Grand Officers according to seniority . The Corinthian Light , the Column of the J . W . borne by the I . P . M . 's of 723 and
1331 , and the Plumb Rule borne by W . Bro . J . C . Sharp , P . J . G . W ., immediately preceded the Provincial Grand Lodge Banner , and then came the Doric Light and Column of the S . W ., carried by the I . P . M . ' s of 1971 and 2203 , preceding the Level , carried by W . Bro . the Earl of Malmesbury , and the Volume of the Sacred LaAV borne on a cushion b y four
LeAvises . W . Bros , the Revs . N . Naish and E . J . Kennedy , P . G . Chaplains , followed , preceding Worshipful Deputy Provincial Grand Master , W . Bro . E . Giles , AVIIO carried the Square . The Ionic Light borne by the W . M . of 2203 , preceded the Prov . G . Superintendent of Works carrying the
Mallet , and then came the Prov . Grand Master and Standard , followed by the Prov . Grand Sword Bearer , who immediatel y preceded W . Bro . Sir Augustus Webster , the procession being closed by the Prov . S . Grand Deacon , W . Bro . F . E . Evans , and the Prov . Grand Tyler . Around the site of the foundation stone a series of stands
had been erected , Avhich were occupied by a very large and distinguished gathering of military and civilian friends of the institute . Among these were Gen . Sir John French , K . C . B ., and Lady French , attended by Major Barry , D . S . O ., Aide-de-camp ; Major-Gen . Sir Elliott Wood , K . C . B . ; Bishop Taylor Smith , Chaplain-General to the Forces ; Colonels
L . C . Wavell , Barrington Foote , Cooper , Twyman , Jen-oice , C . B . ; Knatchbull , and others . The band of the Royal Artillery , conducted by Bro . H . Sims , with the combined choirs of the garrison and town churches , were on a stand immediately behind the stone , and as the procession came into sight began "Onward Christian Soldiers . " The head of the procession halted a feAV yards from the stone and the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Jubilee Masters' Lodge, No. 2712.
to him of proposing the next toast—a toast which on that occasion he kneAV Avould be received with absolute enthusiasm — the toast of " The Worship ful Master . " When he said that Bro . Harry Nicholls Avould justify the choice the brethren had made , he absolutely meant Avhat he
said . Bro . Nicholls Avas a Mason of great and varied experience . This Avas the fourth time that he occupied the chair of a lodge , and if the Jubilee Masters' Lodge had attained in the past a large measure of success , he ventured to say that under the able rule of Bro . Nicholls in this coming year the lodge Avould attain to a still higher pinnacle
of success . Xo need for him in that assembly to refer to the exhilarating inlluence that Bro . Xicholls brought to bear upon the fourth degree ; suffice it to say that Bro . Xicholls ' presence at the festive board Avould be as delightful as it Avould be adA-antageous in the serious business of the lodge . Nickel as a metallic element Avas not of very much value ;
but suppose they to-night , Avithout being too critical of spelling , just added a small final "s , " they at once effected a very Avonderful transformation , and he ventured to say that their nickel \ A'as as good as gold , because Bro . Xicholls Avas so true and so trusting , and held in high estimation by all of his brethren and felloAvs . He asked them to drink in all heartiness " The Health of the W . M . "
The toast having been enthusiastically honoured , Bro . Harry Xicholls , W . M ., in reply , said , Worshipful Brother Clay Sudlow , Grand Officers , and Brethren of the Jubilee Masters' Lodge , let me at once endeavour , as far as I possibly can , to express my great gratification , and—I
hardly know whether to call it—my delight , at receiving such a greeting as you have accorded to me this evening . It is impossible for me to give full expression to all I am feeling
at the present time . A Worshipful Master always receives a hearty welcome , but this is not an ordinary occasion ; this is not an ordinarily constituted lodge , inasmuch as every member must have been the recipient of a similar hearty Avelcome Avhen he was placed in this position .
Bro . Xicholls proposed the toast of "The I . P . M ., " and presented Bro . SudloAV with a . P . M . JCAVCI and a handsome goblet . Bro . SIKIIOAV , in reply , said : The kind Avords used by the Worshipful Master in proposing the toast of
"The Immediate Past Master , " and the Avarmth witli Avhich von have received Avhat he said , make it very difficult for me to reply . Looking back upon my year of office . 1 confess that I have fallen short of the standard I set myself . On the other hand , the presentation which has
just been made to me by the Worshipful Master in your name , SIIOAVS in your opinion I have done my best . For this reason these gifts will be very highly prized . They will ahvays remain a delightful memento , not onl y of my year of office , but also of the kindness and assistance I have received from you all during my Mastership . XOAV that I become a
Past Master I set myself another ideal . It is a very simple one , namely , to folloAV in the footsteps of my predecessors . This means not to rest upon one ' s oars , but to do everything possible to help foi'Avard the success of this lodge . 1 am quite sure that none of us ought to feel satisfied until every London lodge is represented in Xo . 2712 . 1 should like IIOAV
to use the cup you have given me in drinking , " Continued Success to the jubilee Masters' Lodge , and Prosperity to CA-erv one of its Members . "
A concert followed , under the direction of Bro . James Kift , in which Miss Ethel Beian , Mr . Morris Han c \ , and Bros . Edgar Coyle and Nelson Jackson took part .
Masonic Stone-Laying.—Impressive Ceremony At Aldershot.
Masonic Stone-Laying . —Impressive Ceremony at Aldershot .
THE close connection that has ever existed between the Army and the Craft was evidenced on February 24 th , when the foundation stone of the Church of England Soldiers' Institute at Aldershot Avas laid Avith full Masonic honours by the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master
of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight , Sir Augustus Webster , Bart ., which ceremony , at once impressive and rare , attracted a great gathering of brethren to witness , beside a large crowd of the general public . Grand and Provincial Grand Officers of Hants , Surrey , Berks , Kent , and Bombay , assembled in the morning at the Masonic Hall , and were received on behalf of the Institute
Committee by Bros . Lt .-General G . H . Moncrieff , Col . J . Walker , and W . Bro . Major J . Clisham . Lunch was served in the banqueting hall , at which Bro . Lt .-General Moncrieff , presided , R . W . Bro . Sir Augustus Webster , Bart ., being the principal guest . After lunch the brethren proceeded to don their Masonic
clothing and regalia , and a most imposing procession was formed , in which some 250 brethren took part , headed by the Tylers of "Army and Navy" and " Farnborough and North Camp " Lodges . The military and county police had closed the roads to enable the procession to move from the hall to the site of the HCAV building in Victoria Road , and
the route was lined by a great gathering of spectators , the vast majority of whom saw for the Iirst time members of the Order wearing Masonic clothing . The day was beautifully fine , consequently the imposing nature of the procession was seen at its best . The Ty lers were followed by a number
of visiting brethren , and then in order came , each headed by their banner , the officers and brethren of Panmure Lodge , No . 723 ; Aldershot Camp Lodge , No . 1331 ; Army and Navy Lodge , No . 1971 ; Farnborough and North Camp Lodge , No . 2203 ; and Border Lodge , No . 2475 . These were followed by the architect carrying the plans and an entered apprentice carrying cement . The
Worshipful Masters of 723 , 1331 , and 1971 , W . Bros . C Cullen , Quartermaster-Sergeant Boxall , and Colonel J . W . B . Landon , folloAved , carrying the gold vessels containing corn , wine , and oil , being folloAved by the Grand and Provincial Grand Officers according to seniority . The Corinthian Light , the Column of the J . W . borne by the I . P . M . 's of 723 and
1331 , and the Plumb Rule borne by W . Bro . J . C . Sharp , P . J . G . W ., immediately preceded the Provincial Grand Lodge Banner , and then came the Doric Light and Column of the S . W ., carried by the I . P . M . ' s of 1971 and 2203 , preceding the Level , carried by W . Bro . the Earl of Malmesbury , and the Volume of the Sacred LaAV borne on a cushion b y four
LeAvises . W . Bros , the Revs . N . Naish and E . J . Kennedy , P . G . Chaplains , followed , preceding Worshipful Deputy Provincial Grand Master , W . Bro . E . Giles , AVIIO carried the Square . The Ionic Light borne by the W . M . of 2203 , preceded the Prov . G . Superintendent of Works carrying the
Mallet , and then came the Prov . Grand Master and Standard , followed by the Prov . Grand Sword Bearer , who immediatel y preceded W . Bro . Sir Augustus Webster , the procession being closed by the Prov . S . Grand Deacon , W . Bro . F . E . Evans , and the Prov . Grand Tyler . Around the site of the foundation stone a series of stands
had been erected , Avhich were occupied by a very large and distinguished gathering of military and civilian friends of the institute . Among these were Gen . Sir John French , K . C . B ., and Lady French , attended by Major Barry , D . S . O ., Aide-de-camp ; Major-Gen . Sir Elliott Wood , K . C . B . ; Bishop Taylor Smith , Chaplain-General to the Forces ; Colonels
L . C . Wavell , Barrington Foote , Cooper , Twyman , Jen-oice , C . B . ; Knatchbull , and others . The band of the Royal Artillery , conducted by Bro . H . Sims , with the combined choirs of the garrison and town churches , were on a stand immediately behind the stone , and as the procession came into sight began "Onward Christian Soldiers . " The head of the procession halted a feAV yards from the stone and the