Article The Girls' School. ← Page 2 of 2 Article At the Sign of the Perfect Ashlar Page 1 of 4 →
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The Girls' School.
In view of the heroic efforts that we have been describing , it seems ungracious to utter a word of complaint , but it must be admitted that English Freemasonry beyond the seas does not iigure prominently in the returns . For instance , last year , the total from all districts abroad was but £ 154 , and but two lodges were represented , and even out of that meagre
total four-fifths came from an unattached brother . India was absolutely unrepresented . The year before , 1903 , only one English lodge abroad sent in anything , thirty guineas coming from a lodge and chapter in Bengal . It might possibly be supposed that the districts abroad made no claim on the Institution , but this is not so , for at the present moment there are a dozen beneticiares who have come from
the Far East and the Far West . As regards India , the wellto-do members of lodges in that country are so constantly moved about from one district to another , that possibly Uiey change their lodges too often to acquire that attachment to any one in particular , which would lead them to see that it made a good figure in the returns . And , moreover , the
majority of them return to England , where they commence a new career in the Craft , and thenceforward figure in the home returns .
Possibly it would pay the Institution to send out some active and earnest brother to visit the lodges in India and to preach a mission of benevolence . The Institution has been fortunate in its habitations . It has had but two during the past century , in St . George's Fields and on Wandsworth Common . Notwithstanding the
extensions that have been necessitated from time to time , their present boundaries have always proved capable of enlargement , and , both as regards healthiness and convenience of access , the place in which it has been located for lifty years is not to be surpassed . As to the former consideration ,
Clapham Common is about the healthiest spot in the metropolis , Hampstead not excepted , and as to the latter it would be difficult to name any place in England that is not in easy communication with Clapham Junction . In concluding this short notice we have to remind
brethren once more of the festival announced for May 10 th , and to recommend all who have not done so to go and see the Institution for themselves .
At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar
At the Sign of the Perfect Ashlar
I he Earl of Malmesbury , whose portrait appears on our front page , has , during the past year as Senior Grand Warden , proved himself a most zealous and efficient officer . Not only has he fulfilled his duties on every occasion on which Grand Lodge has met , but as chairman at the festival of the Emulation Lodge of Improvement and at many other
functions , he has placed his services at tlie disposal of the brethren . Rumour has it that his zeal and assiduity is to be rewarded by his appointment as Senior Grand Warden for another year . That he is about to join the order of Benedicts is something more than a rumour , and we have it on the best
authority that his wedding is iixed for the clay after the Grand Festival . We congratulate our distinguished brother 011 both events , and he has our heartiest wishes for a pleasant Masonic year and life-long happiness in his married life . <^ < $ ©
In view of his lordship's approaching marriage , he was , on Thursday evening , the recipient of a very handsome wedding present from the Masonic Lodge of Hengist , of which he was recently the Worshipful Master . In addition to his appointment as Senior Grand Warden of England , he now holds the rank of Past Provincial Senior Grand Warden of the Province of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight . The
occasion of the presentation was the usual monthly meeting of the lodge , and there was , as might be expected , a large attendance of the brethren , nearly every one of whom had contributed to the presentation fund . The gift consisted of a very handsome dessert epergne , with one large central dish
and four smaller side dishes , all of very line English cut glass . The stands are of silver , of ornamental design , with every part of the work—every little dot or spec—done by hammer and chisel . The base is hand engraved , and bears the following inscription : " Presented by the members of the Lodge of Hengist to R . W . the Earl of Malmesbury , P . M .,
DESSERT KPKHfiNK , I'RESENTED TO THE EARL OF MAL . MESUUKY . S . G . W . England , on the occasion of his marriage , 27 th April , 1905 . " The presentation was made , on behalf of the subscribers , by the W . M . of the lodge , Bro . A . H . Trevanion , and was acknowledged by R . W . Bro . the Earl of Malmesbury
in a brief speech , in which he expressed himself as being quite overcome by the exuberance of the brethren's generosity . He very greatly appreciated the kindness which had been shown him , and he should write and tell some one else , who also , he was sure , would be greatly delighted .
© < s > <® The annual report recently issued of the Masonic Orphan Boys' School of Ireland , now in tlie thirty-seventh year of its existence is very pleasant reading . The Institution continues »to carry on its useful and beneficial functions with efficiency
and success . Ninety boys , children of deceased brethren are at present fed , clothed , and educated in the extensive school premises at Clonskeagh . It is to be regretted that the amount received in subscriptions has not kept pace with the increased number of pupils . The Freemasons of Ireland
have every reason to be proud of their Boys' School , and the Governors are firmly convinced that considerably more than one thousand of them could , without inconvenience to themselves , become Governors and thus identify themselves personally with a charity so deserving of their support . Particulars are given of successes in examinations which clearly show the excellent education imparted .
OOO The " Calendar and Directory" for 1905 of the province of Gloucestershire contains much information useful to the brethren , but the great charities of the Craft call forth effort which is of much wider interest . The Freemasons of
Gloucestershire have for many years maintained their province in a very honourable position , there being few divisions of the kingdom in which the average of support per member has been kept at so high a standard as in that county . The work of the past year has done no discredit to the reputation of the province , for though the period was one of
some financial depression , upwards of 1 , 000 guineas went up from tlie county in support of the three great Masonic charities , in addition to the considerable sum contributed within the province to meet more local claims upon its benevolence .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Girls' School.
In view of the heroic efforts that we have been describing , it seems ungracious to utter a word of complaint , but it must be admitted that English Freemasonry beyond the seas does not iigure prominently in the returns . For instance , last year , the total from all districts abroad was but £ 154 , and but two lodges were represented , and even out of that meagre
total four-fifths came from an unattached brother . India was absolutely unrepresented . The year before , 1903 , only one English lodge abroad sent in anything , thirty guineas coming from a lodge and chapter in Bengal . It might possibly be supposed that the districts abroad made no claim on the Institution , but this is not so , for at the present moment there are a dozen beneticiares who have come from
the Far East and the Far West . As regards India , the wellto-do members of lodges in that country are so constantly moved about from one district to another , that possibly Uiey change their lodges too often to acquire that attachment to any one in particular , which would lead them to see that it made a good figure in the returns . And , moreover , the
majority of them return to England , where they commence a new career in the Craft , and thenceforward figure in the home returns .
Possibly it would pay the Institution to send out some active and earnest brother to visit the lodges in India and to preach a mission of benevolence . The Institution has been fortunate in its habitations . It has had but two during the past century , in St . George's Fields and on Wandsworth Common . Notwithstanding the
extensions that have been necessitated from time to time , their present boundaries have always proved capable of enlargement , and , both as regards healthiness and convenience of access , the place in which it has been located for lifty years is not to be surpassed . As to the former consideration ,
Clapham Common is about the healthiest spot in the metropolis , Hampstead not excepted , and as to the latter it would be difficult to name any place in England that is not in easy communication with Clapham Junction . In concluding this short notice we have to remind
brethren once more of the festival announced for May 10 th , and to recommend all who have not done so to go and see the Institution for themselves .
At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar
At the Sign of the Perfect Ashlar
I he Earl of Malmesbury , whose portrait appears on our front page , has , during the past year as Senior Grand Warden , proved himself a most zealous and efficient officer . Not only has he fulfilled his duties on every occasion on which Grand Lodge has met , but as chairman at the festival of the Emulation Lodge of Improvement and at many other
functions , he has placed his services at tlie disposal of the brethren . Rumour has it that his zeal and assiduity is to be rewarded by his appointment as Senior Grand Warden for another year . That he is about to join the order of Benedicts is something more than a rumour , and we have it on the best
authority that his wedding is iixed for the clay after the Grand Festival . We congratulate our distinguished brother 011 both events , and he has our heartiest wishes for a pleasant Masonic year and life-long happiness in his married life . <^ < $ ©
In view of his lordship's approaching marriage , he was , on Thursday evening , the recipient of a very handsome wedding present from the Masonic Lodge of Hengist , of which he was recently the Worshipful Master . In addition to his appointment as Senior Grand Warden of England , he now holds the rank of Past Provincial Senior Grand Warden of the Province of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight . The
occasion of the presentation was the usual monthly meeting of the lodge , and there was , as might be expected , a large attendance of the brethren , nearly every one of whom had contributed to the presentation fund . The gift consisted of a very handsome dessert epergne , with one large central dish
and four smaller side dishes , all of very line English cut glass . The stands are of silver , of ornamental design , with every part of the work—every little dot or spec—done by hammer and chisel . The base is hand engraved , and bears the following inscription : " Presented by the members of the Lodge of Hengist to R . W . the Earl of Malmesbury , P . M .,
DESSERT KPKHfiNK , I'RESENTED TO THE EARL OF MAL . MESUUKY . S . G . W . England , on the occasion of his marriage , 27 th April , 1905 . " The presentation was made , on behalf of the subscribers , by the W . M . of the lodge , Bro . A . H . Trevanion , and was acknowledged by R . W . Bro . the Earl of Malmesbury
in a brief speech , in which he expressed himself as being quite overcome by the exuberance of the brethren's generosity . He very greatly appreciated the kindness which had been shown him , and he should write and tell some one else , who also , he was sure , would be greatly delighted .
© < s > <® The annual report recently issued of the Masonic Orphan Boys' School of Ireland , now in tlie thirty-seventh year of its existence is very pleasant reading . The Institution continues »to carry on its useful and beneficial functions with efficiency
and success . Ninety boys , children of deceased brethren are at present fed , clothed , and educated in the extensive school premises at Clonskeagh . It is to be regretted that the amount received in subscriptions has not kept pace with the increased number of pupils . The Freemasons of Ireland
have every reason to be proud of their Boys' School , and the Governors are firmly convinced that considerably more than one thousand of them could , without inconvenience to themselves , become Governors and thus identify themselves personally with a charity so deserving of their support . Particulars are given of successes in examinations which clearly show the excellent education imparted .
OOO The " Calendar and Directory" for 1905 of the province of Gloucestershire contains much information useful to the brethren , but the great charities of the Craft call forth effort which is of much wider interest . The Freemasons of
Gloucestershire have for many years maintained their province in a very honourable position , there being few divisions of the kingdom in which the average of support per member has been kept at so high a standard as in that county . The work of the past year has done no discredit to the reputation of the province , for though the period was one of
some financial depression , upwards of 1 , 000 guineas went up from tlie county in support of the three great Masonic charities , in addition to the considerable sum contributed within the province to meet more local claims upon its benevolence .