Article Some Notes on Freemasonry in Australasia .– –(Continued). ← Page 4 of 4 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Some Notes On Freemasonry In Australasia .– –(Continued).
to the lodge room , the band playing alternately " Burns ' s T J ] Farewell , " and the " Entered Apprentice . " ! l As a sovereign body Tasmania may very appropriately be dubbed the " Little Benjamin " of the Australasian Grand
litiO . . IOIIX HAMILTON-, GRAND SKCliKTAHY OF TASMANIA Lodges . The process of constituting the lodges belonging to the three British Orders into a Grand Lodge with so
limited a clientelage , was an easy matter , compared with its predecessors in the other colonies , where there were so many private lodges to bring into line . Dissent , in fact , was very trifling , and what there was occurred in the oldest English lodge , the Tasmanian Union , No . 53 6 , at Hobart . In this case only five members—out of roughly speaking a
hundred—were against the movement , and these five wished to hold the warrant under Article 219 , but fortunately wiser counsels gained the day , and in the end the inauguration of the Grand Lodge was a really unanimous consummation , the acknowledgment of the new sovereign body being a
merely formal matter by the Grand Lodges of England , Ireland , and Scotland in 1890 , the year of foundation . It was , too , appropriate that the last chief of the English lodges should be the Iirst Grand Master . The following is the list : —
Rev . R . D . Poulett-Harris , M . A . ... 1890 Dr . E . O . Giblin 1892 Hon . Charles Ellis Davies , M . L . C . 18 9 6 At present the Grand Lodge of Tasmania is flourishing , though numbering some twenty-seven lodges only and about 1200 members in the early part of 1904 under its popular ruler ,
who is the representative of the Grand Lodge of England at his own Grand Lodge , besides being District Grand Master of Mark Masons under the English Constitution , which has one lodge , at Hobart , No . 174 . The Benevolent Fund of this , the smallest of the Australasian Grand Lodges , now
reaches more than ^ 2 , 000 , which of itself is very practical evidence of Tasmania ' s prosperity and usefulness as a Masonic locality . And , lastly , it is interesting to note that there are four chapters still working in the colony under the Supreme Grand Chapter of Scotland , the last one opened in
1904 . ( To be continued ) .
The GOLDSMITHS & SILVERSMITHS CO ., Ltd ., 112 , Regent Street , W ., invite inspection of their magnificent stock of Solid Silver Tea Services , which Js the finest in the World . Many of the designs £ re reproductions of the antique at about one-eighth the cost of the original , whilst others are the Company ' s special registered designs , and cannot be obtained elsewhere . i ^^^^^^^ SOLID SILVER TEA SERVICES MATtF . 'R & TR ___ d _____ WWWBtKI ^^^ . Supplied at Manufacturer ' s Cash mujiflflftiu >« . ^ ^^^^ G & . - ' " - ™ ' ' l \" ' L'luscTS •'" " s , 1 : i 1 PRICES . W I "HermeCate poms . ^ 3 k , jL M ? * SOLID SILVER TEA SERVICES in Xew and C ) rt ^ in : ii Designs , and at most Muck-rate Trices . Xew Illustrated Catalogue Pust Free . - ! - NEW CATALOGUE , THE "ACANTHUS , " TEA AND COFFEE SERVICE . SELECT ( ONS FORWARDED Q _ SILVER CONTAINING lx Sol . 111 SII . VKK . Taken in KxchanUc or I ' urchaseil for Cash . 2500 ILLUSTRATIONS , C ' "" P'i- "' M Tea I ' . . 1 , Coffee l ' . it . Siitfir li . iwl . ami Cream Kwcr , complete £ 27 1 O TO THE COUNTRY POST FREE . S ' '""""" "' other Services from £ 10 l ' o upwarclx ON APPROVAL . THE —1 > GOLDSMITHS & SILVERSMITHS CO ., Ltd ., With which is incorporated TIIK C . OI . IHMITIIS' AI . I . IAN'CK ( A . 14 . SAVIIUV & Snxs , I . u ! . ) , late of Cornhill , K . C . 3 72 TI E R ° ' RD . 112 & 110 , REGENT STREET , LONDON , W . .. ARCETNTNTTONDON , .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Some Notes On Freemasonry In Australasia .– –(Continued).
to the lodge room , the band playing alternately " Burns ' s T J ] Farewell , " and the " Entered Apprentice . " ! l As a sovereign body Tasmania may very appropriately be dubbed the " Little Benjamin " of the Australasian Grand
litiO . . IOIIX HAMILTON-, GRAND SKCliKTAHY OF TASMANIA Lodges . The process of constituting the lodges belonging to the three British Orders into a Grand Lodge with so
limited a clientelage , was an easy matter , compared with its predecessors in the other colonies , where there were so many private lodges to bring into line . Dissent , in fact , was very trifling , and what there was occurred in the oldest English lodge , the Tasmanian Union , No . 53 6 , at Hobart . In this case only five members—out of roughly speaking a
hundred—were against the movement , and these five wished to hold the warrant under Article 219 , but fortunately wiser counsels gained the day , and in the end the inauguration of the Grand Lodge was a really unanimous consummation , the acknowledgment of the new sovereign body being a
merely formal matter by the Grand Lodges of England , Ireland , and Scotland in 1890 , the year of foundation . It was , too , appropriate that the last chief of the English lodges should be the Iirst Grand Master . The following is the list : —
Rev . R . D . Poulett-Harris , M . A . ... 1890 Dr . E . O . Giblin 1892 Hon . Charles Ellis Davies , M . L . C . 18 9 6 At present the Grand Lodge of Tasmania is flourishing , though numbering some twenty-seven lodges only and about 1200 members in the early part of 1904 under its popular ruler ,
who is the representative of the Grand Lodge of England at his own Grand Lodge , besides being District Grand Master of Mark Masons under the English Constitution , which has one lodge , at Hobart , No . 174 . The Benevolent Fund of this , the smallest of the Australasian Grand Lodges , now
reaches more than ^ 2 , 000 , which of itself is very practical evidence of Tasmania ' s prosperity and usefulness as a Masonic locality . And , lastly , it is interesting to note that there are four chapters still working in the colony under the Supreme Grand Chapter of Scotland , the last one opened in
1904 . ( To be continued ) .
The GOLDSMITHS & SILVERSMITHS CO ., Ltd ., 112 , Regent Street , W ., invite inspection of their magnificent stock of Solid Silver Tea Services , which Js the finest in the World . Many of the designs £ re reproductions of the antique at about one-eighth the cost of the original , whilst others are the Company ' s special registered designs , and cannot be obtained elsewhere . i ^^^^^^^ SOLID SILVER TEA SERVICES MATtF . 'R & TR ___ d _____ WWWBtKI ^^^ . Supplied at Manufacturer ' s Cash mujiflflftiu >« . ^ ^^^^ G & . - ' " - ™ ' ' l \" ' L'luscTS •'" " s , 1 : i 1 PRICES . W I "HermeCate poms . ^ 3 k , jL M ? * SOLID SILVER TEA SERVICES in Xew and C ) rt ^ in : ii Designs , and at most Muck-rate Trices . Xew Illustrated Catalogue Pust Free . - ! - NEW CATALOGUE , THE "ACANTHUS , " TEA AND COFFEE SERVICE . SELECT ( ONS FORWARDED Q _ SILVER CONTAINING lx Sol . 111 SII . VKK . Taken in KxchanUc or I ' urchaseil for Cash . 2500 ILLUSTRATIONS , C ' "" P'i- "' M Tea I ' . . 1 , Coffee l ' . it . Siitfir li . iwl . ami Cream Kwcr , complete £ 27 1 O TO THE COUNTRY POST FREE . S ' '""""" "' other Services from £ 10 l ' o upwarclx ON APPROVAL . THE —1 > GOLDSMITHS & SILVERSMITHS CO ., Ltd ., With which is incorporated TIIK C . OI . IHMITIIS' AI . I . IAN'CK ( A . 14 . SAVIIUV & Snxs , I . u ! . ) , late of Cornhill , K . C . 3 72 TI E R ° ' RD . 112 & 110 , REGENT STREET , LONDON , W . .. ARCETNTNTTONDON , .