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Ashmole And The Craft.
The serious error is the interpolation of the word /;// ( placed by me in brackets in the following excerpt ) , which makes Eiias Ashmole state he was " admitted into the Fellowship of Freemasons " hi / Sir William Wilson and others , whereas that particular Knight and his live companions mentioned , were the " New accepted Masons , " for whose initiation the Lodge was convened .
i-. Nlracls relating tci I ' rcraiascmiy . from the Diary uf Eliss \/~> / " Ashr . ioic , in llit IJinllcian Library , ONI ' IUCI . / 0 ty Ashm . MS . 1150 . 0 U ; l & , 4- - J ° . jP- &\ £ - « J <* cr > -. n «^ . £ ( C- ^/ U . ^^
cO- Walnaii . fcn *^» - <^ XVM : A y ^ V-yO wi'W /^ » - ' 'H ^ - ^ y ^ McL-M-vVowni ^ - * 3 / ~ - ^ - ( y \ CM ^> . rcrAt ; v » - » v - * -v \ / 7 rV , v ^/ -j ^ £ . -M - *„ . . v - ^ y J ^ „ . v , ^ /&„ y /& /» V , ofaf & itk ft ^ £ . ( . U ^ s , J < 7 J ~> --- \ rj 2 k \ - ^ )> fr ? & U . '^^ - I ^ OJCS- ^ ^
J c / fcr-cA / Dc /? 2 . / t > . fe ^( - ^ Vy g ? . ^( < fv * 0 c ^ < J cnt ^ vLU ~ - & ° - JtfJ- cJ- <\ .
A ^ C-o & ^ -e & 'W ? .. ^ f . ky , o-v tw «« rf |< £ ^ v , W , jp ^ c to-r &« Ws ^ -oj-hi £ - * W ovJ & 'u . J- ^ fooiu - <^ + > V-c 5 bU ,, V ( . fcSL ; fcfij g ^ io ^ i ^ ib «^ Cs ^ WUj 0 ~< r SrflM ~* ' % - ^ ' ^^^^^ H ^
. v- a 4 a tf-jfc . * 0 .. i * „ ^ TW ^ I fa , 4 (? J ^^ HL ' jj-^ i ~ . < r ~ ff ? .- o £ - « iVi--i / W &»< -o « . iviciii . / re 3 .- ^ . / if-R-wi . g y » . | w « . v « « 3 5-U ^ s . ^^ ji oxTsSw i ff * * / i / fS > -. < - " ij ^ Sgf-- ^—ft .-j ^ ' - v-vy A eft > - ^ S ? - £ ^^ t > . J ^ a ., ^ S-- > io . '" - 0 . j
cAT ^ S , -ate- ULTo / lf ^ . - < # * - * . « < q [ ft . y »< "ty * a >~ 1 L &^ a- w ^ oun > . c ^ T ^ S ^^^ s-c / fev- *^!^^ ^ fTi ^ vHw '" = yp ~ Wo < u-, ^ e ^ Jsa . ^ - ^ Wio ^ - % ^ 0 j / iKH . iJki $ *^ 3 . - Ufr-jfi 4 . s ie ^ ff » j ^ t i ^ . T io : £ U »^ tf ~~ vc ~ v , JLTjfsX * % & iy ^ J £ eW .- m-k- Sk ~ A . "w ^
< # !•< ^ c « . & y ^ . ^ ca- 4 le & - < fK . <«*« ' SZL UHT ^ J- ^ f fe- „* -si & , ^ - ^^ trSe * - % :.... c ^ , - _ v ^ c . ^ ' h- < 'X tQ-4 . 0 . ^ 5 ^
-MASONIC MKKTIXIiS . Kill ! . V liisi . —( . !/«» . J / V /;/ ., HS 1 ) .
The additional and superfluous word />// was a puzzle to my lamented friend Dr . Albert Gallatin Mackey , of the U . S . A ., who in a posthumous work of an elaborate character , published by the " Masonic History Company " of Xew York , entitled " Tut : His't'onv OF FHKK . MAKOXKY , " devotes some three pages to an elucidation of the mystery . He considers that Sir William Wilson [ one of the Candidates ' ] was jirobably the
Master , and with the other Fellows , admitted Ashmole into the Fellowship , he being only an ordinary member of the Craft before . Since the decease of that learned Craftsman , in 1881 , many important discoveries have been made known to the Brotherhood , which , bad he been spared , would have been eagerly and ably treated in relation lo the subject . As a matter of fact , there is nothing in either of the entries
( l () 4 ( i and 1682 ) suggestive of more than the one Ceremony , common lo both periods . " Admission into the Fellowship of Free Masons , "' being equivalent to being " made Free . Masons " ; and Ashmole himself writes in . 1682 that he was the senior fellow present , being 35 years since
he was admitted . He also terms the Candidates received in that year , "New-accepted Masons . " Tlie second entry is dated llth March , 1682 .
"Accordingly t went , ami about Xoone wove admitted into the Fellowship of Free Masons [/>//]* Sir William Wilson Knight , Capt . Hich . Borthwick , Mr . Will . Woodman , Mr . Wm . Oivy , Mr . Samuell Tavlour and Mr . William
Wise . I was the Senior Fellow among ihem ( it being 35 years since 1 was admitted ) . There were prsent beside my so ! I ' the Fellowes after named . Mr . Tho . Wise , Mr . of the Masons
Company this pi-sent yea re , Mr . Thomas Shorthosc , Mr . Thomas Shadbolt , Waindsl ' ord , Esqr ., Mr . Nich . Young , Mr . John Shorthose , Mr . William {[ anion , Mr . . John Thompson , and Mr . Will . Stanton .
'Wee all dvued at the llnll ' e Mount Taverne in Cbeapside , at a noble Dinnei propuircd at the charge of the Newaccepted Masons . " In an interesting List of Officers of the Company prepared by . Bro . Condor , it will be seen
that the Messrs . Thomas Wise , John Shorthose and William Stanton were Master and Wardens for the years 1 ( 581 -2 . the Wardens and others of the Lodge becoming Masters subsequently . All the names mentioned as present at the
meeting , to which Flias Ashmole was invited , both Fellows and Candidates were members of the Masons' Company , excepting Mr . William Wilson , and Captain Borthwick . The kind of By-laws which regulated the transactions of the Bodge , may he sinmised by
a perusal of the " Additional Articles , " to be found in a few of the MSS . of the "Old Charges " of the 17 th Century and later , wherein many of the features of more modern
lic'Uilations will be found dul y provided for , and are of a most suggestive character . W . •/ . HfCiHAX . " The word by in brackcls occurs in ihe editions of 1717 and 1774 . but is not in the original Diary .
A handsome silver rose bowl has recently been presented by the brethren of the Royal Order of Scotland to Bro . Thos . B . Whytelicad , P . G . S . B , Grand Master of the Order in Yorkshire . The bowl , which was handed to Bro . Wbytchcad at a congratulatory gathering on Saturday , is beautifully embossed with two carved handles , and stands on an ebony plinth . On
the rim is engraved the monogram '' T . B . W ., " on one side being Bro . Wh i tehead ' s family crest , and on the other ( he Anns of the Order . The bowl bears the following inscription : " Royal Order of Scotland : Presented to Right Worshipful Bro . T . B . Whytchead , J . P ., Provincial Grand Master of Yorkshire , by the brethren of the province as a token of their esteem and affection . December 17 II 1 , 1 904 .
An unusual incident occurred tlie other day al the opening of a nirrder trial at Cork Assizes , The accused man , John Foster , indicted for the murder of William Regan , was stated to be a Freemason , and a number of the jurors who had been summoned , were members of the Craft . In each case the Crown took objection to their serving .
& & & The installation of Colonel Piatt , C . B ., as Provincial Grand Master of North Wales in succession to the late Colonel Greuvillc Williams is to take place at Bangor at the New Hall , attached to the University College .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Ashmole And The Craft.
The serious error is the interpolation of the word /;// ( placed by me in brackets in the following excerpt ) , which makes Eiias Ashmole state he was " admitted into the Fellowship of Freemasons " hi / Sir William Wilson and others , whereas that particular Knight and his live companions mentioned , were the " New accepted Masons , " for whose initiation the Lodge was convened .
i-. Nlracls relating tci I ' rcraiascmiy . from the Diary uf Eliss \/~> / " Ashr . ioic , in llit IJinllcian Library , ONI ' IUCI . / 0 ty Ashm . MS . 1150 . 0 U ; l & , 4- - J ° . jP- &\ £ - « J <* cr > -. n «^ . £ ( C- ^/ U . ^^
cO- Walnaii . fcn *^» - <^ XVM : A y ^ V-yO wi'W /^ » - ' 'H ^ - ^ y ^ McL-M-vVowni ^ - * 3 / ~ - ^ - ( y \ CM ^> . rcrAt ; v » - » v - * -v \ / 7 rV , v ^/ -j ^ £ . -M - *„ . . v - ^ y J ^ „ . v , ^ /&„ y /& /» V , ofaf & itk ft ^ £ . ( . U ^ s , J < 7 J ~> --- \ rj 2 k \ - ^ )> fr ? & U . '^^ - I ^ OJCS- ^ ^
J c / fcr-cA / Dc /? 2 . / t > . fe ^( - ^ Vy g ? . ^( < fv * 0 c ^ < J cnt ^ vLU ~ - & ° - JtfJ- cJ- <\ .
A ^ C-o & ^ -e & 'W ? .. ^ f . ky , o-v tw «« rf |< £ ^ v , W , jp ^ c to-r &« Ws ^ -oj-hi £ - * W ovJ & 'u . J- ^ fooiu - <^ + > V-c 5 bU ,, V ( . fcSL ; fcfij g ^ io ^ i ^ ib «^ Cs ^ WUj 0 ~< r SrflM ~* ' % - ^ ' ^^^^^ H ^
. v- a 4 a tf-jfc . * 0 .. i * „ ^ TW ^ I fa , 4 (? J ^^ HL ' jj-^ i ~ . < r ~ ff ? .- o £ - « iVi--i / W &»< -o « . iviciii . / re 3 .- ^ . / if-R-wi . g y » . | w « . v « « 3 5-U ^ s . ^^ ji oxTsSw i ff * * / i / fS > -. < - " ij ^ Sgf-- ^—ft .-j ^ ' - v-vy A eft > - ^ S ? - £ ^^ t > . J ^ a ., ^ S-- > io . '" - 0 . j
cAT ^ S , -ate- ULTo / lf ^ . - < # * - * . « < q [ ft . y »< "ty * a >~ 1 L &^ a- w ^ oun > . c ^ T ^ S ^^^ s-c / fev- *^!^^ ^ fTi ^ vHw '" = yp ~ Wo < u-, ^ e ^ Jsa . ^ - ^ Wio ^ - % ^ 0 j / iKH . iJki $ *^ 3 . - Ufr-jfi 4 . s ie ^ ff » j ^ t i ^ . T io : £ U »^ tf ~~ vc ~ v , JLTjfsX * % & iy ^ J £ eW .- m-k- Sk ~ A . "w ^
< # !•< ^ c « . & y ^ . ^ ca- 4 le & - < fK . <«*« ' SZL UHT ^ J- ^ f fe- „* -si & , ^ - ^^ trSe * - % :.... c ^ , - _ v ^ c . ^ ' h- < 'X tQ-4 . 0 . ^ 5 ^
-MASONIC MKKTIXIiS . Kill ! . V liisi . —( . !/«» . J / V /;/ ., HS 1 ) .
The additional and superfluous word />// was a puzzle to my lamented friend Dr . Albert Gallatin Mackey , of the U . S . A ., who in a posthumous work of an elaborate character , published by the " Masonic History Company " of Xew York , entitled " Tut : His't'onv OF FHKK . MAKOXKY , " devotes some three pages to an elucidation of the mystery . He considers that Sir William Wilson [ one of the Candidates ' ] was jirobably the
Master , and with the other Fellows , admitted Ashmole into the Fellowship , he being only an ordinary member of the Craft before . Since the decease of that learned Craftsman , in 1881 , many important discoveries have been made known to the Brotherhood , which , bad he been spared , would have been eagerly and ably treated in relation lo the subject . As a matter of fact , there is nothing in either of the entries
( l () 4 ( i and 1682 ) suggestive of more than the one Ceremony , common lo both periods . " Admission into the Fellowship of Free Masons , "' being equivalent to being " made Free . Masons " ; and Ashmole himself writes in . 1682 that he was the senior fellow present , being 35 years since
he was admitted . He also terms the Candidates received in that year , "New-accepted Masons . " Tlie second entry is dated llth March , 1682 .
"Accordingly t went , ami about Xoone wove admitted into the Fellowship of Free Masons [/>//]* Sir William Wilson Knight , Capt . Hich . Borthwick , Mr . Will . Woodman , Mr . Wm . Oivy , Mr . Samuell Tavlour and Mr . William
Wise . I was the Senior Fellow among ihem ( it being 35 years since 1 was admitted ) . There were prsent beside my so ! I ' the Fellowes after named . Mr . Tho . Wise , Mr . of the Masons
Company this pi-sent yea re , Mr . Thomas Shorthosc , Mr . Thomas Shadbolt , Waindsl ' ord , Esqr ., Mr . Nich . Young , Mr . John Shorthose , Mr . William {[ anion , Mr . . John Thompson , and Mr . Will . Stanton .
'Wee all dvued at the llnll ' e Mount Taverne in Cbeapside , at a noble Dinnei propuircd at the charge of the Newaccepted Masons . " In an interesting List of Officers of the Company prepared by . Bro . Condor , it will be seen
that the Messrs . Thomas Wise , John Shorthose and William Stanton were Master and Wardens for the years 1 ( 581 -2 . the Wardens and others of the Lodge becoming Masters subsequently . All the names mentioned as present at the
meeting , to which Flias Ashmole was invited , both Fellows and Candidates were members of the Masons' Company , excepting Mr . William Wilson , and Captain Borthwick . The kind of By-laws which regulated the transactions of the Bodge , may he sinmised by
a perusal of the " Additional Articles , " to be found in a few of the MSS . of the "Old Charges " of the 17 th Century and later , wherein many of the features of more modern
lic'Uilations will be found dul y provided for , and are of a most suggestive character . W . •/ . HfCiHAX . " The word by in brackcls occurs in ihe editions of 1717 and 1774 . but is not in the original Diary .
A handsome silver rose bowl has recently been presented by the brethren of the Royal Order of Scotland to Bro . Thos . B . Whytelicad , P . G . S . B , Grand Master of the Order in Yorkshire . The bowl , which was handed to Bro . Wbytchcad at a congratulatory gathering on Saturday , is beautifully embossed with two carved handles , and stands on an ebony plinth . On
the rim is engraved the monogram '' T . B . W ., " on one side being Bro . Wh i tehead ' s family crest , and on the other ( he Anns of the Order . The bowl bears the following inscription : " Royal Order of Scotland : Presented to Right Worshipful Bro . T . B . Whytchead , J . P ., Provincial Grand Master of Yorkshire , by the brethren of the province as a token of their esteem and affection . December 17 II 1 , 1 904 .
An unusual incident occurred tlie other day al the opening of a nirrder trial at Cork Assizes , The accused man , John Foster , indicted for the murder of William Regan , was stated to be a Freemason , and a number of the jurors who had been summoned , were members of the Craft . In each case the Crown took objection to their serving .
& & & The installation of Colonel Piatt , C . B ., as Provincial Grand Master of North Wales in succession to the late Colonel Greuvillc Williams is to take place at Bangor at the New Hall , attached to the University College .