Article Consecration of the Roding Lodge, No. 3090. Page 1 of 1 Article Yorick Lodge, No. 2771. Page 1 of 2 →
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Consecration Of The Roding Lodge, No. 3090.
Consecration of the Roding Lodge , No . 3090 .
ON Thursday , March 30 th , another lodge—making the fifty-second—was added to the roll of the Province of Essex by the consecration of the Roding Lodge , No . 3090 , at the Lopping Hall , Loughton . The ceremony was to have been performed by the R . W . Prov . G . M ., Colonel Lockwood , M . P ., but whilst the bretbern were assembling ,
a message was received from the Colonel that the exigencies of his Parliamentary duties prevented his leaving the House . The post of Consecrating Officer was , thereupon , undertaken by the Provincial Grand Secretary , W . Bro . Thos . J . Railing , P . A . G . D . C .
In opening the proceedings , the Acting Provincial Grand Master said he was sure they all regretted that Colonel Lockwood had been prevented coming amongst them that day , and he was quite sure the gallant Colonel regretted it also . The lodge they were about to consecrate was comprised of brethren whose Masonic work had hitherto been
contined cbielly to the Metropolis , but as they were now joining a provincial organization he felt sure thev would understand that it involved special responsibilities . The Bagshaw Lodge , which for many years had been holding its meetings at Loughton , was an excellent example of what a provincial lodge should be , and if the members of the lodge
now about to be constituted followed in the same lines it would be certain to succeed , and be a source of strength to the province . The Prow G . Chap , gave a very earnest address on the nature and principles of the Institution , showing that the
practice of Freemasonry placed before men a high ideal to which it was possible for them to attain ; while the fraternal intercourse engendered by the lodge meetings enabled the brethren to see the best side of one another and so softened
the asperities which were apt to arise in the strife and competition of life . In a critical world , Masonry was judged not by its best members , but by those who , it was to be regretted , gave occasion for unfriendly remarks , and he therefore warned the members of the new lodge to be careful only to admit into their ranks those who would reflect honour
on their choice . In conclusion he wished the lodge a long and prosperous career . The ceremony was then proceeded with according to ancient usage , the musical portions being ably conducted by W . Bro . R . J . Hennings , P . M . 2508 , P . P . J . G . D ., assisted b y Bros . Frank Swinford , Paul Hodges , Arthur Court , and Frank Peskett .
The installation of W . Bro . Major Wenborn , P . M . 2861 , as first W . M . followed , the ceremony being ably rendered by W . Bro . J . H . Salter , D . Prov . G . M . The first officers were invested as follows : —Bros . L . H . Wilkins , S . W . ; S . G . Spencer , J . W . ; A . J . Blake . P . M . 18 39 , Treasurer ; F . C . Foster , P . M . 30 , Secretary ; R . J . Gann , S . D . ; R .
Leappard , P . M . 30 , J . D . ; J . Ferguson , I . G . ; W . H . Wenclon , D . C . ; Talbv and Skeet , Stewards ; and J . Bailey , Tyler . The W . M . was elected to represent the lodge on the F 2 ssex Provincial Charity Committee . A hearty vote of thanks was passed lo the consecrating
officers for their services , and they were elected as honorary members of the lodge , the W . M . presenting to the Acting Prov . G . M . and D . Prov . G . M . a replica of the founder ' s jewel as a memento of the occasion . Several propositions of new members having been made , the lodge proceedings closed , and the brethren adjourned to a banquet .
Yorick Lodge, No. 2771.
Yorick Lodge , No . 2771 .
Jnstattation of W . Jdro . S . Dockwood
r PHE fifth installation meeting of this popular lodge look I place on Tuesday , 21 st ult ., at theTrocadero Restaurant , Piccadilly Circus . The Ceremony of Installation was performed by W . Bro . W . S . Penley , P . G . Treasurer , with that solemnity and dignity for which he is so renowned .
There were present a large number of distinguished visitors , principally representing the histrionic , journalistic , and musical professions , from whose ranks the membership of the lodge is entirely recruited , it having been formed among members of the flourishing Yorick Club from which the lodge
took its name . The newly installed Master , W . Bro . E . Lockwood , is well known in Theatrical and Masonic circles , and is a prominent and active member of ( he London Lodge , No . 108 , for which he has served the office of Master and he is also a member of the Eccentric Lodge , No . 24 88 , in which
he holds the office of J . W . He appointed and invested the following officers in a manner which gave promise of perfect ceremonial throughout his year of office . —Bros . Clarence Sounes , George Robins , W . S . Penley , P . G . Treas ., V . Trekawke Davies , the Yen .
Archdeacon Sinclair , P . G . Chap ., Duncan Tovey , K . T . Addvman , Athelstane Nobbs , M . D ., Alexander Watson , A . J . Winter , A . P . Oxley , E . H . Bull , W . Payne Seddon , W . " Bradford Smith , and J . W . Freeman . At the conclusion of the ceremony of installation the
Worshipful Master presented his predecessor , Bro . J . Bannister How . ud , with a Past Master ' s fewel , voted to him by the lodge , and in well chosen terms , complimented him on his labours for the benefit of the lodge during his year of
mastership , and upon the success that has attended his efforts It was announced ( hat the W .. M . was representing the lodge as Steward at the forthcoming festival of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys h . June next , and the sum of £ 10 10 s . from the Benevolent fund of the lodge was voted upon bis
list . The lodge was closed and the brethren adjourned to a well served banquet . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured . The toast of '' The Grand Officers " was replied to by W . Bro . Harry Nickolls , G . Std . B ., in his usual and highly appreciated
vein of humour , indulging in reminiscences of the old days of the Junior Garrick Club , of which he was an early member , and from which the Yorick Club had its birth , and in which Bro . Geo . Conquest had been his sponsor . He thanked Ihe W . M . for having coupled his name with Ihe toast of the
Grand Officers , and it was a pleasure lo respond to that august body . He always had a hearty welcome from the Yorick Lodge , of which he was proud to be an honorary member , and to which he wished continued success . W . Bro . J . Bannister Howard , I . P . M ., in proposing the
toast of "The Worshipful Master , " said it required few words of his to commend the toast for their hearty reception , as they all knew what an excellent W . M . Bro . Lockwood would prove , and also appreciated the fact that they were fortunate in having such a good and sincere Mason to preside
over them in the coming year , and they would all rally round him and loyally support him in his work . The W . M ., in responding , hardly knew how to thank them for the heartiness with which they bad received the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Consecration Of The Roding Lodge, No. 3090.
Consecration of the Roding Lodge , No . 3090 .
ON Thursday , March 30 th , another lodge—making the fifty-second—was added to the roll of the Province of Essex by the consecration of the Roding Lodge , No . 3090 , at the Lopping Hall , Loughton . The ceremony was to have been performed by the R . W . Prov . G . M ., Colonel Lockwood , M . P ., but whilst the bretbern were assembling ,
a message was received from the Colonel that the exigencies of his Parliamentary duties prevented his leaving the House . The post of Consecrating Officer was , thereupon , undertaken by the Provincial Grand Secretary , W . Bro . Thos . J . Railing , P . A . G . D . C .
In opening the proceedings , the Acting Provincial Grand Master said he was sure they all regretted that Colonel Lockwood had been prevented coming amongst them that day , and he was quite sure the gallant Colonel regretted it also . The lodge they were about to consecrate was comprised of brethren whose Masonic work had hitherto been
contined cbielly to the Metropolis , but as they were now joining a provincial organization he felt sure thev would understand that it involved special responsibilities . The Bagshaw Lodge , which for many years had been holding its meetings at Loughton , was an excellent example of what a provincial lodge should be , and if the members of the lodge
now about to be constituted followed in the same lines it would be certain to succeed , and be a source of strength to the province . The Prow G . Chap , gave a very earnest address on the nature and principles of the Institution , showing that the
practice of Freemasonry placed before men a high ideal to which it was possible for them to attain ; while the fraternal intercourse engendered by the lodge meetings enabled the brethren to see the best side of one another and so softened
the asperities which were apt to arise in the strife and competition of life . In a critical world , Masonry was judged not by its best members , but by those who , it was to be regretted , gave occasion for unfriendly remarks , and he therefore warned the members of the new lodge to be careful only to admit into their ranks those who would reflect honour
on their choice . In conclusion he wished the lodge a long and prosperous career . The ceremony was then proceeded with according to ancient usage , the musical portions being ably conducted by W . Bro . R . J . Hennings , P . M . 2508 , P . P . J . G . D ., assisted b y Bros . Frank Swinford , Paul Hodges , Arthur Court , and Frank Peskett .
The installation of W . Bro . Major Wenborn , P . M . 2861 , as first W . M . followed , the ceremony being ably rendered by W . Bro . J . H . Salter , D . Prov . G . M . The first officers were invested as follows : —Bros . L . H . Wilkins , S . W . ; S . G . Spencer , J . W . ; A . J . Blake . P . M . 18 39 , Treasurer ; F . C . Foster , P . M . 30 , Secretary ; R . J . Gann , S . D . ; R .
Leappard , P . M . 30 , J . D . ; J . Ferguson , I . G . ; W . H . Wenclon , D . C . ; Talbv and Skeet , Stewards ; and J . Bailey , Tyler . The W . M . was elected to represent the lodge on the F 2 ssex Provincial Charity Committee . A hearty vote of thanks was passed lo the consecrating
officers for their services , and they were elected as honorary members of the lodge , the W . M . presenting to the Acting Prov . G . M . and D . Prov . G . M . a replica of the founder ' s jewel as a memento of the occasion . Several propositions of new members having been made , the lodge proceedings closed , and the brethren adjourned to a banquet .
Yorick Lodge, No. 2771.
Yorick Lodge , No . 2771 .
Jnstattation of W . Jdro . S . Dockwood
r PHE fifth installation meeting of this popular lodge look I place on Tuesday , 21 st ult ., at theTrocadero Restaurant , Piccadilly Circus . The Ceremony of Installation was performed by W . Bro . W . S . Penley , P . G . Treasurer , with that solemnity and dignity for which he is so renowned .
There were present a large number of distinguished visitors , principally representing the histrionic , journalistic , and musical professions , from whose ranks the membership of the lodge is entirely recruited , it having been formed among members of the flourishing Yorick Club from which the lodge
took its name . The newly installed Master , W . Bro . E . Lockwood , is well known in Theatrical and Masonic circles , and is a prominent and active member of ( he London Lodge , No . 108 , for which he has served the office of Master and he is also a member of the Eccentric Lodge , No . 24 88 , in which
he holds the office of J . W . He appointed and invested the following officers in a manner which gave promise of perfect ceremonial throughout his year of office . —Bros . Clarence Sounes , George Robins , W . S . Penley , P . G . Treas ., V . Trekawke Davies , the Yen .
Archdeacon Sinclair , P . G . Chap ., Duncan Tovey , K . T . Addvman , Athelstane Nobbs , M . D ., Alexander Watson , A . J . Winter , A . P . Oxley , E . H . Bull , W . Payne Seddon , W . " Bradford Smith , and J . W . Freeman . At the conclusion of the ceremony of installation the
Worshipful Master presented his predecessor , Bro . J . Bannister How . ud , with a Past Master ' s fewel , voted to him by the lodge , and in well chosen terms , complimented him on his labours for the benefit of the lodge during his year of
mastership , and upon the success that has attended his efforts It was announced ( hat the W .. M . was representing the lodge as Steward at the forthcoming festival of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys h . June next , and the sum of £ 10 10 s . from the Benevolent fund of the lodge was voted upon bis
list . The lodge was closed and the brethren adjourned to a well served banquet . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured . The toast of '' The Grand Officers " was replied to by W . Bro . Harry Nickolls , G . Std . B ., in his usual and highly appreciated
vein of humour , indulging in reminiscences of the old days of the Junior Garrick Club , of which he was an early member , and from which the Yorick Club had its birth , and in which Bro . Geo . Conquest had been his sponsor . He thanked Ihe W . M . for having coupled his name with Ihe toast of the
Grand Officers , and it was a pleasure lo respond to that august body . He always had a hearty welcome from the Yorick Lodge , of which he was proud to be an honorary member , and to which he wished continued success . W . Bro . J . Bannister Howard , I . P . M ., in proposing the
toast of "The Worshipful Master , " said it required few words of his to commend the toast for their hearty reception , as they all knew what an excellent W . M . Bro . Lockwood would prove , and also appreciated the fact that they were fortunate in having such a good and sincere Mason to preside
over them in the coming year , and they would all rally round him and loyally support him in his work . The W . M ., in responding , hardly knew how to thank them for the heartiness with which they bad received the