Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Such Is Freemasonry.
It appears from the notices in the local papers that the Freemason volunteers of Liverpool have not taken kindly lo the refusal by the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master of the permission they desired to found a Volunteer Masonic lodge . Rightly or wrongly , the petitioners believe that the disapproval came not from the throne itself , but from the
power behind the throne , and the opinion is strongly expressed that , had his lordship but seen his way to receive a deputation of the petitioners , his answer would have been of a different nature . The petitioners cannot see why—Volunteer lodges being already established in London , in
Manchester , and in ISirmingham—permission should be refused to found one in Liverpool , where the number of Masonic volunteers , already large , is being rapidly augmented .
« S > ® o The Freemasons of Northampton gave their annual treat lo the old people of the town recently , the gathering taking place at the Corn Exchange . Between 700 and 800 guests were entertained to a substantial meat tea , the wives and members of the families of the brethren pn siding at the tables ,
about 100 of the members of the various lodges acting as waiters . After tea a few short speeches were delivered , the speakers including the R . W . Bro . Lord Euston , Prov . Grand Master , the Mayor of Northampton ( Councillor A . E . Marlow ) , and the Rev . Lloyd T . Jones , the Vicar of All Saints .
Subsequently a capital entertainment was provided , the programme consisting of a cinematograph exhibition , which was divided into three sections , the intervals being filled with musical contributions by the Masons and their friends .
© © © We learn with much satisfaction that his Honour Judge Philbrick , K . C , Grand J . of Supreme Grand Chapter , and Grand Superintendent of Essex , has so far recovered from his recent severe illness as to be able to be removed to Swanage , where it is hoped he will daily gain health and strength .
JI I jfsb ' ' ' / W fm ^ J * fe &? B * ' * . *^ " ^ % f ^) Your Piano ' s Usefulness . HAS it ever occurred to you what pleasure-giving possibilities -. ire lying stored up in your piano ? For nearly three hundred years the greatest intellects in the musical world have provided compositions specially for the piano . Yet , how many pieces canyon play ? You know how much music means in practically all your entertainments , the part it plays in your every-day life even . Would it not , then , be of considerable importance to have the world's whole pianoforte literature made accessible to you , and , further , to become endowed with the ability to play after the manner of the finest exponents of to-day . The ownership of a Metrostyle Pianola makes all this possible . More than 12 , 000 different compositions have already been prepared for it , and all of them are available through our Circulating Library . Paderewski , Moskowski , Chaminade , and many others have marked music rolls for us showing how they interpret them , and by following such markings you can reproduce almost to a nicety the virtuoso ' s performance . Dr . RICHARD STRAUSS writes : — " I gladly acknowledge to you my admiration and intense interest for your Metrostyle Pianola . That through it the interpretation of an artist is reproduced as though he himself sat at the instrument would appear to me to he really incredible if I had not heard it myself . The thought seems even yet like a fairy tale . " Call on us to-day , or write for Catalogue . Note . —Perhaps you do not care to go to the expense of obtaining a new Metrostyle Pianola , even on the easy payment system , at this time . In that case , why not secure a secondhand Pianola ? A large number of our customers have testified to their satisfaction in having purchased Pianolas by their readiness to make a further investment by exchanging for new Metrostyle Pianolas . The ordinary models so exchanged offer anyone a splendid and unique opportunity to obtain one at little cost . The prices vary , but all these instruments are in first class playing order . Write for particulars . Remember . —All piano-players are not PIANOLAS . The name applies only to the particular instrument manufactured by us . THE ORCHESTRELLB CO ., iEOLIAN HALL , 135-6-7 , NEW BOND STREET , LONDON , W .
Mr . MURRAY ' S NEW BOOKS . NOW READY . —With 200 Illustrations from special Photographs unci Maps and Plans . Demy Svo ., _^ s . nut . LHASA AND ITS MYSTERIES . A Ki'cord of the Expedition . 11 ) 03-4 . Uy I .. A . WADDEI . I .. I . I .. D ., CI ) ., O . K . Lieut .-Colonel Ivuliim Medical Service . tKtexso-A MOTHER OF CZARS . A Sketch of the Life nf M . irL' 1 ' codorowna . wife . n Paul I . ; ind mother of Alexander I . . incl Xicholas I . Ilv Mus . COI . oCUorx CUAXT . Author ot "The French Xoblesse nf the XV 11 I Century . ' Demy Svo .. 12 s . net . a : ie * : e-THE LIFE OF THE MARQUIS OF DUFFERIN AND AVA . By Sin ALKKED LYALL , P . C . With Portraits , \ j „ Demy Svo ., 2 vols ., _; fis . net . "A masterpiece of biographical art . The writer never obtrudes his own personality devoting sound judgment and consummate skill to moulding in just proportion the iigure and lineaments of his subject . "—Punch . -3 Vt 3 x : o NOW READY . —Seventh and Last series of SIR M . E . GRANT IH'KFS DIARIES . NOTES FROM A DIARY , 1896 JAN . 23 RD , 1901 . Two vols . Crown Svo ., iSs . "The closing volumes of a modern journal which has qualities , contents , and a style that suggests Evelyn ' s . "—the Daily Chronicle . -3 : KS *;< - - TWO VOLUMES OF ESSAYS . Hy the late LOUD SALISIU'KY . ESSAYS ON FOREIGN POLITICS . Large Crown Svo ., 6 s . net . BIOGRAPHICAL ESSAYS . Lar ^ e CroualSv . t ., with Portrait , 6 s . net . ^ : ( £ * : « - Mli . WAND'S Xew Work on the Xile Valley . OUR SUDAN . liv JOHN' WARD , K . S . A .. Author of The Sacred Hectic , " -Creek Coins : incl their Parent Cities . ' Dedicated by request to Lord Kitchener of Khartoum . Crown ^ lo ., ^ oo pp ., 720 Illustrations . Price 21 s . net . Including Maps and many Portraits . - *> : K = * : C--MAKERS OF MODERN HISTORY . NAPOLEON III . CAVOITR . lilSMARCK . JJy the Ho * . EDWARD CADOGAN . Demy Svo ., Ss . net . -O ; K = * : G - THE FRIENDS OF ENGLAND . Uy the Hox . OKORGK PKKI .. Author of "The Kneiuies of Kunl : ind . " Dciuy Svo ., 12 s . net . " Tlie subjects with which Mr . l ' ccl deals are of the deepest interest , and he shows wide reading on cverv patfe . "—Atlh-iuruin . "Thoughtful , eloquent , siimulalinj ; . the hook should he read lo good purpose by everyone interested in its subject . "—Scotsman . JOHN MURRAY , ALBEHARLE STREET , W .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Such Is Freemasonry.
It appears from the notices in the local papers that the Freemason volunteers of Liverpool have not taken kindly lo the refusal by the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master of the permission they desired to found a Volunteer Masonic lodge . Rightly or wrongly , the petitioners believe that the disapproval came not from the throne itself , but from the
power behind the throne , and the opinion is strongly expressed that , had his lordship but seen his way to receive a deputation of the petitioners , his answer would have been of a different nature . The petitioners cannot see why—Volunteer lodges being already established in London , in
Manchester , and in ISirmingham—permission should be refused to found one in Liverpool , where the number of Masonic volunteers , already large , is being rapidly augmented .
« S > ® o The Freemasons of Northampton gave their annual treat lo the old people of the town recently , the gathering taking place at the Corn Exchange . Between 700 and 800 guests were entertained to a substantial meat tea , the wives and members of the families of the brethren pn siding at the tables ,
about 100 of the members of the various lodges acting as waiters . After tea a few short speeches were delivered , the speakers including the R . W . Bro . Lord Euston , Prov . Grand Master , the Mayor of Northampton ( Councillor A . E . Marlow ) , and the Rev . Lloyd T . Jones , the Vicar of All Saints .
Subsequently a capital entertainment was provided , the programme consisting of a cinematograph exhibition , which was divided into three sections , the intervals being filled with musical contributions by the Masons and their friends .
© © © We learn with much satisfaction that his Honour Judge Philbrick , K . C , Grand J . of Supreme Grand Chapter , and Grand Superintendent of Essex , has so far recovered from his recent severe illness as to be able to be removed to Swanage , where it is hoped he will daily gain health and strength .
JI I jfsb ' ' ' / W fm ^ J * fe &? B * ' * . *^ " ^ % f ^) Your Piano ' s Usefulness . HAS it ever occurred to you what pleasure-giving possibilities -. ire lying stored up in your piano ? For nearly three hundred years the greatest intellects in the musical world have provided compositions specially for the piano . Yet , how many pieces canyon play ? You know how much music means in practically all your entertainments , the part it plays in your every-day life even . Would it not , then , be of considerable importance to have the world's whole pianoforte literature made accessible to you , and , further , to become endowed with the ability to play after the manner of the finest exponents of to-day . The ownership of a Metrostyle Pianola makes all this possible . More than 12 , 000 different compositions have already been prepared for it , and all of them are available through our Circulating Library . Paderewski , Moskowski , Chaminade , and many others have marked music rolls for us showing how they interpret them , and by following such markings you can reproduce almost to a nicety the virtuoso ' s performance . Dr . RICHARD STRAUSS writes : — " I gladly acknowledge to you my admiration and intense interest for your Metrostyle Pianola . That through it the interpretation of an artist is reproduced as though he himself sat at the instrument would appear to me to he really incredible if I had not heard it myself . The thought seems even yet like a fairy tale . " Call on us to-day , or write for Catalogue . Note . —Perhaps you do not care to go to the expense of obtaining a new Metrostyle Pianola , even on the easy payment system , at this time . In that case , why not secure a secondhand Pianola ? A large number of our customers have testified to their satisfaction in having purchased Pianolas by their readiness to make a further investment by exchanging for new Metrostyle Pianolas . The ordinary models so exchanged offer anyone a splendid and unique opportunity to obtain one at little cost . The prices vary , but all these instruments are in first class playing order . Write for particulars . Remember . —All piano-players are not PIANOLAS . The name applies only to the particular instrument manufactured by us . THE ORCHESTRELLB CO ., iEOLIAN HALL , 135-6-7 , NEW BOND STREET , LONDON , W .
Mr . MURRAY ' S NEW BOOKS . NOW READY . —With 200 Illustrations from special Photographs unci Maps and Plans . Demy Svo ., _^ s . nut . LHASA AND ITS MYSTERIES . A Ki'cord of the Expedition . 11 ) 03-4 . Uy I .. A . WADDEI . I .. I . I .. D ., CI ) ., O . K . Lieut .-Colonel Ivuliim Medical Service . tKtexso-A MOTHER OF CZARS . A Sketch of the Life nf M . irL' 1 ' codorowna . wife . n Paul I . ; ind mother of Alexander I . . incl Xicholas I . Ilv Mus . COI . oCUorx CUAXT . Author ot "The French Xoblesse nf the XV 11 I Century . ' Demy Svo .. 12 s . net . a : ie * : e-THE LIFE OF THE MARQUIS OF DUFFERIN AND AVA . By Sin ALKKED LYALL , P . C . With Portraits , \ j „ Demy Svo ., 2 vols ., _; fis . net . "A masterpiece of biographical art . The writer never obtrudes his own personality devoting sound judgment and consummate skill to moulding in just proportion the iigure and lineaments of his subject . "—Punch . -3 Vt 3 x : o NOW READY . —Seventh and Last series of SIR M . E . GRANT IH'KFS DIARIES . NOTES FROM A DIARY , 1896 JAN . 23 RD , 1901 . Two vols . Crown Svo ., iSs . "The closing volumes of a modern journal which has qualities , contents , and a style that suggests Evelyn ' s . "—the Daily Chronicle . -3 : KS *;< - - TWO VOLUMES OF ESSAYS . Hy the late LOUD SALISIU'KY . ESSAYS ON FOREIGN POLITICS . Large Crown Svo ., 6 s . net . BIOGRAPHICAL ESSAYS . Lar ^ e CroualSv . t ., with Portrait , 6 s . net . ^ : ( £ * : « - Mli . WAND'S Xew Work on the Xile Valley . OUR SUDAN . liv JOHN' WARD , K . S . A .. Author of The Sacred Hectic , " -Creek Coins : incl their Parent Cities . ' Dedicated by request to Lord Kitchener of Khartoum . Crown ^ lo ., ^ oo pp ., 720 Illustrations . Price 21 s . net . Including Maps and many Portraits . - *> : K = * : C--MAKERS OF MODERN HISTORY . NAPOLEON III . CAVOITR . lilSMARCK . JJy the Ho * . EDWARD CADOGAN . Demy Svo ., Ss . net . -O ; K = * : G - THE FRIENDS OF ENGLAND . Uy the Hox . OKORGK PKKI .. Author of "The Kneiuies of Kunl : ind . " Dciuy Svo ., 12 s . net . " Tlie subjects with which Mr . l ' ccl deals are of the deepest interest , and he shows wide reading on cverv patfe . "—Atlh-iuruin . "Thoughtful , eloquent , siimulalinj ; . the hook should he read lo good purpose by everyone interested in its subject . "—Scotsman . JOHN MURRAY , ALBEHARLE STREET , W .