Article Provincial Grand Lodge of Staffordshire. Page 1 of 1 Article The "York" Lodge, No. 236. Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Provincial Grand Lodge Of Staffordshire.
Provincial Grand Lodge of Staffordshire .
A MEE 1 TNG of the Provincial Grand Lod ge was held at the Swan Hotel , Stafford , on Saturday , March 24 th . W . Bro . Col . G . Walton Walker . P . G . S . B ., Deputy Provincial Grand Master , presided , and was supported b y W . Bros . J . Bodenham , P . Asst . G . D . C . ; G . C . Kent , P . Asst . G . D . G ., : and the present ollicers of Provincial Grand
Lodge . The principal business of the meeting was the election of Provincial Grand Treasurer for the ensuing vear . There is a tacit understanding that this honourable o ffice should alternate between the north and the smith of the Province ,
and accordingly Bro . Barnelt now nominated Bro . James Beattie , of Wolverhampton , in succession to Bro . Lumsdale , of Hanley . He mentioned that Bro . Beattie was a Past Master of St . Peter ' s Lodge , of which he had been a member 25 years , and for several years had been the
Treasurer of that Lodge . Bro . Beattie was known as a man of the greatest possible integrity , and was highly respected , not only in his own Lodge , but by every member of the Craft who had the pleasure of his acquaintance . Bro . J . Payne Hall seconded the nomination , and it
was supported by Bros . G . Vaughan , \ Y . Baker , G . C . Kent , and A . Lumsdale , and unanimously carried . The Deputy Provincial Grand Master , in declaring him duly elected , said he had known Bro . Beattie for many years , and felt certain they had elected a Treasurer who would be a
credit to the office . Bro . Beattie suitably acknowledged his appointment . Bro . Col . Walker intimated that he had received an apology from the Provincial ( hand Master , who was unable to be present . He would take good care to acquaint Lord
Dartmouth with the excellent muster that day , which showed the great interest which so many Brethren took in the progress and success of Freemasonry in the Province . Incidentally , Bro . Col . Walker referred to the next election of Grand Treasurer , and to the candidature of Bro . Thomas Fraser , of London . It would be , he pointed out , the turn of
the London brethren to elect the Grand Treasurer , and knowing Bro . Fraser personally he could say that if they searched the whole country through it would be difficult to find a better candidate for the office . He had done a great work in Masonry , and was a most generous supporter of the
charities . Bro . Kent also supported the claims of Bro . Fraser . Bro . Wormal said it would be an advantage to the Province if every vear a similar instruction could be given at every March meeting , as the votes could then be consolidated and used to the best advantage .
Bro . Capt . Lowe read a letter from the present Grand Treasurer (\ V . Bro . Louis Winsloe ) , thanking the Staffordshire Lodges for the support given to him in his candidature . Some discussion tool ; place with regard to the " Masonic Calendar '' for the Province , which is published annually by command of the Provincial Grand Master . A committee
was appointed to consider some suggested improvements in the calendar , cordial acknowledgment at the same time being made of the care and trouble expended on its production by Bro . J . J . Smith , of Wolverhampton . At the conclusion of the regular business , on the motion of Bro . Frank Hughes , a resolution of congratulation was passed with Bro . Col . Walker upon his recently having been elected to the ^ rd degree in Freemasonry .
The "York" Lodge, No. 236.
The " York" Lodge , No . 236 .
BRO . WILLIAM WATSON , of Leeds , has kindly favoured me with a sight of a Clearance Certificate issued by the celebrated "York" Lodge , No . 23 6 , held in the Mecca of English Freemasonry , which he had lent him , as the indefatigable Hon . Librarian of the West Yorkshire
Masonic Collection , lt was sent him by Bro . Geo . Buckley , P . M . 61 , P . Prov . G . D . C , who found it among some papers of the late Bro . Robert Moffat Kerr , P . M . 61 , P . Prov . G . Reg . Its size is yl inches by 6 inches , and is in an excellent condition for its age . At the time of its issue , tlie Lodge was called the
" Union , " which had been its name from its constitution in July , 1777 . as No . 504 , and so continued until 1870 , when it was decided to change its title to "York , " which was certainly more appropriate for the excellent custodian of the Records and other MSS . of the extinct " Grand Lndge of all
England , " so long held in that City . The numbers were changed to 409 and 410 in 17 80-81 , and T , ^ ' h 1 1792 , at which the Lodge remained until after the Union of the two rival Grand Lodges in Dec . 1813 . The design of the Certificate is of a suggestive and truly
Masonic character , and is well worthy of reproduction . Resting on an arch which connects the two pillars enclosing the text , are the sun and moon , and a reproduction of the
seal in the centre , composed of four hands clasped , presented from the four cardinal points , and having the legend " Union Lodge , Yoik . No . T , T , U" being the words within the curve LOVE THE BROTHERHOOD , FEAR GOD , Huxon ; THE KINO . There are in reality three pillars , but one is partly hidden
behind the prominent one on the left . At the base of the two pillars are figures of Faith and Charity , and in the centre , resting on the seven steps which approach the Certificate proper , is a figure of Hope within an oval . On the tesselated pavement at foot are various Masonic tools , the seal being
attached to a ribbon at the right side of the parchment . The date of issue is 21 st November , A . L . 5810 , A I > . 1806 . The members then assembled at the Golden Lion , St . Sampson ' s Square , but it was not until 186 3 that the Lodge was removed to their elegant and commodious Masonic
Hall in Diuicombe Place , where all its treasures are so carefull y and lovingly stored . Its centenary was celebrated in 1877 , the Centenary Jewel Charter being dated 10 th July , in that year . Long may the " York " be preserved , and may its members continue to
value its proud and prominent position as one of the most important and flourishing Lodges under the United Grand Lodge of England . \ V . J . HUCHAN .
Vanity Fair , in its issue of the nth April , congratulates Prebendary Ingram on his appointment as one of the two Grand Chaplains of English Freemasonry for the ensuing year . He is a splendid Mason , a Past-Master of the London School Board Lodge , a Past Grand Chaplain of Cambridgeshire , a Knight of St . John of Jerusalem and Malta , and many
other things Freemasonic ; but , above all , it is primarily due to Prebendary Ingram that many of the overworked ( and under-paid ) London clergy obtain their much-needed and hardly-earned summer holidays by a fund which is raised and administered by him with the utmost tact and discretion , and in a way which makes the charity sweet .
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Provincial Grand Lodge Of Staffordshire.
Provincial Grand Lodge of Staffordshire .
A MEE 1 TNG of the Provincial Grand Lod ge was held at the Swan Hotel , Stafford , on Saturday , March 24 th . W . Bro . Col . G . Walton Walker . P . G . S . B ., Deputy Provincial Grand Master , presided , and was supported b y W . Bros . J . Bodenham , P . Asst . G . D . C . ; G . C . Kent , P . Asst . G . D . G ., : and the present ollicers of Provincial Grand
Lodge . The principal business of the meeting was the election of Provincial Grand Treasurer for the ensuing vear . There is a tacit understanding that this honourable o ffice should alternate between the north and the smith of the Province ,
and accordingly Bro . Barnelt now nominated Bro . James Beattie , of Wolverhampton , in succession to Bro . Lumsdale , of Hanley . He mentioned that Bro . Beattie was a Past Master of St . Peter ' s Lodge , of which he had been a member 25 years , and for several years had been the
Treasurer of that Lodge . Bro . Beattie was known as a man of the greatest possible integrity , and was highly respected , not only in his own Lodge , but by every member of the Craft who had the pleasure of his acquaintance . Bro . J . Payne Hall seconded the nomination , and it
was supported by Bros . G . Vaughan , \ Y . Baker , G . C . Kent , and A . Lumsdale , and unanimously carried . The Deputy Provincial Grand Master , in declaring him duly elected , said he had known Bro . Beattie for many years , and felt certain they had elected a Treasurer who would be a
credit to the office . Bro . Beattie suitably acknowledged his appointment . Bro . Col . Walker intimated that he had received an apology from the Provincial ( hand Master , who was unable to be present . He would take good care to acquaint Lord
Dartmouth with the excellent muster that day , which showed the great interest which so many Brethren took in the progress and success of Freemasonry in the Province . Incidentally , Bro . Col . Walker referred to the next election of Grand Treasurer , and to the candidature of Bro . Thomas Fraser , of London . It would be , he pointed out , the turn of
the London brethren to elect the Grand Treasurer , and knowing Bro . Fraser personally he could say that if they searched the whole country through it would be difficult to find a better candidate for the office . He had done a great work in Masonry , and was a most generous supporter of the
charities . Bro . Kent also supported the claims of Bro . Fraser . Bro . Wormal said it would be an advantage to the Province if every vear a similar instruction could be given at every March meeting , as the votes could then be consolidated and used to the best advantage .
Bro . Capt . Lowe read a letter from the present Grand Treasurer (\ V . Bro . Louis Winsloe ) , thanking the Staffordshire Lodges for the support given to him in his candidature . Some discussion tool ; place with regard to the " Masonic Calendar '' for the Province , which is published annually by command of the Provincial Grand Master . A committee
was appointed to consider some suggested improvements in the calendar , cordial acknowledgment at the same time being made of the care and trouble expended on its production by Bro . J . J . Smith , of Wolverhampton . At the conclusion of the regular business , on the motion of Bro . Frank Hughes , a resolution of congratulation was passed with Bro . Col . Walker upon his recently having been elected to the ^ rd degree in Freemasonry .
The "York" Lodge, No. 236.
The " York" Lodge , No . 236 .
BRO . WILLIAM WATSON , of Leeds , has kindly favoured me with a sight of a Clearance Certificate issued by the celebrated "York" Lodge , No . 23 6 , held in the Mecca of English Freemasonry , which he had lent him , as the indefatigable Hon . Librarian of the West Yorkshire
Masonic Collection , lt was sent him by Bro . Geo . Buckley , P . M . 61 , P . Prov . G . D . C , who found it among some papers of the late Bro . Robert Moffat Kerr , P . M . 61 , P . Prov . G . Reg . Its size is yl inches by 6 inches , and is in an excellent condition for its age . At the time of its issue , tlie Lodge was called the
" Union , " which had been its name from its constitution in July , 1777 . as No . 504 , and so continued until 1870 , when it was decided to change its title to "York , " which was certainly more appropriate for the excellent custodian of the Records and other MSS . of the extinct " Grand Lndge of all
England , " so long held in that City . The numbers were changed to 409 and 410 in 17 80-81 , and T , ^ ' h 1 1792 , at which the Lodge remained until after the Union of the two rival Grand Lodges in Dec . 1813 . The design of the Certificate is of a suggestive and truly
Masonic character , and is well worthy of reproduction . Resting on an arch which connects the two pillars enclosing the text , are the sun and moon , and a reproduction of the
seal in the centre , composed of four hands clasped , presented from the four cardinal points , and having the legend " Union Lodge , Yoik . No . T , T , U" being the words within the curve LOVE THE BROTHERHOOD , FEAR GOD , Huxon ; THE KINO . There are in reality three pillars , but one is partly hidden
behind the prominent one on the left . At the base of the two pillars are figures of Faith and Charity , and in the centre , resting on the seven steps which approach the Certificate proper , is a figure of Hope within an oval . On the tesselated pavement at foot are various Masonic tools , the seal being
attached to a ribbon at the right side of the parchment . The date of issue is 21 st November , A . L . 5810 , A I > . 1806 . The members then assembled at the Golden Lion , St . Sampson ' s Square , but it was not until 186 3 that the Lodge was removed to their elegant and commodious Masonic
Hall in Diuicombe Place , where all its treasures are so carefull y and lovingly stored . Its centenary was celebrated in 1877 , the Centenary Jewel Charter being dated 10 th July , in that year . Long may the " York " be preserved , and may its members continue to
value its proud and prominent position as one of the most important and flourishing Lodges under the United Grand Lodge of England . \ V . J . HUCHAN .
Vanity Fair , in its issue of the nth April , congratulates Prebendary Ingram on his appointment as one of the two Grand Chaplains of English Freemasonry for the ensuing year . He is a splendid Mason , a Past-Master of the London School Board Lodge , a Past Grand Chaplain of Cambridgeshire , a Knight of St . John of Jerusalem and Malta , and many
other things Freemasonic ; but , above all , it is primarily due to Prebendary Ingram that many of the overworked ( and under-paid ) London clergy obtain their much-needed and hardly-earned summer holidays by a fund which is raised and administered by him with the utmost tact and discretion , and in a way which makes the charity sweet .