Article History of the Lodge of Emulation, No. 21. ← Page 4 of 4 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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History Of The Lodge Of Emulation, No. 21.
seconded as an amendment , ' lhat it be referred to the present Officers and Past Masters of the Lodge to consider and report a plan for carrying into effect and making permanent the first resolution , ' and the question being put on the amendment , it was negatived . " The question was then put on the orginal motion , when
it passed in the affirmative . " 1819 , Jan . iSth . —At this meeting Joseph Taylor , Surgeon , was initiated , his father Thomas Taylor being already a member of the Lodge . " Not the least valuable of the many services Bro . Joseph
Taylor has rendered to the Lodge is the preparation of an alphabetical and analytical index to the Minute Books in its possession , which fills a thick folio volume . It commences with the Treasurer's Cash Book of 1742 , and includes the Minutes of the Mourning Bush , the Constitution , and the
Emulation Lodges . It is indeed a work of intelligent industry unequalled in its kind , affording a compendious reference to every event in the Lodge history , and of every individual whose name is mentioned in the Minutes , whether member or visitor . It contains also a catalogue of the
Officers from the earliest date , of the Grand Stewards , the Stewards to the Masonic Charities , and of the petitioners for relief , thus affording a ready reference to all occurrences . The compiler of this notice willingly acknowledges the facilities afforded by Bro . Taylor ' s work and gladly testifies to its value and accuracy . '"
1820 , Jan . 17 th . —" 'Hie following resolution was carried unanimously , " That the Audit Committee be empowered to provide as soon as possible , a New Lodge Board at an expense not exceeding Fifteen Guineas . " On the Lodge resuming labour , after dinner , " The W . M . signified his wish to proceed to the installation of the W . M .
Elect . B - F . W . Bossy was accordingly presented , and took the usual obligation . All the Brethren , not Past Masters were requested to retire , and on their re-entrance into the Lodge they paid the usual Homage due to the new ]}* installed Master . "
1 desire to direct particular attention to the foregoing paragraph for the reason that a practice lias recently become common in many lodges for visitors to resume their seats on re-entering the Lodge , omitting to pay the usual homage to the newly-installed Master , an omission
which I consider ought not to be tolerated , it not being in accordance with the ancient customs of the Order . The brethren do not appear to have been quite unanimous on the subject of providing Lodge Boards , for the consideration thereof was postponed at several meetings , and apparently
was eventually dropped . 1821 , Jan . 15 th . — "A very sensible and feeling letter was read from B - W . H . White , P . M ., announcing ( though with
sincere regret ) his determination to withdraw his name as a member ; but it was resolved unanimously ' that a deputation should wait on B - White earnestly to solicit him not to resign . ' " At the next meeting , Feb . 19 th , the result of the visit to Bro . White was reported to the Lodge , when the deputation
" had the satisfaction to state that his letter of resignation would be withdrawn . " William White , the father of the above and also the " father of the Lodge , " died March 31 st , 1821 , having been a member upwards of fifty years , but , strange to say , no
reference to his decease is found in the minutes , although his son , W . H . White , was present at the first regular meeting subsequent to his death . June 19 th . — "B J . Deans , Jun - W . M ., B - J . Robinson , J . W ., and B W "' - H- ' - White , P . M ., having signified to the Lodge
their intention to form a Lodge of Instruction to be holden at The George and Vulture Tavern , in which Lodge of Instruction the mode of working is to conform with that of the Grand Stewards' Lodge , and stating their wish to hold their meetings under the sanction of this Lodge , it was unanimously
resolved that permission be given for the said Lodge of Instruction to meet under sanction of the Warrant of this Lodge during pleasure . "
1822 , March 19 th . —On this occasion the Lodge was closed before dinner , and this appears to have been a frequent practice subsequently , although not always strictly adhered to . It is characteristic of the Lodge of Emulation that its members were ever ready to consider the claims of their less fortunate brethren , an instance of this being given at the
banquet which followed the labours of the meeting last mentioned , when a petition was received from a strange brother , to the purport that he was in great distress , and it was resolved to relieve him with Two Guineas . On the 15 th April , on the motion of W . H . White , P . M .,
it was resolved to increase the Initiation Fee to seven Guineas and the Joining Fee to Four Guineas . 1823 , May 27 th . —This clay the Lodge celebrated the Centenary of its Constitution , but it is to be regretted that tlie minutes throw no light on the Proceedings beyond the
fact of the brethren and their friends and visitors dining at ' The George and Vulture . It is not even stated that the Lodge was opened or closed , the names of those attending only appearing in the minute book , from which we learn that 44 members and 20 visitors were present , the latter including
seven Grand Officers . For several years the records contain nothing out of the ordinary routine work , they show , however , that the Lodge continued to llourish and that its progress was marked by the same harmony , good fellowship , and benevolence , which
had distinguished its earlier career . ( To be continued . )
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^ ^^^^^^ Iff " ^ m- ^^^ BPj 1 ^^^^^^^ BBE ^! JIP ™ W ^^^ B ^ ' I ^^^^^^^^^ B ^ iJ ? wfn ¥ ^ KAfcA 3 £ lJlM *^^^^^^^^^ MMi ^ g A ^^^^^^^^^^ B ^ H- ^^^^^ ^ ^^ B ^^^^ BWrnfm ^^^^^^^^^^ J 9 ^^^^ K ^^ il ^^^ ' ^^^' ' y \' t *^^^^ t ^^^^^^^^^^^^ E ' H ^^^^^^^ H ^^ BI ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ HBK * ft # ^^^^^^ H ^ U & ' •~'' ^*^ " * ^» SHHI ^ HH ^^ HBK ^ BH ^^^^^^ H ^ K" ^^*^^^^^^^ fcft ^^^! ' ^ ^^ t ' ~ * '"^^ x ^^ Bvii ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ¦^ l /^^^^ H ' ^ rlmmmmwmmtmwmmmammm mf ^ Umm Ba ^^^ mt ^ A ^^^^ BLfllfcgs ^ i ?• - •* » ¦ _^ < 5 ^^ 3 ^^^^^^^^^^^ I ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^ X 5 JflH ffi . y / fz .- ' £ jy ' v L-ffi ^^^ B ^ J ^^^^^^^^^ BiffgjfiKSrffuji ^^^^^^^^^^^ K ~ ^^^ msmam ^ Kma ^^ i ^ m ^ mummm ^ mmm ^ mmmmmrmmmmmaamm ^ mmK ^ mmmtm ^ mmmmm ^ m ^^ mmmmam
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
History Of The Lodge Of Emulation, No. 21.
seconded as an amendment , ' lhat it be referred to the present Officers and Past Masters of the Lodge to consider and report a plan for carrying into effect and making permanent the first resolution , ' and the question being put on the amendment , it was negatived . " The question was then put on the orginal motion , when
it passed in the affirmative . " 1819 , Jan . iSth . —At this meeting Joseph Taylor , Surgeon , was initiated , his father Thomas Taylor being already a member of the Lodge . " Not the least valuable of the many services Bro . Joseph
Taylor has rendered to the Lodge is the preparation of an alphabetical and analytical index to the Minute Books in its possession , which fills a thick folio volume . It commences with the Treasurer's Cash Book of 1742 , and includes the Minutes of the Mourning Bush , the Constitution , and the
Emulation Lodges . It is indeed a work of intelligent industry unequalled in its kind , affording a compendious reference to every event in the Lodge history , and of every individual whose name is mentioned in the Minutes , whether member or visitor . It contains also a catalogue of the
Officers from the earliest date , of the Grand Stewards , the Stewards to the Masonic Charities , and of the petitioners for relief , thus affording a ready reference to all occurrences . The compiler of this notice willingly acknowledges the facilities afforded by Bro . Taylor ' s work and gladly testifies to its value and accuracy . '"
1820 , Jan . 17 th . —" 'Hie following resolution was carried unanimously , " That the Audit Committee be empowered to provide as soon as possible , a New Lodge Board at an expense not exceeding Fifteen Guineas . " On the Lodge resuming labour , after dinner , " The W . M . signified his wish to proceed to the installation of the W . M .
Elect . B - F . W . Bossy was accordingly presented , and took the usual obligation . All the Brethren , not Past Masters were requested to retire , and on their re-entrance into the Lodge they paid the usual Homage due to the new ]}* installed Master . "
1 desire to direct particular attention to the foregoing paragraph for the reason that a practice lias recently become common in many lodges for visitors to resume their seats on re-entering the Lodge , omitting to pay the usual homage to the newly-installed Master , an omission
which I consider ought not to be tolerated , it not being in accordance with the ancient customs of the Order . The brethren do not appear to have been quite unanimous on the subject of providing Lodge Boards , for the consideration thereof was postponed at several meetings , and apparently
was eventually dropped . 1821 , Jan . 15 th . — "A very sensible and feeling letter was read from B - W . H . White , P . M ., announcing ( though with
sincere regret ) his determination to withdraw his name as a member ; but it was resolved unanimously ' that a deputation should wait on B - White earnestly to solicit him not to resign . ' " At the next meeting , Feb . 19 th , the result of the visit to Bro . White was reported to the Lodge , when the deputation
" had the satisfaction to state that his letter of resignation would be withdrawn . " William White , the father of the above and also the " father of the Lodge , " died March 31 st , 1821 , having been a member upwards of fifty years , but , strange to say , no
reference to his decease is found in the minutes , although his son , W . H . White , was present at the first regular meeting subsequent to his death . June 19 th . — "B J . Deans , Jun - W . M ., B - J . Robinson , J . W ., and B W "' - H- ' - White , P . M ., having signified to the Lodge
their intention to form a Lodge of Instruction to be holden at The George and Vulture Tavern , in which Lodge of Instruction the mode of working is to conform with that of the Grand Stewards' Lodge , and stating their wish to hold their meetings under the sanction of this Lodge , it was unanimously
resolved that permission be given for the said Lodge of Instruction to meet under sanction of the Warrant of this Lodge during pleasure . "
1822 , March 19 th . —On this occasion the Lodge was closed before dinner , and this appears to have been a frequent practice subsequently , although not always strictly adhered to . It is characteristic of the Lodge of Emulation that its members were ever ready to consider the claims of their less fortunate brethren , an instance of this being given at the
banquet which followed the labours of the meeting last mentioned , when a petition was received from a strange brother , to the purport that he was in great distress , and it was resolved to relieve him with Two Guineas . On the 15 th April , on the motion of W . H . White , P . M .,
it was resolved to increase the Initiation Fee to seven Guineas and the Joining Fee to Four Guineas . 1823 , May 27 th . —This clay the Lodge celebrated the Centenary of its Constitution , but it is to be regretted that tlie minutes throw no light on the Proceedings beyond the
fact of the brethren and their friends and visitors dining at ' The George and Vulture . It is not even stated that the Lodge was opened or closed , the names of those attending only appearing in the minute book , from which we learn that 44 members and 20 visitors were present , the latter including
seven Grand Officers . For several years the records contain nothing out of the ordinary routine work , they show , however , that the Lodge continued to llourish and that its progress was marked by the same harmony , good fellowship , and benevolence , which
had distinguished its earlier career . ( To be continued . )
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^ ^^^^^^ Iff " ^ m- ^^^ BPj 1 ^^^^^^^ BBE ^! JIP ™ W ^^^ B ^ ' I ^^^^^^^^^ B ^ iJ ? wfn ¥ ^ KAfcA 3 £ lJlM *^^^^^^^^^ MMi ^ g A ^^^^^^^^^^ B ^ H- ^^^^^ ^ ^^ B ^^^^ BWrnfm ^^^^^^^^^^ J 9 ^^^^ K ^^ il ^^^ ' ^^^' ' y \' t *^^^^ t ^^^^^^^^^^^^ E ' H ^^^^^^^ H ^^ BI ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ HBK * ft # ^^^^^^ H ^ U & ' •~'' ^*^ " * ^» SHHI ^ HH ^^ HBK ^ BH ^^^^^^ H ^ K" ^^*^^^^^^^ fcft ^^^! ' ^ ^^ t ' ~ * '"^^ x ^^ Bvii ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ¦^ l /^^^^ H ' ^ rlmmmmwmmtmwmmmammm mf ^ Umm Ba ^^^ mt ^ A ^^^^ BLfllfcgs ^ i ?• - •* » ¦ _^ < 5 ^^ 3 ^^^^^^^^^^^ I ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^ X 5 JflH ffi . y / fz .- ' £ jy ' v L-ffi ^^^ B ^ J ^^^^^^^^^ BiffgjfiKSrffuji ^^^^^^^^^^^ K ~ ^^^ msmam ^ Kma ^^ i ^ m ^ mummm ^ mmm ^ mmmmmrmmmmmaamm ^ mmK ^ mmmtm ^ mmmmm ^ m ^^ mmmmam