Article The Grand Master in Natal. ← Page 2 of 2 Article The Regalia of the Royal Arch. Page 1 of 2 →
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The Grand Master In Natal.
warmly and so fraternally welcomed b y the whole of the brethren of South Africa . With you , Sir , I think that great as the advantages of Freemasonry are at Home , they are probably even greater here for promoting those tenets of the Craft of which we are so proud . I have before now mentioned , in answer to addresses from brethren in different
parts of South Africa and in the different colonies , that I looked with hopefulness to the future , and that I trusted that the Masons , be they in the English , the Scottish , the Irish , or the Dutch Constitutions , would always pull well together , and would set an example of good and brotherly love , of the fear
of God , and of the devotion to our Sovereign of which we are so proud . I thank you . brethren , for having combined to present me with one address in the names , I know , of a great many lodges who would have been glad each to present an address on their own behalf . I thank
you for having combined , and I assure you that the words I address to you are not only intended for the District Grand Lodge of Natal , but for all those many lodges in this colony which , 1 know , are working honourably and well . I congratulate you in what you are doing in the way of charity . We have often felt proud at Home of the enormous sums
that have been raised through Masons to benefit their poorer and more suffering brethren . Once more I thank you for having received me in the manner you have clone , and I assure you that when I go home I shall take the first opportunity not only of communicating to His Majesty the King
your generous and loyal devotion to his person and throne , but also of informing the Grand Lodge of England of those warm feelings that you cherish towards the Mother Grand Lodge , and of assuring them that everything is well and satisfactory among the Lodges in South Africa . "
The Regalia Of The Royal Arch.
The Regalia of the Royal Arch .
By W . Bro . the Rev . J GEORGE GIBSON , D . D ., LL . D ., Rector of Ebchester , P . M . 2271 ) , P . Prov . Grand Chaplain Northumberland .
HP HE regalia of this degree , like other Masonic regalia , is J not selected arbitrarily , either as to form or as to colour . It is therefore essential that the student should know something , at the outset , of the character of the Royal Arch , of its position in Freemasonry , and of its ancient suggestion . Nor is it easy for us to full y describe all this , since the
position of the Royal Arch in relation to Craft Masonry has not always been the same . There are those who trace the Holy Royal Arch to some connection with , or some suggestion from the mystic burning bush which Moses saw : but others are content to trace it no
further than the second temple ; and in its present form we find it unnecessary to go back farther than this . In the appellation of its principal officers , in the colour of its vestments and its furniture , we find the temple of Ezra quite inclusive enough , although that temple service and rite and symbol presents much than was far more ancient .
The modern representation of the cult is only traceable to the early 18 th century , and it was then practised in Craft Lodge , as a completion of the Craft Masonry which must have preceded it in order . Many consider the degree to have been purely honorary , but its persistence from 1717 up to the
union in 1813 seems to indicate that it was regarded as an essential part of the Craft work , or its culmination . Data are scarce as to the operation of the Royal Arch degree ; but judging from references in its ritual , from the arrangement of its colours , and from the evident intention of the degree ,
we are compelled to favour the contention that it is in reality a fourth degree , without which the religious ideal of Masonic morality would be incomplete . Freemasons know what is the final tragedy which clouds the master ' s work , and no study of the past master ' s jewel can give them light . Such a finale
is out of accord with the significance of the omnilic word . Only the Royal Arch degree can restore the hope of humanity and widen our horizon . And only the acceptance of the Holy Royal Arch can complete the universal wisdom .
As we examine the appointments of our symbolism we cannot but be convinced of the continuity of all four degrees , cr at least of the necessity for a completion of the early degrees in the Royal Arch . The ideas of purity and labour are persisted in by all
those who wear the lambskin apron , and in all the furniture of the lodge , there is a similar spirit to that which fills a Masonic Craft lodge . Even in the colours of the ollicers ' regalia , the basis of the Royal Arch in Craft Masonry is evident , as also in the principal qualification of the 3 rd chief
officer . It may be suggested that the crimson and purple and blue of the Grand Officers' regalia refer to Ex . XXX . 6 , and to the
colours of the vail . Had this been so , the colours had been scarlet and purple and da : /; blue , for in Egypt this was the only blue known at the time of the Exodus . But the colours of the collar are crimson , purple and light blue ( the Crai : colour ) ! We must therefore find sonic better explanation . Ezra ' s temple may supply it . The crimson was extracted
from the cochineal insect of the holm oak , coccus ilia ' s , the purple , from the iiiurex Iruiuu ' us which made the famous Tyrian dye , while the blue , anciently derived from the indigo plant was , later , obtained otherwise in various shades . Now , I want you to notice that the colour of the R . A . is
crimson , or nearly scarlet ; the colour of the Craft Masonry is light blue ; the colour produced by a mixture , or overlapping of crimson and light blue , is purple . The colours of the three robes of the three principals of a R . A . Chapter arc—1 , Crimson , the king ' s colour ; 2 , Purple , the prophet ' s colour
and 3 , Blue , the high priest ' s colour and the Craft colour . Xow , tlie Craft colour , retained in the 3 rd principal ' s robe , and not abandoned in the Grand Officers' collars , is retained
only //; the purple 111 the case of companions . I here appears to be intention here . " When that which is perfect is come , that which is in part shall be done away . " Craft is merged in its completion , and the day of the promise is forgotten in the hour of fulfilment . The apron and the sash alike leave out the Craft colours , excepting in the constituent of the
purple . The part is incorporated . The white lambskin is bordered by a crimson and purple indented design ; the crimson , or R . A . colour pointing to the middle of the apron , the border being two inches wide ; a similar border , but onlyone inch wide is along the flap of the apron , From under
this flap , near the sides of the apron fall two ribbons of the rank colours , but each bearing a gold tassel . In the centre of the Hap is a triangle of silk or satin , surrounded by a golden border , and within the triangle are three tans united , in gold embroidery . The aprons of the past and present Provincial and District Grand Officers are the same , but have the emblems of office , in gold , in the centre , within a double circle , in which must be inserted the name of the province or district .
The aprons of present and past Grand Officers of the Supreme Grand Chapter , and of Grand Superintendents , have a double indented crimson and purple border four inches wide , the emblem in gold being in the centre , within two branches of laurel . The silk or satin ground of the triangle , the lining of the
apron and the strings , as well as the ribbons which carry the tassels are to be for Companions , white ; for Principals and past Principals , crimson ; and purple for present and past Grand Officers of the Supreme Grand Chapter , Grand Superintendents , and provincial and district present and past Grand Officers .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Grand Master In Natal.
warmly and so fraternally welcomed b y the whole of the brethren of South Africa . With you , Sir , I think that great as the advantages of Freemasonry are at Home , they are probably even greater here for promoting those tenets of the Craft of which we are so proud . I have before now mentioned , in answer to addresses from brethren in different
parts of South Africa and in the different colonies , that I looked with hopefulness to the future , and that I trusted that the Masons , be they in the English , the Scottish , the Irish , or the Dutch Constitutions , would always pull well together , and would set an example of good and brotherly love , of the fear
of God , and of the devotion to our Sovereign of which we are so proud . I thank you . brethren , for having combined to present me with one address in the names , I know , of a great many lodges who would have been glad each to present an address on their own behalf . I thank
you for having combined , and I assure you that the words I address to you are not only intended for the District Grand Lodge of Natal , but for all those many lodges in this colony which , 1 know , are working honourably and well . I congratulate you in what you are doing in the way of charity . We have often felt proud at Home of the enormous sums
that have been raised through Masons to benefit their poorer and more suffering brethren . Once more I thank you for having received me in the manner you have clone , and I assure you that when I go home I shall take the first opportunity not only of communicating to His Majesty the King
your generous and loyal devotion to his person and throne , but also of informing the Grand Lodge of England of those warm feelings that you cherish towards the Mother Grand Lodge , and of assuring them that everything is well and satisfactory among the Lodges in South Africa . "
The Regalia Of The Royal Arch.
The Regalia of the Royal Arch .
By W . Bro . the Rev . J GEORGE GIBSON , D . D ., LL . D ., Rector of Ebchester , P . M . 2271 ) , P . Prov . Grand Chaplain Northumberland .
HP HE regalia of this degree , like other Masonic regalia , is J not selected arbitrarily , either as to form or as to colour . It is therefore essential that the student should know something , at the outset , of the character of the Royal Arch , of its position in Freemasonry , and of its ancient suggestion . Nor is it easy for us to full y describe all this , since the
position of the Royal Arch in relation to Craft Masonry has not always been the same . There are those who trace the Holy Royal Arch to some connection with , or some suggestion from the mystic burning bush which Moses saw : but others are content to trace it no
further than the second temple ; and in its present form we find it unnecessary to go back farther than this . In the appellation of its principal officers , in the colour of its vestments and its furniture , we find the temple of Ezra quite inclusive enough , although that temple service and rite and symbol presents much than was far more ancient .
The modern representation of the cult is only traceable to the early 18 th century , and it was then practised in Craft Lodge , as a completion of the Craft Masonry which must have preceded it in order . Many consider the degree to have been purely honorary , but its persistence from 1717 up to the
union in 1813 seems to indicate that it was regarded as an essential part of the Craft work , or its culmination . Data are scarce as to the operation of the Royal Arch degree ; but judging from references in its ritual , from the arrangement of its colours , and from the evident intention of the degree ,
we are compelled to favour the contention that it is in reality a fourth degree , without which the religious ideal of Masonic morality would be incomplete . Freemasons know what is the final tragedy which clouds the master ' s work , and no study of the past master ' s jewel can give them light . Such a finale
is out of accord with the significance of the omnilic word . Only the Royal Arch degree can restore the hope of humanity and widen our horizon . And only the acceptance of the Holy Royal Arch can complete the universal wisdom .
As we examine the appointments of our symbolism we cannot but be convinced of the continuity of all four degrees , cr at least of the necessity for a completion of the early degrees in the Royal Arch . The ideas of purity and labour are persisted in by all
those who wear the lambskin apron , and in all the furniture of the lodge , there is a similar spirit to that which fills a Masonic Craft lodge . Even in the colours of the ollicers ' regalia , the basis of the Royal Arch in Craft Masonry is evident , as also in the principal qualification of the 3 rd chief
officer . It may be suggested that the crimson and purple and blue of the Grand Officers' regalia refer to Ex . XXX . 6 , and to the
colours of the vail . Had this been so , the colours had been scarlet and purple and da : /; blue , for in Egypt this was the only blue known at the time of the Exodus . But the colours of the collar are crimson , purple and light blue ( the Crai : colour ) ! We must therefore find sonic better explanation . Ezra ' s temple may supply it . The crimson was extracted
from the cochineal insect of the holm oak , coccus ilia ' s , the purple , from the iiiurex Iruiuu ' us which made the famous Tyrian dye , while the blue , anciently derived from the indigo plant was , later , obtained otherwise in various shades . Now , I want you to notice that the colour of the R . A . is
crimson , or nearly scarlet ; the colour of the Craft Masonry is light blue ; the colour produced by a mixture , or overlapping of crimson and light blue , is purple . The colours of the three robes of the three principals of a R . A . Chapter arc—1 , Crimson , the king ' s colour ; 2 , Purple , the prophet ' s colour
and 3 , Blue , the high priest ' s colour and the Craft colour . Xow , tlie Craft colour , retained in the 3 rd principal ' s robe , and not abandoned in the Grand Officers' collars , is retained
only //; the purple 111 the case of companions . I here appears to be intention here . " When that which is perfect is come , that which is in part shall be done away . " Craft is merged in its completion , and the day of the promise is forgotten in the hour of fulfilment . The apron and the sash alike leave out the Craft colours , excepting in the constituent of the
purple . The part is incorporated . The white lambskin is bordered by a crimson and purple indented design ; the crimson , or R . A . colour pointing to the middle of the apron , the border being two inches wide ; a similar border , but onlyone inch wide is along the flap of the apron , From under
this flap , near the sides of the apron fall two ribbons of the rank colours , but each bearing a gold tassel . In the centre of the Hap is a triangle of silk or satin , surrounded by a golden border , and within the triangle are three tans united , in gold embroidery . The aprons of the past and present Provincial and District Grand Officers are the same , but have the emblems of office , in gold , in the centre , within a double circle , in which must be inserted the name of the province or district .
The aprons of present and past Grand Officers of the Supreme Grand Chapter , and of Grand Superintendents , have a double indented crimson and purple border four inches wide , the emblem in gold being in the centre , within two branches of laurel . The silk or satin ground of the triangle , the lining of the
apron and the strings , as well as the ribbons which carry the tassels are to be for Companions , white ; for Principals and past Principals , crimson ; and purple for present and past Grand Officers of the Supreme Grand Chapter , Grand Superintendents , and provincial and district present and past Grand Officers .