Article Jubilee Masters Lodge, no. 2712. Page 1 of 2 →
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Jubilee Masters Lodge, No. 2712.
Jubilee Masters Lodge , no . 2712 .
THE Jubilee Masters Lodge constituted in 1898 continues to make satisfactory progress and has already completely justified its existence b y fully realising the most sanguine hopes of its promoters . Fears were entertained at one time that it might prove a sort of Iniperiuni in imperio , and that possibly it might exert a greater influence on the
deliberations , and decisions of Grand Lodge than would be desirable ; but all such fears have been dissipated by the loyalty and sound judgment of its members , and at this moment there is no more able and devoted body of Masons under the English constitution than this Lodge of
Masters and Past Masters , which works under the title of the Jubilee Masters Lodge . Every year not only has the Master ' s Chair been filled by a brother whose exceptional claims as a man and Mason have singled him out for the position but all the other offices from the Senior Warden to the Inner Guard are held by brethren who have proved themselves worthy of the honour .
BRO . THOMAS KIIASKII . This year the selection of the Worshipful Master has fallen on Bro . Tom Fraser , whose name has for many years been a household word in London Masonry , and his installation took place on Friday , March 16 th , at the Hotel Cecil
, by Bro . E . Roehricli . P . D . G . D . C , in die presence of a large number of visitors and members , including the Deputy Grand Master , R . W . Bro . the Rt . Hon . T . F . Halsey , the Lord Mayor , and several other distinguished Masons . Bro . Fraser appointed as his Officers , Bros . Henry Potter
, S . W . ; Stampa W . I ... mbert , J . W . ; W . Singleton Hooper , Treas . ; J . D . Lan ^ toy P . D . G . D . C , Sec . ; James R . Brough , S . D . ; John H . Je > . ks . J . D . ; F . W . Golby , I . G . ; C . W . Cole , D . C ; Francis G . Webster and fames Watts , Stewards ; R . F . Potter , Tyler
At the banquet winch followed , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured .
1 lie Deputy Grand Master in responding to the toast of the Grand Officers congratulated the Lodge on its Worshipful Master . He tendered thanks on behalf of the Grand Officers , and ventured to think that praise coming from such a lodge as theirs went to prove the satisfactory conduct of the Grand Officers . After a reference to the ability of the Pro Grand
Master , Bro . Halsey , said no more admirable chairman could be found , and especially was this the case when any subject presented itself likely to lead to controversy , discord or illfeeling . The admirable tact with which he smoothed over all difficulties and enabled them to carry on their proceedings
was then especially noticeable , and they trusted Earl Amherst might continue to preside over them for a considerable period . Bro . Roehricli , I . P . M ., proposed the next toast , and in doing so said he was very much obliged to the brethren for the way in which they had received the W . M . when he rose
to propose the toasts that evening , because their enthusiasm saved him the necessity of a long introduction . Their applause had shown him that they regarded the Worshipful Master as the right man in the right place . They knew that the W . M . had done a great deal for the Masonic Charities
and , he might tell them , for outside charities—he was always ready to give when a really deserving case was brought under his notice . He supposed they knew he had been elected Grand Treasurer of the Mark Master Masons of England , and they would probably join with him in the wish that he
might get on much further in Freemasonry , even to the position of Grand Treasurer of the Craft of England . The toast was most enthusiastically honoured .
I he W . M . replied , assuring the brethren that he had a very deep appreciation of the great honour they conferred upon him in placing hint in the chair of that particularly distinguished Lodge . He recognised the responsibilities of his position , as he knew the duties of that chair were different from those in other lodges , and it was no novelty to the
members to see ordinary ceremonies worked , therefore he had endeavoured to arrange a programme of exceptional matters of interest . At the June meeting Sir John French , who was initiated in the Cutlers Lodge , would be raised by the Lord Mayor , and it is proposed to invite ladies to the
banquet following this-meeting . At the September meeting he hoped the Canongate Kilwinning Lodge would visit them and give the third ceremony according to Scottish working . In December lie trusted to have the members of the Apollo University Lodge of Oxford present to perform a ceremony . In conclusion he referred to the qualifications of the Officers , and tendered his heartiest thanks for all the kindness shown him .
Bro . Fraser after proposing the toast of the Visitors ' which was responded to by Bro . Henry Cart , W . M . of the Playgoers Lodge , Bro . Noine , I . P . M ., of the Gallery Lodge , and Bro . Oppenheim of St . Paul Minesota , said he had a most pleasing duty to perform in asking the brethren to drink the health of the Past Masters , all of whom were present .
They were particularly delighted to see the I . P . M . among them . He was still far from well , but was considerably better , and at great personal trial had attended and performed his work . They sincerely hoped his efforts would not have any ill effect upon him . On behalf of the members of the
lodge he had much pleasure in presenting to Bro . Roehricli the goblet that was usually given to their Past Masters , in addition to the jewel of the lodge , and trusted he might live long to wear the one and drink out of the other . Bro . Roehricli , in the name of all the Past Masters of the
lodge , thanked the brethren for the toast . As for himself he was only sorry , that he had not been able to do his duties as W . M . Although he had been unable to attend he had laid in bed thinking of the lodge and wishing for its prosperity . The tokens they had been good enough to give him he should never forget ; thev would at all times call to his mind
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Jubilee Masters Lodge, No. 2712.
Jubilee Masters Lodge , no . 2712 .
THE Jubilee Masters Lodge constituted in 1898 continues to make satisfactory progress and has already completely justified its existence b y fully realising the most sanguine hopes of its promoters . Fears were entertained at one time that it might prove a sort of Iniperiuni in imperio , and that possibly it might exert a greater influence on the
deliberations , and decisions of Grand Lodge than would be desirable ; but all such fears have been dissipated by the loyalty and sound judgment of its members , and at this moment there is no more able and devoted body of Masons under the English constitution than this Lodge of
Masters and Past Masters , which works under the title of the Jubilee Masters Lodge . Every year not only has the Master ' s Chair been filled by a brother whose exceptional claims as a man and Mason have singled him out for the position but all the other offices from the Senior Warden to the Inner Guard are held by brethren who have proved themselves worthy of the honour .
BRO . THOMAS KIIASKII . This year the selection of the Worshipful Master has fallen on Bro . Tom Fraser , whose name has for many years been a household word in London Masonry , and his installation took place on Friday , March 16 th , at the Hotel Cecil
, by Bro . E . Roehricli . P . D . G . D . C , in die presence of a large number of visitors and members , including the Deputy Grand Master , R . W . Bro . the Rt . Hon . T . F . Halsey , the Lord Mayor , and several other distinguished Masons . Bro . Fraser appointed as his Officers , Bros . Henry Potter
, S . W . ; Stampa W . I ... mbert , J . W . ; W . Singleton Hooper , Treas . ; J . D . Lan ^ toy P . D . G . D . C , Sec . ; James R . Brough , S . D . ; John H . Je > . ks . J . D . ; F . W . Golby , I . G . ; C . W . Cole , D . C ; Francis G . Webster and fames Watts , Stewards ; R . F . Potter , Tyler
At the banquet winch followed , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured .
1 lie Deputy Grand Master in responding to the toast of the Grand Officers congratulated the Lodge on its Worshipful Master . He tendered thanks on behalf of the Grand Officers , and ventured to think that praise coming from such a lodge as theirs went to prove the satisfactory conduct of the Grand Officers . After a reference to the ability of the Pro Grand
Master , Bro . Halsey , said no more admirable chairman could be found , and especially was this the case when any subject presented itself likely to lead to controversy , discord or illfeeling . The admirable tact with which he smoothed over all difficulties and enabled them to carry on their proceedings
was then especially noticeable , and they trusted Earl Amherst might continue to preside over them for a considerable period . Bro . Roehricli , I . P . M ., proposed the next toast , and in doing so said he was very much obliged to the brethren for the way in which they had received the W . M . when he rose
to propose the toasts that evening , because their enthusiasm saved him the necessity of a long introduction . Their applause had shown him that they regarded the Worshipful Master as the right man in the right place . They knew that the W . M . had done a great deal for the Masonic Charities
and , he might tell them , for outside charities—he was always ready to give when a really deserving case was brought under his notice . He supposed they knew he had been elected Grand Treasurer of the Mark Master Masons of England , and they would probably join with him in the wish that he
might get on much further in Freemasonry , even to the position of Grand Treasurer of the Craft of England . The toast was most enthusiastically honoured .
I he W . M . replied , assuring the brethren that he had a very deep appreciation of the great honour they conferred upon him in placing hint in the chair of that particularly distinguished Lodge . He recognised the responsibilities of his position , as he knew the duties of that chair were different from those in other lodges , and it was no novelty to the
members to see ordinary ceremonies worked , therefore he had endeavoured to arrange a programme of exceptional matters of interest . At the June meeting Sir John French , who was initiated in the Cutlers Lodge , would be raised by the Lord Mayor , and it is proposed to invite ladies to the
banquet following this-meeting . At the September meeting he hoped the Canongate Kilwinning Lodge would visit them and give the third ceremony according to Scottish working . In December lie trusted to have the members of the Apollo University Lodge of Oxford present to perform a ceremony . In conclusion he referred to the qualifications of the Officers , and tendered his heartiest thanks for all the kindness shown him .
Bro . Fraser after proposing the toast of the Visitors ' which was responded to by Bro . Henry Cart , W . M . of the Playgoers Lodge , Bro . Noine , I . P . M ., of the Gallery Lodge , and Bro . Oppenheim of St . Paul Minesota , said he had a most pleasing duty to perform in asking the brethren to drink the health of the Past Masters , all of whom were present .
They were particularly delighted to see the I . P . M . among them . He was still far from well , but was considerably better , and at great personal trial had attended and performed his work . They sincerely hoped his efforts would not have any ill effect upon him . On behalf of the members of the
lodge he had much pleasure in presenting to Bro . Roehricli the goblet that was usually given to their Past Masters , in addition to the jewel of the lodge , and trusted he might live long to wear the one and drink out of the other . Bro . Roehricli , in the name of all the Past Masters of the
lodge , thanked the brethren for the toast . As for himself he was only sorry , that he had not been able to do his duties as W . M . Although he had been unable to attend he had laid in bed thinking of the lodge and wishing for its prosperity . The tokens they had been good enough to give him he should never forget ; thev would at all times call to his mind