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Civil&MilitaryTai/ors^^^ Oxford , Cambridge , ^ "^^ Y \> - ^^^^ and Eton / ^ oOV ^^ Flannels . ^ ^ ^ ^ y ^^ ^ ^ ? 1 ^^f^^y^^^ClareStreet, &>^BRISTOL.
IMPORTANT . The Publishers a re desirous of procuring a few copies of Xo . 2 of "THE MASONIC ILLUSTRATED , " which is now out of print , ami for which llicy 'will be pleased to pay One Shilling and Sixpence per copy .
Published monthly . Price Sixpence . Rates of Yearly Subscription [ including Postage ) : — The United Kingdom , India , America , ) s . d . and the Colonies j" ... 7 6 Editorial and Publishing Offices : —
75 , Great Queen Street , London , W . C . The Editor , lo 'whom all literary communications should be addressed , 'will be pleased lo receive interesting photographs as well as items of news and comments lliereou , and to consider suggestions for lengthier articles . All Business Communications should be addressed to THE
PROPRIETORS , MESSRS . SPENCER & Co ., 75 , Great Queen Street , W . C . All Applications for Advertisements lo be made lo WALTER J , LTD ., 5 , Queen Victoria Street , London , E . C .
^ I ^ mnc IllUSTRATEi )
The Grand Festival.
The Grand Festival .
T T 7 HATEVER may be said or declared as to the antiquity \/ y of certain Masonic Degrees , there cannot be a doubt as to the time-immemorial character of the Annual Banquet , which has so long been a feature of the installation of the new Officers , whether of Lodges or Grand Lodges .
The ' . ' Bankatt " was provided for in the Laws of 1399 , promulgated by the King ' s Master Mason for Scotland , and even PHLIAS ASHMOLE , one of the great Sages of the 17 th ,
The Grand Festival.
Century , declares in his Diary over 200 years ago , that he and the other members of the Lodge , which assembled under the wing of the Masons' Company , " all dyned at the Halfe Moone Tavern in Cheapside , at a Noble dinner prepared at the charge of the New-accepted . Masons . " Our own Grand Lodge was not slow to follow such
excellent precedents , and so the Annual Festivals have been an integral portion of the Installation function . Originally a hard and fast line was not observed as to the Day , though we know that for a time the old Lodge at Alnwick fixed their Election Day on the " Feast of St . Michaell the Archangell . " For many years our Grand
Lodge has ordered that " there shall be a Grand Masonic Festival annuall y , on the Wednesday next following St . George ' s Day . " As will be seen in our columns , the Festival for 1901 was held on the 24 th April , and , as usual , was a marked success ,
thanks to the excellent arrangements made by the Grand Stewards , to whom the management or regulation of the Banquet , Concert , & c , are entrusted . The distinction of wearing a " Red Apron , " and subsequently joining the " Grand Stewards Lodge , " rewards for such labours are
much prized by those brethren whose status in life , and circumstances generally , warrant their election by the hig hly favoured eighteen Metropolitan lodges . It is the first Festival since the election of our new
Grand Master , whose Installation will possibly be the great event of the present year ; and assuredly if H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught , M . W . G . M ., enjoys all the good things , and the best of health desired for him by his English Brethren , his cup of happiness will be " filled to overflowing , " and the prosperity of the Craft will continue to increase by leaps and bounds as hitherto .
We have to ask the kind indulgence of our readers for the late appearance this month of "THE MASONIC ILLUSTRATED , " occasioned by the desire on our part to report the proceedings of the Grand Festival on the 24 th April .
THE NEW GRAND MASTER ' FIRST INITIATE . —In accordance with our announcement in the last number of " THE MASONIC ILLUSTRATED , " we have the pleasure to state that
the Bronze Statuette of Her late Majesty Queen Victoria has been awarded to the W . M . of the Streatham Lodge , No . 2729 , who received through the portals of that lodge a candidate for initiation a few minutes after the announcement was made in Grand Lodge of the election of the Most Worshipful Grand Master . The initiate on that occasion will receive anilluminated certificate recording the event .
George William Speth.
George William Speth .
ONI : 9 th April , MDCCCCI . ^ pHE saddest tidings are ever the briefest to tell , though I the hardest to bear—George William Speth is dead . The most striking personality and the most versatile
Craftsman in the literature of PYeemasonry during our day has disappeared for ever beyond mere human ken . The blow is as sudden as severe . Barely forty-eight hours ago our Brother , for whom we now grieve with a bitter grief , was in enjoyment of health , in full vigour of mind ,
surrounded b y his loving family , and strengthened by the knowledge that he possessed the unaffected esteem of the largest circle of Masonic friends and correspondents ever gathered by mortal man . To-day , his famil y , numbed by the suddenness of their bereavement , can hardly yet realise
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Civil&MilitaryTai/ors^^^ Oxford , Cambridge , ^ "^^ Y \> - ^^^^ and Eton / ^ oOV ^^ Flannels . ^ ^ ^ ^ y ^^ ^ ^ ? 1 ^^f^^y^^^ClareStreet, &>^BRISTOL.
IMPORTANT . The Publishers a re desirous of procuring a few copies of Xo . 2 of "THE MASONIC ILLUSTRATED , " which is now out of print , ami for which llicy 'will be pleased to pay One Shilling and Sixpence per copy .
Published monthly . Price Sixpence . Rates of Yearly Subscription [ including Postage ) : — The United Kingdom , India , America , ) s . d . and the Colonies j" ... 7 6 Editorial and Publishing Offices : —
75 , Great Queen Street , London , W . C . The Editor , lo 'whom all literary communications should be addressed , 'will be pleased lo receive interesting photographs as well as items of news and comments lliereou , and to consider suggestions for lengthier articles . All Business Communications should be addressed to THE
PROPRIETORS , MESSRS . SPENCER & Co ., 75 , Great Queen Street , W . C . All Applications for Advertisements lo be made lo WALTER J , LTD ., 5 , Queen Victoria Street , London , E . C .
^ I ^ mnc IllUSTRATEi )
The Grand Festival.
The Grand Festival .
T T 7 HATEVER may be said or declared as to the antiquity \/ y of certain Masonic Degrees , there cannot be a doubt as to the time-immemorial character of the Annual Banquet , which has so long been a feature of the installation of the new Officers , whether of Lodges or Grand Lodges .
The ' . ' Bankatt " was provided for in the Laws of 1399 , promulgated by the King ' s Master Mason for Scotland , and even PHLIAS ASHMOLE , one of the great Sages of the 17 th ,
The Grand Festival.
Century , declares in his Diary over 200 years ago , that he and the other members of the Lodge , which assembled under the wing of the Masons' Company , " all dyned at the Halfe Moone Tavern in Cheapside , at a Noble dinner prepared at the charge of the New-accepted . Masons . " Our own Grand Lodge was not slow to follow such
excellent precedents , and so the Annual Festivals have been an integral portion of the Installation function . Originally a hard and fast line was not observed as to the Day , though we know that for a time the old Lodge at Alnwick fixed their Election Day on the " Feast of St . Michaell the Archangell . " For many years our Grand
Lodge has ordered that " there shall be a Grand Masonic Festival annuall y , on the Wednesday next following St . George ' s Day . " As will be seen in our columns , the Festival for 1901 was held on the 24 th April , and , as usual , was a marked success ,
thanks to the excellent arrangements made by the Grand Stewards , to whom the management or regulation of the Banquet , Concert , & c , are entrusted . The distinction of wearing a " Red Apron , " and subsequently joining the " Grand Stewards Lodge , " rewards for such labours are
much prized by those brethren whose status in life , and circumstances generally , warrant their election by the hig hly favoured eighteen Metropolitan lodges . It is the first Festival since the election of our new
Grand Master , whose Installation will possibly be the great event of the present year ; and assuredly if H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught , M . W . G . M ., enjoys all the good things , and the best of health desired for him by his English Brethren , his cup of happiness will be " filled to overflowing , " and the prosperity of the Craft will continue to increase by leaps and bounds as hitherto .
We have to ask the kind indulgence of our readers for the late appearance this month of "THE MASONIC ILLUSTRATED , " occasioned by the desire on our part to report the proceedings of the Grand Festival on the 24 th April .
THE NEW GRAND MASTER ' FIRST INITIATE . —In accordance with our announcement in the last number of " THE MASONIC ILLUSTRATED , " we have the pleasure to state that
the Bronze Statuette of Her late Majesty Queen Victoria has been awarded to the W . M . of the Streatham Lodge , No . 2729 , who received through the portals of that lodge a candidate for initiation a few minutes after the announcement was made in Grand Lodge of the election of the Most Worshipful Grand Master . The initiate on that occasion will receive anilluminated certificate recording the event .
George William Speth.
George William Speth .
ONI : 9 th April , MDCCCCI . ^ pHE saddest tidings are ever the briefest to tell , though I the hardest to bear—George William Speth is dead . The most striking personality and the most versatile
Craftsman in the literature of PYeemasonry during our day has disappeared for ever beyond mere human ken . The blow is as sudden as severe . Barely forty-eight hours ago our Brother , for whom we now grieve with a bitter grief , was in enjoyment of health , in full vigour of mind ,
surrounded b y his loving family , and strengthened by the knowledge that he possessed the unaffected esteem of the largest circle of Masonic friends and correspondents ever gathered by mortal man . To-day , his famil y , numbed by the suddenness of their bereavement , can hardly yet realise