Article At the Sign of the Perfect Ashlar Page 1 of 3 →
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At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar
At the Sign of the Perfect Ashlar
The retirement of H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught from the offices of Provincial Grand Master of Sussex and District Grand Master of Bombay , in consequence of his election as Most Worshipful Grand Master , cannot fail to bring with it a deep sense of loss on the part of the province and district
concerned . It is , however , a matter for congratulation that the best appointments have been made to fill the vacancies thus caused . Bro . the Right Hon . the Earl of March -and Darnley , the new Provincial Grand Master for Sussex is the eldest son of the Duke of Richmond , and is a Past Grand
Warden of England . He is in close touch with the province , having represented the Western Parliamentary Division of Sussex from 186 9 to 1883 , and the South-Western Division from 1883-8 . The new D'strict Grand Master for Bombay , Bro . the Right Hon . Lord Northcote , C . B ., G . C . S . I ., was
already the Pro District Grand Master , and is the Governor of Bombay . He is also the Provincial Grand Master for Devonshire , thus holding , as did his illustrious predecessor , a dual office . y « 5 » #
It will be noted with feelings ot pleasure by the Craft that each of the four Envoys who were entrusted with the mission of announcing His Majesty's accession to the Throne at the Courts of Europe is a prominent member of the Order . His Grace the Duke of Ahercorn , K . G ., is the Grand Master of Ireland , being the second duke of that
name to hold the office , which he has filled since 1886 , and he is also a Past Grand Warden of England . The Right Hon . the Prarl of Mount PUdgcumbe , G . C . V . O ., is a Past Deputy Grand Master of England and Provincial Grand Master of Cornwall , which office he has filled since 1872 .
The Right Hon . the Earl of Carrington , G . C . M . G ., is a Past District Grand Master of New South Wales , and R . W . Bro . Field-Marshal the Right Hon . Viscount Wolseley , K . P ., G . C . B ., G . C . M . G ., is a Past Grand Warden of England .
Much sympathy will be felt tor R . W . Bro . Lord Henniker , Prov . Grand Master for Suffolk and of the Isle of Man , in the loss he has just sustained by the death of his eldest son . It appears that only a short time before his . son ' s death Lord Henniker received a telegram stilting that he was better , which-made-him postpone the visit he was about lo pay him . The next message he was to receive , however , was the sad news of his death .
Of the new lodges tor which warrants have recently been granted in London , three appear to merit special notice , the first in order of number being the White Rose of York Lodge , No . 28 40 , which has for its object the provision of a lodge for Yorkshiremeii in London , for which , judging from the success of the Cornish and the Devonian Lodges , a
prosperous future niaysafely be predicted . The next is the Asylums Board Lodge , X ' o . 28 42 , which seems to follow naturally in the wake of the London School Board and the London County Council Lodges ; and the third is the Middlesex Hospital Lodge , No . 2843 , which , as implied by
its name , is for the convenience of brethren connected with that institution , and adds another to the list of lodges representing the great London hospitals .
. " „> . ¦ * ® The Grand Lodge of Denmark has always been in cordial relationship with the Grand Lodge of 1-Cngland , its Grand Master , H . R . H . the Crown Prince of Denmark , being a Past Grand Master , and its Deputy Grand Master a Past
Grand Warden of England . We note , therefore , with pleasure that the Danish Committee , which at Copenhagen presented an artistic address to Queen Alexandra , had for its President Bro . Count Danneskjold Samsoe " , who is the representative of our Grand Lodge . It is of interest to observe that the address , to which the Queen replied in very
feeling terms , was signed by about l \\ n hundred different institutions from all parts of the country . * » Bro . the Rev . F . St . John Corbett , M . A ., Rector of Long Marton , in the diocese of Catiise , holds office in the Vale of Eden Lodge , No . 2493 , Appleby . He was ordained to the curacy of Hunslet , Leeds , by the Lord Bishop of Ripon , and
HHO . KKV . F . ST . . 10 IIN COUHKTT . I /' . Wo Seull , (• \„„ , C „ eli , l ,- ) prior to his preferment to Long Marton was for five years curate of St . Michael's , Chester Square , London . He is the author of a dozen volumes of theological and poetical works , in recognition of which he was , in March last , elected
a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature . The recently appointed Commander-in-Chief of our Forces in India , RAV . Bro . Gen . Sir Arthur Power Palmer , K . C . B ., is the District Grand Master and Grand Superintendent
of the Punjab , to which office he was 'appointed in 18 99 . Sir Power has a line physique , and is known amongst his familiars as " Long P . " in allusion to his unusual height—6 feet 4 . His appointment having been made retrospective , has again given rise to the rumour that R . W . Bro . Lord Kitchener will eventually take up the Indian command .
While playing in Mrs . Dane ' s Defence at Portsmouth recently , Bro . Henry Neville was honoured bv a summons to appear before the King at Osborne House . Bro . Neville is one of the best exponents of PUnglish melodrama , and in establishing some years since a dramatic school , he has not
scrupled to place his talents at the disposal of younger aspirants . His pleasant and popular personality are well known in the Craft . He was initiated in Scotland , joining the Maybury Lodge , Xo . 9 6 9 , in 1877 , and becoming a founder of the Drury Lane Lodge , Xo . 2127 , in both of which
lodges he has passed the chair . A Life Governor of all the Institutions , his services to the Order were recognised in 18 9 8 by his appointment to the office of Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies .
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At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar
At the Sign of the Perfect Ashlar
The retirement of H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught from the offices of Provincial Grand Master of Sussex and District Grand Master of Bombay , in consequence of his election as Most Worshipful Grand Master , cannot fail to bring with it a deep sense of loss on the part of the province and district
concerned . It is , however , a matter for congratulation that the best appointments have been made to fill the vacancies thus caused . Bro . the Right Hon . the Earl of March -and Darnley , the new Provincial Grand Master for Sussex is the eldest son of the Duke of Richmond , and is a Past Grand
Warden of England . He is in close touch with the province , having represented the Western Parliamentary Division of Sussex from 186 9 to 1883 , and the South-Western Division from 1883-8 . The new D'strict Grand Master for Bombay , Bro . the Right Hon . Lord Northcote , C . B ., G . C . S . I ., was
already the Pro District Grand Master , and is the Governor of Bombay . He is also the Provincial Grand Master for Devonshire , thus holding , as did his illustrious predecessor , a dual office . y « 5 » #
It will be noted with feelings ot pleasure by the Craft that each of the four Envoys who were entrusted with the mission of announcing His Majesty's accession to the Throne at the Courts of Europe is a prominent member of the Order . His Grace the Duke of Ahercorn , K . G ., is the Grand Master of Ireland , being the second duke of that
name to hold the office , which he has filled since 1886 , and he is also a Past Grand Warden of England . The Right Hon . the Prarl of Mount PUdgcumbe , G . C . V . O ., is a Past Deputy Grand Master of England and Provincial Grand Master of Cornwall , which office he has filled since 1872 .
The Right Hon . the Earl of Carrington , G . C . M . G ., is a Past District Grand Master of New South Wales , and R . W . Bro . Field-Marshal the Right Hon . Viscount Wolseley , K . P ., G . C . B ., G . C . M . G ., is a Past Grand Warden of England .
Much sympathy will be felt tor R . W . Bro . Lord Henniker , Prov . Grand Master for Suffolk and of the Isle of Man , in the loss he has just sustained by the death of his eldest son . It appears that only a short time before his . son ' s death Lord Henniker received a telegram stilting that he was better , which-made-him postpone the visit he was about lo pay him . The next message he was to receive , however , was the sad news of his death .
Of the new lodges tor which warrants have recently been granted in London , three appear to merit special notice , the first in order of number being the White Rose of York Lodge , No . 28 40 , which has for its object the provision of a lodge for Yorkshiremeii in London , for which , judging from the success of the Cornish and the Devonian Lodges , a
prosperous future niaysafely be predicted . The next is the Asylums Board Lodge , X ' o . 28 42 , which seems to follow naturally in the wake of the London School Board and the London County Council Lodges ; and the third is the Middlesex Hospital Lodge , No . 2843 , which , as implied by
its name , is for the convenience of brethren connected with that institution , and adds another to the list of lodges representing the great London hospitals .
. " „> . ¦ * ® The Grand Lodge of Denmark has always been in cordial relationship with the Grand Lodge of 1-Cngland , its Grand Master , H . R . H . the Crown Prince of Denmark , being a Past Grand Master , and its Deputy Grand Master a Past
Grand Warden of England . We note , therefore , with pleasure that the Danish Committee , which at Copenhagen presented an artistic address to Queen Alexandra , had for its President Bro . Count Danneskjold Samsoe " , who is the representative of our Grand Lodge . It is of interest to observe that the address , to which the Queen replied in very
feeling terms , was signed by about l \\ n hundred different institutions from all parts of the country . * » Bro . the Rev . F . St . John Corbett , M . A ., Rector of Long Marton , in the diocese of Catiise , holds office in the Vale of Eden Lodge , No . 2493 , Appleby . He was ordained to the curacy of Hunslet , Leeds , by the Lord Bishop of Ripon , and
HHO . KKV . F . ST . . 10 IIN COUHKTT . I /' . Wo Seull , (• \„„ , C „ eli , l ,- ) prior to his preferment to Long Marton was for five years curate of St . Michael's , Chester Square , London . He is the author of a dozen volumes of theological and poetical works , in recognition of which he was , in March last , elected
a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature . The recently appointed Commander-in-Chief of our Forces in India , RAV . Bro . Gen . Sir Arthur Power Palmer , K . C . B ., is the District Grand Master and Grand Superintendent
of the Punjab , to which office he was 'appointed in 18 99 . Sir Power has a line physique , and is known amongst his familiars as " Long P . " in allusion to his unusual height—6 feet 4 . His appointment having been made retrospective , has again given rise to the rumour that R . W . Bro . Lord Kitchener will eventually take up the Indian command .
While playing in Mrs . Dane ' s Defence at Portsmouth recently , Bro . Henry Neville was honoured bv a summons to appear before the King at Osborne House . Bro . Neville is one of the best exponents of PUnglish melodrama , and in establishing some years since a dramatic school , he has not
scrupled to place his talents at the disposal of younger aspirants . His pleasant and popular personality are well known in the Craft . He was initiated in Scotland , joining the Maybury Lodge , Xo . 9 6 9 , in 1877 , and becoming a founder of the Drury Lane Lodge , Xo . 2127 , in both of which
lodges he has passed the chair . A Life Governor of all the Institutions , his services to the Order were recognised in 18 9 8 by his appointment to the office of Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies .