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Consecration Of The Richmond Chapter, No. 2032.
Consecration of the Richmond Chapter , No . 2032 .
I ~ "MiW chapters have been started under happier auspices H than the above , which was consecrated on April 9 th at the fine buildings of the Freemasons' Club at Richmond , there being thirty-live founders , all prominent local Masons , principally from the Richmond Lodge . The consecration
WM & " was performed by Ex . Comp . Edward Letchworth , Grand Scribe E ., assisted by Ex . Comps . T . Bullock , P . A . G . D . C , as H . ; Rev . Canon Brownrigg , Grand Superintendent of Bucks , as J . ; Frank Richardson , G . D . C ., as Director of Ceremonies ; and J . H . Matthews , P . G . D . C ,
as Scribe N . In the course of an eloquent oration reviewing the history of the Degree , the Rev . Canon Brownrigg remarked upon the apathy which at one time overshadowed it . Many reasons had been given for the fact , but none of them
satisfactory . The strongest was that the lapse of one year between the M . M . Degree and the Arch caused a lack of interest . That was not a valid reason , as there was plenty for the Mason to study in that year , but the fact remained that since the period had been reduced to four weeks the
membership had increased throughout the country . It was to be hoped that the ease with which it could now be taken would not make them less appreciative , and that they would require in every candidate evidences of capacity in the Craf t Degrees ; if they found that and a desire to proceed , by till
means encourage it . The beautiful and ornate ritual of the Degree would well repay a careful learning ; it required more careful delivery than the Craft , and every officer should make himself complete master of his part .
On completion of the consecration ceremony , Ex . Comps . T . Pritchard was installed M . E . Z . ; Gerald Maxwell , H . ; and Colonel G . F . Guyon , J . The officers were duly elected and invested . The Consecrating Officers were elected hon . members , and the Grand Scribe E . was presented with a founder ' s jewel . The chapter was then closed .
At the banquet the loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured . The toast of "The Grand Officers and Consecrating Officers " was proposed by Ex . Comp . Gerald Maxwell , H ., who eulogised the perfect ceremonial of Ex . Comp . Edward
Letchworth , the orations of the Rev . Canon Brownrigg , the ability and knowledge of Ex . Comp . Frank Richardson , the labours as the Grand Lodge dispenser of Charity of Ex . Comp . J . H . Mattbrews , and the learning and research of the Sub-Librarian of Grand Lodge , Ex . Comp . Henry Sadler .
The Rev . Canon Brownrigg replied in the absence of the Grand Scribe E ., who had been obliged to leave earlier . He thanked the companions for the heartiness of the toast and for the hon . membership conferred upon them , of which they were proud , and which should be more than a mere name .
In response to repeated calls , Ex . Comp . Frank Richardson also replied , and was pleased to have been one of the Consecrating Officers of the chapter , having in his early day lived in Richmond . He had taken a similar office at the Consecration of the Richmond Lodge some eighteen years ago . This
made his 73 rd consecration of Royal Arch chapters , and the previous night he had acted as Consecrating Officer in a Craft lodge for the 202 nd time . The toast of " The Principals " was proposed by Ex Comp . the Rev . Canon Brownrigg , who wished the chapter every
success . It had started with the largest number of founders he had known , and with the sixteen candidates he had heard proposed , its success was assured .
Schartau . The programme was a most artistic production , designed and executed by Comps . George Puhnan and Sons of the C ran ford Press , Chiswick , and embellished with pretty views of Richmond , some of which , by their courtesy , we here reproduce .
lhe M . E . Z . suitably acknowledged the toast . Comp . A . Aldin ( Mayor of Richmond ) , who had been exalted specially to become a founder of the chapter , was requested by the M . E . Z . to propose the toast of " The Officers . " He said he felt honoured at being so speedily entrusted with something to do , and congratulated the
chapter upon the officers who had been elected for their first year . Comp . W . T . Peat , the energetic Scribe E ., the S . N ., and P . S . replied . The toast of " The Visitors , " of whom there were a large
number present , was duly honoured and acknowledged . An enjoyable programme of music , & c , was rendered by Comp . Herbert
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Consecration Of The Richmond Chapter, No. 2032.
Consecration of the Richmond Chapter , No . 2032 .
I ~ "MiW chapters have been started under happier auspices H than the above , which was consecrated on April 9 th at the fine buildings of the Freemasons' Club at Richmond , there being thirty-live founders , all prominent local Masons , principally from the Richmond Lodge . The consecration
WM & " was performed by Ex . Comp . Edward Letchworth , Grand Scribe E ., assisted by Ex . Comps . T . Bullock , P . A . G . D . C , as H . ; Rev . Canon Brownrigg , Grand Superintendent of Bucks , as J . ; Frank Richardson , G . D . C ., as Director of Ceremonies ; and J . H . Matthews , P . G . D . C ,
as Scribe N . In the course of an eloquent oration reviewing the history of the Degree , the Rev . Canon Brownrigg remarked upon the apathy which at one time overshadowed it . Many reasons had been given for the fact , but none of them
satisfactory . The strongest was that the lapse of one year between the M . M . Degree and the Arch caused a lack of interest . That was not a valid reason , as there was plenty for the Mason to study in that year , but the fact remained that since the period had been reduced to four weeks the
membership had increased throughout the country . It was to be hoped that the ease with which it could now be taken would not make them less appreciative , and that they would require in every candidate evidences of capacity in the Craf t Degrees ; if they found that and a desire to proceed , by till
means encourage it . The beautiful and ornate ritual of the Degree would well repay a careful learning ; it required more careful delivery than the Craft , and every officer should make himself complete master of his part .
On completion of the consecration ceremony , Ex . Comps . T . Pritchard was installed M . E . Z . ; Gerald Maxwell , H . ; and Colonel G . F . Guyon , J . The officers were duly elected and invested . The Consecrating Officers were elected hon . members , and the Grand Scribe E . was presented with a founder ' s jewel . The chapter was then closed .
At the banquet the loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured . The toast of "The Grand Officers and Consecrating Officers " was proposed by Ex . Comp . Gerald Maxwell , H ., who eulogised the perfect ceremonial of Ex . Comp . Edward
Letchworth , the orations of the Rev . Canon Brownrigg , the ability and knowledge of Ex . Comp . Frank Richardson , the labours as the Grand Lodge dispenser of Charity of Ex . Comp . J . H . Mattbrews , and the learning and research of the Sub-Librarian of Grand Lodge , Ex . Comp . Henry Sadler .
The Rev . Canon Brownrigg replied in the absence of the Grand Scribe E ., who had been obliged to leave earlier . He thanked the companions for the heartiness of the toast and for the hon . membership conferred upon them , of which they were proud , and which should be more than a mere name .
In response to repeated calls , Ex . Comp . Frank Richardson also replied , and was pleased to have been one of the Consecrating Officers of the chapter , having in his early day lived in Richmond . He had taken a similar office at the Consecration of the Richmond Lodge some eighteen years ago . This
made his 73 rd consecration of Royal Arch chapters , and the previous night he had acted as Consecrating Officer in a Craft lodge for the 202 nd time . The toast of " The Principals " was proposed by Ex Comp . the Rev . Canon Brownrigg , who wished the chapter every
success . It had started with the largest number of founders he had known , and with the sixteen candidates he had heard proposed , its success was assured .
Schartau . The programme was a most artistic production , designed and executed by Comps . George Puhnan and Sons of the C ran ford Press , Chiswick , and embellished with pretty views of Richmond , some of which , by their courtesy , we here reproduce .
lhe M . E . Z . suitably acknowledged the toast . Comp . A . Aldin ( Mayor of Richmond ) , who had been exalted specially to become a founder of the chapter , was requested by the M . E . Z . to propose the toast of " The Officers . " He said he felt honoured at being so speedily entrusted with something to do , and congratulated the
chapter upon the officers who had been elected for their first year . Comp . W . T . Peat , the energetic Scribe E ., the S . N ., and P . S . replied . The toast of " The Visitors , " of whom there were a large
number present , was duly honoured and acknowledged . An enjoyable programme of music , & c , was rendered by Comp . Herbert